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Tour sound Huidobro

Digital Brand / Chile University : http://www.vicentehuidobro.uchile.cl/

Vicente Huidobro, pseudonym of the poet Vicente García-Huidobro Fernández, is considered by national and international literary criticism as the promoter and promoter of avant-garde poetry movement in Chile and Latin America in the early twentieth century, mainly as a result of the proposal and development of aesthetic theory known as Creationism. He was born in Santiago on January 10, 1893, in an aristocratic family. His first formal education receives English and French governesses, to enter later at Trinity College and finally to San Ignacio College of the Society of Jesus. In 1910 he began studying literature in the old Pedagogical Institute of the University of Chile, but not completed. However, his literary education began especially in the heat of the gatherings officiating her poet mother, Maria Luisa Fernández Bascuñán, who also published in 1912 his first magazine, young Musa, and supported intellectually and economically throughout his life. In the midst of rapid socio-economic and cultural modernization of the time, plus the ensuing crisis of the traditional oligarchic order, Huidobro

generated a breakaway aesthetic discourse from a position of privilege. His literary life was spent between the urban experience of Santiago and aristocratic Paris of the avant-garde and experimental revolution of the early decades of the twentieth century, which led him to move between an elitist art and a more rebellious. By the thirties Huidobro further developed the relationship between literature and political commitment, proposing a more anthropological and humanistic conception creationist that promoted around 1914 in his lecture "Non serviam" his first manifesto. This anticipates his poetic creationism to propose an abandonment of the imitation of nature, advocating the autonomy of the literary work and sustain a critical attitude against any realism. With regard to literary itinerary Huidobro, criticism has drawn a first period from 1911, with the publication of Echoes of the soul, and extends until 1916, when he published Adam. This stage is characterized by a poetic wrought learning the wing of literary trends prevailing in those years, especially the Spanish American Modernism. At this time also they belong titles comoCanciones at night, The Cave of Silence and The hidden pagodas, all published in 1913, and passing and passing, in 1914. After a brief stay in Buenos Aires, accompanied by the poet Teresa Wilms Montt (1893-1921), Huidobro in 1916 he left for Europe with his family. This trip, particularly stay in Paris- ushered in a second stage in its production, which starts with the water mirror (1916), a work which begins to unfold its creationist theory. Horizon CarrĂŠ published in 1917 and, after moving to Madrid in 1918, Equatorial, Arctic Poems, Hallali and Tour Eiffel. This period, which critics called "heroic vanguard", extends to about 1921, years during which the poet participated in French and Spanish magazines of vanguard, and established relationships with major figures in international development. Publication of choisies Saisons (1921), work that includes his poems in French and includes the famous portrait of the poet by Picasso, seal the culmination of this phase. A third period coincides with the articulation of a more poetic discourse, including the publication of basic texts for their literary production: the novel Mio Cid (1929), the poemaAltazor (1931) -in which crystallizes his aesthetics and Gilles de creacionista- Root (1932). During this period also she gave birth to a volume of essays entitled Manifestos (1925) and, at the request of the Romanian film director Nimes Mizu, prepare the script for the film Cagliostro (1923). For this film script, Huidobro received his only prize abroad, awarded by the New York League for Better Motion Pictures. Also, in these years the poet ventures to crosses with other arts such as theater (Salle Comedie de Paris), fashion (steal-poemes) and plastic. In this vein they were born last emblematic calligrams and painted poems. In 1925, the author returned to Chile and was active in politics. He founded the magazine Action, Journal of National Purification and even managed to run for the Presidency of the Republic. From 1933, and based in Chile, came back intensely political activity, member of the Chilean Communist Party and focusing its concern on the Spanish Republican cause and European anti-fascism, on. This period coincided with the writing of his last manifesto, Total, in 1932, and the work Monument to sea in 1937. Citizen of forgetfulness (1941) and Last

Poems (1948), published posthumously by his daughter Manuela GarcĂ­aHuidobro, a more intimate and humane form of writing is emphasized.

"Ouidobro will always Creationist, many as the Creationists want to be ... This Brand Ouidobro have to walk creating episodes, the more steps declared, more revitalizing Ouidobro resurrect points. This brand lift all estates in ruinous situation. I invite you to walk through the swamp verses, so swampy ... !! they can not reach the end of their lives ... "

Winter: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:30 hrs. Closed Monday. schedules

Summer: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00 hrs. Closed Monday. Summer hours from Nov. 25. 24 and 25 December cerrado.31 December and January 1st closed.

GENERAL RATES Students: $ 1,500. Adults: $ 4,000. Children / as and Third Age: $ 1,500. .

Groups & Guides


The museum has a free guided tour. Consultation by the availability of time. Visit time: 30 minutes. Language: Castilian. Last guided tour at 18:00 hrs.

BOOK YOUR VISIT Book your tour in advance by calling 35 2440091 or book online writing reserva@museovicentehuidobro.cl To register for the course or group indicate: whether they are students and the level (basic, secondary or higher education), if they are adults, tourists (domestic or foreign) or a family group, number of students or individuals, contact the person in charge of the group, and day and time you want to visit the Museum. The personnel in charge will send the confirmation of your booking. Groups of over 30 people to enter will be divided in stages.

Big 4 Integration: -Internet / Cinema - http://www.museovicentehuidobro.cl/ - Social Media - Advertising Release

Accessibility: - Smartphone Campaign - Trailer Tour Sound NGSS - Apps - Webisodes Ouidobro Connectivity: - Survey Sound Tour - Social Media http://www.huidobro.cl/ -Sound Tour website branding http://www.santiagocultura.cl/casacolorada/ - Advertising Campaign Interactivity - Vuvox collage: - Multiiperspective Stories www.joselu75.wix.com/ideorum - GigaPans


Sensory impression

Brand-­‐related sense Activated in digital media by… Sight advertising media www.artv.cl Sound musictherapy www.13.cl Taste enogastronomy http://mardechile.cl/wordpress/ Smell enology www.casamarin.cl Touch Experience www.matetic.com

University of the Arts / Career College, Berlin - José Luis Carreño Troncoso

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