LCP 2016 Become a Goal Keeper!
Dear potenBal candidate, you may be asking yourself, why a Goal Keeper? In soccer a goal keeper is always the one that is always with the look to the ball, he needs to know how the team is working and what kind of moves they will use, also he cannot go and play with the others he can just give them support from his posiBon and it will depend on him if the team wins or loses. The LCP role is not very far from this, you need to always have your mind on the vision of your LC and the goals you have, you need to know how your LCVPs are doing and how the whole LC is working. You can support your LCVPs and members but you cannot operate with them. And at the end of the day, the LC will be in your hands, it will depend on you if the LC reach the goals or not/ To be an LCP for one year is one of the most powerful posiBon you can find in AIESEC because you become the direct leader of a whole commiGee, the LC will become just like you and you will lead directly for a year more than 5 persons. An experience that will change your life.
Goal Keepers 2015
Process Open applica2on
LCP Camp Prepara2on
Applica2on DDL
aug 4th
aug 5th – 7th
aug 31st
Official Applicants
Speeches & Elec2ons
set 10th
Set 12th
set nd th 2 –9
Application process General Informa,on
DDL for the applicaBon package will be :
Aug 31st 11:59pm (GMT-‐6)
4. 5.
The applicaBon will no t be accepted if : – The applicaBon package is not complete – The applicaBon is send out of the DDL – Any quesBon is not answered – If the package is send on the DDL but is incomplete
Specific Informa,on 1.
Ques,onnaire: Answer all the quesBons ( You and yourself, You and AIESEC, You as a leader, AIESEC in Uni). Maximum 20 pages and save it as a PDF. (You can included a cover page as an extra page)
Curriculum Vitae: include all important informaBon. Personal InformaBon, contact, studies, languages, AIESEC career, other jobs, etc. (including your AIESEC career in your CV means you moBon the posiBons you had, duraBon and main responsibiliBes) Maximum 2 pages. Endorsement le?ers: You need to provide 4 leGers: i. Someone who is leading you directly in this moment (LCVP, LCP MCVP) ii. A member who worked with you or is working directly with you in this moment (LCEB, LCEB from other LC) iii. A member you led or you leading right now. iv. An external (alumni, teacher …)
Execu,ve Summary: Please make a 1 page summary of your whole applicaBon. Maximum 1 page. Physiological Tests: You need to send us 3 tests: i. Belbin: download the test at: (please send us the result and chart in a PDF). ii. DISC: you need to do it at ( ue/disc-‐profile.php) and send the PDF. iii. DISC from the beginning of the year: if you did the test at the beginning of 2015 please send it to us. *not required Video: upload it to Youtube and send us the link in a PDF. Included a small presentaBon of yourself and answer the next quesBons in 4 minutes: i. Which is your ambiBon for AIESEC in CR and how would you contribute to this as LCP of your enBty. ii. Which AIESEC value do you think your LC needs to improve the most.
1. Name your applica2on package (LCP2016_YourLCName_LastNames_ FirstName) and send it to your LCP and 2. The applica2on and video can be done in English or Spanish.
You and yourself 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What are the 3 most powerful experiences you had in or out of AIESEC? What were your main learning points from them? Which are your 3 strongest skills/areas that you have the most experience in? How can each one of these support you as an LCP? What conferences have you aGended in AIESEC? What were your main learning points of each one? Why do you want to be LCP of your enBty and part of the BoP 2016 of AIESEC in Costa Rica? It is very important for the LCPes to be aGending LATAM Summit. Are you planning on being there? Do you have the permission from your uni and parents to be there? Will you need any financial support to parBcipate?
You and AIESEC 6. 7. 8.
Why is AIESEC relevant for you and the members of your LC? Which one of the AIESEC values do you relate to the most, and which one do you find the hardest to live? From the 4 elements of the LDM, which one do you think you have developed the most and how can this support you as an LCP? Which one you want to develop more during your term?
You as the LCEB Leader 8. Explain your leadership styler with an actual situaBon, include how it affected the team and final result. 9. What are the main challenges you think you will face as an LCP? How will you overcome these? 10. List in order of priority, the following responsibiliBes of an LCP. Then give us a clear picture of what you think should be the role of the LCP. • • • •
VP Coaching BOP Team Minimums Essence of the organizaBon for your members
• • • •
Synergies Members Opera=onal firefigh=ng work (pay interns, call EPs..) LC Vision
11. How will you implement Team Minimums within your EB team and how will you ensure your LCVPs are implemenBng them with their team?
AIESEC in TEC 12. Make an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportuniBes and threats (SWOT) of the current situaBon of LC TEC. The analysis should indicate how the strengths can be used to reduce the impact of the weakness and how the opportuniBes can reduce impact of the threats. 13. How do you envision your LC at the end of December 2016, when you finish your LCP term? 14. What are the 3 main drivers that you will have for your term? 15. Evaluate the current situaBon of AIESEC TEC regarding the membership, iGCDP and oGCDP programs. What acBons would you take to achieve a substanBal growth in these programs? 16. Name two possible EB strategies could you use to create a beGer LC Culture that ensure high quality expierences to each member of LC TEC? 17. What strategies do you propose to ensure: – Financial sustainability – Membership retenBon 18. Propose a quick goal for TMP, TLP, GIP and GCDP in 2016 based on the results of 2013, 2014 and 2015. and select a focus program.
AIESEC in UCR 12. Make a SWOT Analysis of the LC UCR with at least 6 points of analysis and create at least 2 strategy to improve or uBlize the strengths and opportuniBes, and 2 strategies to overcome or improve the weaknesses and threats. 13. How do you envision the commiGee by the December 2016, when you finish your LCP term? 14. What’s your term vision regarding to TLP, TMP, IXP, RetaBon Rates and Exchanges unBl December. 15. From the 3 Drivers that the LC UCR has, which one of them will you consider to keep to your LCP term? 16. A part from the driver selected in the quesBon 15, which are two drivers you think (new ones) you nee to have to be in your term as LCP? 17. Taking in consideraBon the Financial state of the commiGee, create at least one strategy to ensure the financial sustainability. 18. What do you think will be your legacy as LCP by the end of December 2016 and how would you implement it throughEB strategies during your term. 19. Propose a quick goal for TMP, TLP, GIP and GCDP in 2016 based on the results of 2013, 2014 and 2015. and select two focus program.
AIESEC in ULACIT 12. Make an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportuniBes and threats (SWOT) of the current situaBon of LC ULACIT. The analysis should indicate how the strengths can be used to reduce the impact of weaknesses and how the opportuniBes can reduce the threats impact. 13. How do you envision LC ULACIT at the end of December 2016 when you finish your LCP term? 14. What are the 3 main drivers that you will have for your term? 15. What are 2 main innovaBons you will like to start in your term? Which 2 current projects will you conBnue and which 2 current operaBons or strategies will you stop doing? 16. Evaluate the current situaBon of AIESEC in ULACIT regarding iGIP and oGCDP programs. What 3 key acBons would you take to achieve a sustainable growth in these areas? 17. What strategies do you propose to ensure: • Financial sustainability • Membership retenBon
AIESEC in UNA 12. Make an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportuniBes and threats (SWOT) of the current situaBon of LC UNA. The analysis should indicate how the strengths can be used to reduce the impact of weaknesses and how the opportuniBes can reduce the threats impact. 13. Evaluate the current situaBon of your local commiGee regarding the iGIP, iGCDP, oGIP and oGCDP programs. 14. How do you envision LC UNA at the end of december 2016 when you finish your LCP term? 15. What are the 3 main drivers that you will have for your term? 16. .Which 3 key acBons acBons would you take to achieve a substanBal growth in each program you evaluated in the quesBon 13? 17. What are 2 main innovaBons you will like to start in your term? Which 2 current projects will you conBnue and which 2 current operaBons or strategies will you stop doing? 18. Name two possible EB strategies could you use to create a beGer LC Culture that ensure high quality expierences to each member of LC UNA? 19. Propose a quick goal for TMP, TLP, GIP and GCDP in 2016 based on the results of 2013, 2014 and 2015. and select a focus program.
LCP 2016
prepartion camp What is it? The preparaBon camp is a 2 hours space for possible applicants to clear the fears of being LCP and the applicaBon process. When & Where? Wednesday 5th August and Friday 7th August – 9:00am Bl 11:00am at the MC House
Agenda: – – – – –
The LCP role – 15m KPIs and requirments of an LCP -‐15m ApplicaBon Process – 45m My fears – 15m Open Space (Q&As) – 15m
Final Checklist Remember you need to send 10 PDFs: 1. QuesBonnaire – Maximum 20 pages 2. CV – Maximum 2 pages 3. Endorsement leGers (4) 4. ExecuBve Summary – Maximum 1 page 5. Physiological Tests (2) – in case you have old BELBIN send it 6. Video Link – Maximum 4 minutes The 10 PDFs should be send as one .zip file. Please name the file as: (LCP2016_YourLCName_LastNames_ FirstName) (LCP2016_LCTEC_Reyes Garita_Mariela) Important:
DDL: Aug 31st 11:59pm (GMT-‐6)
1. Design will not be take into considera2on
2. You can be as crea2ve as you want for all the requirements
start doing.