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Welcome to our exclusive interview with Eleonora Martelli , an inspiring Italian entrepreneur who has made a vibrant mark on Miami's fashion scene. Since moving to Miami in 2018, Eleonora has successfully launched MODA39 , a chic fashion store, and ARTHEM MIAMI , a unique fashion brand known for its custom-painted leather jackets. With the recent launch of MODA39 's website, Eleonora has expanded her brand's reach, making her curated collections accessible to a global audience. Join us as we delve into her journey, the influence of her Italian heritage, the creative process behind her designs, and the exciting future she envisions for her ventures.


PHOTOGRAPHERS: LUCIANO ALEXANDER @luciano_alexander & OLLY VENTO @ollyvento this makes the paint resistant even to water and heat! For the design, we try to create the coolest designs inspired by Miami or fashion in general!

Congratulations on the launch of Moda39's website! How has this digital platform enhanced your brand's reach and accessibility? YESSS, thank you!!!! The website has helped a lot because most of our customers are tourists and now they can finally shop on our beautiful website!

As an Italian living in Miami since 2018, how does your cultural background influence the aesthetic and curation of MODA39's collections?

I believe that fashion is a language that any culture understands! Miami is a place that has so many cultures and this makes my decisions as the buyer for MODA39 a little more thoughtful because I want every client who enters the store to find something that they like! On the other hand, I love my job because every time I go to Italy to buy new things for the store I see my talent coming out, I feel more confident and I am proud of where I am going. I still know that I still have so much to learn, but I am willing to continue and achieve my future goals!

What inspired you to venture into the world of fashion retail and customizing jackets with ARTHEM MIAMI?

What sets ARTHEM MIAMI apart from other customization brands in the market?

Our brand is one of a kind. There is only one piece, nothing is printed! All our items have their own number and this is one of the things that makes ARTHEM MIAMI so special and unique!

How do you balance the artistic freedom of customization with ensuring the jackets align with current fashion trends?

I think the jackets are the fashion element, so nearly every year the style needs to change, but the painting is mainly related to Miami or Miami colors!

I always loved fashion. I remember when I was little I used to put on my mom’s heels and pretend to be a model walking on the runway! From there I always felt inside me that fashion was my world and that in one way or another, I needed to work in the industry. ARTHEM MIAMI was founded in 2023 with my business partner Alessandro Grotto and our great artist Nabil Hssinou. The idea was to create a new fashion brand with something that no one had seen before. A brand that combined fashion and art.

Can you share some insights into the creative process behind designing and painting each jacket?

I can’t tell you a lot about this! But I will share some things! We use only leather paint and fabric paint depending on what we are creating in that moment! Using this paint is crucial because the paint penetrates in the leather and

How many brands do you currently have at MODA39? Are they all Italian brands? Are you looking to bring more brands?

So we have around 8 or 9 different emerging brands and they are all from Italy: 5Progress, Giulia Nati Couture, Souvenir, Doll, Wild, Don’t@me, Brand Unique, Me369. I am pretty sure that I will bring more!

Miami is known for its vibrant culture and fashion scene. How does the city inspire your work and influence your brand's identity?

There are a lot of different cultures here in Miami, but for me, this is the beauty of my job since I am the buyer of my store. I always buy with the idea of buying for every client that enters the store! I need to make sure that any person that comes into the store can find something that they love and are happy with!

Could you walk us through some of the most memorable collaborations or partnerships MODA39 has engaged in since its inception?

Yes of course! We collaborated with “Glam Team” in 2022. She is an amazing makeup artist. She was so in love with the store that for a couple of weeks she used our store, she came with some photographers and models and we had incredible content for our social media!

In 2023, we started a collaboration with Inen Sheero. She is just an incredible woman. She was Miss Venezuela and we had the honor to collaborate with her!

What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a fashion entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

Challenges are a part of the process and even I think that it is the beauty of having a business because it is with these challenges that a person can grow a lot. We as a team have faced a lot of challenges over the years! I try to overcome them with positivity! As I always say, when there is a problem there is a solution.

How important is the role of social media in both your fashion store and your fashion brand?

I believe that social media nowadays is the best advertisement for any business. For both my store and ARTHEM MIAMI, social media is quite important. We always try to tell a story and engage whoever is watching the videos that we do. Social media gives us the possibility to be known!

Beyond jackets and t-shirts, do you have plans to expand ARTHEM MIAMI's customization offerings to other garments or accessories?

ARTHEM MIAMI is still at the beginning, but for sure we will expand this brand. We are working on denim jackets, shoes, t-shirts, blazers, and different accessories!

Looking ahead, what exciting developments can we expect from MODA39 and ARTHEM MIAMI in the near future?

Looking ahead with MODA39, I would like to open stores in different locations in the US like New York, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. This for sure is the next step!

With ARTHEM MIAMI you can expect new and exciting developments as we continue to experiment and try new things! I am sure that ARTHEM MIAMI will get to where it needs to! You will see!

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