ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN PORTFOLIO DoArch - South Dakota State University Fall 2016 - Spring 2022
01 COLLECTIVE CLOUD ASSEMBLY This project is an independent research study that explores the intersections of technology, histories, and collective memory. It does so through the use of laser scanning as a generative practice for design. This is seen through the design of a process that progresses through methods of collection and dissection, cataloging, recomposition, and materialization. As laser scanning is an emerging technology within the practice of architecture, the current primary function it serves is as a documentation tool to create exact digital replicas of existing structures and spatial conditions. This project suggests new possible futures of architecture through the use of ready-made laser scans of architectural spaces as a generative method of design that allows for the design of something that is both new and rooted in the collective histories of a place creating possible avenues for buildings to exist beyond the complete erasure of demolition. Laser scanning facilitated in part by Ian French.
COURSE ARCH 653 Fall 2021 INSTRUCTOR Mary Begley and Drew Smith 4
Point Cloud Recomposition Collage Interior Image
Collective Cloud Assembly
Dissection: Building Interior Point Clouds Eight Sample Buildings
Dissection Process: Building Interior Point Cloud SD Art Museum (Top) and Individual Spatial Components (Bottom)
Collective Cloud Assembly
Catalog: Building Spaces Organization (Top) and Selections for Recomposition (Bottom)
Catalog: Building Spaces Organization Detail Image
Collective Cloud Assembly
ST - R2
SA - R2
SA - R3
ST - R2
SA - R2
SA - R3
Recomposition: Catalog Selections Combined into Cubes by Operational Rulesets
SA - R2
Recomposition: Spatial Average R2 Tower: Web Viewing at
Collective Cloud Assembly
Recombination: Conditions of Overlap Detail Images Historic (Top) and Fidelity (Bottom)
Materialization: Spatial Average RT Tower Section Drawing Iterations
Collective Cloud Assembly
Materialization: Spatial Average RT Tower Isometric Section
Materialization: Spatial Average RT Tower Isometric Section Detail
02 DIGITAL DIESTE LABOR RECONSTRUCTION This project progressed as a method of illustrating histories of construction labor through methods of digital modeling and image production. The project examined the construction methods used by Uruguayan engineer Eladio Deieste and his team during the construction of gaussian vaulted structures. It progressed through the composition of two image types. The first being stationary images isolating the construction, and the laborers. The second dynamic images depicting the movement of workers and the Enconfrado (movable scaffold system) across the construction of the TEM Factory. All work completed with Nathan Krueger and Drew Doyle.
COURSE ARCH 452 Spring 2019 INSTRUCTOR Federico Garcia-Lammers ACHIEVEMENTS Works Published in Federico Garcia-Lammers’ “Labor Atlas: Imaging Constructional Labor in the Work of Eladio Dieste” Exhibited at Student Design Invitational Washington Pavilion Art Museum Sioux Falls, SD May 2020 - June 2020 16
Historic Construction Photos
Dieste Labor Reconstruction
Historic Construction Photos (Top), Workers Isolated (Middle), and Construction Isolated (Bottom)
Digital Construction Reproduction: Enconfrado Movement Method (Top) and Workers and Enconfrado (Bottom)
03 MASKING TIME IN THIRDS This project developed from the implementation of the previous thirds parti mentioned in the Maision Bordeaux project. The design project was to develop a gallery and archive space for the work of John Hejduk on a site with great historic circumstance. The site is a void between two buildings, and acts as memorial space known a the Judengang. It marks the funeral procession for the Jewish citizens buried in the Judischer Friedhof Schonhauser Cemetery. This space is currently gated and only opens once a year in order to allow for memorial passage. The design project is designed based off John Hejduk’s Wall House projects, and their connection to movement through time we designed a memorial that examined the connection to time with the archive space being the past, the present being the circulation and the gallery spaces being the future that reflected on the past by over looking the cemetery. All work done in partnership with Nathan Krueger.
COURSE ARCH 452 Spring 2019 INSTRUCTOR Robert Arlt ACHIEVEMENTS Recipient of the South Dakota State University Department of Architecture Excellence Award for Outstanding Studio Project: Spring 2019 20
Physical Model Photo with Removable Gallery Spaces
Masking Time in Thirds
Site Plan: Judengang, Judischer Friedhof Schonhauser Cemetery, Berlin, Germany
Physical Model Photos: Gallery Spaces Exterior (Top) and Gallery Interior (Bottom)
Masking Time in Thirds
Gallery and Archive Plans and Sections
Elevations: Front Elevation (Left) Rear Elevation (Right)
Masking Time in Thirds
Project and Site Axonometric
Exploded Axonometric
04 THE MARS SANCTUARY FOR THE GLORY OF GOD This project is rooted in the design of a religious space through the methods of collage and the moment of crucifixion as explained in the bible. The project began with the collage of images of Christ and fractured elements of technology. These elements depicted the crucifixion of Christ at the intersection of technology today. The process then progressed through sampling and drawing element transposed from the collages into building elements, such as, a bell tower, crypt, and sanctuary. It culminated in the design of a tabernacle sited at the base of the Olympus Mons mountain range on mars. Fixating the remains of Christs Crucifixion at the intersection of technology associated with space exploration. All work done in partnership with Nathanial Krueger.
COURSE ARCH 452 Spring 2020 INSTRUCTOR Ben Pennell 28
Cathedral and Site Rendering
The Mars Sanctuary for the Glory of God
Project Renderings: Structure and Wrapping (Top) and Sanctuary procession (Bottom)
Cathedral Sections and Elevations
The Mars Sanctuary for the Glory of God
Cathedral Elevation and Site Plan
Sanctuary Interior Rendering
05 LANGUAGE LIMITS MOTION This project is part of the research studio sequence at South Dakota State University. The research studio focused on the link between regulatory documents (specifications, laws, codes, patents, etc.) and the political territories that connect building technology with the movements of construction labor. This was primarily done through the visualization of information within regulatory documents, in this case US Kuka Robotic Patents and US Labor Acts and Brick Layers and Allied Craftsman Union Documents. The project focused around visualizing movements that effect the work and labor done by both humans and robots on the job site. This is seen through the visualization of two types of movement: (1) physical movements of people, materials, and machines (2) political movements and colonial structures of power. The former are visible and have limited durations, while the latter are seemingly invisible but with enduring consequences. The contemporary effects of these movements are latent in the under examined histories of written regulatory documents. All work done in partnership with Nathanial Krueger.
COURSE ARCH 554 Fall 2020 INSTRUCTOR Federico Garcia-Lammers and Jessica GarciaFritz ACHIEVEMENTS Works Published in “Labor Movements: From the Specifications of the Panama Canal to Robotic Patents” Co-Authored by Federico Garcia-Lammers, Jessica Garcia-Fritz, Rebecca Woytassek, Nathanial Krueger, and Myself. BTES Conference Publication, Auburn University, Summer 2021 Works Featured in Building Arts and Labor Symposium Panel Presentation and Discussion. South Dakota Humanities Council, Brookings, South Dakota, September 2021 WEBSITE 34
Overall Connections Diagram (Left), US Labor Act (Top), and US Kuka Patent (Bottom)
Language Limits Motion
With the inux fo industral obtsr used withn the construi eld ethr is entlycur limted means to egulatr motin on the siteorkw enbtw humans, machines, and obts.r Thoughr the lens fo ying,brckla motin can be enokbr wndo into ethr scale: part, , body and . asembly A part consit fo a compnet fo a whole and esvmo in conert with other parts. The body is the compsitn fo al the parts tha emak up the whole or indvual, and asembly is the egationcr fo multipe atespr bodies tha eganizor oundar a speci cause or action. From thes scale, ew ear able to lter oughtr the United States Labor Acts (1931 - 2020) and the U.S. Kuak Patens (1985 - 2016) despit their encsrdif fo scale in egulatinr emntvo to nd langue tha dictaes motin on the site.orkw Humans and obtsr ear wno capble to exist withn the same construi stem.y Robots ear den as a tol tha can be ambleogrp to ormpef multipe stak on a eptivr basi withou human entio.rv Humans labor orf their ocupatin and enga in a consta ocespr fo ertingx their body and mind to complet ork.w Robots orkw becaus ythe ormpef a task equirng sutained ortfe or epatdr actions den yb a esultingr oduct.1 pr Humans , labor easwhr obtsr ork.w The methods in whic ork,w and motin ear egulatdr orf human and obtsr ear entrdif in elationr to scale and who the bodies ear describ to ormpef emntvo fo ork.w Thoughr the sianly fo Labor Acts and Patens, an standiguer fo who motin and the elopmntvd fo motin in labor is egulatdr in the United stae. Labor Acts ear a set fo documents tha mediat the elationshpr enbtw s,erlabo unios, and the ernmtvgo tha otecspr the rights fo those serlabo and set comn dstanr fo humane orkingw condits. Patens ear documents tha otecpr an entiov or oductpr oughtr the use fo sademrkt and andbr names. Patens specify the ocespr fo eatingcr and atingoper said entiosv withn the United States. The motin fo humans and obtsr can be enokbr wndo into compnets to becom emor edictablpr and fcient in elationr to time. Frank (1868 – 1924) and Lilian (1878 – 1972) Giethlbr erw fcieny sengir tha condute motin studie and their elationr to time to eatcr a emor eoductivpr and fcient orkw site. By taking their past studie and yingerlavo them on modern yingbrckla fo both the human and obtr construi and sianly fo omtinscr erw able to be edcompar using the Giseth’lbr therblig elmnta motins. The therbligs eokbr wndo motins into 18 atespr acts tha could be describ oughtr a multide fo motins.2 The emntvo fo the humans had emor uid motins with simultaneo actions tha erw emor adptble but edquir estr to comerv atigue.f Robots edorkw in a emor linear esiongrp and elidr on wingko actex placemnt fo site elmnts. The langue in the documents ear edltr oughtr the emntsquir and scale fo the body to ectsdir its motin on site. Both document set erw edganizor in a simlar yaw as ethr asw yman subcategori (section and clase) to eatcr emor speci details and egulationsr withn a simlar main idea or . category This edwalo the set fo documents to be able to lter oughtr edaltr categoris speci to this . study Both documents erw edltr oughtr obtr clasiton tha delt with the body fo the , erokw their emnt,vo and who ythe erw able to eganizor ormatinf to evmo and orkw on site, and oughtr the ethr scale fo part, , body and asembly to standuer who the emntsvo erw being oled.cntr Human motin is egulatdr oughtr the scale fo , asembly orf its imposblty to olcntr human emnt.vo Wheasr patens becam emor speci ervo time, egulatinr the body at str to actex parts to dictae who the obtr es.vmo The langue eatdcr yb the asembly fo peol dictae the actions, limtaons, and purose fo motin in both humans and obts.r The egulatinr documents oughtr the sianly had another set fo underlyig ideas tha edrif based on human or obt.r The humans delt with orkw oprtunies, time and ages,w and who serlabo could legay e,strik easwhr the obtsr delt with speci emntsvo and manipultos fo the obt.r Labor Acts delt with who the body esvmo on site yb eatingcr egulationr tha aply to the gelar asembly fo peol, and obtsr ear egulatdr oughtr the emntsvo and speciaton fo the part. The elationshpr fo motin enbtw humans and obtsr can be sen oughtr the otw main set fo egulatory documents, the Giethlbr motin studie, obtr clasiton, and entapr oupsgr to the speci body in elationsr to the ethr scale fo part, , body and . asembly
Physical Movement Analysis: Video Frames Contemporary Mason (Left) and Kuka Robot (Right)
Physical Movement Analysis: Video Frames Detail Image
Language Limits Motion
Political Movements: Document Visualization US Labor Acts
Political Movements: Document Visualization US Kuka Patents
Language Limits Motion
Political Movements: Document Visualization US Kuka Patents Filtering and Scales
Specific Text Groupings: None, Wage+Age, Robots, Strikes, Unfair Practices, Wages, Work Opportunity, & All
06 THE RIPPLE EFFECT FACADE DESIGN This project serves as a method of observing the possibilities and limitations of working with steel, as well as, the advanced fabrication methods to manipulate steel with the CNC plasma cutter. It was designed to make connections between two pieces of steel limited to a one foot by one foot square and use all of the material within that square. The goal of the project was to create a connection between two pieces that creates a continuous undulation of opposing strips with no flat connections so the undulation is never interrupted.
COURSE ARCH 452 Fall 2019 INSTRUCTOR Brian Lee 42
Production Process Photo
The Ripple Effect Facade Design
Process Images: Ripple Close Up (Top), Completed Module (Middle), and Connection Detail (Bottom)
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Production Process Diagrams
07 THE PUBLIC CONDITION LIBRARY DESIGN This project is apart of the building studio sequence at South Dakota State University of the studio. The primary goal of the studio is to focus the attention around technical after thoughts, such as, ground and foundation details, envelope details, and roof and parapet details. The project starts at the scale of the detail to link architectural conceptualization to specific construction methods and materials. The link is made by the selection and copying of existing building details that take different design positions in relation to the ground, roof, and resolution of the materials and design conditions in between. The project also served as an adaptive reuse project where I originally designed a gymnasium and later to translate the conditions of the gymnasium into a public library. The project treats existing gymnasium drawings as “as-built” drawings intended to facilitate the design of the library. The project worked through a series of nested volumes that allow for public space to bleed from the scale of the city down to the scale of the book. This can be seen through the exterior facade screen that implements a separation from the primary envelope and creates an exterior public space for the library. It can also be seen with the addition of a mezzanine and library core that is used to create an interior screened space separating the conditions of public reading space from the private space of the library where the books are housed.
COURSE ARCH 555 Spring 2021 INSTRUCTOR Federico Garcia-Lammers, Jessica Garcia-Fritz, Brian Lee, Robert Arlt, and Nesrine Mansour ACHIEVEMENTS Recipient of the South Dakota State University Department of Architecture Excellence Award for Outstanding Studio Project: Spring 2021 46
Technical Vignettes: Roof Details (Top), Envelope Details (Middle), and Ground and Foundation Details (Bottom)
The Public Condition Gymnasium Design
Transverse Section Detail Drawing : Gymnasium Design
Longitudinal Section and Plan : Gymnasium Design
The Public Condition Library Design
Transverse Section Detail Drawing A1
Transverse Section Detail Drawing A1: Ground and Foundation/Envelope Details
The Public Condition Library Design
Library Transverse Section Detail Drawing A2: Envelope and Roof Details
Library Transverse Section Detail Drawing A2
The Public Condition Library Design
Elevation (Top) and Longitudinal Section (Bottom)
Mezzanine Level Plan (Top) and First Floor Plan (Bottom)
The Public Condition Library Design
Exploded Axonometric: Exterior Screen and Nested Spatial Volume
Exploded Axonometric: Building Envelope and Nested Library Core