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Flying Roll II

Flying Roll No. II, Part Il Remarks upon Subject for Contemplation By V. H. Fra Levavi Oculos'

Spiritual power results from the transmutation of the gross animal nature. The various centres of sensation in the human body can be harmonised by the equipose or circulation of the contrary forces of attraction and repulsion-or, on the other hand, the vehicle of excess.


If 'Our God is superlative in His unity', analogy must follow between the greater and lesser worlds.

One of Danton's clairvoyants once described a lake of gold in the centre of the earth, and we have the injunction 'visita interiora terrae, etc.' The primum mobile of even a commonplace vessel is placed in the centre of the ship. Now, the place of power and seat of equipoise is in numbers; the number 5 as has been pointed out : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9· That is the Sephira Geburah 'Where there is Gold', whose lineal figures traced with the single point uppermost is the most powerful continuous symbol there is. 5

By the sign of the Microcosm is symbolized the athanor of the Alchemists-at everybody's hand without their knowing it. 'A strong and decided will', says Levi, 'can in a short space of time arrive at absolute independence'.

This condition of equipoise is therefore necessary before the manipulation of the will is even possible; and will is something more than the ascending of our higher desires over the lower, being a kind of electric force, the executive of desire.

In this light it is the creative power, which fashions according to the ideal forms or subsisting types. It is therefore through the agency of the will that the hidden becomes manifest, whether in the Universe or Man. ' Levavi Oculos was the magical motto of P. W. Bullock (Editorial Note). 5 I.e.-the Pentagram. (Editorial Note.) 57

I M A G I N A T I O N A N D W I L L - P O W E R

The student has to learn to arouse those forces within him or her self.

This masterly indifference is the great theme of the Bhagavada Gita and the Indian Yogis-in fact both East and West unite in teaching us to preserve that equal mean between two extremes, which is the law of immortality.


Flying Roll No. II, Part m Three Suggestions on Will Power By S.S.D.D.

Head I. In studying the nature of the will force we are aided by our Minutum Mundi scheme. Mars, Geburah, Fire, Aries, each expressive of the will force on different planes, are all red in colour. The Red Lion was used as a symbol by the Alchemists to express the highest powers of the Adept. The whiteness of purity having been attained, the heat must be violently increased, until the redness of perfect strength manifests itself. Head 2. Now the danger which attends our labours arises from attempting to exercise this will power, before we have purged ourselves of ignorance and darkness.

Until we know we must refrain from doing. This sounds as if the case was pretty hopeless; but we have each in our own persons all the materials for experiment, and as long as we desire light, and do all we know to obtain it, we are not likely to do ourselves permanent harm; but at the same time we cannot be too careful in applying the very superficial magical knowledge we have at present to others, especially to those who are uninitiated. The danger I have found is that though the first step is most difficult, I mean it is extremely difficult to gain control over another's will so as to alter their natural tendencies; yet this once done the force you have set in motion becomes almost uncontrollable, the other individual seems sometimes to only live in your presence, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. This is a noticeable feature in the cases of those who have been cured by faith healers; or professional hypnotists. Head 3. Having explained these dangers, the method I advise for cultivation of will is, to imagine your head as centre of attraction with thoughts like rays radiating out in a vast globe. To want or desire a thing is the first step in the exercise of Will; get a distinct image of the thing you desire placed, as it

• The initials stand for Sapientia Sapien ti Dona Data, the magical motto of Florence Farr. (Editorial Note.) 59

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