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Flying Roll XXXVI

A S T R A L P R O J E C T I O N 2. Of T attvic Skrying

The Skryer, using the proper Names, Implements etc. should endeavour to attain the following results for passing the C. Examination in Tattvic Clairvoyance.


He should test everything in the vision, that is to say, everything at all doubtful to him. He should describe carefully and in detail the landscape etc. of the vision, and discover, if possible : -

The special attributes and varying natures of the Plane.

Its Elemental Nature.

The Inhabitants (Elemental, Spiritual etc., etc.).

The Plants, Animals, Minerals etc., which would be correspondent to the Nature of the Plane.

The Operation of its Influence in the Universe or Macrocosm upon (a) this particular Planet (b) animals, plants and minerals.

The Operation of its Influence upon the Microcosm, i.e. Man.

He or she who is operating should avoid carefully any selfhypnotisation by the Tattva, for this will simply lead to foolish and hysteric visions, the offspring of the intoxication of the Operator's astral sphere by the Tattva.

Of the Mode of delivering the Signs of the 0 ° =0° in a Temple

of the Outer Order

The Initiated Hierophant, or any other member of the Second Order present in a Temple of the Outer Order, should give the Signs in the manner laid down in the Z Ritual, and should teach them to be given thus; but he must on no account describe their secret formulae, confining himself to the explanation usually given in the Ritual of the o 0 = o 0 Grade of the First Order. It does not matter so much whether the First Order members give them quite properly, but the Second Order initiated members should always do so.


Flying Roll No. XXVI By G. H. Fra. D.D.C.F In Flying Roll XII there appears Venus (Daleth) as Water of Earth.8

The Planets are not Tattvas but have a sympathy with them.

The Planets are not Elements but have a great sympathy with them.

Planets represent, for the most part, the compound action of the Elements with the Spirit. For the Spirit enters into their composition from their attributions not only to the Paths, but also to the Sephiroth. Here follows a Table of Attributions and correlations between Planets, Elements and Tattvas. The Elements may be in any proportion, but chiefly and better with the Element first mentioned preponderating in each case. Save in the case of Luna, the Akasha Tattvic symbol is not to be expressed, but Akasha represents the darkening aspect of the Spirit, that is, in a too neutral and negative sense. Saturn Spirit Air Earth Jupiter Spirit Fire Water Mars Spirit Fire Earth Sun Spirit Fire Air Venus Spirit Earth Water Earth of Air Water of Fire Earth of Fire Air of Fire Water ofEarth Mercury Spirit Air Water Water of Air Luna Spirit Water Earth and Alchemic Earth of Water Mercury The Tattvas however, are not exactly the Aspects of the Spirits with the Four Elements, as we treat them. They almost coincide with these five forces in our Hermetic and Rosicrucian Scale of the Queen-the complete understanding of which comes later. They are powerful as representing the Natural Passive condition 8 Flying Roll XII is not included in this volume as it was printed by Regardie on pages 66-73 of the fourth volume of his Golden Dawn where the attribution of Venus to Water of Earth can be found on page 67, line 4. (Editorial Note.)


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