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PART AVE Esoteric Psychology

M A N, G O D A N D T H E R O S I C R U C I A N I N I T I A T I O N voice of Kether.) This again is followed by a synthetical culmination, as if all the divine ones united in the utterance : 'I am the Preparer of the Pathway, the Rescuer unto the Light ! Out of the Darkness let the Light arise ! '

Then the Aspirant is prompted to say-'Before, I was blind, but now I see,'-representing again the blindness to the Neschamah Consciousness and the passage into this.


Whereupon the Chief Adept says : - 'I am the Reconciler with the Ineffable ! I am the dweller of the Invisible : let the White Brilliance of the Divine Spirit descend'.

The Aspirant is now told to rise an Adeptus Minor of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold, in the sign of Osiris slain,and then 'We receive thee as an Adeptus Minor in that sign of Rectitude and Self Sacrifice.'

The affirmation of the three parts is then proceeded with.The Chief Adept says : 'Be thy Mind opened unto the Higher,' Second : 'Be thy heart the centre of Light', and Third : 'Be thy body the Temple of the Rosy Cross'.

The Pass Word is then announced, which is formed from the Mystic Number of the Grade, 2 1,-this Pass Word, however is the divine Name of Kether : - and i t is used as the Pass Word of this Grade of Tiphereth in order to affirm the connection between the two.

Then the Chief Adept says that the Key Word is l.N.R.I. The three Adepts themselves represent Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth. The Creator, the Destroyer and the Sacrificed One, ISIS, APOPHIS and OSIRIS = the name IAO. The Symbol of Osiris slain is the Cross; v is the sign of the mourning of Isis : the sign of Typhon and Apophis : x the sign of Osiris risen : = L VX, the Light of the Cross, or that which symbolises the way into the Divine through Sacrifice. So that the symbolism in its entirety represents the exaltation of the Initiate into the Adept.


PART FIVE E s o teric P sychology

being Flying Roll No. XX Flying Roll No. XXI

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