2 minute read
Paper I
C H R I S T I A N O C C U L T I S M of the Cromlech Temple, not those of the Golden Dawn-and, while a majority of Cromlech Temple initiates were also initiates of one or other of the fraternities derived from the Gold.en Dawn, the Cromlech Temple was a completely independent organisation. Details of its origin and development may be found in my Ritual Magic in England (Neville Spearman 1970).
Paper I Received 1 8+24
To all my beloved companions of the Temple of the Cromlech, Greeting. We have watched you all with a great love throughout this time of pain and trouble and striving, and we commend your patience, hard indeed to attain when all are looking forward to the new life of service and advance.
Recall then all our teachings; that death must precede birth, old things must be broken up before the new things can be manifested. And so in yourselves must the same process take place, the breaking up of old ideals that the new ideals may be born and grow, the breaking up of the will, wherein is the self-that self, which though set to do the will of God, seeks to do it in the way of the lower self rather than in the way of the higher self, and long must it be ere the children of the earth can see that such efforts can only come to naught. Yet it is by the very failure of those efforts that they rise to the higher life. Not willingly doth the Supreme (Blessed be He) affiict His children, for in very love are all these failures set as stepping stones to Himself, and the only way to the final goal of Union with Him.
When this is realised, the heart is purging from the cloying of earth, and turned to a cup wherein to receive the wine of His Love. And in that prepared and spiritualised heart of man, all that comes, all that chances, may be as the varied substances put into the Crucible, out of which is to come the Pure Gold.
Ye have seen in our earlier teaching the World as a crucible -in which the Alchemic processes were proceeding in regular order. So now ye can look into the world of yourselves and see the same processes going on in the heart of each of you, pain and suffering, disappointment and mistakes all working to this ultimate end, and all good, when ye can see it with your spiritual eyes.
And now the Gold begins to be manifest, that which will in time turn all that is base to Gold. Yet think not that it will be apparent at once. The Fire must still work to bring all to 197