Marketing Leadership: 6 Rules For Leading Happy Teams | Joseph Minetto

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Joseph Minetto

Marketing Leadership: 6 Rules For Leading Happy Teams Joseph Minetto

If you want to know how to lead a marketing team that


does great work, you need a grasp on what makes them happy.

Joseph Minetto

In a study on happiness and productivity among call center workers, published in The World Economic Forum, the authors found that happy employees

achieved 13% higher sales than unhappy colleagues.

Lead and Manage Marketing Teams With This eBook and Template Kit • Strong marketing leadership requires strong team and project management. Learn everything you need to know about managing marketing projects and teams with this downloadable ebook and template kit.

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1. Play to People’s Strengths • Some work requires doing things that you don’t

like, but you should always take the opportunity to give people tasks in which they will enjoy or excel. • Not only will this keep people feeling positive, but it will create a better product. 4

2. Provide Resources They Actually Want


Don’t be fooled — not every “perk” is actually a perk. By and large, most employees

value their health, flexibility, and vacation time. Yes, even more than they value free snacks, free coffee, company-wide retreats, and employee outings. As a leader, you need to ask yourself, What does my marketing team need to succeed? We know that autonomy, mastery and purpose help to motivate employees—and I’d wager that they help far more than enticing offers of free coffee.

I suggest giving your team the flexibility and tools to work in the way that they feel is best.



3. Make Space to Fail and Learn

Those who fail together, trust each other. Those who fail, have the opportunity to learn and produce better work in

the future. Make your workplace a sacred place where failing is acceptable — as long as something is learned from it.


4. Set Aside Time to Regularly Meet With the Team


Fa r too ma ny of u s a re ove r wor ke d. Motivatin g a n ove r wor ked te a m is tou gh , e s p e cially w h e n you fe e l like you d on ’t h ave th e ex tra time for personal check-ins. T h e occa s ion al te a m lu n ch or on e -o n -one coffe e might s e e m like a n u n n e c e s s a r y e x p e n s e , b u t i t c a n d o w o n d e r s f o r y o u r m a r k e t i n g t e a m ’s h a p p i n e s s a n d m o r a l e . Yo u r t e a m w i l l b e h a p p i e r i f t h e r e i s a s e n s e o f friendship and trust within the group.


5. Stop Moving the Goal Posts

Our digital world moves quickly, and many of us are guilty of moving goal posts as we get more data about how a particular campaign is going. It’s tempting to set a goal, reach a goal, and then say, “Okay, what’s the next goal?” Maybe the previous one was just too low of a guess. When you’re laying out your goals, take your time to set realistic, business-driven marketing goals that will be a good cause for celebration when you achieve them. You can use a sophisticated OKR software that’s designed to help you do this, but even if you do, I caution you against setting too many metrics-based goals.


Joseph Minetto

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