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What’s Inside Discover Yourself At Charis

Pg 7

About Charis Bible College

Pg 10

Our Training Institute

Pg 12

Course Description

Pg 14


Pg 16

Our Instructors & Lessons Outline

Pg 18

Outside the Four Walls

Pg 28

Missions & Outreach

Pg 30

Campus Life

Pg 32

Our Staff

Pg 33

Our Project Coordinators

Pg 34

How to Apply

Pg 35


Every successful minister goes through school. It's just a matter of whether it's in a formal educational setting with experienced instructors ready to help or an informal one through the “school of hard knocks" alone. I took the latter route, and I must say, if you survive, it makes a great testimony. However, I don't recommend it! The Lord led me to start Charis Bible College for the purpose of training people for the work of the ministry. He wanted me to take a unique approach; it had to be a combination of the rich teaching of God's Word and practical, hands-on ministry experience. This was modeled in the Old Testament by Elijah and Elisha with the school of the prophets and in the New Testament when Paul told Timothy to train faithful men to teach others. With this combination, I knew our graduates would be able to avoid many of the problems and hardships I encountered; they would be well prepared. Whatever God is leading you to do, preparation is never a waste of time. Statistics show that 80% of ministers drop out of the ministry, and 20% of those who stay are on the verge of burnout. I believe the lack of preparation, spiritually, academically, and practically are at the root of these statistics. Charis Bible College instructors have accumulated decades of experience in ministry, and their experience may very well keep you from becoming a statistic. Ten months of preparation is a small price to pay for a lifetime of successful ministry. If the Lord is speaking to you about attending CBC, call or write and request a catalog. It will help you in your decision. If you choose to attend, I guarantee you it will change your life and the lives of those around you forever.

Paulraj Joseph

Regional Director - India, South & West Asia Region At Charis, our main focus is to equip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry by teaching spiritual truths, imparting biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities, and grounding them in the message of God’s unconditional love and grace. Our curriculum, together with teaching and learning practice, focuses on individual student. The college teaching strategies are based on Biblical truth that helps the individual to grow stronger in relationship with God. Our teachers are very well equipped to teach, preach and penetrate the biblical truths with clarity and detailed explanation. They are committed to their calling and have vast experience in the ministry field. Spending time in Charis is an opportunity to sharpen, discover and grow in relationship with God and people. I am so grateful that Andrew was obedient to the voice of God and created an opportunity for you and me to know, relate, understand God’s love and purpose in our lives!

Victor Gnanaraj

Director - AWM & Charis Operations India

Charis is one of those fine places were you learn, understand and receive the treasury of unadulterated word of God. My life has been transformed by the teaching I have received here. Every expectant heart that comes to Charis will go back with a renewed mind which desires to live like Christ. Charis is just not bible college but a place were you encounter God and see his virtue - healing you from every infirmity. This journey with Charis will be one of the remarkable moments of your life. Come and live through life changing, Grace experience! Experience true connection, Experience CHARIS!

. Y N I T S E D R U O R Y E V O C S I D


! T I E V I L O T



You will need Charis Bible College because it’s more than just a college of academics; having vocational, personal and practical study well balanced, fulfilling your area of interest. We strive to balance between the academic study of God’s Word (First Year) and practical ministry experience (Second Year). We offer Full- Time, Part-Time & Correspondence Courses, training students for 2 Years (Full-Time Course is recommended). You may attend the college in response to God’s call or to develop your personal relationship with God; whatever the cause is CBC equips you to become effective Gospel Ministers. Change the body of Christ's perception of God by preparing and sending leaders to proclaim the truth of the Gospel throughout INDIA and the world.



Equip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry by teaching spiritual truths,imparting biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities, and grounding them in the message of God's unconditional love and grace.

We h av e p r o g r a m s j u s t fo r y o u t o d eepen your relati onship with God while finding your





Charis Bible College instituted from Andrew Wommack Ministries, Andrew Wommack being the founder and president of the ministries named after him. Andrew Wommack heard from the Lord through the scripture: 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” in 1994 as the Lord showed him a ground-breaking way to conduct a Bible College that would do so much more than just impart knowledge. The college was established first at Colorado, USA and then extended to 80 countries worldwide.

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2 : 2 Charis Bible College (CBC) is all about people! It endeavors on educating the body of Christ about who God is and who He is to His saints. Training the Saints/Disciples to go out and share the Gospel with the rest of the world in the way God has uniquely called each individual. We at CBC believe that effective ministry can only happen when we understand who God is and what our relationship is with Him. Once we understand the grace and love of God and our identity in Him, we can make an effortless impact in our world!

Change your life, change the world!




We believe that all of the Scripture is verbally inspired by God, and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.


We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed blood & forgiveness of our sins, of His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father's right hand.


We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit, expressed with speaking in tongues, the spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the common good.


We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as ‘Savior and Lord’ are born again.


We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing for the human body.


We believe in a literal, physical second return of Jesus Christ.



CBC is not just another bible college, it’s a school for life. Whether you are called to be a preacher, a businessman or a housewife, you will be more successful after graduating from Charis Bible College.

FULL TIME COURSES The Full-Time Program extends for one academic year(10 months) which includes First Year and Second Year.

PART TIME COURSES The Part-Time Program is for 2 years designed for students who work during the week days. The classes are held once a week every Saturday.

CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Correspondence Course is a ‘Study at Home Course’ where First year material is shipped to the shipping address of the student and they are expected to complete the course at their pace and time. Once completed, Second year however requires the student to study at any of our campuses.

We have course options for every schedule! Whether you want to fully immerse yourself in the word and fellowship with other believers for a whole year, or you are working and want to invest your weekends to deepen your relationship with God, or you are not able to come to our campus but would like to study the CBC material at home. We invite you to Join our CBC family today.

Our goal is to create an environment where students can receive in depth teaching of the scriptures and in the same way have a chance to be doers of the Word through serving others around them. At the institution, you will receive an in-depth teaching from both the Old and New Testament. Teaching emphasis is on God’s unconditional grace and an experience of walking with the Holy Spirit, understanding the finished work of the cross and the resurrection power working in us. Every follower of Jesus is called to love and serve others. The classrooms are well defined with the state of the art facilities and an environment influential for worship, study and application. The academic study not only equips students for ministry but it also transforms their hearts through a deeper understanding of the Gospel. Students from many Christian denominations and places not only study together but worship, pray, eat and do life together. It is this rich community that helps students grow in the knowledge of God’s word in unity. Many of the teachers at CBC have been in ministry for 30-40 years and have much wisdom to share. As CBC India is an extension school, teachings delivered are by DVD’s and the live classes from in-house lecturers. A wide variety of international speakers from our main campus in Colorado and guest speakers from local churches also teach at the college.


Our Full Time Course consists of two semesters covered in a total of 10 months. 1st Year


Before the practical aspects of ministry can be explored, its very important that each student has a firm foundation in the word of God. This includes the understanding of God’s unconditional love, the balance between grace and faith, relationship with God, Godly character, the basics of righteousness, the Holy Spirit, prosperity, Bible covenants, keys to personal growth, life vision, and much more …… 2nd Year


In the second year, the emphasis moves to practical ministry. In small interaction groups, students learn to do work of the ministry. They learn to prepare and deliver messages, plan and promote conferences, run children’s and youth ministry and more PART TIME COURSE This course is designed for those who are fervent to know more about God, yet can’t find time during working days. If you are one among them, you do have the opportunity to join us on Saturday’s. On completion of the first year, you will become eligible to enrol for the 2nd year program. The course will help you build a strong foundation in the word of God. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Begin when you’re ready, study at your own space and allow God to change your life! We understand that not everyone is able to move to one of our campus locations, hence we have introduced distance learning of our 1st year of the regular CBC Program. Whether you desire to prepare for the ministry or sit under great teaching for personal development, this correspondence program will get you started. The complete Correspondence Course consists of more than 300 hours of teaching and a total of 3 terms. The teachings are available on PENDRIVES along with the syllabus for every lesson in PDF format. It is also available on DVDs in which case the syllabus will be given as printed hard copies. You can start the Correspondence Course anytime of the year and you study at home at your pace. After each class (8 lessons) you take a test at home and send it in for grading. The Correspondence Course is a great opportunity to study together with your family and friends. You can also form a study group and use the same DVDs/Pendrives, by ordering additional syllabi and tests. Now the Correspondence Course is also available on 10" WINDOWS TAB which includes 10" Windows tab with the complete Correspondence Course, with the ability to take test offline and can sync data with Online database. Upon successful completion of all three terms you will receive a Certificate of Completion and you become eligible to enrol in 2nd year, which is the Advanced Instruction and Practical Ministry Training Program at one of our locations in India or around the World.


Instructor : Andrew Wommack

* * *


A Sure Foundation Basics of Righteousness Prosperity, Finances and Giving Galatians


Life Foundations




Principles of Grace and Faith

Instructor : Carrie Pickett

Instructor : Barry Bennett

* *

Healing Introduction to the Bible

Instructor : Daniel Amstutz


Prayer Ministry Training

Instructor : Greg Mohr


Fruit of the Spirit


Basic Bible Doctrines

Instructor : Lawson Perdue Instructor : Wendell Parr

* * *

Old Testament Survey I Old Testament Survey II Old Testament Survey III

Ministry of Jesus I Ministry of Jesus II


Introduction to Evangelism


Excellence in Ministry


In Christ Realities

Instructor : Wendell Parr

Holy Spirit : I Holy Spirit : II Holy Spirit : III

Relationship with God I & II Relationship with God III & IV

* *

Instructor : Lawson Perdue

Instructor : Andrew Wommack

* *

Receiving from God I & II Receiving from God III & IV

Instructor : Greg Mohr

Instructor : Rick McFarland

Instructor : Andrew Wommack

* *


Instructor : Steve Barlett

Instructor : Lawson Perdue

* * *

Instructor : Andrew Wommack

Instructor : Barry Bennett

Instructor : Barry Bennett



* * *

Old testament Survey IV Old testament Survey V Old testament Survey VI ELECTIVE COURSES


Instructor : Barry Bennett

* * *

Discipleship Evangelism I Discipleship Evangelism II Discipleship Evangelism III

Instructor : Arthur Meintjes

* * *

Essential Truths (New Testament) Let Freedom Reign The Heart “Essence of the Gospel”


The Lifestyle of Worship

Instructor : Daniel Amstutz Instructor : Greg Mohr


Prosperity God’s Way

Instructor : Lawson Perdue


Bible Covenants


Instructor : Andrew Wommack



How to get Along with People

The laws of the Kingdom


Biblical Leadership

Instructor : Dean Hawk

* *

The Making of a Minister I Principles of Godly Relationship

Instructor : Barry Bennett


Answers to Important Questions-I

Instructor : Dean Hawk


Spirit Led Life and Ministry


Establishing a Prosperous Soul


New Testament Survey I

Instructor : Greg Mohr Instructor : Wendell Parr

* *

Answers to Important Questions-II Acts: Power of Supernatural Living


Living in the Balance


Leadership: Lessons from Nehemiah

Instructor : Wendell Parr


Supernatural Evangelism

Instructor : Andrew Wommack

The Making of the Minister II

Instructor : Lawson Perdue

Life of Christ How to Flow In Gifts

Instructor : Steve Barlett




Instructor : Greg Mohr

Instructor : Greg Mohr

* *

Instructor : Andrew Wommack Instructor : Barry Bennett

Instructor : Barry Bennett



New Testament Survey-II



Instructor : Arthur Meintjes

* * *

Foundational Truth for Godly Ministry Practical Skills for Godly Relationships Who is Man ?

Instructor : Daniel Amstutz


Heart Matters

Instructor : Dean Hawk


20/20 Vision

Instructor : Dan Funkhouser


Faith in a Supernatural God I



Andrew Wommack President & Founder

Andrew brings the simplicity of the Word of God and the revelation of grace into every classroom. Sharing from his decades of study in Scripture, Andrew is able to teach the Word in a powerful and practical way. His classes include A Sure Foundation, Basics of Righteousness, Relationship with God, The Making of a Minister, and more. Students can expect to receive the truth of the Word from someone who has lived out everything he teaches.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Andrew Wommack | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Establish a firm foundation on the truth, surety, and infallibility of God’s Word. Explore your system of thought, and discover how it is the lens through which you view the world and make decisions.



Learn how your2spirit, soul, and body work together in order to experience the abundant, overcoming Christian life. Discover your true identity in Christ and examine how the reality of righteousness and justification will help you walk out your faith.



This study emphasizes four important truths about God and man’s relationship with Him. The Nature of God is 2 a study of God that distinguishes between His character and His acts, contrasting the Old Testament with the New Testament. Hardness of Heart deals with one of the major barriers that keep us from accepting all of God’s truth. Authority of the Believer helps us receive the blessings God has for us and shows us how to stop Satan from robbing us. God’s Not Guilty shows us from Scripture that God is not the author of our problems, nor does He cause bad things to happen to us.



God's very first2words to man connected success in life to fruitfulness. Find the purpose, rewards, and means to fully develop and manifest the fruit of the Spirit in your life, thereby revealing Jesus to the world and enabling you to possess your inheritance.

Instructor : Andrew Wommack | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Attend Bible College, complete the required courses, receive your ministerial license and ordination papers, and then you are a minister, right? Wrong! God’s ways are not man’s ways. This course will help you understand the difference between man’s and God's qualifications for ministers. By the end of this course you will either be determined to prepare your heart or stay as far away from ministry as possible.



Someone once 2said, “If it weren’t for people, the ministry would be great.” However, the ministry is all about people, so it’s critically important to learn how to develop relationships and develop them with the right people. When conflict does arise—and it will—it’s also crucial to know how to resolve that conflict according to the Word of God. God’s solution works, but you have to know it to put it into practice.

Greg Mohr Director of Charis Bible College, Colorado

Greg Mohr is the Director of Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado. He is also a conference speaker and author and served as Senior Pastor of River of Life Church in Decatur, Texas for 24 years. He is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and has earned a Master’s degree in Leadership from Southwestern Christian University in Bethany, Oklahoma. Greg is married to his best friend, Janice. Together they have four children and eleven grandchildren.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Greg Mohr | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Maximize your ministry potential and increase your leadership skills and influence. Identify and establish the core values that will shape your character and increase your kingdom influence. Learn the essential traits that define a leader in the kingdom of God.



God's very first2words to man connected success in life to fruitfulness. Find the purpose, rewards, and means to fully develop and manifest the fruit of the Spirit in your life, thereby revealing Jesus to the world and enabling you to possess your inheritance.

Instructor : Greg Mohr | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



God has given each of us a unique purpose and destiny to fulfill. Yet our highest purpose is to be conformed to the image of His Son – Rom. 8:28-29. This course is a study in how you may appropriate and manifest the life of Christ – His character and nature – in the earth today. The focus of this teaching is to help you identify and yield to the image of Christ and to walk in Christ-likeness.



Life is filled with 2 temptations to live in extremes. A successful and stress free life and ministry requires achieving a proper balance between sure principles that seem to oppose one another. This course will help you live in a healthy tension between the following principles: grace and faith, the ministry of the Word and the Spirit, vision and wisdom, sound doctrine and unity of the brethren, love and discipline, compassion and confrontation, forgiveness and trust, and being led by the Spirit and submission to authority.



According to III2Jn : 2 our physical health and financial prosperity are linked to the relative prosperity of our soul. In this course you will learn the keys to establishing a prosperous soul. Some of these principles are: finding rest in the presence of Jesus, removing judgments, having a right relationship with authority, being anchored in hope, walking in patience, etc. We will cover these and other essential principles with the end goal of your soul becoming prosperous.

Wendell Parr

Ministry Ambassador

Sharing from over thirty years in ministry, Wendell opens up his life as he teaches some of the most fundamental truths of the Christian faith. As a former pastor and teacher of the Word, Wendell breaks down the Scriptures in order to give students a vantage point from which to advance in their walk with Christ. With classes such as Holy Spirit, Old Testament Survey, and New Testament Survey, students will walk away with a better understanding of the Word and how to interpret it.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Wendell Parr | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Get a biblical understanding about the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Not only will you learn how He has worked throughout history, but how He works in lives today.



Journey with the patriarchs and discover the foundations of our faith. Discover the "Word that became flesh" in the types and shadows buried throughout the Old Testament. In this overview, study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of each book. Special attention is given to some of the key passages.

Instructor : Wendell Parr | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



This is an overview of the New Testament that notes its place in God’s revelation to man. In this class, students will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of each book; special attention is given to some of the key passages.

Barry Benette

Dean of Students

Barry brings his years of teaching the Word and his experience as a missionary in South America into his classes. By opening up his life, Barry is able to bring clarity to and guidance about some of the most disputed topics in the Word of God. Some of his classes include Answers to Important Questions, Healing, Laws of the Kingdom, and Discipleship Evangelism. Students will gain not only knowledge but also the wisdom to know how to apply the Word to their lives and ministries.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Barry Bennett | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



See your faith and confidence soar as you establish a firm foundation in the Bible as the living Word of God and examine its revelation, inspiration, compilation, and preservation.



Be equipped to confidently communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, to grow in your understanding of the kingdom, and to disciple new believers.



Paul’s inspired letter, which is often referred to as the Magna Carta of Christian liberty, is reviewed and studied in terms of its great themes: grace, revelation, identity in Christ, faith, the Law vs. the blessing of Abraham, and life in the Spirit.



An overview of the culture and context of Jesus’ life and ministry that will deal with His manner of teaching, the content of His teaching and His declarations about Himself, His relationship with the Father, the Word, the devil, sin, faith, prayer and the Holy Spirit.



Discover the principles for health and healing, and understand healing in terms of the spirit, soul, and body of man. Learn about your part and God’s part in the process of receiving health and healing in your body.

Instructor : Barry Benette | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



A study of the spiritual laws that govern creation and how we can cooperate with those laws in order to enjoy victorious Christian living.



A study of the early church and the keys to its power. Emphasis will be placed on the message of the early church, the purpose of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Name, the importance of the Word, the power of prayer, and the mission and growth of the church.



A course designed to answer the most prevalent questions that many Christians have concerning the Bible and the ways of God in the world. Questions to be answered will include those dealing with suffering and tragedies, the Trinity, Job, Paul’s thorn, Ananias and Sapphira, Sabbath keeping and many others.

Pastor Lawson Perdue Charis Christian Center

Pastor Lawson challenges his students to break out of the mold, emphasizing abundant life and identity in Jesus Christ. His classes include Basic Bible Doctrines, Romans, and In Christ Realities. Lawson’s passion and zeal for the Word of God inspire his students to go above and beyond the norm to live the life Christ has provided.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Lawson Perdue | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



The revelation of righteousness. The Book of Romans is considered by many as the greatest exposition of Christian Doctrine anywhere in the Bible. The revelation of righteousness is the revelation of the gospel. In this class we see: the need for the provision of, the way to and the power of righteousness revealed in Christ and received by faith.



Change your life by making the choice to accept God's Word as the rule of life. A spiritual foundation is essential to the growth and effectiveness of every believer. Learn about inspired Scripture, the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the fall and salvation of man, the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, the return of Christ for His church, and heaven and hell.



Get a fuller understanding of your new identity in Christ, the value of your identity in Christ, and how that identity helps you fulfill the purpose and plan of God for your life.



Learn about the nature of God as revealed in the covenants He made with people. Explore God's covenant with Adam, Abraham, and Israel, and then consider the New Covenant fully revealed in the New Testament.

Instructor : Lawson Perdue | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Keys of effective leadership that enabled Nehemiah to motivate God’s people to accomplish an amazing task in record time.

Arthur Meintjes

Kingdom Life Ministries

Arthur infuses his students with the message of God’s unconditional love and mercy and His desire to build up and bring restoration to people. With classes such as Essential Truths of the New Testament, The Heart “Essence” of the Gospel, and Let Freedom Reign, students will gain an understanding of the empowering grace needed to live a godly life.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Arthur Meintjes | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Be released from the motivating factors of guilt, condemnation, and fear that define many Christians' lives. Learn to relate to God as He is revealed in the New Testament. The heart, or "essence," of the Gospel is God revealing His goodness, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and true nature to a tired, worn-out, and hopeless world!



Learn how truths like healing and prosperity need to be established on the essential foundation of the Gospel in order to see them work in your life. It will not necessarily be what you believe about healing or prosperity that determines whether you will fall or stand when you’re sick or when you’re in poverty. It will most likely be what you believe about the essential and foundational truth of the Gospel, because all other truths must be founded on this truth in order to work.



Discover the fundamental reality about freedom: It's a gift! Does it seem like freedom in your Christian walk is only achieved through great sacrifice and hard work? And once you've sacrificed and labored long and hard enough, only then can you ultimately be rewarded with freedom from sin or from bondage such as drugs, alcohol, or pornography? Get established in the New Testament reality that, in Christ, you were born free.

Instructor : Arthur Meintjes | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Since day one in the garden it has always been God’s intention and purpose that every man, woman and child, find and Live a life that is comfortable, gracious, and pleasant! Living our dreams both in lives and ministry does not only come with the gifting God has given you, or the opportunities you have. But by the process of habitually practising, exercising and preparing you’re gifting! There is nothing more beautiful for God our Father, than to see you and me find and live as it were (in the sweet spot) of our lives and ministry.



One of the greatest challenges in life is to get along with other people around us, may it be in the work place, at home and at Church or in ministry. Up to 87% of our success in life is directly related to our ability to get along with other people. The problem with relationships is that 90-95% of the people that we deal with in life are either moderately or severely insecure people. To compound this, most of the time we are also insecure ourselves and herein lies the problem. There is nothing that kills a relationship or a vision, and a ministry quicker than personal and unresolved insecurities. It is important to realize that getting along with other people has more to do with us than it has to do with them. Even though knowing God’s love will effortlessly change us and influence the way we relate to others, we sometimes still need to practically work on getting along with other people.



Just as there is a grossly inaccurate concept and belief about God in the hearts of so many believers today, there is also an equally destructive and crippling belief in the hearts of believers about the value of man. One thing that we must understand about religion and legalism is that it is designed to destroy all dignity and worth. That is why

people who are deeply involved in religion and legalism invariably end up with no sense of self worth, value or dignity. If we as Christians are not taught and instructed in a proper Biblical sense of self worth that is based on gospel truth, we will always struggle to get Bible truth to work in our lives on a consistent basis. If what we believe does not make us feel good about our relationship with God and good about ourselves, it will be very difficult to get the truth of the New Testament to work for me on a consistent basis.

Daniel Amstutz

Dean of Worship & Arts, Director of Healing School

Daniel is the dean of worship/arts and the director of Healing School. He is a seasoned, ordained minister and a published songwriter and recording artist with a lifelong passion for the arts being used for God’s glory. He holds a bachelor of music degree in vocal performance from the University of Colorado and a bachelor of theology degree from Christian Life School of Theology. Daniel and his wife have been married for thirty-nine years and have two grown children and three grandchildren.

LESSONS OUTLINE Instructor : Daniel Amstutz | 1 st Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Be trained in how to minister to those in need of healing. This course will equip any believer, from new convert to senior pastor, to confidently and effectively minister in the area of healing. In addition to the course outlines, the training manual used to train ministers for Charis’s Healing School is included.

Instructor : Daniel Amstutz | 2 nd Year Program This is a sample of the courses offered and does not include every required course. Courses are subject to change without notice.



Just when you thought you had spirit, soul and body understood, then you hear about the importance of getting the Word of God from your head to your heart. If I’m a three part being, where does that fit? Is the spirit the heart? What about evil thoughts coming from men’s hearts as Mark 7:21 states? If my spirit is made new in Christ and complete in Christ, then if my heart is my spirit, how can I doubt in my heart according to Mark 11:23? Is there something wrong with my spirit? Is it possible for your heart to be in neutral? Is it possible for your soul to be in control instead of your spirit? This course deals with all this and way more as we unpack why your heart matters.

Charis has helped me lay a very good foundation of the word of God in my life. I have clarity & understanding of the Word which I never had before. Joining Charis is one of the best decisions I have made.

Sujata Gorde

(Full Time Student)

At Charis Bible College I became aware of my identity and authority in Christ; the teachings helped me become more confident now than before.

Minguel Michael Miranda (Full Time Student)

"CBC has taught me to divide the word accurately. It strengthened my relationship with God and made me strong and courageous. Now the Word has been implanted in my heart”

Girish Lal

(Full Time Student)

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost” Matthew 28:19


Students are given a wide variety of opportunities to learn the teaching skills necessary to preach from the pulpit and in a foreign culture. We put a strong focus on training our students on the skills and character needed for pioneering a ministry such as church planting. Students learn how to function as a team in a foreign culture, in an unfamiliar surrounding. They may have the opportunity to learn how to share the Gospel and give a sermon through an interpreter. These trips are financed by the students themselves.

The academic study includes modules such as Paul’s Instruction to Timothy and Lessons from Nehemiah. The course also covers teaching on pastoral care situations such as how to pray for the sick, how to officiate at weddings and funerals and how to deal with conflict in the church. Students learn how to teach a lesson from the pulpit and facilitate a discussion at a weekly discipleship course. Public speaking and pastoral care skills are exercised in these valuable training environments which are overseen by the Director and staff. These times of serving and leading help students discover their gifting and purpose and also prepare them for their second year mission trip which is a large part of the 2nd year programme. The mission trip is a highlight of the 2nd year for many. Ministry skills such as preaching, worship leading and serving the poor are put into practice on these trips.We also encourage students to continue ministering in their local church community and as far as possible partake of opportunities tailored to their ministry calling.

Missions & Outreaches

“Calling the Twelve to Him, He began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.� Mark 6:7

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit� Matthew 28:19 At CBC India we believe that you are on mission as soon as you step out of the house each morning. Being mission focused is a lifestyle that we strive to make part of our culture.We aim to fulfill the great commission of our Lord both locally and to the farthest nations throughout the world. The trip is an exciting opportunity to pour out in the ministry what was learnt in the Biblical Training Institute. Students begin to see themselves as ministers of the Gospel as they step out into new experiences and see the Kingdom of God released among them. The trip is a highlight for many as they learn how to communicate the Gospel in a different culture. Many discover their callings as they step out in faith to preach, pray for the sick, encourage and serve in practical ways. CBC India work’s with trusted contacts in the wider Christian community to facilitate missions all over the world.

Campus Life Life at CBC India is a rich environment of community, worship, prayer and outreach. Students and Staff form lasting friendships as they study and fellowship together. A day at CBC India begins with praise and devotion in an interactive worship space for all students and staff. Students are encouraged to lead this time and bring their own flavor of worship to the space. This environment provides great interaction between the year groups as they mentor and encourage each other. Between classes the break room is the hub of social activity in the college. Here lasting friendships are formed as stories are told and revelation is shared over tea and toast! Discipleship in the college doesn’t just happen in the classroom, but continues during the coffee breaks and in the worship space. There are often events held at the college which the students can be involved in. Fund-raisers and guest speakers also add to the community life of the college.

Our Sta The teachers and the staff are warm, loving and approachable to your every need. There are facilities made available for you to sit back and discuss your queries and concerns after college hours. All the staff were once a student of CBC and what better way is there for you to connect! Every moment spent at Charis is not just joyful but also is cherished.

Our Project


All that we have accomplished is what He has done for us! We did not limit God, just heard his gentle voice and simply obeyed. The magnitude and uncertainties of the work did not overwhelm us. Trusted Him whole heartedly and experienced His Presence, favour and provision throughout. It is encouraging to see lives being touched, set free and transformed as we went about doing our Father’s business and are humbled to see many more doors opening for us to reach out and impact lives for Christ. I am blessed to be a part of the Ministry and thank all those who have helped me to pursue my calling.

Helen Karkada - Project Co-ordinator West Zone

It has been tremendous blessing for me to work as a Project coordinator, North Zone-India. I have seen how people are hungry for the truth and how truth brings complete transformation in people’s life. I have witnessed the creativity of God, how He joins the dots and create a magnificent picture out of it, I can only express my joy by saying as John said in 3 John 4 "I have no greater Joy than to hear that my children walk in truth"

Sanjeet Pradhan - Project Co-ordinator North Zone

How do I Apply ? We are glad that you are looking forward to join the Charis family. We promise you nothing but the cordiality and love from God head to be with you and for you throughout your journey. A little information about our academic year that runs from July through April… We would expect your application as soon as possible or latest by the last week of May. Online applications: You may visit our website at http://charisbiblecollegeindia.org/c2016/online_registration.php Or Directly walk in at any of the given locations. If you’re a student from a state or place outside of the Campus location, you needn’t worry God had made a way for you. Although CBC does not have a hostel facility at the moment, there are different hostels available nearby the college. We can provide you the list of the hostels and you can contact them directly for advance booking according to your preferences

I N D I A Land & Building Project In India, we have ministry operations at four Locations at Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and New Delhi. Our students are from different parts of the country and we see many of them going back and ministering effectively. This helps us to take the good news to every state of this country. The response to get equipped at Charis Bible College is very encouraging and our current infrastructure and facilities does not allow us to expand our operations. Moreover, for those who give up work and study full time at CBC needs some support during their time at CBC. There are many who request for hostel or at least dormitory facility. We need to respond to this immediate need of decent infrastructure and decided to look for a place and a location. God is our lead, wisdom, light and source. Our team after all due diligence finalized a piece of property spread over 5 Acres in a suburb near Hyderabad. We have initiated the buying process. We are thankful to God for your partners for His provision is through you. We are excited about this project. This project will provide the necessary infrastructure for this ministry to operate the Bible College. This Project can draw people from all over the country and even from the neighbouring countries. This Project will provide subsidized housing facilities for deserving students who give their life for the purpose of Gospel. This Project has all the power and capacity to impact the nation of India and the surrounding regions with all goodness.


We’re currently located in four main cities in India. Chennai, India

Address: 72-D, Nandhini Mahal, 1st Floor, Velachery Main Road, Velachery, Chennai, TN-600042 Phone: (044) 4202 1820 Mobile: 0 89397 82818

Hyderabad, India 42-343/1/188, Near Flora Hotel, Maruthi Nagar, A S Rao Nagar, Hyderabad, TS-500040. Phone: (040) 4028 0718 Mobile: 0 96765 52450

Mumbai, India "Bethel" Plot No 305/E, Mith Cowky, Marve Road Ln, Near Girdhar Park, Malad W Mumbai, MH-400064 Phone: (022) 6060 1820

New Delhi, India Contact: Sanjeet Pradhan Mobile: 0 95605 91787 Email ID: sanjeethpradhan@awmcharis.com

Log on to: charisbiblecollegeindia.org

I n t er n at i o n a l Lo cat i o n s Charis Bible College has locations around the world offering the same, amazing biblical teaching in every school! NORTH AMERICA Toronto Mexico Belize Arizona Atlanta Charlotte, NC Chicago Ann Arbor, MI Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Beloit, WI Birmingham, AL Brookfield, WI

Central Valley,CA Cincinnati, Ohio Clermont, FL Fox River Valley, WI Gardner, MA Greenville, SC Indiana Indianapolis Kansas City Little Rico, AR Minneapolis, MN Oklahama City, OK Washington DC Colorado




Belfast, North Ireland Dewsbury, England Walsal, England

St Petersberg Naberezhyne, Chelny.


EUROPE Germany Netherland Hungary Netherland Poland Scotland Switzerland ARGENTINA

AFRICA Uganda Zimbabwe South Africa Cape Town Western Cape INDIA Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai

Contact Us Charis Bible College India, Hyderabad 42-343/1/188, Near Flora Hotel, Maruthi Nagar, A S Rao Nagar, Hyderabad - 500040

Email : info@awmindia.net

Toll Free Number : 1800 1038 528

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