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Youth Fellowship Report
from Sample
Triennial Youth Fellowship Report 2019-2022
“Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you”
Ezekiel 16:60
Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am glad in presenting this triennial report for the year 2019 – 2022. I thank God Almighty for all the blessings and guidance provided through out last three years. The Church youth has done well in playing a main role during all the services. A special word of appreciation to the Youth committee for their efforts.
National Youth Conference 2019:
We have conducted National Youth Conference NYC – 2019 from 25th to 27th of October 2019 at CHAI training center which was a phenomenal success. The conference Sunday at CHAI training center on 27th October was well attended and the response was encouraging.
It was a great chance for all our youths from across the country to unite in the name of Christ, spend time together, build a fellowship, and bond with each other. The NYC journey was a huge challenge. There were concerns regarding finance, availability of volunteers, and many others. But God’s purpose has prevailed above all. I praise God Almighty for the blessing and guidance throughout our preparation and conducting of NYC. We were always encouraged by the words of Apostle St. Paul to the Philippians; “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
After a lot of deliberation and prayers, we narrowed down on ‘FAITH’ as the overarching theme for National Youth Conference. By considering the popular demand, we integrated it with one of the trending online games called ‘PUBG’ – Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds and titled the theme as “FUBG – Faith’s Unknown Battlegrounds”.
It was fortunate to be backed by an amazing and talented team who planned everything well and took care of each and everything. The sincerity and commitment were beyond expectations in spite of being less in number.
We would like to I extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped us throughout the preparation. Especially, I would like to extend my thanks to Rev. T.T. Santhosh for helping and guiding us all the time, and Rev. John K. Mathew and Rev. Biju Kunjummen for helping us in coordinating the event. A big thank you to our Church committee who helped us in all the possible ways. I also express my sincere gratitude to all the Achens and Youth secretaries and their team for their positive responses and help. I would like to thank each and every one of our Youth and National Youth Conference team, without whom this would not be possible, who worked restlessly for this day and night to make the event a success.
I praise our God Almighty, for His love, grace, and faithfulness, and divine providence in planning and conducting NYC.
Online Bible study:
meeting led by Mr. Nikil C. Jacob and Mr. Mino P. Mathew. It was a great success and average 10-15 people were joining every day for the meeting. It was a great opportunity to unite and learn the word of God even when we were not able to meet each other due to pandemic situation.
Online Bible quiz:
Youth have conducted online Bible Quiz every day during the Covid-19 lockdown time. It was also conducted through Zoom meeting.
Online Bible games:
Youth have conducted online Bible games every day during the Covid-19 lockdown time through Zoom meeting. It was a great time of joy and learning about God together through games. We had a great refreshing time in the difficult pandemic situation.
Account recovery:
Youth Fellowship account was moved to dormant status due to inactivity and was restored to active status because of the timely intervention by the Youth treasurer Mr. Mino P. Mathew.
Ebin Paulose Youth Fellowship Secretary
Receipts & Payment A/c For the Year Ended 31st March 2020 Receipts Rupees Payments Opening Bank Balance ₹ 89,892.76 National Youth Conferrance Expenses
SB Interest ₹ 3,102.00 Chai Center
FD Interest ₹ 2,048.00 Food-Catering
Auction Church Contributions from 9 churches ₹ 64,700.00 Sound System ₹ 115,000.00 Transport
₹ 82,500.00 Speaker Souviner Contribution ₹ 276,500.00 Bishop Ta Rupees Rupees
₹ 110,700.00 ₹ 144,000.00 ₹ 85,000.00 ₹ 38,000.00
₹ 10,000.00 ₹ 10,000.00
Donation ₹ 76,501.00 TA- Achen-Kottayam-2 ₹ 15,000.00 Tea & Snacks ₹ 8,159.00 Souviner Priniting ₹ 132,103.00
Stationery Meals expens Stay-6 Achens on Sunday night Auction Exp Printing,postal Closing Bank Balance Cash In Hand ₹ 13,962.00 ₹ 10,630.00 ₹ 4,000.00
₹ 16,410.00 ₹ 19,136.00 ₹ 617,100.00 ₹ 93,143.76 ₹ -
710,243.76 710,243.76
Receipts & Payment A/c For the Year Ended 31st March 2021 Receipts Rupees Payments Rupees Opening Bank Balance ₹ 93,143.76 Printer for Parsonage ₹ 11,564.00
SB Interest ₹ 2,840.00
FD Interest Donation ₹ 2,048.00 ₹ 11,564.00
109,595.76 Closing Bank Balance ₹ 98,031.76
Cash In Hand ₹ - 109,595.76
Receipts & Payment A/c For the Year Ended 31st March 2022 Receipts Rupees Opening Bank Balance ₹ 98,031.76 SB Interest ₹ 2,887.00 FD Interest ₹ 1,889.00 Payments Rupees
102,807.76 Closing Bank Balance ₹ 102,807.76 Cash In Hand ₹ - 102,807.76
Fixed Deposit held at Canara Bank, S.D. Road, bearing a/c number: 0845303000179/4 is valued at Rs. 33,000. This Fixed Deposit has matured on 26 September 2021.