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Sunday School Report

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Auditor’s Report

Auditor’s Report

Triennial Sunday School Report 2019-2022



Though hard to fathom, a microscopic virus ravaged through the entire world during the period of this report. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted normal religion in various ways, including the cancellation of congregation and Sunday school. As the Church turned around and responded to this challenge by virtual sessions, the Sunday School followed with the leadership of the motivation of the children, the Sunday school Superintendent, the true dedication of all the teachers. We moved forward with the firm belief that just as God instructed Moses and Aaron and the Israelite people in Egypt to mark their houses with the blood of the lamb so that the Lord will “pass over” their house, more so we will move forward in our faith growing stronger during the period of the pandemic.

Registered Sunday school student have ranged between 25 to 30 children during this tenure with an average of approximately 20 children being part of the online classes every Saturday. Children typically join the Sunday School when they are in their kindergarten (around 5 years) and continue with us till they are in their preteens (around 16-18 years). We are thankful to God for giving us as teachers this responsibility of contributing to the spiritual growth of these children. We continued to engage with children through a holistic program of faith-based break out classes, a system that has allowed us to provide age-based attention in various phases of development, focusing on nurturing our children as they were forced to stay indoors during the pandemic. Our focus continued to be on the development of children and motivating them towards a purpose driven God centered life.

World Sunday School Sunday

The first Sunday in November has been celebrated as World Sunday School Sunday. It is a matter of pride as our children take on roles related to the conduct of the main service. While the youngest group of children presented memory verses at the start of the service, the more senior children have shown their understanding of various roles and responsibilities of the order of worship. Our children have boldly shared the Word of God on all these occasions on relevant topics reaching to the congregation with the depth of knowledge in the subject. We are thankful to God for the wisdom showered on our children who shared the word – in 2020 Master Aaron Biju and in 2021 Master Nathaniel Saibal.

Sunday School Christmas Celebrations

Our Sunday School children kickstart the season for celebration each year during the tenure. Our children have joyfully participated in activities displaying their singing and acting talents. In keeping with the times, we conducted an online Christmas program in 2020 and a hybrid Christmas program in 2021 which had children participate both via online and offline platforms. We have had an overwhelming response from parents and volunteers who have helped immensely in decorating the stage, creating, and setting up props and also preparing the children. We are grateful to them for their contributions.

Sunday School Examinations

The Sunday school curriculum involves class time where students and teachers interact, involving in meditating on crucial topics relevant to the life phase that each of the students are at. As the pandemic hit, we switch swiftly to an online platform and continued our outreach to help the children continue on their faith path. Affirmation of understanding is sought by means of continuous feedback during the year and at the end of the year by formal

examinations. Younger children face oral examinations which include memory verses and classroom responses to questions asked by their teacher. As the age group matures, examinations are conducted similar to the exams conducted at their academic schools. The senior classes have discussion topics that need to be related to life lessons, Biblical theory, and philosophy, for which an open book system has been adopted with good success. The aim of these efforts is to create and add to the faith base of the children. Our children are continuously strengthened and encouraged to respond to life challenges they are encountered, through the Word.

Thank You and Gratitude

We would like to thank our Santhosh Achen, honorable members of the Church committee for all the support they have given the Sunday school during this tenure. We would also like to commend the parents and family of our children, volunteers for their wholehearted participation in events – preparing children and making these events a success. Also thank all the Sunday school Superintendent – Mrs. Lulu John and each of the teachers at the Sunday School for their selfless service to the betterment of the children. Most of all to all our children who have continued to surprise each and every one of us with their skills and capacity. We would like to thank all our teachers who managed a crucial and challenging period and selflessly devoted time to ensuring that children continued to grow in their wisdom of God. As the risks related to the pandemic recede, we are all excited to begin our in-person Sunday school at our blessed church.

May God Bless you all!

Aroop M Cherian September 2022

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