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Women’s Fellowship Report
from Sample
Women’s Fellowship Triennial Report for 2019-2022
On behalf of the Women’s Fellowship, I present this report thanking the Lord for His continuous blessings and guidance during the past three years’.
2019 – 2020
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”.
Thessalonians 5:18
The following members of the present committee were elected for a period of 3 years i.e., 2019-2022 in the General body meeting held on 11th August, 2019 after the Church service: -
Secretary – Mrs. Saramma Mohan Treasurer – Mrs. Rachel Babu Committee Members: Mrs Annamma Jacob Mrs. Annamma Oommen Mrs. Rosamma Mathew Mrs. Neena Saibal Mrs. Sonia Anilkumar Mrs. Sindhu Justus
We are grateful to our Achen Rev. T. T. Santhosh and Women’s Fellowship President Mrs. Leena Santhosh Kochamma for giving us their valuable guidance to conduct the activities effectively. The following programmes were conducted during the year: -
Women’s Fellowship Sale
The Annual sale was conducted 8th September 2019 after the Church service. The sale started with a prayer by our Achen. We thank the support of our Achen, Kochamma, for the cooperation of our Church members and the sincere work of the Women’s Fellowship committee members. Our members brought different items for the sale like, Appam, Chicken stew, Kappa and Fish curry, Fried rice, Chicken curry, and other homemade items. Rs. 44,225 were collected from the sale proceeds and Rs. 21,700 were collected in the form of donations. The expense of the sale was Rs. 7,180. I wish to express my sincere thanks to all for their cooperation and support.
Retreat was conducted on 2nd October 2019 in our Church. About 42people attended the retreat. The retreat started with a prayer by our Achen. Mrs. Leena Santhosh Kochamma welcomed the guest speaker, Achen and all the members who attended the retreat. Rev. Zacharia Alexander from Ascension Marthoma Church conducted an excellent Bible Study based on 15 important Women from the Bible including his own testimony. It was informative and interesting. Tea and snacks were served during the interval. Lunch prepared by the Women’s Fellowship members was served to all the participants. The retreat concluded with a prayer by Mrs. Rachel Issac and vote of thanks by Mrs. Saramma Mohan.
Ecumenical Women’s Fellowship Retreat
which was held at Ascension Marthoma Church, Hyderabad on 28th September 2019. Achen from Henry Martin Institute was the guest speaker. The members of Marthoma, CSI, and Jacobite Women’s Fellowship attended the retreat.
South Zone Women’s Fellowship Conference
The South Zone conference was held at Impact International Coimbatore from 7th to 9th February under the leadership of Dr. Susan Thomas Kochamma. The conference was sponsored by All Saints CSI Church Coimbatore. The theme of the conference was “Encourage, Empower and Ensure”. Dr. Mrs. Laila Vijayan and Mrs. Athulya Sam took the Bible study based on the theme. Delegates from Chennai, Bengaluru, Parkal Mission, Mysore Mission and Kerala also attended the conference. Eight members attended the conference from Hyderabad. Our Women’s Fellowship members presented a beautiful skit. We thank Mr. Babu P John and Mr. Ebin Paulose for preparing the voice track.
Women’s Fellowship Sunday
The Women’s Fellowship Day was celebrated on 1-3-2020 at our chapel. The worship service was attended by a large number of our members. The Women’s Fellowship members participated in the service such as reading Bible lessons, Intercessory prayer etc. Mrs. Jyothi Sara Koshy gave an inspiring message. The theme of the message was “Women as Change makers”. The cover offertory on the Women’s Fellowship Sunday was Rs. 28,400 and the Church offertory on that day was Rs. 6,600. After the worship service bread, stew and cake were served to all the members.
Women’s Fellowship provided tea and cake for the members who attended the Watch night service on 31st December.
A few members from the Women’s Fellowship visited the elderly members of our Church in the month of February 2020.
Social Work
As part of our social work an amount of Rs.20,000 was collected and donated to the wives of the Evangelist of the Parkal Mission. We raised an amount of Rs. 20,000 for the Christmas Utsav through sale of donation tickets given by Dr. Mrs. Susan Thomas Kochamma.
Buttermilk was served to all the members after the Sunday worship service during the month of April and May. We thank all the sponsors. We distributed the collection boxes to the Women’s Fellowship members. We received an amount of Rs.13,035 from the Collection boxes. Those who did not receive the boxes paid cash.
“Hitherto has the Lord helped us.” 1 Samuel 7: 21
By the grace of God, we were able to conduct the Women’s Fellowship activities under the leadership of our Achen Rev. T.T. Santhosh and Leena Kochamma despite the pandemic season.
During the year regular Bible study was conducted by our Achen Rev. T.T. Santhosh on every Sunday via the Zoom platform. It was a great blessing to everyone who attended. It gave us the opportunity to read and study the Bible regularly. Our sincere thanks for Achen’s effort.
We were able to conduct the Women’s Fellowship retreat on 2nd October 2020 at 2 PM via the Zoom platform. The retreat started with a prayer by Mrs. Molly Paulose. The singing session was led by Mr. Vipin Jacob and Mrs. Lacitha Vipin. Rev. Jose Abraham from Neredmet Marthoma Church was the guest speaker. Our Kochamma, Mrs. Leena Santhosh welcomed Jose Achen and Santhosh Achen and all the members who participated in the retreat. Jose Achen gave an inspiring message from the book of 1 King 17. He taught us how a believer should face the uncertainties of life during the pandemic season. About 31 members attended the Zoom meeting. I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Vipin Jacob for leading the singing session. I would also like to thank Mr. Koshy P. Thomas for his help in facilitating the Zoom meeting and all those who participated in the retreat. Women’s Fellowship Secretary, Mrs. Saramma Mohan gave the vote of thanks. The retreat concluded with a prayer by our Achen.
Women’s Fellowship Sunday was conducted on 7th March 2021. About 50 members attended the Church service. Mrs. Regy Thomas gave a thought-provoking message. Dr. Mrs. Pushpa Cherian sponsored tea and snacks for all the members. The collection received through cover and offertory amounted to Rs. 25,580.
We could not conduct the last year Annual sale of the Women’s Fellowship due to the pandemic season. So, we conducted the sale after the Church service on Women’s Fellowship Sunday itself. Our Women’s Fellowship members brought different home-made food items and it was auctioned. I thank Mr. Babu Mathew for conducting the auction. A collection of Rs. 30,450 was received. I thank all the Women’s Fellowship members and the Church committee members for their cooperation and support on the Women’s Fellowship Day and the sale.
Mrs. Sindhu Justus and family have been transferred to Thiruvananthapuram in July 2020. She was a Women’s Fellowship committee member. The Women’s Fellowship committee along with Church committee gave a sendoff to their family via Zoom platform. We wish to thank their good services to the Church.
Social Work
An amount of Rs. 10,000 was donated towards the marriage expenses of a person in Kerala.
“Bless the Lord O my Soul and Forget not all His benefits”. Psalms 103:2
The Women’s Fellowship under the able guidance of our Achen and Kochamma could continue its activities in a highly effective manner.
Achen conducted the Bible study via Zoom platform in spite of his busy schedule during the past year. These Bible studies were extremely beneficial to one and all who attended the same.
The Women’s Fellowship retreat was conducted via the Zoom platform at 2:30 PM on 2nd October 2021. About 31 members attended the retreat. The retreat started with a prayer by Mrs. Chachyamma Philip. Psalms was read
by Mrs. Alice Cherian. The singing session was led by Mr. Vipin Jacob and Mrs. Lacitha Vipin. Mr. Ajay Ratnasagar from Kerala was the guest speaker. Our Kochamma, Mrs Leena Santhosh welcomed the guest speaker, Santhosh Achen and all the members who participated in the retreat. Mrs. Jyothi Sara Koshy led the Intercessory prayer. Mr. Ajay Ratnasagar preached about the Women empowerment and that we should have a change in our lives. I would like to thank our Achen and Kochamma for arranging the retreat. I thank Mr. & Mrs. Vipin Jacob for leading the singing session and all those who were assigned various roles. I would also like to thank Mr. Koshy P. Thomas for facilitating the Zoom meeting, Master Aaron Lesty Santhosh for designing the retreat poster and all the members who attended the retreat. Mrs. Saramma Mohan gave the vote of thanks. The retreat concluded with a prayer by our Achen Rev. T.T. Santhosh.
Women’s Fellowship Auction
Women’s Fellowship Auction was conducted on 12th September 2021 in our Church after the Church service. Our members brought different homemade food items. An amount of Rs.77,900 was received from the auction. Our special thanks to Mr. Cherian T. George for conducting the bidding. I thank our Achen, Kochamma and all the members who participated in the auction.
Women’s Fellowship Sunday
Women’s Fellowship Sunday was conducted on 6th March 2022. The worship service was attended by a sizeable number of members despite the pandemic period. Mrs. Prameela Suresh gave an inspiring message during the service. She spoke about the responsibilities of the women in the family. The members of the Women’s Fellowship took part in various roles of the service. Tea and snacks were served to all the members. The collection received through covers and offertory amounted to Rs. 29,980.
Once again, I wish to thank our Achen for his wholehearted support and cooperation. I extend my sincere thanks to Leena Kochamma for her leadership and active participation in all our activities. Our sincere thanks to the Church treasurer Mr. Rijith Edwin for helping us in managing our accounts. I would like to thank the committee members and the treasurer Mrs. Rachel Babu and all the Women’s Fellowship members for their cooperation in all the activities. I wish to express my thanks to the Pastorate committee, Youth Fellowship and all the members of our Congregation for the fullest cooperation. Let us praise Almighty God for His abundant blessings which we have received throughout the years’ and pray that His guidance be with us continuously.
Mrs. Saramma Mohan Secretary, Women’s Fellowship
Women’s Fellowship
Particulars Rupees Rupees
Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2019: Cash In Hand 8,669.00 Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 246,468.00 Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 602,933.62 858,070.62 Subscription 14,950.00 Women’s fellowship Day Cover Offertory 28,400.00 Women’s fellowship Day Offertory 6,600.00 35,000.00 Box Collection 7,635.00 Women’s Fellowship Sale Proceeds 44,225.00 Women’s Fellowship Sale - Donations 21,700.00 65,925.00 Interest on Savings Account 27,445.00
TOTAL 1,009,025.62
Women’s Fellowship
Particulars Rupees Rupees
Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2020: Cash In Hand 77,050.00 Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 246,468.00 Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 630,378.62 953,896.62 Subscription 15,600.00 Women’s fellowship Day Cover Offertory 25,580.00 Box Collection 10,900.00 Women’s Fellowship Sale Proceeds 28,600.00 Interest on Term Deposits 17,584.00 Interest on Savings Account 19,168.00
Particulars Gift to Guest Speaker on Women’s Fellowship Retreat Women’s Fellowship Sunday Expenses Women’s Fellowship Sale Expenses Women’s Fellowship Conference 2019 - 2020 -- Train Fares Farewell Gift Expenses incurred for Watchnight service - Snacks Expenses incurred for House Visits by Women’s Fellowship Members Contribution to Youth Conference Contribution to Charkari Mission Cumulative Rupees Rupees 3,000.00 2,420.00 7,180.00 16,929.00 1,100.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2020 : Cash In Hand 77,050.00 Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 246,468.00 Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 630,378.62 953,896.62 TOTAL 1,009,025.62
Particulars Contribution towards marriage Cumulative Rupees Rupees 10,000.00
TOTAL 1,071,328.62
Women’s Fellowship
Particulars Rupees Rupees
Opening Balance as on 1st April, 2021: Cash In Hand 147,730.00 Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 264,052.00 Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 649,546.62 1,061,328.62 Subscription 13,650.00 Women’s fellowship Day Cover Offertory 25,500.00 Women’s fellowship Day Offertory 4,480.00 29,980.00 Box Collection 13,900.00 Women’s Fellowship Auction 77,900.00 Interest on Term Deposits (Net off TDS) ** 31,319.00 Interest on Savings Account 20,001.00
TOTAL 1,248,078.62
** Interest on Term Deposits updated basis the value credited to the SB Account at the time of redemption
Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2021 : Cash In Hand 147,730.00 Cash in Term Deposit with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 264,052.00 Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 649,546.62 1,061,328.62 TOTAL 1,071,328.62
Particulars Gift to Guest Speaker on Women’s Fellowship Retreat Contribution to Medak Diocese Women’s Fellowship Sunday Expenses Contribution to Souvenir Bank Charges Paid to CMS Industrial School Advance paid for Procurement of Lift for New Church Cumulative Rupees Rupees 3,000.00 5,000.00 2,750.00 5,000.00 1,382.00 300,000.00 650,000.00
Closing Balance as on 31st Mar 2022 : Cash In Hand 63,780.00 Cash in Savings Account with Canara Bank, Marredpally, Secunderabad 217,166.62 280,946.62 TOTAL 1,248,078.62