Portfolio Joshua Michael 2021

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Joshua Michael

joshuam1921@gmail.com +62813 3375 0688 issuu.com/joshuamich


WELCOME Hello, This is a compilation of my works while I was a student until now. This work consists of several installation works, unit buildings and areas. There are also some competition works and my interest in art. Enjoy it!



Instalation Building Landscape

Conceptual Zoning Tectonica

Bentang Bayangaan



Bentuk awal

is a work of happening installation from students, who want to hold back the ego of motorcyclists who often break through traffic lights. through this work we want them to be more sensitive to their HATI NURANI

not a few accidents that occur on the highway due to ignoring traffic lights


cloth with a length of 20 meters and a human shoulder height of about 1.5 meters became the main material for this installation.

Therefore, BENTANG BAYANGAN here appears as a tangible manifestation of HATINURANI who continues to remind motorists and pedestrians to be careful.

From the view of the motorcyclist, you can see a stretch of white cloth with the shadow of the person inside guarding it. that’s the design language that want to achieve


Pangolintang Tectonica


Pangolintang is a Christmas installation project that shaped to be 1:1 size and displayed on the courtyard of Gedung Matahari Karawaci. Prototyping it to 1:5 was the first thing we did. to perform tests of shape, color, and assembly systems.

Then each hardened component will be assembled and connected using bolts. Then carried out the stage of smoothing the installation wall using sandpaper. The next step is coloring using iron dye, red for the outside and blue on the inside.

For the final assembly stage is to install a support iron to make it stand strong. Also the installation of spotlights for night situations.

then manufacture the same parts and start making them using original materials. Because it will be exhibited in an open area, a sturdy material is needed. The use of fibers and resins that are printed on kappa board paper is the order of the process. After drying, this material will harden and be sturdy.


Kembali Kepada Tanah Tectonica


a house design using natural soil as the basic material, as well as human manufacture, right?

The people of Jatiwangi, who mostly work as farmers, have a ritual to give thanks to the Almighty. The ritual was made so that God would bless the land they cultivate and the weather in the area.

Knowing this is actually very contrary to the function of the architect who actually destroys the environment by adding another mass in the area.

The use of the diction “back to the land” refers to the selection of materials in the building later. Where the soil is a material that can decompose easily with nature.

with that way, this house will not damage nature in terms of its decomposition after use. In addition, Jatiwangi is an area that processes clay materials well for the manufacture of tiles and bricks. 6

Soil Module

Soil House Module a house design using natural soil material as the basic material. Molding it with solid wood like a dome. The use of wood which also easily decomposes with soil helps in the pre-production stage for printing the soil before it dries.

Underground Garden Module The composition of this module consists of adobe soil piled at the bottom of the edge of the excavated earth pit. Then in the middle also made a wall of soil as a support for the roof. Then there are also glass support frames and glass as roofing material for this underground garden space

Canteen Module The canteen has a cool open concept. Using an environmentally friendly bamboo structure and original teak tile production to protect the users underneath.

Hall Module The building of the hall uses a mixture of fiber and resin as a shelter, due to the use of this material which is weather resistant but relatively lighter than some other materials of this scale.






What if our life always has beautiful thoughts in it? it was the start of the Concept creation from Euonia


Starting from our research on depression which has become a trend among adolescent adults aged 16 to 25 years, we found the fact that the main cause of depression is that they do not have a job (not yet stable).

The growing technology triggers them to continue to be able to control the technology before they are replaced by it. As a result, people who are left behind in technology are not easy to get a job so they are depressed because there is not enough income. This depression becomes something negative and reflects sadness in life. Just like a painting.

Visitors will be more interested when a painting is surreal or a painting that connects things such as dreams or fantasy with reality compared to a realist painting that reflects real everyday life so that visitors want to mourn each other. It is this nature that depression gives us that makes us want to have a surreal expression in this co-living. An expression that gives happiness from activities and a dream-like living environment. If happiness can be owned by everyone, then their thoughts become positive so that they can have beautiful thoughts.



Blok m Zoning



Our design concept stems from our interest in explore the sound layer around the Little Tokyo area. With so many kinds of activities happening around the area from morning to night causes the emergence of noise. This noise occurs due to all sound sources come from the same layer, namely at the ground level. We explored the Little Tokyo area from Panglima Polim Street up to Jalan Melawai 6 while recording whatever sounds are we can catch.

The points where the source of a sound type originates is the beginning of our design ideas. At each point given the range of a type of sound that can still be heard in the form of a pie chart. As a result, a new mass is formed that can be placed on the site (marked in red).

The new mass from the cutting site using a pie chart is extruded into a podium. After the mass podium was formed, several accents were given in the form of courtyard in the middle of the mass so that it doesn’t look too crowded.


The massing that is formed is arguably not too dominant in the site area, so the addition of a green area can help Martha Tiahahu Park function as the only green open space around the area. Due to the location factor of the area which is surrounded by transit functions, the development of the area can become a transit park. Therefore, by connecting the inner plaza with Martha Tiahahu Park, it can provide added value to the community area.



Co- Living Kungfu Conceptual Tectonica


Co-Living Kungfu is a rehabilitation center for school children who are affected by bullying. This is obtained from data that conveys the number of children in Indonesia who have problems with bullies at school

This is necessary so that the mental health of the successors of this nation can be maintained properly. But their health must be directly proportional to their courage to defend themselves.

Therefore, the purpose of making Co-Living kung fu is at the same time to train them in terms of courage and mentality. The purpose of combining kung fu coaches and bullied children is so that they can learn to defend themselves from bullies.

Then in the area of the built site there is a Buddhist monastery, which is good to be combined with the rehabilitation program in terms of mental healing for all of them.


The concepts in this program are divided into several orders. Following the division of five types of kung fu martial arts that follow the style of animal martial arts. This is because this type of martial arts is the oldest and most tenacious of several types of kung fu martial arts, so it will be suitable for the hebilitation program.

Some of the programs held here are Living Units which consist of bedrooms and bathrooms aimed at maintaining a private space. Then there is this multipurpose practice area which is expected to accommodate 100 people practicing, close to the dining room, and can be used for meditation. Then there is the kitchen. This place is made to normal size, due to the nature of serving each other that wants to run from taking turns to cooking. This dining place is also expected to accommodate 100 people at the same time, for the greatest momentum of togetherness and sharing moments. Then there are entertainment venues, this is expected to be an area that contains a lot of fun, hangout, karaoke and others. Then there is a place for lectures, one of the core places of co-living which has a teaching nature that is different from physical exercise. These lectures are divided into small classes to be intimate.


The division of the order also continued with the division of the building mass. Each Order has the six previously mentioned space programs. There is also a common area for outsiders who want to visit, namely an exhibition area, a restaurant, and a public park. There is also a meditation room and living room for Kung Fu masters in each order.

With Hindu-Buddhist teachings that are tiered to get to Nirvana, inspiring the overall shape of the building. For the shape of the building, it has a typology like the temple in Indonesia, namely Candi Borobudur in each of its orders. With a steel truss structure that branches like a tree, and supports the capsule living units above it.


The concept of Sharing Compromising, makes the whole building must be connected to each other in order to create harmony in the program. Not only on the outside that is unified, but on the inside of the building it is also well harmonized for each level.




Conceptual Tectonica

Silent Cabin: Metamorphosis Conceptual

Tectonica Building

In our perspective, meditation is akin to “metamorphosis”. We retreat into our minds and focus to attain a state of mental and emotional calmness, similar to how a caterpillar encloses itself into a cocoon before spreading its butterfly wings.

There are many paths to growth. Through adjustable wooden frame structures, light and shade is designed to tailor to individual preferences.

The hanging spruce cone-like structure blends in a forest of norway spruces, integrating our body and soul with nature in a harmonious synergy.


sebuah desain rumah menggunakan material tanah alami sebagai bahan dasarnnya. ma-

nusia di dalamnya menjadi sebuah pendukung untuk menopang instalasi kain sepanjang 20 meter ini. dibutuhkan sekitar 13 orang untuk menjalankan rangkaian happening instalation ini. manusia di dalamnya menjadi sebuah pendukung un

sebuah desain rumah menggunakan material tanah alami sebagai bahan dasarnnya. manusia di dalamnya menjadi sebuah pendukung untuk menopang instalasi kain sepanjang 20 meter ini. dibutuhkan sekitar 13 orang untuk menjalankan rangkaian happening instalation ini. manusia di dalamnya menjadi sebuah pendukung un



Digital Sketch

Monochrome Coloring

Sketch Project

My interest in art is figure sketching. Where in it I found some sense to be able to understand how an image can look real. How to make a real picture from creating shadows, from a beautiful blend of lines that are connected to each other.


That sensitivity also continues in terms of giving colors that collaborate on the skin, or other objects so that they look harmonious. A good brushing method is also needed to make this harmony more beautiful.


to Be Continued This is the last sheet of the compilation of designs that I have made from 2017 until now. Thank you to all of you who want to see it. I also thank my friends and family who helped me with all my projects from start to finish as best I could. God Bless Us! This portfolio will continue to the next volume.


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