Buddy Banquet Dossier

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Uniting food and the workplace in a fun, tasty and humourous solution to raise awareness and facilitate regular break culture.

The Situation

Through our research we have found that a lot of office workers are unaware of the benefits of taking regular breaks. Many think a single lunch break is all you need, however, studies have proven that the human brain will start to lose focus after working for long amounts of time. Our brain will become stressed and begin to have trouble thinking resulting in a decline in productivity, motivation and wellbeing.

Breaks from work don’t have to be long, just enough to distract our minds from our current task. Ideal Break schedules -57 mins of work, followed by a 17 mins break -90 mins of work, followed by a 20 mins break -25 mins of work, followed by a 5 mins break, after four sessions a 30 minute break. -Or for those with tight schedules two 15 minute breaks in the mid-morning and mid afternoon.

We want to create awareness of the needs and benefits of taking regular breaks, and create a platform that encourages and facilitates regular break taking in the office enviroment

The Big Idea

Buddy Banquet

Buddy Banquet is an organisation that provides a social cooking service that acts as a platform to familurised people with break culture and office team building.

Food brings us together. Our service will promote awareness around break taking by acting as an opportunity to bring co-workers together by participating in our social cooking event. With the guidance of our chefs, the participants will be able to gain confidence and knowledge on how easy and fast it is to prepare a meal in under 10 minutes. Participants will then have the opportunity to replicate this event in their own time or rebook our event as a weekly occurrence, thus creating and promoting a cycle of break culture as well as strengthening connectivity and moral in the office.

Our Audience

The Nervous Newcomer They are new to work and want to show off thier skills. They haven’t quite met all thier workmates or figured out the vibes of the office. They feel guilty about taking a break as they don’t want to be seen as slacking off or lazy in front of thier workmates. The Nervous Newcomer needs to feel welcome and safe to have a break during the day and given an easy oppertunity to connect with thier workmates.

The Workaholic They’ve been in this office a long time and have a lot of investment in thier current project. They work long nights and often skip all their breaks and just eat thier lunch at thier desk while they work. They have become too invested to realise the negative effect on thier body. The Workaholic needs to refamilurise themselves and be reminded of the importanceof taking a break.

The Boss The Boss is worried that their employees will become unhappy and uncomfortable without taking enough breaks. The Boss needs a complelling way to promote break culture and office connectivity.





Businesses are sent trial boxs, and a booklet. Or watch our motion graphic

Businesses sign up for the Buddy Banquet through on our website

The event is advertised throughout the office with posters.


Journey Map

“I’m worried my employees are feeling overworked, This looks like a way I could solve this”

“I feel guided and Informed about break culture and I am excited to bring this event to my employees”

“I am interested and intrigued by the prospect of food and knowledge”




The Buddy Banquet event takes place and employees work with our chefs to learn how to make easy quick meals.

Employees use leftover recipes to continue to make meals during their breaks.

The business regularly requests followup events, recipies, and partakes in the buddy banquet community.

“I am surprised how easy it is to make quick meals, I am more aware of my own break habits, and excitied seeing break culture emphasised in the office.”

“I am aware of and comfortable taking breaks in the office and confident in my own skills to create small meals during my break.”

“I feel connected with the buddy banquet community and my office and can’t wait to attend followup events.”

Engagement - The Event

Buddy Banquet The office employees will partake in a volunteer social cooking event. Cooks from our company visit work offices to educate employees about the benefits of break culture and showcase how quick and easy employees can make small meals during their breaks.

Food, recipes, and a friendly attitude will be supplied and participants will learn handy cooking tips, learning new recipes and will be encouraged to work in teams to show how you can make meals faster in pairs. At the end of the event, the participants will have a banquet of food for them all to eat and talk about together.

Take Notice - Take notice of your break schedule and how easy it is to make 10 minutes meals and take a break. Connect - Work with pro cooks and co-workers. Keep learning - learn about the event and learn how to cook 10 minute meals. Be active - participate in an office event.

Promotional - The Poster Offices will be supplied with promotional posters for the Buddy Banquet Event. These would be placed around the office for employees to see. The poster showcases the idea of the combination of food and the office space coming together in a lighthearted and humourous way. Employees would feel enticed and interested to join the event with free food and learning how to make meals.The poster also links to the website allowing the employees to learn more about the event and service in their own time. Take Notice - Take notice of our event and how it might be time for a break. Connect - Work with pro cooks and co-workers. Be active - Invites employees to participate in an office event.

Facilitation - Website The Website is where our participants will be able to join in and sign up to our services. There, the participants can sign up to our events with the ability to note down any dietary requirements. They can also subscribe to our catering service and fill in their details, including the delivery details, and how many meals per week, etc. A detailed explanation of what our services provide can also be found for anyone still unsure. Our website will further contain new recipes that participants can download, as well as a forum for sharing original or personalised recipes among the participants.

Take notice - Take notice of break culture in your office Keep Learning - learn about break culture and catering Give - Share new recipes to the website

Invision Link: https://invis.io/J9DZAIE5Y

Sustainable - Recipies The recipies are used during the event, and left at the office for the employees to use afterwards. On the back of the recipies will be tips about break culture alongside a call to action to create your own recipies and share them to our website or social media using #BuddyBanquet. This will promote a shared community around break culture centered around making quick meals during the work day.

Keep Learning - Learn new recipies Give - Share new recipies online. Be active - Actively cook meals and take breaks around the office. Connect - Cook in pairs with employees

Advertising - Motiongraphic Video is a powerful marketing tool, especially in the age of social media and short attention spans. Our motion graphic will visually communicate what our service is and what we offer in a way that is short and easy to understand. The video medium will allow it to be marketed digitally in areas such as social media. The goal of our motion graphic and brochure is to engage and inform viewers and lead them onto our website. To get our name out there we would also offer several first time free events. Take Notice - Notice the issue of break culture. Keep Learning - Learn about the benifits of breaks and catering.

Scene from the Buddy Banquet Motiongraphic

A printed brochure will also focus more on traditional ways of advertising.

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