We were out in the garden tending our crops when right past me a grasshopper hops he waved his feeler as he passed me by, on his way home under the fine sunny sky.
We picked all the fruit That was ripe on the trees, Then checked all the veges And ate the fresh peas A spider, it scurried Away from my hand, As well as a beetle They all loved our land. Our garden was _____ They lived and explored But by the end of summer They needed shelter and warmth
We built a hotel With a roof and some floors Filled with all manner Of recycling, galore. Pipes and bamboo Laid next to some straw Dried leaves and sticks Chapped branches and cardboard.
Surrounding the edge Of the bug hilton hotel We planted sweet flowers And some herbs so swell. Plenty of plants With flowers of blue For the bees to find In the spring when they flew.
We cleaned up our garden And composted some waste Put our tools in the shed As winter came with haste Then inside we went For the winter so cold But out came insects Through mint and marigold
One by one They checked into The bug hilton hotel, So fancy and blue Then scribbily scrabbily, Hibbily happily They all hunted For the perfect homes.
A flower pot, broken Suited spiders and snails They set up their space To survive the rain and gales Then scribbily scrabbily, Hibbily happily They all hunted For the perfect homes.
Logs drilled with holes Suited bright ladybugs, Other wee beetles liked Twigs from a shrub Then scribbily scrabbily, Hibbily happily They all hunted For the perfect homes.
Slats and a shoebox Held down with a stone Was the perfect place For a butterfly home Then scribbily scrabbily, Hibbily happily They all hunted For the perfect homes.
Pinecones and leaves Bundled in with some twigs Were earwig’s and woodlice’s Favorite digs Then scribbily scrabbily, Hibbily happily They all hunted For the perfect homes.
Corrugated cardboard Rolled up nice and tight Was home to the lacewings All green and bright Then scribbily scrabbily, Hibbily happily They all hunted For the perfect homes.
Sniffily snuffily Some new guest arrived A prickly fellow Along with his bride Under the hotel they made their way To a perfect home On their wedding day They found a warm box Filled with straw and some leaves, The perfect place for a hedgehog family to lease
And last but not least Came some guests all a-rush To find somewhere warm In this hotel, so plush. Cockroaches, they scrambled Around the hotel Looking for somewhere, To call their own They tried every level They looked in to see Where they could live And stay happily
But nowhere they looked Had room for their crew, They searched and they peered Into every room Down all the levels They went so sadly Chased out of a space By a mean, nasty bee
They travelled to the basement To find stacks of wood at the base, They found places to hide, There was so much space They ran all around Excited to find Lots of great places For cockroaches to hide
Nearby there sat A box filled with straw So they climbed into see… It was an empty old drawer Over they went And down they fell, Then “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” They all loudly yelled
Curled up in the box Asleep in the leaves Were the hedgehog couple Not at all, were they pleased They stirred and they snuffled Still Half asleep Opening their eyes To take a wee peep Intruders had come To their warm winter home Mr hedgehog got up With a great grumpy groan
The cockroaches took One look at their foe They scribbled and scrambled To get away, let’s go! They ran and they clambered To get back to their space They wriggled and jiggled They were running a race Back at the wood They decided to stay, They found it quite perfect To pass the winter away
Now peace and quiet Came to the bug hilton hotel Each insect had found A perfect place to dwell
Winter passed by And the temperatures rose. So out came the guests From the bug hilton hotel They scribbled and scrambled To get out in the sun All dibbily dabbily Looking for fun Then busily, buzzily Out came the bees And saw the blue flowers And flew straight to them pleased
Out came the insects One by one Out to the garden Spring has finally sprung With winter dismissed They were happy to find The garden was open It was business time Every insect Both friendly and pest Headed right to a plant for their spring breakfast