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Workshops Demo’s Speakers

craft is powerful We want to show the depth and breadth of the crafting community. Anything you want—clothing, jewelry, art, music—you can probably get from a real live person here in your own town. And buying handmade, one-ofa-kind goods from your neighbor kicks the ass of buying mass-produced, slave-made corporate stuff.

craft is personal To know that something was made by hand, by someone who cares that you like it, makes that object much more enjoyable. And it makes you feel less lonely when you realize that you know the name of the person who made the bar of soap you use, the earrings you wore when you met that special someone, or the scarf that kept you from freezing while you waited for the train.

craft is political We’re not just trying to sell stuff. We’re trying to change the world. We want everyone to rethink corporate culture and consumerism.

craft is possible Everybody can create something—you don’t have to be an established business to make stuff. Make encourages new crafters by giving them a place to sell their work for the first time. We hold workshops to teach people how to make things. And we’re creating friendships and conections between crafters‹being a small business owner doesn’t mean you have to work in isolation.

History MAKE is a unique diy event held annually in Brooklyn, Chicago, Los Angeles & San Francisco. MAKE has gained a reputation over the last six years as being the biggest, best and the most well known diy craft fairs out there. Each individual fair draws hundreds of applicants and tens of thousands of shoppers from all over the country and abroad! You’ll find all sorts of cool handmade stuff; including plush items, jewelry, posters + prints, craft kits, clothing, stationery + more. MAKE is organized by Sue Daly, whose a crafter herself, and designs jewelry under the name Timber! Her husband Mat Daly makes all of the posters for the events, always being sure to include the beloved owl mascot! The inspiration for MAKE came when Sue wanted to take her jewelry-making hobby to the next level, and try selling her stuff at local art fairs. After looking into it a little, it quickly became apparent that there were no shows representing the diy craft community, which already had a huge presence online. So, with a childhood friend the MAKE was started and provided an exciting, fresh venue for artists and shoppers alike.




July 20th 10am ~ Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching 12pm ~ D eb Dormondy of If’n Books & Marks 2pm ~ S usan Daly founder of MAKE, as well as Timber 4pm ~ Sabrina Gschwandtner founder of KnitKnit

11am ~ Jenine Bressner of Jenine Bressner Fireworks 1pm ~ J W & Melissa Buchannan of The Little Friends Of Printmaking 3pm ~ A nnie Mohaupt Shoemaker of Mohop

11am ~ Bottle cap magnents with Emily Kircher 12pm ~ J ewelry with Jennifer Perkins of Naught Secretary Club 2pm ~ Dolls with Heidi Kenney, My Paper Crane




July 21St 10am ~ Susan Daly founder or MAKE & Timber 12pm ~ Alena Hennessy, Paint, Print & clothing maker 2pm ~ K ayhie Sever of Ramonster 4pm ~ Clarity Miller of Blackbird Fashion

11am ~ J ewelry with Christy Petterson of A Bardis 12pm ~ Knit something nice, with Knittya 2pm ~ Stuff with Jill Bliss of Blissen 6pm ~ Birds with Sarah Rara of Birds of Prey

11am ~ Whitney Lee of Made with Sweet Love 12pm ~ Jewelry with Jennifer Perkins of Naught Secretary Club 2pm ~ Dolls with Heidi Kenney, My Paper Crane

a schedule 10am









Nation July 20th & 21st 7pm Screening

Handmade Nation documents a movement of artist, crafters & designer that recognize a marriage between historical techniques, punk and DIY ethos while being influenced by traditonal handiwork, modern aesthetics, politics, feminism and art. Fueled by common thread of creating, Handmade Nation explores a burgeoning art community that is based on creativity determination and networking. In 2006 first time director Faythe Levine traveled to 15 cities, interviewed 80 individuals. Levin captured the virtually tight knit community that exisits through websites, blogs and online stores and connects to the greater public through independent boutiques, galleries and craft fairs. Interviews were also conducted in artist studios and homes of the freatured makers.

a donkey

Donkey Parts


Front of Body

Place the mane along the indicated position on Donkey’s body and sew along the dotted red line. (Sew about 3 mm in from neck)


Fold the ear pieces in half lengthwise and sew along the dotted red line.


Place the ears in their indicated position on the body and sew along the dotted red line. (Sew about 3 mm in)

(Stack ears together then sew) (Sew about 5 mm in from fold)

Front of Body

04 Glue together the 2 tail peices

insert tail between the 2 tuft panels

Glue together lightly and then stitch tail tuft


Place tail at the indicated position and se along the dotted red line.


Stack the other half of the body on top.


Make incsions to keep the fabric from snagging

(Sew about 3 mm in from butt)

Front of Body


With the ears, mane, and tail sandwiched between the two halves of the body, sew along dotted line




Turn right side out, stuff with cotton and sew shut Front Reverse Stuff with Cotton Handstitch Shut


Stack the two halves of the hooves together and sew along the dotted red line


Put on the donkeys hooves, and drape the saddle over Donkey Sew the saddle and hooves just enough so they dont slip of





Position the button eyes and sew them into place



Don’t forget to name your Donkey !

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