Josie Knapp Resume

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CONTACT 585. 545. 8559 j os i eknapp@ v t . edu

ABOUTME Iam anI nt er i orDes i gnSt udentwi t hapas s i onf ordes i gni ngs paces t hatcr eat emeani ngf ulex per i ences .Is t r i v et opr oducei nf l uent i al ,hi gh qual i t ydes i gns .

EDUCATI ON Vi r gi ni aTech2018-2022 B. S.i nI nt er i orDes i gn Mi nori nHous i ng GPA:3. 6|Dean’ sLi s tSpr i ng2019-Spr i ng2021

EXPERI ENCE /j os i eknapp 6812Gi l l i sRd,Vi ct orNY

SKI LLS Rev i t Ens cape Sket chUp AdobeSui t e MSSui t e HandRender i ng

COURSEWORK Mat er i al s&Met hods Cons t r uct i onDocument s Li ght i ngDes i gn Sus t ai nabi l i t yI s s uesi nHous i ng Hi s t or yofI nt er i orDes i gn

St udentDes i gner Communi t yDes i gnAs s i s t anceCent eratVi r gi ni aTech Oct ober2021-Pr es ent +Wor ki ngwi t hpr of es s i onaldes i gner sandl ands capear chi t ect ur e s t udent st ocr eat eacommuni t ycent eri nCr i t z ,VA

I nt er n Bas ker v i l l May2021-J ul y2021

+Cr eat eddes i gnsbas edonpr ompt s ,col l abor at edwi t hot her i nt er ns /empl oy ees ,pr es ent edpr oj ect s

Manager EgyptChi l lI ceCr eam Shop Apr i l2020-Augus t2021

+Madeempl oy ees chedul e,conduct eds uppl yor der s ,s er v ed cus t omer s ,s uper v i s edempl oy ees ,i nt er v i ewedpot ent i alempl oy ees

Ser v er /Hos t es s TRNoonan’ s May2015-Augus t2020 +Satcus t omer s ,s ol df oodanddr i nks ,ans wer edques t i onsabout menu,communi cat edwi t hot hers t af fmember s ,cl eaned

I NVOLVEMENT St udentmember|I DEAS( I nt er i orDes i gner sf orEducat i on andSus t ai nabi l i t y )

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