Tw audio 2012 nuevo

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Index 03-07 VERA36 Vertical-Array-Loudspeaker system 08-09 VERA S33 Vertical-Array-Subwoofer 10-11 TOURACK10 System amplifier 12-13 C15 Monitor 14-15 B18 Subwoofer 16-17 M10 Multifunctional loudspeaker 18-19 Accessories 20-23 Technical Data



Inner life of VERA36

05 03



Taking acoustics a step further ... It would be far too easy just to describe

VERA36 takes on the jobs that her little

You could describe the VERA36 as an

the VERA36 as the big sister of our

sister VERA10 prefers to step aside

extraordinarily compact VERtical Array

successful VERA10 system.

from, with large-scale events in touring

system, coupled with brilliant, crisp

But just like real sisters, the two do

business or for installations in large

speech intelligibility, tone quality and

halls and stadiums.

dynamics, and low-mid power you’ve

have something in common. Born of

only seen up to now in much bigger

the vision of redefining the boundaries

And all with familiar TW AUDiO qua-

systems. High-end sound at the FOH

of loudspeaker systems and creating

lity. With specially-designed speakers,

even standing 40 m away.

new dimensions for professional sound

technically state-of-the-art, in a CNC

equipment technology, they have both

manufactured, high-quality birch

been through many years of develop-

plywood enclousures, finished with

ment, construction and test phases.

a resilient polyurethane coating, all assembled and tested at our factory in

But sisters are different from each other


too. And sometimes those differences can be huge.


Assembly and test of prototypes. In the middle of the picture: the MHF-waveformer is arranged coaxially in the LMF-Horn.


... into new spheres of sound



Inner values that speak for themselves.

VERA36 fulfills these points quite

No fewer than six loudspeakers working

obvious, thanks to the three-point

in a chassis that’s just 70 cm wide and

fully-integrated rigging system we have

31 cm high. The central element is the

developed. Its innovative adjustment

mid-frequency horn, driven by two

mechanism with logarithmically devi-

8 inch cone loudspeakers. Coaxially

ded splay angles, guarantees optimal

between them is the mid-high soiund

array curving with precise aiming even

unit comprising two 1.4 inch com-

into the back rows of large locations.

pression drivers and newly-developed waveformer with 10 degree vertical

Whether you want to rig the array as a

coverage. In the horizontal plane there

caterpillar from the floor up, vertically

is the choice between 80 and 120

out from the case or dolly or ground

degree horn. The low-mid range is

stack it – every variant is possible for

complemented by two 10 inch long-

putting together up to 24 elements in

excursion LF-drivers. The remarkable

compliance with BGV C1 health and

thing is that below 400 Hz all four cone

safety regulations with especial ease.

speakers work together, providing impressive reserves of solid basic tone and punch. This means that the VERA36 doesn’t just hold its own even against some big double-twelve-inch systems... But it takes more than an impressive sound to make a modern speaker system a success. It needs to be simple and safe to handle and quick to build up and take down as well.


High-end speaker chassis and selected components on their way into the enclosures.

VERA S33 Pointing the way



Because of the system width of 70

This results in a much more solid,

But also classic L-R-stacks, horizontal

cm that’s been selected, the VERA36

tight and musical bass sound, espe-

rows in front of the stage and comple-

can of course be combined with the

cially in environments with difficult

te vertical bass arrays are possible.

VERA S30, B30 and even with BSX

acoustics. Also actors on the stage

Either stacked or flown.

subs in the ground stack without any

and neighbours behind the venue

problems. But we have gone one step

are beeing spared from too much low

Thanks to its compact dimensions

frequency energy. Many different sta-

and the characteristic TW AUDiO

cking variants are available with the

handles, the VERA S33 cardioid sub

further. VERA S33 – pointing the way, in the

VERA S33 of course. With the same

is simple and flexible to operate. As

true sense of the word. Its special

system width and the same rigging

expected. As always.

feature: an 18 inch chassis at the front

gear, the VERA S33 can be integrated

and a 15 inch chassis at the back.

inconspicuously into a VERA36 array.

Dual-channel control gives a forward directied bass radiation with a damping of up to 15 dB in the rear.


Setting system amplifiers with TW AUDiO‘s speaker and system presets before delivery.


Propulsion - all inclusive



Specially for our VERA36 system we

With the K-AES option, there can be

For tuning a system individual groups

have designed a new touring rack sys-

carried two AES3 signals (=4 digital

can be formed as needed. Than you

tem, the TOURACK10, mains power

audio channels) in the ethernet remote

can individually assign any amplifier

distribution and output patchpanel

cable. Once these audio signals have

channel into one or more groups.


been fed into the cable, they go to all

Finally you can set delays and gains

the amplifiers and can be individually

within these groups, as well as doing

Fitted with six pieces of our proven

picked up and routed from there. This

nearly unlimited filtering using raised

system amplifier, Powersoft K3DSP

means that laborious analogue signal

cosine equalizer. That‘s how you can

AESOP. With its channel output power

wiring and patches for all amp chan-

control complex sound systems with

of 2600 W at 4 Ohm and its 96 kHz /

nels are a thing of the past.

dozens of amplifier channels in the

24 bit Sharc DSP, the K3DSP amplifier

easiest way possible.

also drives our new VERA36 system.

But not only performance, reliability

Two K3DSP can in each case drive

and sound quality are crucial factors

And there‘s even more! You can track

either up to six VERA36 or up to six

for a system amplifier; especially for

voltages, currents, outputs and device

VERA S33 subs.

big, complex touring systems, compre-

temperatures with the History-Monitor.

The system is wired using Speakon

hensive remote control and monitoring

Speaker loads on all amplifier chan-

NL8 for the tops and NL4 for the subs.

of all amplifier channels are an elemen-

nels can be monitored at all times

tary must.

throughout the event using LiveImpedance.

With the Armonia software you have everything under control. Loudspeakerspecific DSP parameters are already set in our TW AUDiO presets.


Making of C15 enclosures in the wood shop. Smallest details are optimized by hand.

C15 A coaxial sound artist



The C15 is a coaxially constructed two-

So what about its “inner values”?

Multifunctional: also the C15 is

way monitor. In its low-profile housing

Its big, BEM-optimised mid-high fre-

equipped with our proven flying rails.

it fits perfectly into every optical envi-

quency horn is derived from the tried

Using aircargo doublestud fittings or

ronment – inconspicuous, elegant and

and trusted horn used in the M12 and

our specially developed swivel bracket,

beautifully matched. Putting the grille

M15. The nominal dispersion angle of

the C15 can be also used as a flown

on the outside doesn’t mean that we’ve

70 x 55 degrees can be turned by 90

top-speaker, any time. As usual with

changed the design of our speakers.

degrees if need be. The C15’s passive

us, no tools are needed for the bracket

Quite the opposite – we’re protecting

crossover combines the two ways in

mounting and there are no parts that

it. After all, a real monitor has to cope

an especially accurate, phase-coherent

can get lost. Goes without saying. And

with all sorts of stress on the stage,

way. And the low crossover frequency

off course, also a flange for mounting

even being stood on, but still be rock

makes the C15 sound even more direct

the C15 on a stand is directly integra-

solid and not fall over.

in the all-important vocal range. And

ted in the enclosure.

that, it should be noted, even on standard amps with no additional adjust-

No matter whether you use it as a

ments needed. Because of its coaxial

monitor or front speaker, the C15 is a

construction every sound comes from

high-performance loudspeaker that can

the exact centre of the C15. No matter

be optimally combined with all other

where you’re standing or how you’re

TW AUDiO products.

moving on the stage.


Qualifying training seminars and personal support ensure a proper handling of TW AUDiO products.


A desired child



The B18 is a real dream child. What

We knew from the start that our new

And the sound? For many years it was

started us off with developing the B18

B18 must be capable of full integrati-

thought that 18-inchers lack controlled

was all the things that our customers

on into our systems concept, from its

and defined impulse reproduction.

have been asking for a long time – and

compact dimensions to its light weight

But times have changed, and a lot has

now it’s here.

right through to the typical TW AUDiO

happened in chassis development. So

details, such as stacking feet and mat-

our new B18 sounds astoundingly tight

Of course the possibilities are endless

ching recesses, optimally-positioned

and yet deep. That makes it ideal, like

when you’re designing an 18“ bass

handles and the right accessories.

our 15 inch subs, as universal subwoo-

speaker. We rejected most designs

fer in conjunction with any of our tops.

from the get-go and gave a few others a

All this is what makes the B18 fit in

thorough testing in prototypes.

harmoniously as a true new member of

And what has emerged is the One, the

the TW AUDiO family of products.

very special One!


Mounting and final assembly. Our systems are only allowed to leave our factory after passing extensive tests.


The best of both worlds



M10 combines the advantages of M8

Tight spaces don’t bother M10, which

But what about an equivalent low-mid

with the power of M12.

inherits M8’s compact design and

punch? This is where the newly-deve-

Where an 8 inch speaker falls short

quartet of perfectly placed cable

loped 10 inch speaker comes into play.

because of its size or lack of direct


An extended voice coil and powerful

punch, M10 delivers. And where a 12

M10’s 75 x 50 degree mid-high horn,

neodymium magnet for extra long,

inch box’s footprint is too large but

which provides precise and tightly

linear excursion allow M10 to strike the

high output levels and low distortion

controlled radiation, finds its blueprint

perfect balance between those highs

is essential, M10 fills the gap. A main

in M12’s BEM-optimized model. The

and lows.

speaker combined with a passively

horn is rotatable by 90 degrees. There’s

or actively separated subwoofer, a

more. M12 was the benchmark for M10

The signal seperation for low and high

full-range speaker, a compact monitor

in terms of SPL and distortion. So M10

frequency drivers occurs thru the inte-

with power to spare. Barely visible, but

has a powerful 1.4 inch compression

grated passive crossover, as per usual.

amazingly audible.

driver that enables an extraordinary

Obviously phase coherent and with op-

low crossover frequency for best pos-

timized frequency response. Suitable to

sible directness. Certainly a stand-out

be driven by standard amplifiers, also

feature in this class of speaker.

without any dedicated controller. M10, the best of both worlds.


Accessories VERA36 + VERA S33




Rigging Frame for VERA36 / VERA S33, to hang combinations up to 900 kg based on BGV-C1, incl. shackle and three locking pins, can also be used as ground stacking frame with ORF900 / GSK36 / BLS33, dimensions 700 x 850 x 190 mm, weight 29 kg

Dolly to mount on B18 front, four 100 mm swivel castors, thereof two with brakes, two butterfly catches, two carrying handles, dimensions 600 x 500 x 170 mm, weight 9 kg

QDB18 Dolly to transport up to four B18 stacked on top of each other, stacking foot notches for locking, four swivel castors with brakes, four carrying handles, dimensions 800 x 600 x 150 mm, weight 9.6 kg

VERA LA900 Load-adapter with shackle and two locking pins to hang RF900 at two strings, dimensions 150 x 100 x 70 mm, weight 1.1 kg

CoverB18 VERA ORF900

Protective cover professional version made of black polyester with inner foam to cover B18, when mounted on FDB18.

Outrigger to use RF900 as ground frame, with four adjustable spindle feet for tilt resistant setup and hight compensation, weight 5 kg

VERA GSK36 Groundstack-Kit to ground stack VERA36 on RF900 / VERA S33, incl. two front-links with four locking pins, one rear adapter with two locking pins, weight 1 kg

M10 SBM10


Swivel bracket with grid mechanism for rotatable upright installation of M10 loudspeaker with HSF on stand / distance pole or with DHST directly on truss / pipe, dimensions 305 x 400 x 225 mm, weight 4.4 kg

Dolly to transport up to six VERA36 on top of each other, four 100 mm swivel castors with brakes, one carrying handle, connection via Rigging-mechanism, high-resistant PUR coating, dimensions 700 x 600 x 240 mm, weight 12 kg

CoverM10 VERA FDV36

Protective cover professional version made of black polyester with inner foam to cover M10

Dolly to mount on VERA36 front, four 100 mm swivel castors, thereof two with brakes, two carrying handles, high-resistant PUR coating, dimensions 700 x 310 x 160 mm, weight 6 kg

CaseM10 CoverV36

Flightcase for two M10, professional version made of black PVC laminated 9 mm birch plywood, high quality interior fittings, four 100 mm swivel castors, thereof two with brakes, six recessed sprung handles, dimensions 700 x 350 x 620 mm, weight 24 kg

Protective cover professional version made of black polyester with inner foam to cover VERA36, when mounted on FDV36

BLS33 Boxlink-set to connect VERA S33 one below the other and with RF900, consisting of four links, each with two pins, weight 1 kg

QDB30 Dolly to transport up to three VERA S33 stacked on top of each other, stacking foot notches for fixation, four swivel castors with brakes, four carrying handles, dimensions 800 x 700 x 150 mm, weight 9.6 kg

C15 CaseC15 Flightcase for two C15, professional version made of black PVC laminated 9 mm birch plywood, high quality interior fittings, four 100 mm swivel castors, thereof two with brakes, six recessed sprung handles, dimensions 825 x 600 x 600 mm, weight 36.5 kg

SBC15 SDS33 Dolly to mount on VERA S33 front or rear side, four 100 mm swivel castors, thereof two with brakes, two carrying handles, high-resistant PUR coating, dimensions 700 x 600 x 160 mm, weight 9 kg

CoverS33 Protective cover professional version made of black polyester with inner foam to cover VERA S33, when mounted on SDS33


Swivel bracket with grid mechanism for rotatable upright installation of C15 loudspeaker with HSF on stand / distance pole or with DHST directly on truss / pipe, dimensions 430 x 610 x 225 mm, weight 6,3 kg


Cable RACK10T


Rack 19” / 10 height units made of 9 mm birch plywood, high-resistant PUR coating, flexible front and rear steel rack rails, front cover with quickshut, rear cover with quick-lock, five recessed sprung handles, four 100 mm swivel castors, thereof two with brakes, dimensions 710 x 560 x 700 mm, weight 38 kg

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 0.5 m, incl. velcro strip



19” / 3 height units connection panel front-mounted assembly on a Rack10T, for the connection of up to six POWERSOFT K3DSP-AESOP, power input CEE 3 x 16 A, control light per phase, 1 x Schuko-service-connector, output 3 x SpeakOn NL8, 12x SpeakOn NL4, 280 mm depth, weight 8.2 kg

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 2.5 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK44-010 Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 1 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK44-050 Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 5 m, incl. velcro strip

Cable LSK44-100 LSK84-005 Loudspeaker cable 8 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL8, length 0.5 m

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 0,5 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK44-150 LSK84-100 Loudspeaker cable 8 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL8, length 10 m, incl. velcro strip

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 15 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK44-200 LSK84-150 Loudspeaker cable 8 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL8, length 15 m, incl. velcro strip

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 20 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK44-250 LSK84-200 Loudspeaker cable 8 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL8, length 20 m, incl. velcro strip

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 25 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK44-300 LSK84-250 Loudspeaker cable 8 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL8, length 25 m, incl. velcro strip

Loudspeaker cable 4 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL4, length 30 m, incl. velcro strip

LSK84-300 Loudspeaker cable 8 x 4 mm² assembled with Neutrik NL8, length 30 m, incl. velcro strip


Technical Data

Model VERA36 VERA S33


2 x 10“ LF / 2 x 8“ MF / 2 x 1.4“ HF

1 x 18“ front / 1 x 15“ rear

Frequency range

48 - 18000 Hz

33 - 120 Hz

Power capacity

1000 / 2000 W LF

2400 / 4800 W 18“

program / peak 10 ms

800 / 1600 W MF

2000 / 4000 W 15“

280 / 560 W HF Impedance

16 Ohm LF1

8 Ohm 18“

16 Ohm LF2

8 Ohm 15“

12 Ohm MF 16 Ohm HF Coverage (h x v)

80 ° oder 120° x 10°

cardioid / hypercardioid

Sensitivity 1 W / 1 m

98 dB LF

99 dB

106 dB MF 112 dB HF SPLmax peak / 1 m

141 dB

134 dB


2 Speakon NL8, quadamped

2 Speakon NL4, biamped

Pin1 = HF, Pin2 = MF, Pin3 = LF1, Pin4 = LF2

Pin1 = 15“, Pin2 = 18“

Dimensions (h x w x d)

310 x 700 x 560 mm

606 x 700 x 800 mm


35 kg

66 kg


Polyurea coating

Polyurea coating


RF900, LA900, ORF900, GSK36, DLV36, FDV36, CoverV36

RF900, LA900, ORF900, BLS33, SDS33, QDB30, CoverS33


RAL colors

RAL colors

VERA36 Dimensions

VERA S33 Dimensions














1 x 15" LF / 1 x 1.4" HF coaxial

1 x 10" LF / 1 x 1.4" HF

1 x 18“

Frequency range

55 - 17000 Hz

68 - 19000 Hz

32 - 160 Hz

Power capacity

800 / 1600 W

600 / 1200 W

2400 / 4800 W


8 Ohm

8 Ohm

8 Ohm

Coverage (h x v)

70° x 55° HF-Horn, rotable

75° x 50° HF-Horn, rotable

Sensitivity 1 W / 1 m

101 dB

97 dB

97 dB

SPLmax peak / 1 m

133 dB

128 dB

132 dB


3 Speakon NL4, Pin1 connected

4 Speakon NL4, Pin1 connected

2 Speakon NL4, Pin2 connected

Dimensions (h x w x d)

348 x 605 x 525 mm

505 x 300 x 280 mm

606 x 506 x 800 mm


23 kg

15 kg

38 kg


Warnex structure paint

Warnex structure paint

Warnex structure paint


SBC15, CaseC15

SBM10, CoverM10, CaseM10

FDB18, QDB18, CoverB18



left and right enclosures, RAL colours

RAL colours

program / peak 10 ms

RAL colours

C15 Dimensions

M10 Dimensions

B18 Dimensions


280 280







505 38°










Class-D technology with zero-latency, switchmode power supply with active powerfactorcorrection


Dual 24 Bit / 96 kHz, 127 dBA dynamic range, THD < 0.005 %

Operating modes

two channels or bridged


Dual 24 Bit / 96 kHz, 122 dBA dynamic range, THD < 0.003 %

Outout power EIAJ 1kHz / 1% THD

2 x 1400 W into 8 Ohm 2 x 2600 W into 4 Ohm 2 x 2800 W into 2 Ohm


8 MB RAM, 2 MB flash for presets


26, 29, 32 or 35 dB selectable


up to 4 sec on inputs, up to 32 msec on outputs

Frequency response

20 – 20000 Hz +/- 0.2 dB @ 1 W into 8 Ohm


16 per channel user definable as highpass, lowpass, peaking, highshelf, lowshelf, allpass, bandpass, bandstop

S/N ratio

> 112 dBA (20 – 20000 Hz)


highpass and lowpass per channel, definable slopes 6 – 48 dB / octave, Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley, FIR-linear-Phase, FIR-IIR-Hybrid

Crosstalk separation

> 72 dB @ 1 kHz


definable peak- and power-limiter per channel


< 0.5 % from 1 W up to full power typically < 0.05 %

Cable compensation

definable up to +/- 2 ohms (below 400 Hz)

Slew rate

50 V / us @ 8 Ohm load


via display on the device or via network and Powersoft Armonia Software

Mains voltage

95 – 265 V, 50 / 60 Hz 400 V tolerant


100 MBit Ethernet via 4 RJ45 ports, IP adressiing mode auto or static, up to 100 m CAT5e cable between two devices

Mains current

max. 8 – 16 A RMS adjustable

Digital audio

AES3 input switchable on XLR input Ch2, possibility to feed two AES3 signals into the network cable

Sampling rate

32 / 44,1 / 48 / 88,2 / 96 / 192 kHz

Mains connector

IEC 20 A

Input connectors

XLR NC3 symmetrical Pin2+

Output connectors

Speakon NL4 Pin1/2 paralleled

Dimensions (h x w x d)

19“ / 1 unit high / 360 mm deep


8.9 kg

All information without guarantee

Technical data and measurements are partially taken from preseries models. We reserve the right for changes without further notice.



Isobars Horizontal







TW AUDiO GmbH Osterholzallee 140-2 71636 Ludwigsburg - Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 71 41 - 48 89 89 0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 41 - 48 89 89 99 web: mail: Made in Germany

Simply Great Sound Make Great Sound Simple 02

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