Are you a book smarts

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ARE YOU A BOOK SMARTS OR A STREET SMARTS? By Marcelo Chacรณn. December 23th, 2017

Source: KBS2, School 2017, [Screen capture]


o you know what is the difference between being a book smarts and a street smarts. Both expressions are use them to describe someone sharp. But in two different ways.

Being smart in the real world it is not just to get a diploma or certification as many of us we might think. Also is how to know to live our life. That can include how we deal with the people, our feelings and unexpected situations in the world we live in. On that note, not always is necessary accomplish a formal education as they did some of the most success persons like Coco Channel, Steve Jobs and others.

Source: KBS2, School 2017, [Screen capture]

Then what exactly being a book smarts or a street smarts means? The first one describe someone who study a lot, who reads tons of books and knows everything in theory. As a street smart refer to somebody who knows how to deal with the world.

These characteristics are positive, but at the same time represent a disadvantage, if we focus on develop just one of them. For that reason is better if we have both or if we stablish a support network that help us to overcome our limitation, for example: imagine that you are a computer engineer in a meeting with important investors, but if you do not know how communicate an idea to convince them, it does not matter if you are a tech savvy, the result would be ineffective. On the other hand, if there are another person who knows how to build good relationships and take advantage of the opportunities, that person would help you a lot. According to what has been stated about, now you can answer if you are a book smarts, street smarts or both.

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