How to improve your english withput native speaker

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Source: You Tube Channel, English Accent, 2017, [Screen capture]


o you want to improve your English speaking skills, but hold a second, there is not someone to talk with. Even if you have internet connection at home, most often it is not possible to find someone patient, available to help you.

Source: You Tube Channel: Go! Billy Korean, 2018, [Screen capture]

Today we going to share with you a good tip suggested by Hyunwoo Sun, founder of the popular website and program Talk to me in Korea. Hyunwoo learnt English without travel abroad and he speaks like if he was a native speaker, according to a comment in an interview on a YouTube: channel Go! Billy Korean. “I felt like I was talking with another American during this interview”

The Hyunwoo´s tip to burst with his English was starting to record himself in video and then send them to his foreign friends and later receive a feedback from them and apply it to another video speaking practice.

Today is more easy, thanks to the social networks. But that is not possible for most of us, especially when you lack of confident or very understanding friends; while you are in a learning process full of a lot of mistakes. Whether, you can do it by yourself and let us tell us how: First, you need to choose a topic that make you feel comfortable like a personal experience, a movie or something that you interesting in. Second write down a script and memorized it. This allow you organize your ideas before speak. Third, record yourself in front of your computer. At the beginning you are going to feel awkward, but after practice over and over, you starting to fix your own mistakes until to get a decent result for you. When you are recording yourself, think that you are an actor and try to communicate emotions through your tone of voice. Finally, if you have friends living abroad ask them if they want to check it and give you tips that help you to improve by inbox or a video as well. Eventually, you getting improve your speaking skills, doing this at least once per week.

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