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AQUITAINE REGIONAL COUNCIL Innovative at heart Regional action priorities


Editorial Tomorrow's Aquitaine, our children's Aquitaine, is being built today.

Alain Rousset Chairman of the Aquitaine Regional Council


h, Tomorrow! Who may dare its realities to scan?" asked French poet Victor Hugo in 1835. We may be tempted to respond that while we cannot be sure of what the future holds, its foundations are being laid today. We make our own history. The schools that we build, the railway transport systems that we restore, the businesses that we help, the fight that we lead against global warming: all these actions stem from the conviction that the Aquitaine of tomorrow, our children's Aquitaine, is being built today. It will result from our current actions. For many years, Aquitaine counted on its prosperous farming and forestry activities, a preserved environment to attract tourists, and an industrial fabric influenced by military requirements. Such days are gone. If we want our region's voice to be heard in an influential France and a respected Europe, we must innovate, without compromising our conscience or sacrificing the community values that form the basis of any republic. For over fifteen years, the Regional Council's actions have been guided by a single philosophy: innovation. That is why our institution helps to modernise the businesses and set up the laboratories that hold the keys to the future, concentrates its efforts on the learning years of our children, and remains attentive to our population's quality of life. This brochure presents these actions. Our policy is proactive and coherent. The results of this policy over the years testify to its effectiveness.


Table of Contents 04

Aquitaine: land of convergence and influence

3 regional priorities

06 C hoosing innovation

Research and economic development to boost employment

10 Preparing for the future 11 Helping businesses to become more competitive

14 Supporting industry to create jobs


An ally for young people For a successful transition from education to employment

18 Providing living and study conditions that encourage success

20 Ensuring professional qualification opportunities for everyone

22 Paving the way to success for our young people


For a sustainable Aquitaine A supportive, well-balanced, and dynamic territory

26 Optimising our regional planning to ensure quality of life in Aquitaine

28 Preserving and enhancing our natural assets

30 Promoting Aquitaine in Europe and throughout the world

31 Facilitating access to culture and information for everyone


The Region's councils and committees

Aquitaine Region







Regional nature park Périgord Limousin



Au vé zè re






Lake Lacanau




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Lake Hourtin Carcans

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Lake Biscarosse and de Parentis Lake Anreilhan



Lake Cazaux and Sanguinet



Regional nature park Landes de Gascogne Gra




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Lake Soustons



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Waterways Motorway routes


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La Nive


Landes Forest in Gascony TO TARBES

Sand dunes along the coast


Vineyards in Bordeaux and Aquitaine Velodyssey - The Atlantic coast by bike

Pyrénées National Park


The prehistoric sites of the Vézère valley


Bordeaux, Port of the Moon




The Vauban Fortifications on the Gironde River

05 A leading region


in the world for viticulture and viniculture


region in France in terms of budget percentage invested in research and innovation


for cultivated forest in Europe


largest farming region in France


ranked region in terms of job and business creation


land of convergence and influence Aquitaine gets its name from the Latin word aqua, meaning water. This reference to water is evocative of both the past and present in Aquitaine: the converging rivers irrigate a fertile land whose wealth lies in its diversity. The Regional Council strives to enhance these assets, to ensure a bright future for Aquitaine.

The cradle of humanity

Aquitaine is France's third largest region in terms of its geographical area. It is a vast territory comprising 300km of coastline, the Pyrenees mountain range, the largest cultivated forest in Europe, and a history that reaches way back to the origins of mankind. The region may well be the cradle of humanity, with prehistoric sites in the Vézère valley, but it is also the place where the Early Modern Period began, marking the end of the Hundred Years' War and the Middle Ages. Such historic events illustrate Aquitaine's role as a starting point for major changes. Covers an area of 41,308 km2, or 7.6% of France 3,287,000 inhabitants 29,000 new arrivals each year 2,296 communes The urban community of Bordeaux: a European metropolis of 730,000 inhabitants 2 urban areas with over 200,000 residents: Bayonne and Pau GDP of €78.9 billion 1,309,000 jobs Source: Insee - 01/01/2012

A melting pot for innovation

Agriculture, forestry, aeronautics, laser, geoscience, composite materials: Aquitaine's natural assets combined with major investments in research and innovation have led to the development of a wide range of top-performing industries. Aquitaine is Europe's leading food-processing region, whose products are reputed for their quality and origin, but it is also developing one of the world's two most powerful lasers, capable of duplicating the energy inside stars.

It is also home to AEROCAMPUS Aquitaine, a unique international training centre dedicated to aeronautics maintenance. These are just a few examples that illustrate how innovation has become part of Aquitaine's DNA.

A European crossroads

Aquitaine is by nature a European territory, forming a crossroads between the North and the Iberian Peninsula, offering a gateway to Spain. This role will be further confirmed by the future LGV Sud Europe Atlantique high-speed railway line, which will put Bordeaux 2 hours and 15 minutes from Bilbao. The re-opening of the Pau-Canfranc railway will link Bordeaux to Saragossa, Europe's largest rail hub. A historic intersection on the Santiago de Compostella pilgrimage route, Aquitaine has also left its mark on European construction, notably with the creation of the Euroregion Aquitaine-Euskadi, in 2011. A new dimension that confirms that the future lies in Aquitaine.


Aquitaine Region

Close to

300,000 businesses






business projects backed each year by the Region


region in terms of budget percentage invested in research and innovation



leading industries Food-processing; space, aeronautics and defence; laser optics; forestry, wood and paper; health


national and international competitiveness clusters


regional or local business clusters


Choosing innovation Research and economic development to boost employment Research laboratories


+ Large groups

Businesses MSBs and SMEs

Training organisations

Skills development

s nes ive etit nies p m Co ompa c of + +

Technology transfer

Jobs + Int e exp rnati ans ona ion l +


or over fifteen years, the Region, which oversees Aquitaine's economic development, has been focussing on intelligence and innovation. Its regional economic strategy aims to accompany the transformations operating in traditional industries as well as the creation of the industrial sectors of the future, while taking into account major societal challenges, such as the transition to renewable energy sources and the ageing of the population. The Region has therefore designed an ecosystem of innovation based on the development of value chains, the creation of scientific centres of excellence, the construction of a high-performance technology network, and a policy to support dynamic cooperation between technology and industry. The Region provides practical, everyday support for industry and entrepreneurs: modernisation of production facilities, transfer of research know-how, joint projects, export development, employee training, and more. It is also promoting the creation of new supportive environmentally friendly production methods founded on the principles of solidarity.


Aquitaine Region


Preparing the future

Providing a solid scientific foundation for regional industries

The Aquitaine Region invests heavily in research. Over the past fifteen years, 10% of its budget has been dedicated to research, representing €100 million per year. This investment provides Aquitaine's researchers with scientific facilities that meet international standards and also helps to attract well-known international researchers to the region (Chairs of Excellence). Regional policy is guided by the commitment to provide each major economic sector in Aquitaine with top quality research facilities, in order to increase the competitiveness of economic players, create the jobs of the future, and eliminate the barriers between research and business. The Region's initiatives include support for major scientific facility projects in the fields of health, materials sciences, food-processing, and photonics: › ISVV (vine and wine science institute) › INRIA (IT and automatics research institute) › Neurocampus › IECB (European chemistry and biology institute) › IOA (optical institute) › PETawatt Aquitaine Laser (PETAL)

Mastering key technologies to anticipate changes in traditional industries

The ability to bring innovations to the market depends on a key link in the value chain: mature technology. Mature technology enables scientific breakthroughs to a product or industrial process at an advanced stage of development. It is an essential resource to accompany innovation in small and medium-sized businesses. It also helps traditional industries to evolve and gives Aquitaine a position within new, high added-value sectors. For a number of years, Aquitaine has been committed to an ambitious project to create a network of technology centres and made it available to business for the transfer and sharing of research knowledge. Laser ALPhANOV Technology Transfer Centre. › Applications: healthcare (imaging, surgery, etc.) and industry (processing and cutting of materials, etc.). Materials science, chemistry Technological Center for Advanced Materials and Composites in Aquitaine Region (CANOE). › Applications: renewable energy, energy storage.


Choosing innovation

Photonics: an industry of the future ● The Aquitaine Region is the

leading investor in photonics in France and Europe. Photonics is at the core of the digital revolution (augmented reality, 3D printing) and medical progress (imaging, instrumentation, radiation therapy); it offers a solution for major environmental issues (photovoltaic and thermal solar energy, smart lighting, etc.), ensuring its place as an industry of excellence for the 21st century.

Launched in October 2013, the IOA (Optical Institute of Aquitaine) has received €46.6 million in funding from the Region. The IOA hosts a major teaching centre, the IOGS (Optical Institute Graduate School), the Route des Lasers competitiveness cluster, and the Pyla training platform.

An innovation-friendly ecosystem ● The IRA, Aquitaine's regional incubator, supports new business

initiatives. IRA has offices in North Aquitaine and South Aquitaine.

● 6 technology parks bringing together an array of high-tech

activities: ›S cience and technology, biotechnology: Bordeaux, UNITEC (Gironde Department, Pessac). ›A gri-environment, healthcare and ecotechnology: Bordeaux, MONTESQUIEU (Gironde Department, Martillac). ›A eronautics, space, ecotechnology: Bordeaux TECHNOWEST (Gironde Department, Mérignac/Blanquefort). ›F ood-processing, sustainable development: AGROPOLE (Lotet-Garonne Department, Agen). ›S oftware technology, sport and leisure: IZARBEL (PyrénéesAtlantiques Department, Bidart). ›E nergy, environmental studies, geoscience, materials science, information and communication technologies, life sciences: HELIOPARC (Pyrénées-Atlantiques Department, Pau).

● ALPhANOV, a technology

transfer centre within the IOA, has received nearly €8 million in funding from the Region, leading to the creation of 10 technological start-ups in seven years.

● Business incubators: nearly 40 sites capable of hosting over

600 newly formed businesses.

Digital technology, electronics CATIE Aquitaine Centre for IT and Electronics. › Applications: optics, energy, information, environment, healthcare, etc. Sustainable building Nobatek Technology Resource Centre, innovation institute for sustainable renovation and building (INEF4). › Applications: technology, construction, sustainable development.

vative projects. In order to develop sustainable employment from the production of new knowledge, the Aquitaine Region has set up an ecosystem to help promote start-ups. This ecosystem consists of business incubators, technology clusters, seed capital funds, and more.

Examples of projects supported by the Aquitaine Développement Innovation agency's future-looking design department.

The dynamism of the regional policy and structuring of research into centres of excellence make the region an attractive location for scientific and technological activities, as evidenced by the recent openings of branches of INRIA and CEA Tech in the area.

Stimulating and getting value from creativity

Innovation is basically the ability to come up with new uses to make products and services for everyday use in tomorrow's world. On the basis of new knowledge and technologies, and with the help of the Aquitaine Développement Innovation agency and its future-looking design department, the Aquitaine region is also acting as a driving force to help local businesses design, deliver, and promote inno-




1. C OUTELLERIE NONTRONNAISE (24) Nontron knives, Christian Ghion (75). 2. EV TRONIC (33), charging station for electric vehicles, Félix et Associés. 3. ALKI (64), seating for gourmet restaurants, Jean-Louis Iratzoki.


Aquitaine Region


Helping businesses

to become more competitive The Region's actions include direct support to businesses, purposely focussed on improving overall economic, environmental and social competitiveness.


he Region's strong capabilities lie in renovating and restructuring production processes, training the unemployed to help them qualify for jobs, training and developing skills in employees, identifying high-potential businesses and coaching their growth, and facilitating the international reach of small- and medium-sized businesses. Projects selected for coaching must have concrete medium- and long-term economic effects in the region, including creation of jobs, turnover increase, and the development of local subcontracting firms.

Training and developing the skills of employees and jobseekers

Professional training is an essential key to employability, and the Region's action in this field involves a number of initiatives: ➜ An individual approach to adapt skills to specific needs, to improve work efficiency, and to promote re-training ➜ A territory-wide approach to address the realities and expectations of local businesses. The Region helps small- and mediumsized businesses with the strategic man-

agement of their workforce. Each year, the Region provides vocational training for 18,000 interns through its regional training programme. The leather craft and luxury industry includes a number of firms, particularly in Dordogne. The industry faces sustainability issues and problems in the transmission of know-how. The Region's response was to create a centre of excellence in the Thiviers Vocational High School in Dordogne to train workers in leather crafts and the production of luxury goods; it also provides an opportunity to develop synergy between the industry's different players.

Helping businesses at each stage of their development

With help from the Region, the famous shoemaker Repetto opened a training centre in 2012 to ensure the transmission and survival of its unique know-how.

Each year, the Aquitaine Region provides coaching to some 1,200 businesses, helping them at every stage of their development: creation, growth, innovation, and sales. The Region provides particular support for the development of medium-sized businesses. As innovators with international presence, medium-sized businesses represent one of Aquitaine's main levers of industrial development. The Regional Council would like to see more medium-sized businesses, which are larger than SMEs but smaller than large corporations, spread into Aquitaine. This business model is based on three pillars: investment, innovation, and globalisation. During this period of economic uncertainty, the Region is also


Choosing innovation

Developing the "factory of the future" in Aquitaine

The Regional Council has set up an ambitious action plan to bolster productivity in the Aquitaine industrial fabric. The plan aims to improve productivity by focusing on three levers: production facilities (modernisation, equipment, automation, integration of information and communications technologies), industrial organisation (quality and flexibility), employee training (versatility), and improvement of working conditions (ergonomics, safety, employee and manager commitment). The productivity plan will be accompanied by approximately ten joint research programmes to lay the foundations for the "factory of the future" in Aquitaine. The new industrial site of Éole by Turbomeca (Safran Group). A forerunner of the "factory of the future" in the aeronautics sector. The plant has already experienced a significant increase in productivity.

pursuing a proactive, "can-do" policy policy to support the consolidation of shareholder equity in local businesses. The Region has created a club for medium-sized businesses—the first of its kind in France—to provide support specifically adapted to this business model. Consolidating shareholder equity The Region offers a wide range of financial tools designed to consolidate shareholder equity at all stages of a business's life cycle: creation, growth, and transfer. The Aqui-Invest Joint Investment Fund was set up in 2009 by the Regional Council. The fund is 100% held by the Region, with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and will receive further backing in 2014 based on the interest shown by private investors and fledgling, innovative firms.

Supporting international commercial development

The regional policy for the expansion of Aquitaine's firms targets medium-sized businesses and companies that are just beginning to export their products.

Aquitaine in China China's first "Maison Sud Ouest France" opened in 2013 in Wuhan, in Hubei Province. It is a centre devoted to the promotion of certified produce from south-western France.

It proposes 340 different products for tasting and purchase, including wines and spirits, prepared foods, foie gras, and pâtés. As well as showcasing French products, the centre offers an innovative service to producers, providing them with simple, safe access to the Chinese market.

Promoting environmentally friendly production methods founded on the principles of solidarity

As a helping hand for the territories most vulnerable to economic change, the Regional Council strives to work on a grassroots level, maintaining a strong, dynamic, social dialogue with local partners, employer organisations, and trade unions. The Region also promotes the development of a social economy founded on the values of solidarity. Its new regional policy includes a framework for Aquitaine's version of a collaborative social economy. The parties involved (cooperatives, associations, and foundations) are socially innovative and are committed to the territory for the long term, providing many jobs that cannot be relocated elsewhere. ➜ 13% of private employment ➜ Over 110,000 businesses ➜ Over 117,000 employees

Since local development and the preservation of the living environment go hand in hand, the Region pursues a dual objective: point the way forward for traditional industries and help create new ones. This requires a general policy that favours cottage industries and small businesses, which receive support in the form of collective and individual assistance.

ottage industries: a key player in C Aquitaine More than 65,000 businesses More than 170,000 employees €10 billion in turnover (2011) +27% businesses over the past ten years As part of its strategy to support the transfer and taking over of businesses, the Regional Council provides specific coaching to cottage industry owners nearing retirement age who wish to sell their business.


Aquitaine Region



industries to create employment Aquitaine's attractiveness depends largely on the competitiveness of its industries. To promote their development, the Regional Council has adopted a proactive policy founded on a sound understanding of the business world and on bridging the gap between it and the vast fields of research and education. This synergy and cooperation are the driving force behind the creation of new projects and structuring industries of excellence, ensuring employment and labour qualification, and promoting competitiveness.


Aeronautics, Space, Defence

Dassault Aviation's Falcon 7X.

Competitiveness clusters and other business centres

The Regional Council's policies provide specific support for competitiveness clusters1 (Aerospace Valley, Route des Lasers, Xylofutur, Avenia, Agri Sud Ouest Innovation) and other highly dynamic clusters2 (Inno'vin, TIC Santé, Aetos, Creahd). Five of Aquitaine's competitiveness clusters have been certified by the government, and a total of 22 industrial sectors and business clusters are supported by the Region with a view to diversifying the local economy and employment opportunities. 1. Competitiveness clusters bring together businesses, research laboratories, and educational institutions to generate synergy and cooperation. 2. A cluster is a complementary group of businesses and institutions working in the same field in the same geographical area. Grouping together provides cluster members with competitive advantages.

Fast facts ➜ 1st European employment basin ➜ 40,000 jobs ➜ 680 specialised businesses ➜ €4 billion in turnover Large corporations Dassault Aviation, Safran, Turbomeca, EADS Composites Aquitaine, Messier Dowty, Sabena Technics, etc. Medium-sized businesses Potez, Lauak, Creuzet Aéronautique, Alcen, Exameca, Ingéliance, etc. Ecosystem Aerospace Valley competitiveness cluster › An international leader in space, aeronautics, and

embedded systems.

› Two future markets: drones (Aetos cluster) and aero-

nautical maintenance.

AEROCAMPUS: France's leading training cluster

The AEROCAMPUS aircraft maintenance training centre aims to meet the needs of Aquitaine's many aeronautical businesses. AEROCAMPUS offers a full range of educational opportunities, from entry-level courses to on-going professional training, from high-school diplomas to engineering degrees. Originally the only one of its kind in Europe, this initiative is now spreading to other regions in France and around the world.

Choosing innovation


Forestry/Wood Fast facts ➜ 1 million hectares of maritime pine forest ➜ Europe's largest cultivated forest ➜ €2.6 billion in turnover ➜ 34,000 jobs


Large corporations Smurfit Kappa, Gascogne, Egger Rol, etc.


Medium-sized businesses Thébault, Finsa, Biolandes, DRT, Rolpin, etc. Ecosystem Xylofuture competitiveness cluster

Regional knowledge and expertise in forest management and operation, construction, decoration, packaging, fibres, and green chemistry.


Health Fast facts ➜ 2,500 researchers ➜ 10,500 jobs and 500 companies

With nearly 65,000 employees and a turnover of €4.3 billion, Aquitaine is the world leader in viticulture and viniculture.

Large corporations Sanofi, Stéris, Merck Serono, etc. Fast facts ➜ World leader in viticulture and viniculture ➜ Top region in terms of agricultural quality and exports ➜ France's 2nd largest agricultural region ➜ Over 100,000 jobs ➜ Over 56,000 farms ➜ Over €10 billion in turnover

Medium-sized businesses Actéon Satelec, CEVA Santé Animale, Technoflex, etc. Ecosystem The Aquitaine region is home to cutting-edge information and communications technologies (ICT) applied to healthcare. ICT healthcare cluster › Structuring of a regional ecosystem of healthcare stakeholders › Development of innovative services and products for healthcare

Large corporations Lu France, Fromarsac, Sobeval, Euralis Gastronomie, Lactalis, Lindt and Sprungli, etc.

and medicine, applicable to in-home care › 30 companies, including 4 national leaders › 45% of national turnover.

Medium-sized businesses Martine Spécialités, Les Grands Chais de France, Baron Philippe de Rothschild, Labeyrie, Delpeyrat-Maisadour, Boncolac, etc. Ecosystem The Aquitaine Region has implemented a proactive policy to support new farmers, sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture, competitiveness, and innovation by food-processing companies. Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation competitiveness cluster › A common vision shared by the different

stakeholders in the food-processing chain (large companies, innovative small and medium-sized businesses, farmers, educational and research institutions, etc.).


Laser Optics Fast facts ➜ 600 researchers, engineers, and technicians ➜ 1,300 jobs ➜ 70 companies Large corporations Nexeya, Thalès, Photonis, etc. Medium-sized businesses Alcen, Lectra, etc. Ecosystem

Inno’vin cluster › A world leader with what it takes to anticipate

future issues, including sustainable viticulture, economic efficiency, and integration of new technologies.

Route des Lasers competitiveness cluster › A leading centre for the development and promotion of innova-

tive optical and laser technologies.

› Construction of an exceptionally powerful laser, the Petawatt

Aquitaine Laser (1 million billion watts).



Aquitaine Region


EMERGING ACTIVITIES The Region has identified new industries with strong potential for development, notably in the areas of digital technologies and renewable energy. These industries will make it possible to capitalise on the territory's resources and anticipate new markets in France and abroad.


Green Growth

Sustainable building



Fast facts ➜ 190,000 jobs (solar power, sustainable construction, wind energy, energy storage, green petroleum, geoscience)

Fast facts ➜ 2nd Region in terms of the number of HQE (environment certified) buildings ➜ 40 laboratories and 1,500 researchers ➜ 152 members of the CREAHd cluster

Large corporations Astrium, Saft, etc.

Large corporations Eiffage, Vinci, Lafarge, etc.

Medium-sized businesses Fonroche, Cap Ingelec, etc.

Medium-sized businesses Ouatéco, etc.



Avenia competitiveness cluster

Avenia competitiveness cluster CREAHd (construction, resources, environment, planning, and sustainable housing)

Preparing for the energy transition through sustainable use of the subsoil (responsible development of fossil fuels, geological storage, and industrial geothermics). Green Growth Club

Founded in 2011 by the Region, the Green Growth Club comprises around twenty company directors who are working together to create and promote new policies that encourage new green industries.

Fast facts ➜ €1 billion in turnover ➜ 23,000 jobs Large corporations Thalès, Agfa Healthcare, McKesson, etc. Medium-sized businessess Serma Technologies, Exakis, Cheops Technologies, etc.

An introduction to ecological transitions in the public works, civil engineering, and construction sectors. The Nobatek technological resource centre, a European leader in sustainable development and planning, is the main operator of the CREAHd competitiveness cluster.


Digital technologies

Ecosystem The digital economy represents a major challenge since its technologies and innovations are the basis for the industries and services of the future. Clusters

Aquinetic (freeware), Bordeaux Games (video games), Topos (satellite applications), Aetos (drones), Aquitaine Robotics, etc. Aquitaine's digital technologies centre and Cité Numérique project.

INTERCLUSTERING IN AQUITAINE: NEW EXPERIMENTAL TERRITORIES The Region is promoting interclustering to expand the scope of Aquitaine's clusters and skills. This approach aims to broaden areas of expertise, develop new interdisciplinary projects, and promote collective creativity. In the past year, some twenty projects have been developed by companies from different sectors. Examples include CERTIPOS, an Aquitaine technological platform for the integration of solar power systems into buildings, and VITIDRONES, a remote detection service for vineyards that uses drones.

Board sports Fast facts ➜ World's 3rd largest cluster ➜ 400 companies ➜ 3,500 jobs ➜ €1.7 billion in turnover Large corporations Quiksilver, Oxbow, O’Neil, Billabong, Volcom, etc. Ecosystem Eurosima cluster › A group of stakeholders from across the industry, whose mem-

bers range from multinational groups to cottage industries. The group works to promote and expand the sports sector in Aquitaine.


Given its skills and its familiarity with the industrial fabric, the Aquitaine Region is ideally placed to turn the circular economy into a driver of innovation and economic development. In this economy, waste and used products can be re-injected into the value-creation chain, and become genuine resources for industry, agriculture, or energy production.


Choosing innovation

Aquitaine's Industries

Isl e


Au vé zè re








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AGRI-FOOD INDUSTRY Martine spécialités, Sobeval, Lu France, Baron Philipe de Rotschild, Labeyrie, Delpeyrat-Maisadour, Aqualande, Lactalis, Maitre Prunille, Lindt et sprungli, 3A Boncolac…


AERONAUTICS, SPACE & DEFENCE Turboméca, Dassault Aviation, Heraklès, Potez Composites Aquitaine, Messier Dowty, Lauak, Safran Sabena Technics, Creuzet, Artzainak…


WOOD, PAPER & FURNITURE Smurfit Kappa, Tembec, Gascogne, Thébault, Finsa, Adam Egger Rol, PGS/Beynel, FP Bois, Lesbats Scieries d'Aquitaine…


on or

Ol d’

Pau de ve Ga

ve Ga

La Nive


CHEMICAL - EQUIPMENT Arkema, Toray, Saipol, Novasep, De Sangosse, DRT, Biolandes, Berkem, AEC Polymers, Axyal… HEALTH - PHARMACY BMS, Sanofi, Merck Serono, Stéris, Actéon, Unither, Ceva, Flamel Technologies, Implanet, Technoflex…


NEW ENERGIES Total, Drillstar, Air Liquide, Vermillon, Astrium …



Fruits and vegetables


Fattened ducks and geese





LASER OPTICS Alcen, Nexeya, Thalès, Photonis, Lectra, Exosun, Amplitude Systèmes, Eolite Systems, Edit Laser… WINTER SPORTS INDUSTRY Quiksilver, Rip Curl, Oxbow, O'Neill, Billabong,

ELECTRONIC - DIGITAL Thalès, Serma Technologies, Cheops Technologies, Cofidur, Exakis, Aquitem, 2Moro, Agfa Healthcare, McKesson, Sigems… SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION Egeris Construction, Atelier d'Agencement, Balineau…



high-school students

19,000 apprentices

113,200 students


public high schools

Aquitaine Region



on the Region's budget is spent on projects involving young people


families have received a total of €4.9 million in financial aid from the Coup d’Pouce scheme


positive energy high school in France: Lycée Václav Havel in Bègles (33)


professional career courses funded (apprenticeships, on-going professional training, education in healthcare and social work)


region in France for the construction of new student accommodation (3,900 units renovated since 2005)

€115 million of the Region's annual budget is dedicated to building and renovating high schools


An ally for young people A SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION FROM EDUCATION TO EMPLOYMENT Training for success

High-school students Higher education / Research

. in general and technical subjects . in professional subjects . in agricultural schools

High school construction, renovation, equipment

Construction, renovation, equipment, financial support

Regional apprenticeship map



Creating training opportunities that match the needs of companies and communities New chance

Professional training

Young people without qualifications


Life-long training



Housing, travel, food service, health, European and international mobility, personal growth


he future of our youth remains one of the Aquitaine Region's top priorities. The Region helps young people become independent and find employment, regardless of the path they

choose. The scope of its actions is vast: education, career guidance, apprenticeships, housing, healthcare, international mobility, transport, sports, culture, and citizenship. To accomplish its goals, Aquitaine invests in facilities (building and renovating secondary schools / high schools [in French: "lycĂŠes"], apprentice training centres [CFAs], and universities), provides financial aid for certain publics (grant schemes), and organises qualification and employment actions (by adjusting training opportunities to the needs of the territory).


Aquitaine Region



living and study conditions that encourage success The Aquitaine Region implements tools and assistance schemes to ensure that material conditions do not interfere with each young person’s path to self-sufficiency. These flanking measures come in the form of heavy investment in high schools, a general youth housing policy, transport grants, preventive healthcare, and support programmes for citizen initiatives.

Building the high school of the future

In order to offer excellent education opportunities and pave the way to employment, the Regional Council has devised a general policy for high schools: quality premises, area, layout, and facilities. An ethical, responsible policy has also resulted in the design of "smart", HQE-certified buildings. Accessibility (for all types of disabilities) is also a top priority for the Region. Since 2009, the Regional Council has spent nearly €40 million to ensure the accessibility of its high schools.

The Region implements an attractive pricing policy for train travel to ensure access to training and employment for all, no matter where they live: Modalis Jeune, Aquitaine student card, Sésame cards, Izy Pass.

rance's first positive energy high school F The Václav Havel high school in Bègles (Gironde Department) was inaugurated in September 2012. The high-school building uses zero fossil fuels and has a zero carbon footprint; it generates more energy than it consumes.

I mplementation of a digital workspace Implementation of Aquitaine's digital workspace, called Le@, is underway. By September 2014, all 154 high schools in Aquitaine will have access to the system. Via Le@, any member of the educational community with a computer and an internet connection will have secure access to a range of digital services, on-line courses, interactive exercises, and external digital resources.

Facilitating travel between home and place of study

Aquitaine: a leader in housing for young people

Although not directly responsible for housing, the Regional Council works to provide housing for all young people: high-school and university students, young people in training or on apprenticeship programmes. Aquitaine has subsidised the construction and renovation of housing for 3,900 students since 2005, making it France's number one region for new student accommodation. The Regional Council is also committed to renovating existing buildings and building new residences for high-school students. Since 1998, the Region has created new accommodation and renovated residences for 2,036 and 6,815 high-school students respectively. The Region also proposes innovative assistance schemes to help with rent guarantees, tenancy deposits, and alternative housing solutions. Aquitaine is a topranking region in terms of assistance provided to young tenants.


region in France for construction of new student housing

€20 million

invested by the Regional Council since 2005 to support and improve student housing

An ally for young people

ass Conduite P This programme targets Aquitaine's young population, aged 16 to 25, monitored by a Mission Locale (local youth employment office). It aims to simplify access to employment and to encourage independence by providing financial assistance to pay for driving lessons. oup d’Pouce Mobilité C For high-school students in a "rare" field of study that has a low-level presence in the territory, the Region offers financial aid towards the cost of transport between the home and the educational institution. id for apprentices A The Region's overall aid scheme also includes mileage-based compensation, calculated according to the distance travelled to reach the apprenticeship centre.

Providing access to healthcare

Healthcare is a fundamental right and good health is an essential factor in any educational or employment project. The Region implements specific healthcare programmes that include free check-ups, awareness campaigns, and free contraception initiatives.

Responsible cafeterias in high schools

19 million meals are served each year in Aquitaine's high schools. The Region adopts a responsible approach for its cafeterias in terms of facilities, quality, sustainable development, and equality. It was one of the first regions in France to serve high-quality, organic, local foods in its canteens.


The Václav Havel positive energy high school (Bègles, Gironde Department). The Region has an annual budget of €115 million for its renovation programme for the 154 high schools in Aquitaine.


Aquitaine Region



professional qualification opportunities for everyone The Aquitaine Region provides assistance to all of Aquitaine's young people, whether in high school, taking an apprenticeship, attending university or working. Aquitaine strives to encourage success while eliminating obstacles to employment. By encouraging perseverance and through its initiatives to reduce drop-out rates at school, the Region helps each individual to find the right professional career path and to obtain a qualification, the first step towards employment.

Prioritising youth employment

Skills training is a fundamental tool for developing employment. The Region works in many areas to provide young people with a training offer that is adapted to both individual requirements and the needs of local businesses and territories.

Technical high schools: exceptional modernisation efforts

From a two-year CAP diploma (Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle - Vocational Training Certificate) to a three-year technical Baccalaureate or even the higher BTS diploma (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur - Advanced Technician Certificate), Aquitaine's technical high schools prepare their students for the working world, ensuring they are well-equipped with practical know-how and expertise. ➜ 61 technical and agricultural high schools ➜ Over 27,000 high-school students ➜ Close to 80 specialised technical Baccalaureate courses, including administration, construction, artistic professions, hospitality, and foodprocessing

he first Franco-German technical T high school The Aquitaine Region, in partnership with the Bordeaux education authority,

has opened an innovative FrancoGerman technical high school in the AEROCAMPUS Cluster in Latresne (department 33). In September 2013, Flora-Tristan de Camblanes-et-Meynac opened a French-German class for its aircraft mechanics technical Baccalaureate programme. This new class is based on a non-language professional field taught in German and encourages student and teacher mobility between France and Germany.


The Region implements a strong apprenticeship policy, helping employers and apprentices alike by creating innovative teaching programmes and, with the collaboration of the local education authority and professional organisations, by developing apprenticeship opportunities to ensure a balanced training offer throughout the territory. ➜ 65 CFAs (Centres de Formation d'Apprentis - Apprentice Training Centres) and 150 sites throughout Aquitaine ➜ 379 training programmes ➜ Over 19,000 apprentices

Training in healthcare and social work

The Aquitaine Region is responsible for training programmes in the fields of healthcare and social work, giving it an important role in matters of healthcare policy.

8,000 students are currently taking healthcare and social work courses; 800 students have received free training under the Region's scholarship programme. ➜ 62 paramedical training institutions (6,600 students) ➜ 5 social work institutions (1,800 students) ➜ 1,375 nursing assistants and 50 childcare assistants have been fully trained for free, thanks to financial grants from the Region

Offering attractive higher education opportunities on an international scale

The attractiveness of Aquitaine's universities is due to the range of courses available, the training opportunities aimed at ensuring success for all, and the structuring of research fields to match the social and economic realities of the local territories. In particular, the Aquitaine Region focuses on improving career knowledge for students, to professionalise the training courses proposed and to modernise teaching methods that have been transformed by the digital revolution. To ensure student well-being, Aquitaine also contributes to the development of a quality student environment, with a strong focus on solidarity and civicmindedness.

An ally for young people


The Lycée de la Mer in Gujan-Mestras (Gironde Department) offers both general and technical courses, as well as numerous vocational streams relating to jobs in the maritime sector.

peration Campus: symbol of the excelO lence of Aquitaine's universities As part of the national Operation Campus programme, the Region supports the government's efforts to create a campus of excellence at Bordeaux's university sites in Aquitaine, an international showcase of France's expertise.

Training and career information and guidance

Career guidance is an essential link between education and employment, and is one of the Region's top priorities. The future regional public guidance service is currently being tested in Aquitaine.

quitaine Cap Métiers: a unique A organisation for student guidance Established in 2009, Aquitaine Cap

Métiers, an association for training, guidance, and employment, is an intake interface for industry professionals and students alike. The association has two objectives: > Inform young people about the realities of their chosen careers and their development perspectives; > Provide support for professionals working in training and guidance, as well as for businesses. In 2014, Aquitaine Cap Métiers will be moving into new premises in Pessac commune.

Coaching for youth from all walks of life

The Region provides assistance for young people seeking employment and those who have left school with no qualifications.

For these challenging cases, the Region has set up a "second chance" programme, providing a mentoring service to enable young people to obtain a job qualification.

quitaine Cap Nouvelles Chances A specifically targets young people under 26 with no qualification. Participants are selected by Missions Locales (local youth employment offices) to receive specific career guidance support, in an effort to offer them another chance to start a new life.

Regional qualification subsidies This scheme is available to job-seekers of all ages, subject to certain conditions, who have been out of school for at least a year. The programme's goal is to help job-seekers to find permanent jobs quickly, by enabling them to obtain a qualification or specialisation.


Aquitaine Region



young people to succeed Since 2001, the Region has implemented a number of programmes to offer the same chances of success to everyone. The Regional Council's educational policy is also intended to give young people a better understanding of societal challenges, help develop critical thinking through the appropriation of mass media, open up to others through European and international solidarity, enrich education with culture and sports, and impart a spirit of initiative.

Press centre run by high-school students. The Festival des Lycéens has been attended by over 45,000 high-school students and apprentices since its creation.

Offering a unique experience: the “Festival des Lycéens et Apprentis”

For fourteen years, this yearly, five-month-long festival for high-school students has been offering youth in Aquitaine opportunities to: ➜ Initiate, design, and build creative projects with the help of professionals; ➜ Find out more about areas that may ultimately lead to a professional career; ➜ Meet, enjoy interchange, talk things out.

Creating equal opportunities

The Regional Council's equal opportunities policy is intended to help overcome the obstacles faced by some young people and offer them freedom of choice with regards to their training.

Coup d’Pouce Pro Scolarité Mobilité The Coup d'Pouce programme comprises three grant packages for first year students in Aquitaine's high schools.

Sciences Po jeunes –Je le peux parce que je le veux (I can if I want to) This programme helps high-school students who live far from major cities or who are socially underprivileged to sit the Sciences Po Bordeaux entrance exam. Awareness campaigns and free prep courses are organised in the region's high schools.

OrdiLibre: a laptop-lending scheme This is another equal opportunities scheme implemented by the Aquitaine Region to help breach the digital divide between young people and to maximise access to ICT technologies. The scheme loans lap-tops to high-school students who have no personal computer at home. Since digital technologies have become a major part of teaching programmes, giving students access to computers outside the classroom helps to improve their chances of successfully completing their training.

Helping young people to discover Europe and the world

Learning a new language through immersion in a foreign country, gaining autonomy by living abroad, and taking an internship outside France: such experiences help young people to find jobs later on. Each year, the Region helps nearly 12,000 young people (high-school and university students, apprentices, young people in training programmes, and job-seekers) with their international projects.

An ally for young people

Supporting programmes that bolster autonomy

Artistic and cultural activities, and volunteer work play an essential role in the development of autonomy, socialisation, and responsibility. The Regional Council believes that it is vital to reduce inequalities and to strengthen the means available to enable all young people to carry their projects through and thereby enjoy all the benefits of this investment in terms of their own personal development.

Youth Initiatives The Aquitaine Region provides support for projects proposed by 16- to 25-year-olds, organised by an association. Projects may be related to the environment, culture, arts, science, international solidarity, journalism, or sports. Kiosque d’Aquitaine The goal of Kiosque d'Aquitaine is to increase regular media presence in schools by subsidising newspaper

subscriptions. The programme offers access to 18 national, regional or local newspapers to high-school students in over 110 institutions.

Humaquitaine Each year, Humaquitaine enables 300 young people suffering social and work-related difficulties and with no qualification to spend 28 months abroad on a humanitarian programme.

Sac Ados As part of its cross-cutting solidarity policy, "Temps Libres Solidaires en Aquitaine", and with the help of the Vacances Ouvertes association, the Region has created the Sac Ados Aquitaine programme. Sac Ados provides financial and educational support to Aquitaine youths aged 16 to 22 who lack the necessary financial and/or logistical support to organise their own holidays.


Percussion concert, Festival des LycĂŠens, Pau.

Find out more about Aquitaine's youth initiatives:


Aquitaine Region

High-speed train In 2017, the trip from Paris to Bordeaux will take 2 hours and 5 minutes


happiest region in France (IRB 2013)


largest airport in France


spa region in France


region for the European Ecolabel


most popular tourist region in France


€306 million investment by the Region


of the money spent by the Region is put towards sustainable development projects

€178 million of the overall regional train budget


of residents have access to broadband internet




of bike paths by 2015


local projects backed by the European Union (2007-2013)

For a sustainable Aquitaine


For a sustainable Aquitaine A cooperative, well-balanced, and dynamic territory

Regional train (TER) in TrĂŠmolat, Dordogne. More than 35,000 passengers ride Aquitaine's TER rail network every day.


n the Aquitaine Region, quality of life and the appeal of the territory are of primary importance. This is why the Region continues its development efforts to promote a sense of belonging throughout the territory, solidarity between geographical areas and generations, respect for the environment, natural habitats and resources and ultimately enabling all residents of Aquitaine to thrive and flourish. The Region's objectives are clear: develop regional transport, infrastructures, and digital technology, support local businesses, preserve biodiversity, adapt to climate change, provide access to culture, and promote dialogue on a European scale, alongside international solidarity. In 2014, the Region will adopt its new policy to assist territories experiencing difficulties.


Aquitaine Region


Regional passenger transport

LGV Sud Europe Atlantique to come into service in 2017





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Great South-western Railway Project

million passengers per year


LGV (high-speed line) - NEW LINE

under construction (to come into service in 2017)




For a sustainable Aquitaine


Better planning for better living in Aquitaine

To ensure quality of life, dynamic development, and equality between territories, Aquitaine must have a modern, efficient transport network and a strong regional policy that supports local development and balance between territories.

Aquitaine residents on the move

Social and economic impacts of the LGV high-speed railway projects in Aquitaine ● J obs

Building phase: 11,000 jobs, 250 permanent direct jobs, and many indirect jobs

● D eveloping Aquitaine's economic

assets 11 million hours saved each year for 17 million passengers › Stimulation of local economies, jobs, and competitiveness › Increased attraction for tourists

● Environment › Reduction of greenhouse gas

emissions ● F reight transport

Reduction in motorway traffic (by 2035, 3,000 fewer vehicles per day between Bordeaux and Spain)

● M obility of teaching and research


The Regional Council is investing heavily in infrastructure and service quality (comfort, accessibility, ticket discounts, etc.). Although not required to do so, it has even helped to restore railway tracks. In Aquitaine's Climate Plan, transport is listed as the main field in which the impact of human activities on the environment can be reduced. The regional transport and infrastructure policy as a whole aims to increase the share of goods and passengers that travel by rail and by sea (through the port of Bayonne), the two least polluting means of transport.

TER Aquitaine

The plan for developing the Aquitaine regional express train (TER) network aims to provide the people of Aquitaine with a transport offer that meets their daily travel needs. Beginning in 2014, the Region will invest €400 million in 22 new Régiolis and 24 Regio 2N trains to replace obsolete equipment. The Region is also investing heavily into modernising trains, train stations, and stops. ➜ 330 trains per day ➜ 157 TER Aquitaine stations and stops ➜ Over 35,000 daily passengers (a 68% increase over the last ten years) ➜ 11 TER line passenger committees

● Regional coach services The primary purpose of the regional bus transport network is to complement a n d l i n k w i t h ra i l n e t wo r k s a n d TER Aquitaine. The coach network comprises seven lines, serving 130 stops throughout the Aquitaine territory.

Special pricing policy The Regional Council has created an attractive regional pricing policy to develop access to regional public transport. Prices are specific to the Aquitaine Region and complementary to SNCF rates. > To see prices, visit (Transport section).

Facilitating travel The Region aims to facilitate travel by coordinating transfers between public transport networks (departmental coaches, urban networks, etc.), following the example of the Modalis multi-modal transit system. The Region is also involved in projects to build multi-modal transport hubs, information and service offices.

High-speed train (LGV)

The LGV high-speed train between Tours and Bordeaux will be commissioned in 2017. Aquitaine residents will be able to reach Paris in 2 hours and 5 minutes. The Region has invested €306 million in this major project. To extend the LGV, the south-western rail project concerns two future lines (Bordeaux to Spain and Bordeaux to Toulouse), linked by a joint section.


Aquitaine Region


The Regional Council took over the port of Bayonne in 2006. Ownership of the port is part of the Council's strategy to modernise Aquitaine's communications infrastructure, develop multi-modal transport hubs, and shift road traffic to sea and rail links.

For a sustainable Aquitaine

This project will mean that most cities in the south-west will be less than an hour apart. In 2024, travelling from Bordeaux to Toulouse will take half as long as it takes today. It will take less than an hour to travel from Bordeaux to Bayonne and less than thirty minutes from Agen to Mont-de-Marsan.

Building an international line : Bordeaux to Saragossa

Since 1998, the Regional Council has been working to renovate the cross-border railway from Pau to Canfranc, which closed in 1970. The Oloron-Bedous section has already been re-opened, and the ultimate goal is to restore the cross-border BordeauxSaragossa line completely.

Opening the way to the Atlantic

Since 2004, the Regional Council has been providing support for an ambitious 1,000km rolling highway project towards the Atlantic. The current road network is saturated with HGV vehicles. Starting in 2015, the rolling highway will allow 7% of traffic, representing 480 HGV vehicles per day, to switch from road to rail transport between the north and the south of France.

Region is co-financing projects to build multidisciplinary health centres. 60 health centres are already in operation in Aquitaine, and another 30 projects are in the pipeline.


Regional Councils are not responsible for solidarity initiatives in France, but the Aquitaine Region has chosen to bolster its solidarity actions in the face of on-going difficulties related to the social and economic climate. Current actions include initiatives to promote gender equality and to fight against discrimination.

Providing access to fundamental rights

The Aquitaine Region is a strong believer in equal access to services and fundamental rights. It occasionally steps in to make up for equipment shortfalls, take over local initiatives, and assist with relocations and innovative programmes.


The Regional Council wants to put its citizens at the heart of its healthcare programme. The Region is committed to reducing healthcare inequalities throughout its territory by innovating, creating new, more individual-based organisations, and promoting the sharing of expertise via telemedicine.

Multidisciplinary health centres In response to concerns expressed by healthcare professionals and residents of communities regarding the lack of medical care in rural areas and the needs of an ageing population, the

Urban policy

By renovating social housing, supporting Missions Locales, revitalising suburbs, modernising sports facilities, and supporting programmes that encourage social bonding, the Region's proactive strategies for urban planning and housing are part of an overall policy to support local development and territorial equality initiatives.

Developing an equitable territory

Aquitaine's contractual policy was thoroughly revised in 2000 to reorganise the region into so-called "pays" (groupings of local authorities) and urban communities and to coach them with their development projects. In 2013, Aquitaine was divided into over twenty of such groups and a dozen urban communities, including the city of Greater Bordeaux.

Aquitaine's commitment to increasing local employment (CADET) The CADET programme aims to help territories undergoing economic change to define a proactive plan to assist economic development, employment and training, and to improve the coordination of funding and resources for local organisations and authorities. CADET programmes are being tested in five territories undergoing economic change, including Oloron-Haut Béarn (Béarn), Bergeracois (Dordogne Department), Fumélois-Villeneuvois (Lot-et-Garonne Department), and Hagetmau (Landes Department). erritorial development and cohesion T plan In order to ensure cohesion and equality among its territories, from 2014 to 2020 the Aquitaine Region will focus on its less privileged territories. Specific programmes will be created as part of the future territorial development and cohesion plans. The territorial policy is based on two main strategic areas—economic development and territorial cohesion, and two transversal priorities—youth and engineering.


Environment and purchasing power: a win-win situation In conjunction with Aquitaine housing associations and thanks to European funding, the Region has participated in thermal renovation work on 5,400 social housing units over the past five years, leading to significant savings in heating costs for as many families.

Rising to the digital challenge

The transition into the digital age is not just a major economic challenge, it is also one of the territory's levers of development. The Aquitaine Region sees digital technology as a tool for industrialisation and social and environmental innovation: new opportunities for small and medium-sized rural towns, changes in commuter traffic as more people work from home, modernised teaching methods offering easier access to both knowledge and healthcare. ➜ 3G wireless internet available to 99% of the territory ➜ 89% of the population has access to broadband internet ➜ France's leading region in terms of digital cinema initiatives and support for shared working areas (third party premises)

Unprecedented push for ultra highspeed broadband The Aquitaine Region is launching a major public digital infrastructure initiative. The Region has united five departments, mostly organised into inter-community cooperative structures, to achieve its goal to have almost all of Aquitaine's territory covered by 2025.


Aquitaine Region



and preserving the territory's natural assets The Region is committed to protecting its biodiversity, creating programmes to keep skills within the territory, and supporting the development of green industries. Faced with the consequences of climate change in Aquitaine, the Region has undertaken a unique anticipatory initiative in order to optimise its future actions.

the environmental certification of farms. The objective is to help farmers to limit the impact of their activities on the surrounding environment. To date, 491 farms in Aquitaine have been AREA certified.

Supporting and developing the territory's activities Quality, sustainable agriculture: the Aquitaine model

Aquitaine's agricultural model is based on small and medium-sized farms, the transformation of grain and corn, and diversification of products known for their quality (fruit, vegetables, fattened ducks and geese, etc.). The Aquitaine Region supports sustainable agriculture, i.e. an economically viable, socially equitable method of farming that is safe for both humans and the environment. This agricultural model, which creates employment and remains ecologically friendly, enables fair occupation and enhancement of the natural environment. It also seems more resistant to the effects of globalisation. The Region has set up various programmes to support the development of quality, organic farming throughout Aquitaine. ➜ 1st region in France for the production of goods known for their quality and origin ➜ 5th region in France, with 2,161 organic farms

T he AREA programme (Environmentally Friendly Agriculture in Aquitaine) Another of the Region's initiatives, the exemplary AREA programme, has been approved by the French government as an official approach for

Short distribution channels and local produce The Aquitaine Regional Council has adopted a regional plan to promote short and proximity distribution channels and local produce. The plan supports the dual goals of sustainable development and territorial cohesion. Short and proximity distribution channels enable the diversification of sales opportunities and meet growing demands from consumers for locally grown, seasonal produce. he creation of energy-saving T greenhouses In recent years, there has been a growing trend for farmers to grow their fruit and vegetables in greenhouses (heated or chilled) in order to extend the productive season and to enable a significant reduction of inputs thanks to integrated production techniques. This opens up many opportunities for the Aquitaine Region, including the greenhouse production of strawberries and tomatoes using renewable energy. nergy production and diversification of E agricultural activities The diversification of farming activities to include the production of biomass for energy and ensure a circular economy (solar power, anaerobic digestion, etc.) represents a genuine opportunity for

Aquitaine's farmers. Such activities generate employment and promote sustainable agriculture. Consequently, initiatives in this area receive technical and financial backing from the Region.

Preserving resources over the long term Europe's largest cultivated forest

With 1.8 million hectares (44% of the region's territory), Aquitaine is France's foremost forested region and has the largest cultivated forest in Europe. As a carbon sink, a biodiversity reserve, a water regulator, and a source of employment, the forest and its related processing industry play a paramount environmental and economic role in Aquitaine, deserving the Region's support. Having suffered two major storms in less than ten years, the clear priority for the years to come is the restoration of Aquitaine's maritime pine tree forests. Industry players must also be encouraged to create more added value in order to get the most out of this ecological material and its many current and emerging uses (green construction, green chemistry, etc.).

Anticipating climate change

The Défi Aquitaine Climat initiative, which has spawned 69 actions and over 300 measures, takes the Region's environmental commitment even further.

For a sustainable Aquitaine


Pombie refuge, Pic du Midi d’Ossau. Providing almost 48,000 jobs, tourism is major contributor to the regional economy.

A group of climate change experts in Aquitaine The Regional Council has launched an initiative to bring together several researchers, led by Hervé Le Treut, climatologist and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to study the impacts of climate change in Aquitaine in 2030-2050 and how people and the environment will adapt. The study, the first of its kind to focus on a single region, provides essential insight to guide regional policy decisions and action plans.

The energy transition

The urgency imposed by climate change and the growing scarcity of traditional energy sources demand the immediate development of a sustainable, renewable energy model, based on sobriety and efficiency. The Region is committed to energy efficiency initiatives and the development of renewable energies: biomass, solar energy, biothermics, wind energy, and ocean energy.

Objective 2020: ➜ Energy efficiency: 30% increase compared to 2010 ➜ Proportion of consumption provided by renewable energy: 30% increase compared to 2010 ➜ Greenhouse gas emissions: 30% reduction compared to 1990

Aquitaine Eco-chèque Logement The regional Eco-chèque Logement programme provides financial assistance for renovation work to improve the energy efficiency of single-family homes. The programme has three objectives: reduce energy consumption, improve training for construction professionals, and help low-income households to improve their living environments.

Biodiversity and the environment

Aquitaine is the third largest region in France, and features diverse natural habitats. The Regional Council is taking many steps to preserve its biodiversity and create a sustainable lifestyle, including water management, flood prevention, coastline protection, preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and

environmental awareness. The Region considers these issues in all of its sectorial policies. ➜ Two regional natural parks (PNR): the Landes de Gascogne PNR and the Périgord Limousin PNR ➜ A project is underway to create a Médoc PNR.

Réseau Aquitaine Nature The Réseau Aquitaine Nature comprises around thirty environmental stakeholders (territorial authorities, environmental and user associations, and natural parks), all supported by the Region. The network's objective is to encourage the organisations and managers of Aquitaine's natural sites to share their knowledge, experience, techniques, and communication tools to optimise the management of these natural habitats and to encourage the public to visit them.


Aquitaine Region



access to culture and information for all The Region's cultural policy reaches into all areas of Aquitaine. It supports all manner of creations, backs cultural projects in the territories, builds the regional branches of cultural industries, promotes regional languages, enhances heritage sites, and invests in artistic and cultural education for our youth.

The Aquitaine Region: a leader in the cultural economy

Aquitaine became a pioneer region in 2003 when it developed a joint government/region programme to support the publishing industry and provide assistance to bookshops and independent publishers. In 2014, the Region will sign a progress contract for the publishing economy to guarantee literary diversity. Aquitaine was the first region in France to create a support fund for cinema and audio-visual arts and a production support programme. Aquitaine is ranked fifth among regions in this domain. ➜ Through a regional plan to digitise independent cinemas, 100% of cinema halls in Aquitaine have been digitised, representing a total of 83 regular cinemas and 6 travelling cinemas. With its support programme for independent record labels, every year Aquitaine supports record producers and helps them to adapt to the changes in the music industry via its contemporary music policy.

Bringing culture and heritage to the masses

The Region supports 170 festivals, 60 troupes, and 50 exhibition spaces throughout its territory, thus helping to bring culture to as many people as pos-

sible, especially young people, through artistic and cultural education efforts. Aquitaine identifies, restores, and showcases its regional heritage sites to strengthen the ties between the local population and its rich heritage, comprising some 2,775 historical sites.

Promoting regional languages

In 2014, the Region created the OPLB and the OPLO (public offices for the Basque and Occitane languages), demonstrating its commitment to the transmission, socialisation, and promotion of the Basque and Occitane languages.

In 2017, the MECA (creative economy and culture centre) will house FRAC Aquitaine (the region's contempory art fund) and two regional cultural agencies: the Office Artistique de la Région Aquitaine (OARA) and Écrit Cinéma Livre Audiovisuel (ECLA).

Major innovative programmes for the people of Aquitaine

Located at the foot of the Lascaux hill, the 8,000 m2 Centre International d’Art Pariétal–Montignac-Lascaux offers a fullsize reproduction of the famous Lascaux cave, performance areas featuring augmented reality technology and a spectacular, immersive 3D visit. This showcase of heritage innovation in Aquitaine is due to open in 2016.


In 2017, the MECA (creative economy and culture centre) will house FRAC Aquitaine (the region's contempory art fund) and two regional cultural agencies: the Office Artistique de la Région Aquitaine (OARA) and Écrit Cinéma Livre Audiovisuel (ECLA). By bringing together under one umbrella organisations dedicated to artistic creation and the creative economy, the region's cultural actions will gain visibility and strength thanks to the synergy generated by interdisciplinary projects.

BnsA Cultures Connectées is an innovative programme to promote Aquitaine's culture and heritage. Via a unique regional portal (bnsa., web users have access to certified digital resources.

For a sustainable Aquitaine


Working with Europe, opening up to the world: a responsibility, an opportunity for Aquitaine

Aquitaine is particularly conscious of what is at stake in Europe and has adopted a vision of smart, sustainable, inclusive growth. The Regional Council has been managing European structural funds* since 2014. Along with this new responsibility comes the chance of working with Europe to provide Aquitaine's territories with innovative and well-balanced development opportunities, generating employment, innovation, and solidarity.

By choosing to make the most of the opportunities offered by the European Union, Aquitaine has opted for a responsible development mode to secure its future. It is also contributing to European construction by acting as an example of a dynamic region able of preparing for the future.

The Region: Aquitaine's link to Europe

From 2014, the Region will be responsible for allocating European funds to local projects with the best potential in terms of job creation and social cohesion. This responsibility involves thousands of actions and a budget of more than €100 million per year in multiple domains. ➜ Healthcare research, forestry/wood, viticulture, innovation in small and medium-sized businesses, sustainable development (e.g., wood-fired boilers, improvements to energy efficiency in social housing), training to improve employment prospects, access to broadband internet, gender equality, etc.

Creation of the “AquitaineEuskadi” Euroregion

At the crossroads between the North and the Iberian peninsula, Aquitaine is a European territory by nature. Since 2011, the Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion, has been working to develop and strengthen

cooperation on either side of the border through major transport projects and sustainable growth programmes. The future LGV train will make travel to Spain three to four times faster, thus accelerating development in both regions and helping the identity of the Euroregion to flourish.

European and international cooperation

Aquitaine is enhancing its practices by conducting joint programmes with 14 regions in Europe and around the world, including the state of Hesse in Germany and regions in Vietnam, China, Madagascar and Quebec. These cooperative efforts help advance the fight against climate change, research, programmes that target youth and employment, rural development, education and healthcare in developing countries, and many other pressing issues.

Encouraging the people of Aquitane to get involved

The Region encourages the local population to get involved in advancing the European concept and understanding development issues. In order to promote the idea of a local Europe, Aquitaine organises the Joli Mois de l'Europe events each May. To discuss and learn about development issues, Aquitaine inhabitants are invited to participate in debates

on the themes of international cooperation and solidarity. Apprentices and high-school students are encouraged to take part in the Étoiles Solidaires competition to help overcome prejudice towards developing countries. Every Aquitaine citizen can choose to be a citizen of Europe and the world!

Aquitaine-Europe office Located in Brussels, at the heart of the European institutions, the AquitaineEurope office maintains the ties between Aquitaine and Europe. It advocates for Aquitaine's interests, informs the public about European policies, and provides assistance to social and economic organisations — such as by helping them compile European application files. It shares its premises with Aquitaine's European partner regions including Hesse, the Italian region of EmiliaRomagna, and Greater Poland.

C all for local development initiatives Aimed at initiatives in developing or emerging countries, this annual call for projects helps associations and economic and institutional organisations to implement constructive, sustainable projects in the fields of vocational training, economic development, the environment, and healthcare.

* ERDF: European Regional Development Fund — EAFRD: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development — ESF: European Social Fund — EMFF: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund


Aquitaine Region


2013 budget: â‚Ź1,365 million

4% Annual debt payment

13% General payments

Research, education


1% Common policies Economy, 29% jobs and training

Regional 26% planning and development, environment


The region's

councils and committees The Aquitaine Region is composed of a Regional Council, which is a deliberative assembly of 85 elected members, the Regional Economic, Social and Environment Council (CESER), and a consultative assembly comprised of individuals from civil society.

The Regional Council is a relatively new institution whose actions are tied with the daily lives of all Aquitaine residents.


he regional assembly confers executive powers to the chairman. The chairman calls and presides over the Regional Council sessions. He prepares and implements the decisions of the plenary assembly and the standing committee. He delegates some of his duties to vice-chairmen and deputy councillors, who are each assigned to a specific field. The regional assembly discusses the major regional strategies and votes on the budget each year.

Composition of the regional assembly


9 17



(Popular Union Movement),

Nouveau Centre (New Centre),


(Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Traditions Party)

44 3 10 2


(Socialist Party),


(Radical Party of the Left)



The standing committee comprises 36 members elected by the plenary assembly according to proportional representation. Its missions, as granted by the plenary assembly, include deciding how to actually implement strategies and programmes.

Inter-assembly groups: a unique consultative group

Inter-assembly groups are composed of equal numbers of regional councillors and CESER members who offer their opinion on the decision projects submitted to the standing committee. The Aquitaine Region is the first and only region in France to have implemented such consultative spaces.

Councils and committees in constant communication with their constituency

The Regional Council follows through on matters that affect the daily lives of all the citizens of Aquitaine, whether they are high-school or university students, young workers, business-owners, interns, educational institutions, job seekers, families, or regional trains' passengers, etc.

(Aquitaine Green Party - Left Front)




In view of the vast scope of its responsibilities (high schools, vocational training, economic development, transport, environment, etc.) and ever-tighter budgets, the Regional Council must set priorities for its policies. In Aquitaine, regional policy is guided by a threefold requirement: develop employment and training, ensure equal opportunities, and improve the appeal of its territories.

Hôtel de Région, Direction de la communication 14, rue François-de-Sourdis 33000 Bordeaux Phone : 05 57 57 80 00 Publication director: Alain Rousset - Publication codirector: Philippe Buisson - Communication director: Corinne Descours - Design/editing: communication management team - brand department - Graphic design/creation: communication management team/Wake-up design/Grapheine - Photo credits: Cover: QuicksilverProFrance_Rabejac/Getty image/Alban Gilbert; Alban Gilbert, p. 8; Alki, Ev Tronic, Coutellerie Nontronnaise, p. 9; Robin Paul, p. 10; Rémy Bertrand, p. 11; Paul Bowen/Dassault Aviation, p. 12; Gilbert Alban, p. 13; Dassault Aviation, p. 12; Odilon Dimier/PhotoAlto/Corbis, p. 16; Gilbert Alban, p. 19; Gilbert Alban, p. 21; Gilbert Alban, p. 22; Agence BIG, p. 32; Gilbert Alban, p. 32; Gilbert Alban, p. 23; Robin Paul, p. 24; Gilbert Alban, p. 28; Robin Paul, p. 31; Burdin/Benoît Alain, p. 34 - December 2013 - Printing - Copyright - Translated from French: May 2014.


Regional action priorities

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