11-27-2013 Colonial Beach/Westmoreland Virginia Journal

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Volume 37, Number 48

Colonial Beach receives clean audit Auditor Billy Robinson, of Brown Edwards & Company, LLP, issued the Town of Colonial Beach a clean opinion for fiscal year 2013, at the Nov. 21 town council work session. Mayor Mike Ham congratulated both the town and school board’s financial employees for their work. “This is the third year we have had a clean opinion, and it seems to be getting better every year.” Robinson told the council, however, that there were some areas on which the town and school could improve. “There’s still some recommendations and internal controls that we recommend, however. We recognize with the size of the town and the size of the school board, that ultimately, you can only do so much,” Robinson said. This is the second year that Brown, Edwards & Company has performed the audit. Robinson is confident his firm’s suggestions will be taken seriously, based on the improvements made by the town since the last audit. “The town made great efforts. They really did take our comments last year seriously. There were several comments made on last year’s audit, and the town has made great progress on those.” Robinson added, “The town is very proactive in those things, and definitely should be commended for taking those items seriously.” Robinson told the council that the town’s budget showed a negative balance of $245,000 in the General Fund “…Which is an area of concern.” Robinson said that if this continues, the budget would continue to deplete the fund balance. “The town really needs to examine, more closely, how far off the tax projections were to the actual taxes collected. For property taxes, it was $122,000 less that budgeted (or projected), for other local taxes it was $82,000 less than budgeted.” Intergovernmental showed $470,914 over-budgeted, but Robinson said, “That could just be some grants that you thought you were going to get, that you did not, or the timing of those, maybe you got them and just weren’t able to spend them.” Robinson said that is why he is not too concerned with those numbers. Robinson pointed out that under Expenditures, the town budgeted for $6,644,465, but it actually only spent $5,890,309 - leaving a positive balance of $754,156. Although this may appear to the average person as being good - like finding an extra $100 bill in your jacket pocket, Robinson said, “I think you should look at how you’re budgeting your money, particularly your tax items. While they are not completely predictable, there should be some trends that could be identified to better budget those items.” Robinson advised that many localities do what they can to set a balanced budget, but conscientiously use money from the fund balance to complete a project. Robinson warned, “If you’re going to do that, and I’m not saying you are, but don’t do it by making revenues appear to be larger than the actually are.” Robinson suggests when conscientiously using money that has not already been projected through proven projections, the town should keep records using a line item entitled “use of fund balance”. Robinson said that would give the town a more accurate picture of spending. Because the town incurred a debt to Rural Development for sewer upgrades, the town had to separate the water fund from the sewer fund, to show Rural Development the viability of these funds. The financial statements show that the sewer revenue taken in was $253,000. See audit, page 3


helping you relate to your community

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 50 Cents

Town loses $20,800 in revenue in Hamilton St. sale

Lady Drifters basketball

Linda Farneth

Leonard Banks

Billie Gould practices a fastbreak lay-up. It’s time for Lady Drifters basketball action. Read about the outlook for the season on page 7.

Every council has one. It seems that every council has at least one transaction, ordinance or resolution that blows up in its face. While the current Colonial Beach Town Council has no lack of these, the Hamilton Street vacation has to be the most embarrassing land transaction for the council, so far this year. In an attempt to dispose of small, unused parcels that cannot be built upon, the town has been offering these parcels to the adjoining landowners. The Hamilton Street right-of-way (ROW), located in the southern part of Colonial Beach, consisted of 6,025 square feet of land that was not being used by the town. The property was divided into two parcels, both to be sold at a value of $8 per square foot. The larger parcel, consisting of 5,198 square feet, was offered to adjoining landowner Cameron Craig Berry for $41,600. The smaller parcel, at 827 square feet and appraised at $6,600, was offered to adjoining landowner Clayton L. Shepard. In order to save on advertising costs, the vacation and sale of these two parcels were covered under one ordinance. The property was vacated

by a council vote on June 13 of this year. However, when it came time to vote on the sale of these parcels, there was some opposition from Councilwomen Linda Brubaker and Wanda Goforth. Both felt that the smaller parcel should be sold at a higher price since it was waterfront property. The councilwomen agreed with each other that it had been appraised too low and stated they would not vote to sell it at the previously agreed-upon price. Furthermore, sale of waterfront property requires a majority vote of five council members, and only six of the seven members were present at the June 13 meeting. The other four members in attendance were willing to vote for the sale of both parcels, but at the time, Councilman Tim Curtin was out of town. After some hard debate between the council members, Councilman Gary Seeber moved to amend the ordinance to exclude the sale of the smaller waterfront parcel and to continue with a vote to sell the larger parcel. After amending the original ordinance, Seeber motioned to sell the larger parcel, and the motion passed. Since the larger parcel was See land sale, page 3

New Coldwell Banker office another sign of improving Beach economy Richard Leggitt Coldwell Banker Elite, one of the nation’s most successful real estate franchises, has opened an office in Colonial Beach. The well-known firm announced this week that Coldwell Banker Elite has acquired Team 4U Real Estate in Colonial Beach. “This acquisition means the Coldwell Banker Elite family has opened a new office in Colonial Beach to better serve our clients and those in the Northern Neck market,” said Kevin Breen, President and Owner of Coldwell Banker Elite. Breen said he is “delighted to

welcome the Colonial Beach agents to the Coldwell Banker Elite family. Their local real estate knowledge combined with Coldwell Banker Elite’s global marketing platform, tools, and technologies will give their clients an unbeatable real estate experience.” Among the agents switching from Team 4U to Coldwell Banker Elite is Debb Riston, the owner-broker of Team 4U who has managed the Colonial Beach office for years. Riston said she is excited about the merger of the two firms. “It’s a sign the economy is improving at the Beach,” Riston said. The new Coldwell Banker Elite

Colonial Beach office will be managed by Latana Locke who has lived in Colonial Beach for over 30 years and has 15 years of real estate management experience. The new Coldwell Banker Elite office is located in the old Team 4U building at 233 N. Irving Avenue, just a few blocks from the Potomac River and across the street from the Tattle Tale Coffee Shop and Cafe. Coldwell Banker Elite has been the number one Coldwell Banker affiliate in Virginia for the past 11 years. The firm already has offices in King George and in Fredericksburg, as well as other locations across the state.

Martin introduces new consultant for schools’ insurance policies School board skeptical about change Colonial Beach Schools Financial Director J.D. Martin introduced David Rowe to the school board to hear new options on health insurance for the schools’ employees. However, school board Chairman Tim Trivett expressed concerns over changing consultants. During the Nov. 13 regular school board meeting, Employee Benefits Consultant David Rowe, from Bankers Insurance, met with some opposition when he presented his ideas for saving money on the school system’s health insurance to the Colonial Beach School Board. Rowe’s motivation, however, was not only to save the school some money, but also to persuade the school to sign a contract for his services. Rowe informed the board that one of the things he does for his clients is to

drive down the cost of the employee benefits program. Rowe advised that his services fall into three categories - financial analysis, compliance and implementation and general services. Rowe warned that the school district is facing a lot of compliance issues, particularly the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the implementation of the Virginia Retirement System’s local disabilities program. He suggested that both the school and the town could save money by combining the two groups under one insurance policy. Rowe discussed a program offered by the State called The Local Choice program. The website www.virginia.gov states, “More than 48,000 employees, retirees and family members representing 285 local Virginia jurisdictions participate in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s The Local Choice (TLC) health benefits program.”

The website also explains that the program was created by the General Assembly in 1989, and has been providing health coverage to local jurisdictions since 1990. By teaming up with so many employees, the State has created purchasing power that reduces costs and provides better protection by competing effectively in today’s healthcare marketplace. A brief overview and list of healthcare plans offered through TLC can be found on the website. But School Board Chairman Tim Trivett was quick to point out that the option had been discussed before. Trivett could not recall the exact timing or conversation, but he was sure that it had been proposed earlier and that the town employees’ jobs would raise the schools’ insurance. Trivett said, “I think that has been explored in the past. I think the reason we didn’t do that is because of the law enforcement side of the town - we were told we would have a

Lewis and Clark now reside at Washington’s Birthplace Carla Gutridge Popes Creek Plantation is home to several heritage breed farm animals at the birthplace of our nation’s first President of the United States. Referred to as “Wakefield” by most of the longtime residents of Westmoreland County, George Washington Birthplace National Monument welcomed two new members to the plantation’s farm animal family on Friday, Nov. 22. Ranger Dick Lahey made the 542mile trip each way to Plainfield, N.H., to pick up Lewis and Clark, two Milking Shorthorn oxen who were in need of a new home. Around 5 p.m., the “two tons of fun,” affectionately named by Lahey, were getting settled in their new See Oxen, page 3

Lewis, in background, and Clark, in front with the white star on his head now call GW’s Birthplace “home.” They are Milking Shorthorn oxen and “two tons of fun.”

bigger liability if we shared insurance.” Rowe explained how that was probably for liability insurance. But with health insurance, if the two were combined, and a group of over 100 was formed, money could be saved. Trivett asked if there were risk assessments. Rowe responded that the carrier would be looking at the claims’ experience. Rowe said, “My understanding is that the town is already in this program - the school district is not. I just think it’s an option that would need to be explored and see if it benefits those involved.” Rowe made the school board aware of the fact that the school is already paying a consultant. That compensation is imbedded in your medical rates. “The money is already appropriated to fund someone like me,” he said. Rowe said the school system is paying See insurance, page 3

Colonial Beach girl killed in crash in Caroline County A Colonial Beach girl was killed Saturday in a one car crash when the car she was driving left the road and hit a tree in Caroline County. Virginia State Police identified the victim as Amber L. Sanders. Officers said Sanders, 19, was driving a 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier north on US 17 when her car ran off the highway and struck a tree. Officers are still trying to determine the reason Sanders’ car left the highway. Sanders was alone in to vehicle, which ran off the right side of US 17 near its intersection with

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US 301. Sanders was not wearing a seatbelt, according to the State Police. She was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. The crash occurred about 1:30 p.m. Saturday. State Police said the accident closed the northbound lane of traffic on US 17 for almost two hours. The Caroline County Sheriff ’s Office is assisting with the accident investigation. —Richard Leggitt


Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

The Journal




The unsung Thanksgiving hero He gets the passing mention in the Thanksgiving Day story as he is often credited with helping the Pilgrims survive their early winters in the harsh New England climate. But that doesn’t begin to do justice to the story of Squanto. Historians, given some latitude for the lack of records, believe that Ti s qu a ntu m , David S. Kerr better known to our history as Squanto, was born between 1585 and 1592. History offers the Squanto story as that of a good natured Indian who humbly helped the Pilgrims in their early days in America. That’s true, as far as it goes, but there is a

lot more to the tale of Squanto than most people realize. By the time the Pilgrims arrived in modern day Massachusetts, Squanto had already crossed the Atlantic four times. He spoke fluent English, some Spanish, as well as several Indian dialects. How a local Indian, who for the good fortune of the Pilgrims managed to be there to greet them, managed to be so learned and traveled is the stuff of legend. Except, it’s not legend. In 1604, Squanto, not far from where the Pilgrims would land 16 years later, was returning to his village and was kidnapped by one of John Smith’s officers. He was taken to Malaga in Spain to be sold as a slave. But that wasn’t his fate. Some Spanish monks heard his story and for reasons lost to time agreed to arrange his freedom. His next stop, having found passage to England,

was London. He lived there for several years working for a shipbuilder named John Newsome. The next chapter, thanks to his friendship with Newsome, was as a member of an expedition to Newfoundland. He had hoped that when he got to North America he could arrange transport south to his home in New England. But, that didn’t happen and he had to return to England. It wouldn’t be until 1619 that Squanto finally came back to his home. The Pilgrims must have been awestruck in 1620 to meet a Native American who not only knew their language but was already more worldly and traveled than most of the new arrivals. Squanto, more than most of the histories of the Pilgrims acknowledge, was probably the difference between life and death for the new colonists. They were hopelessly un-

ready for their adventure. Most, if not all would have died had Squanto not taught them how to fish, hunt game, and how to grow corn. He also, with the skill of a modern diplomat, negotiated a general peace with the local tribes. This was a challenging undertaking, but the Pilgrims, unlike those that would follow, were surprisingly good at keeping their word to the Indians. The peace negotiated by Squanto would only end when the last of the original Pilgrims had passed away. Squanto died shortly after his last diplomatic mission in 1621, but it’s safe to say, that if the Pilgrims and Squanto not met there would have be no traditional American Thanksgiving tale to tell. So, across the years, a Happy Thanksgiving and thank you is owed to the Pilgrims long ago savior, Squanto.

The Other First Thanksgiving This Thursday our nation will be celebrating a civic holiday which is in fact a deeply religious observance. Even a cursory reading of its history and seminal declarations reveals right off that Thanksgiving Day at its heart is essentially an acknowledgement of God’s blessings. Our national consciousness is impressed with the story of the Pilgrims & Indians celebrating that “first” iconic Thanksgiving Day in 1621 at Plymouth Rock. But it should be known that Spanish Catholics have a double claim to that honor. At St. Augustine, Florida, on the Feast of Our Lady’s Nativity, 1565 the conquistador Pedro Menendez de Aviles gave thanks to God at Holy Mass followed by a meal shared with the Timucua Indians. Before century’s end there was another, even more resplendent thanksgiving observance in what was later to become the State of Texas. In 1595 Emperor Philip II of Spain chose 43 year old Don Juan de Oñate y Salazar to explore the territory north of his colony of New Spain (present day Mexico). Preparations took several years, and on January 26, 1598 the Spanish set out on an

epic journey northwards with 580 men & their families, 83 ox carts, 26 wagons and 7,000 livestock. Importantly, the entourage included ten Franciscan priests. One can imagine the arduous and dangerous nature of such a voyage through the Chihuahuan desert. They were in fact extending the Spanish Camino Real or Royal Road, which was a key conduit for the Christianization of the New World. Don Juan’s personal standard was of white silk, emblazoned with images of Our Lady, his personal patron St. John and Spain’s special patron Santiago (St. James the Greater). The expedition crossed the frontier and settled just across the Rio Grande, near current day El Paso, Texas. Upon arriving in what is now American territory, as was customary they sang the venerable Latin hymn of thanks to God entitled the Te Deum. A temporary chapel was quickly erected and the priests offered a Solemn High Mass, to the praise and glory of Jesus Christ. Don Juan took formal possession of the territory and named it New Mexico, which at that time encompassed a much larger swath of

the current territory of the United States. In his public declaration he proclaimed, “In the Name of the most Holy Trinity, I take possession of this whole land this April 30, 1598, in honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on this day of the Ascension of Our Lord…” Then was raised the earthly standard, the royal Spanish flag; followed by the far more important and everlasting standard, the Cross of Christ. The Spanish flag no longer flutters over our land, but the Cross to this day reaches into the heavens from countless steeples across our nation. A great feast was prepared to celebrate and continue the thanksgiving, which included races, games and even a play enacting scenes of native Americans hearing the Gospel for the first time and being baptized. By the time the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, a mestizo (blended Spanish and Native) Catholic civilization had been flourishing for over a century in the New World, with towns and cities, stone churches and even seven universities. Someone as influential and powerful as Don Juan’s wife, for example, Dona Isabel de Tolosa Cortés de Montezuma,

was herself of mixed blood. She was in fact the great granddaughter of the Aztec Emperor Montezuma, whose nobility had been ratified by the Spanish crown. Before the expedition was embarked upon, Don Juan de Oñate was already very powerful and wealthy. In fact, he personally subsidized the venture. And so the question arises as to why he risked all in such an uncertain endeavor. The answer can be found in Spanish crown’s clearly stated instructions to Don Juan, as told in his diary, that “expanding the boundaries of the Religion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” was its primary purpose. Remembering the Christianity of our national history is of the greatest importance. And due honor should be paid to the great men and women who celebrated what could rightly be regarded as those other “first” Thanksgivings: in Florida and Texas in the Years of Our Lord 1565 and 1598.

Surely more than one board member could make the time to be at this meeting? Folks at the meeting saw first hand how their supervisor felt about tourism and its importance here in King George. Rumor had it that Mr. Thomas was asked NOT to have this particular meeting, but unfortunately (or fortunately) the invites had already gone out. Thomas indicated he would be having quarterly breakfast meetings to keep a tab on the pulse of the county. Kudos! Starting with the tourism issue was a great choice. Summer has come and gone, and I can’t even begin to guess how many people went up and down route 301. How many traveled east and west on route 3? I know the numbers are in the thousands. Why not work on getting them to stop here in King George, to visit, learn and spend their tourist dollars here, and not just pass through? Of course, this would mean developing the historic resources we already have. There would have to be higher end restaurants and shops. Most importantly we’d also have to develop and showcase the small

businesses that are already trying to survive and grow. We are the Gateway to the Northern Neck. We need to piggyback on that moniker. Folks at this meeting were very vocal about the closing of the Visitor Center near the Nice Bridge. The Virginia Tourism group in Richmond has been very gracious to “rent” the facility to the Dahlgren Heritage Museum. The King George community was thrilled to learn the building would be restructured and open for visitors. Unfortunately, the Museum group is very limited on staffing the building, and has no plans for any long term plans to be open. Perhaps a weekend here and there as they are able. Per Ed Jones, using the building to further tourism in the county and the Northern Neck has always been on the DHM books. But, after a couple of years of working with the Museum, I’m having difficulty visualizing this joint effort. There seems to be a disconnect with what “outsiders” visualize for the building and what the “insiders” see for the Museum. Plans for 2014 only have the building open a Saturday or two, for

maybe 4 hours. We are missing a huge opportunity to “trap” visitors coming into and out of King George. I believe the VTC in Richmond has different thoughts on how the building was going to be used. DHM administrators are working hard to staff the building. The county belongs to the Northern Neck Tourism group, but wants to not renew membership for the coming year. Are they crazy? Where else can we promote our history, resources and businesses for such a small cost? Without membership, King George gets left out of booklets, maps, advertising and more. This is a partnership that must continue. Without it, it’s like a map puzzle with a piece missing. Use some of the tourism money that comes in. There is over 70K dollars yearly to be used for tourism. Membership in the NNTC qualifies. No one at the Nov. 19 meeting would argue against it. King George is a gold mine for tourism. And, we have individuals, businesses and community groups ready to take on the task of making King George a destination, not a drive through.

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 It’s never too late to get healthy, Aries. Find time for some exercise and replace some calorie-laden foods with fruits and vegetables. You will appreciate having an extra hop in your step. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a week of passion and romance awaits you and your special someone. Everything you do draws the attention of others. So make it work to your advantage. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, it can be challenging to get your head wrapped around certain tasks. Somehow you will manage to pull everything together and get everything accomplished. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, maintain your focus in the coming week no matter how difficult that proves to be. Personal concerns may have you reeling, but your heightened focus will serve you well. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you may have something on your mind, but now is not the time to share such concerns. Do your best to solve a problem on your own, but rely on the advice of others if need be. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, do your best to avoid being let down by the negative attitudes of others. Friends or coworkers may just be in a bad mood, but

that does not mean you need to be. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a little extra concentration will find you tackling your workload with time to spare. Commit your time now and enjoy the time to take things slow later in the week. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, signficant changes are afoot and you are not quite sure how to prioritize your goals. Enjoy the change, but make use of down time to reestablish your priorities. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, though a pressing issue in your relationship may seem like it needs immediate attention, you have a lot of time to work through any issues. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your normally conservative approach won’t work this week. You have to take a couple of chances, or you won’t accomplish much of anything. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you have only a few days to learn some new procedures at work. It is natural to feel nervous, but put aside those feelings and concentrate on the tasks at hand. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, don’t worry too much about an upcoming change around the office. You’re in position to benefit from some restructuring.


Father de Rosa is the pastor of St. Elizabeth Church in Colonial Beach and St. Anthony Church in King George

OP-ED Lori Deem Tuesday, Nov. 19 I attended a breakfast meeting hosted by Linwood Thomas of KG Econ. Dec. and Tim Smith of KG P&R. The meeting was to be about Tourism in King George County. I expected the usual “suspects” at the meeting, and was happy to see some new faces and businesses getting involved in county affairs. It was good to see a concentrated effort to address the problems and solutions to help tourism grow in King George. We have a wealth of resources, places to visit and people willing to work to share the history and magic that is King George. Unfortunately at this meeting, our county government leaders were blatantly absent. Only one member of the board of supervisors attended this meeting. Ruby Brabo, a staunch supporter of county tourism, as was our county administrator, county attorney and a couple of other county workers. Perhaps the other board members had other engagements, but this was a serious and potentially profitable meeting for the county.

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CLUES ACROSS 1. Regions 6. Abu __, UAE capital 11. Forever 13. Lower position 14. Masterpiece series 18. Atomic #18 19. Cuckoos 20. Goat with conical horns 21. European money 22. Flaw the surface 23. Restaurant bill 24.Indicated horsepower (abbr.) 25. Go in advance 28. Ancient Egyptian King 29. Insert mark 31. Palm fruits 33. Peels a fruit’s skin 34. Many not ands 35. Cathode-ray oscilloscope 36. Bo __, “10” 38. Satisfies to excess 40. More dry 41. Of he 42. Lay a tax upon 45. Ed Murrow’s home 46. Newsman Rather 47. Swiss mountain 49. Till 50. Potato, tossed or green 52. Italian automaker 53. Birthplace of Abraham 54. Scheduled visits 57. Yemen capital (alt. sp.) 59. Assisted 60. Persian kings 61. Accumulate CLUES DOWN 1. Unkeyed

2. Recable 3. Sea eagles 4. Small social insect 5. __ Paulo, city 6. 2 man fight 7. Honey (abbr.) 8. Anno Domini 9. Malibu and Waikiki 10. To burst in 11. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 12. Liquefied natural gas 15. Douroucoulis 16. Spoiled child 17. Founder of Babism 21. Ireland 26. Love intensely 27. One who confronts boldly 28. Atomic #52 29. Feels concern or interest 30. Got up from 32. Sound of disappointment 33. Out of 100 (abbr.) 36. Actress Kerr 37. Irish Gaelic 38. 10 Commandments mountain 39. Morning 40. Straight downhill ski run 41. Angel’s crown 43. Canonized individuals 44. Old school tablets 46. Dip lightly into water 48. Traumatic anxiety disorder 50. Mineral spring resorts 51. Desoxyribonucleic acid 52. Greek cheese 54. Express pleasure 55. Don’t know when yet 56. 13th Hebrew letter 58. Chinese tennis star Li

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The Journal


Colonial Beach School Board approves alternative student referrals At the Nov. 13 school board meeting, the Colonial Beach School Board approved a proposal by the Northern Neck Technical Center (NNTC) to refer those students taking Alternative Education at NNTC to the Virginia 15th District Court Services Unit, as a Child In Need of Services (CHINS) Division client. CB Schools’ Superintendent Kathleen Beane told the board that although there are no students from CB Schools enrolled in Alternative Education at this time, agreeing to the proposal would ensure that future students in the program get those needed services. Beane said that many students who take Alternative Ed have behavioral issues, including anger management. Utilizing those services would give students the tools needed to manage and deal with those issues. The proposal, received from NNTC Principal Bernard S. Davis and Assistant Principal Todd Davis, requests that students be referred to the court services unit, in order to take advantage of their services. As a CHINS division client, the students would be offered classes in anger management and gang prevention. In addition, the students would be enrolled in a once a week, off-

campus community service work program offered by the Office on Youth Service. Students would also be able to take advantage of mentoring programs, as well. The Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice’s 15th District Court Services Unit provides a broad range of juvenile justice programs, from basic juvenile probation to grantfunded outreach programs. The 15th District covers several surrounding localities including Westmoreland County. The acronym “CHINS” refers to two different types of behavioral issues, according to the Newport News’ website nngov.com. “Child In Need Of Services” refers to a child whose behavior, conduct or condition presents or results in a serious threat to the well-being and physical safety of the child. “Child In Need Of Supervision” refers to a child who either, while subject to compulsory school attendance, is habitually and without justification absent from school, or without reasonable cause and without the consent of his parent or lawful custodian, remains away from home. In Newport News, the goal of the CHINS program is to provide intensive preventative services to families in order to reduce the number of children entering

foster care. The Northern Neck Technical Center, however, is also relying on the program to reduce rates in recidivism - relapses in negative behavior, often after receiving sanctions or undergoing intervention for a previous event - in the schools and communities where the youth resides. School Board Member Wayne Kennedy highly recommended that the board approve the proposal. He said it would help the faculty at NNTC to reach their goal of providing more than just “busywork” for kids in Alternative Education, and it would help them to become productive members of society. Kennedy said, “The superintendents and the technical center advisory board, which I participate with- we’re interested in more than just putting kids that don’t achieve or that misbehave, just throwing them in a room and giving them busywork. Everybody wants to truly change them, educate them and make them more productive when they go back to their home schools. So, I personally think this is a good thing to endorse and to approve.” The board approved the proposal unanimously. —Linda Farneth

Insurance: Postpones actions on benefits from page 1 the standard fee for its present consultant, Jeff Penny, which he advised was $20 per contract each month. Rowe reminded the board that timing is of the essence, since the school is on an October renewal cycle. Rowe advised that in order to start the process in January, he would need to be in place by the end of the year. Rowe said that with over 100 employees, the fee is negotiable, but with 99 or fewer, the fee is embedded, and the employer will pay the fee, regardless of whether they have a consultant or not. The Journal asked Rowe, “If you were successful in combining the insurance between the town and the school, would it cost the school any more for your fees?” Rowe replied, “If I were working with both, we would have to negotiate that. We would talk to both parties and see what fee we would agree upon. Because if both were in the commonwealth’s program, there is no compensation that is going to flow through the medical rates for me. The school or the town would have to enumerate me in a separate

contract.” When asked if it would be a combined contract, or one for the school and one for the town, Rowe answered, “It varies, community to community, how folks want to do that.” During his financial presentation, CB Schools’ Financial Director J.D. Martin spoke to the board on what he felt were the potential benefits of hiring Rowe. Martin said that whether the savings are on the schools’ side or the town’s side, it made no difference to him, since all the money comes from the same place - the taxpayers, as long as the money was saved collectively. Trivett asked why they were looking beyond Jeff Penny. Martin suggested that shopping around for insurance is always beneficial. Martin said that years ago, it was the recommendation to put your insurance package out there, to shop around. Martin said, “These days, it’s almost impossible for an organization of our size to put all the pieces together, to say nothing less of maintaining the level of expertise necessary to make the best choice on how to put that puzzle together.”

Martin feels that we should have a fresh eye to look at the schools’ options. Trivett asked, “We’ve got somebody who is already doing it for us. Has something changed? Is he not doing his job?” Trivett stated that he feels if nothing has changed, discussing the issue is a waste of time. Trivett was concerned that the agenda included a vote to allow Rowe full access to the schools’ records to make decisions on insurance choices and negotiations. Martin suggested that the board postpone the vote. Martin said he is not qualified to judge either consultant himself, but feels that a fresh eye and looking at new consultants is always a good idea. Martin added that Penny has never mentioned the commonwealth’s plan to him, but Rowe is really conversant on it. Board members Vicki Roberson and Wayne Kennedy said they appreciated Martin bringing this to the board since they learned something new about consultant fees embedded in the premium. The vote was postponed by a unanimous decision. —Linda Farneth

Audit: Colonial Beach gets a clean report from page 1 Robinson advised that principal and interest on long-term debt ran about $670,000 this year, which leaves a deficit the town is going to have to make up. However, the water fund had a small surplus. Robinson said that localities can transfer money between these funds. “But,” he reminded, “Ultimately, you’ve got to have the cash in that fund to do it.” Robinson brought to the council’s attention that there is an obligation from the school board to the town for $338,487 that is from since before his firm has been working on the budget. Robinson said he is not suggesting requiring payment, but said if the town doesn’t, they should take action to remove this debt from

the books. It was believed by Mayor Ham and Councilman Gary Seeber that this debt dated back to some architectural work done several years ago, which did not result in any action. In closing, Robinson reported that this year, there are significantly fewer audit adjustments, which shows continued improvement in financial reporting. There were a few highway maintenance issues. Robinson said that because it was the first year the town has taken that on, his firm was not surprised. Robinson said that the issues were minor, and the town was taking action to correct them. Public safety and health & welfare spending exceeded budget amounts

by $61,000 for public safety, and $800 for health & welfare. Robinson advised that the town should be making adjustments throughout the year. Virginia Code states it is a violation to spend in excess of appropriations. Town Manager Val Foulds told Robinson that his comments were not falling on deaf ears. She outlined steps the town has taken to cut costs, such as a hiring freeze, separation of duties, and risk management. Robinson acknowledged that while it is obvious that the town is being frugal with its resources, ultimately, you have to make some decisions based on the risks. Robinson added, “Employees are diligent and working very hard.” —Linda Farneth

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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013


Oxen: New residents at Wakefield From page 1 digs at the Birthplace. According to the pair’s previous owner, Kate Whybrow, both oxen seem to enjoy human visitors, and if close enough, have been known to nudge and blow their breath on folks, not aggressively, but almost in a playful way. At almost six years old, the 5-ft.-6-in. tall (at the shoulders), close to two thousand lbs. each steers, puts them in the small-to-medium size range for oxen. The Milking Shorthorn cattle are smaller than the Chianina cattle of Italy, but larger than Ireland’s Dexter breed. Lewis and Clark got their names as a result of the book being read by one of the previous owner’s children at the time they were obtained by the Whybrow family. Already having such historic names is a perfect fit for the two newcomers, as they will now live and work at one of the most beautiful historic sites in America. And work, they will, according to Lahey, who is in charge of the livestock program at the park. The team will become an integral part of the interpretive programs ongoing in the Historic Area. Lewis and Clark will pull carts and be used in demonstrations of what eighteenth-century plantation life was like when George Washington’s family lived there. Milking Shorthorns are a favored breed in New England, and descend from the Durham, one of the first breeds to make it to this country from England.

The first Washington family member to live in America came from England, as well. George Washington’s great-grandfather, John, a merchant sailor, came to Virginia in 1656, to trade everything he owned for tobacco to take back to England to sell. When his ship ran aground in Mattox Creek, John Washington’s only method of transportation back to England was damaged, and all of his tobacco was lost to the creek. At this point, John must’ve felt like he had reached the end of his rope. Stranded in a foreign place with no money and seemingly no options, what now would he do?? Fortunately, Nathaniel Pope, the wealthy owner of the land there, took a liking to John. He helped John repair his ship, and in time, gave John about seven hundred acres of land on Mattox Creek as a dowry for Nathaniel’s daughter, Ann’s, hand in marriage. Three generations later, in 1732, George Washington, said to have slept many, many places in his lifetime, slept at Popes Creek Plantation FIRST!! “Technically, the Milking Shorthorn didn’t appear in the colonies until the 1760s,” advises Lahey, “but the breed is close enough to the Durham to warrant the team’s use on the Washington farm.” The other two oxen on the plantation, Abe and Vic, were born there - one right after the first-time noticeable earthquake in 2011. That breed, the Milking Red Devon, is now rare, but was, at one time “the backbone of cattle in America until

the Shorthorns,” said Lahey. As a matter of preservation, most of the heritage-breed livestock at Popes Creek Plantation are born and raised there. As population numbers grow, excess livestock are sold, with the revenue going right back into the livestock program. The Hog Island sheep and Ossabaw pigs, both breeds being from barrier islands in Virginia and Georgia, are in the livestock rotation along with the cattle. Other farm animals living in the park include two brown horses, Merlin and Bogey, who are either Morgans, or mixed. Both horses retired from service at other parks, and seem content to live out their golden years there at the Birthplace. There is also a variety of heritage and modern breeds of chickens and guinea fowl on the grounds. Any future expeditions made by the team of Lewis and Clark will be within the boundaries of the 550 acres of the plantation, maintained since 1932 by the National Park Service. George Washington Birthplace National Monument is open year-round, daily from 9-5, with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Admission to the park is always free, and everyone is welcome to come and meet all of the farm animals. In addition to the livestock, there are usually bald eagles and waterfowl to be seen in the park on a daily basis. For more information, call 804224-1732, visit the park’s website www.nps.gov/gewa or follow it on Facebook and Twitter.

Land Sale: Vacated parcel sold for less from page 1 not waterfront property, the vote only needed four votes to obtain a majority. During the June 27 work session, after quite a bit of back-and-forth discussion over the smaller parcel and its price, Councilwoman Brubaker, who had originally opposed the sale price as being too low, motioned to move forward with the advertisement of the sale of the 827-square foot parcel at its original appraised amount of $6,600. Brubaker explained that she had reached this decision only after visiting the property, observing its condition and learning of improvements made to the parcel by Mr. Shepard at his own expense. Brubaker then offered an apology to the Shepards, who were in attendance, for their inconvenience in the delay of a decision by the council regarding the sale. The sale of the smaller parcel was re-advertised and scheduled to come before the council again at the Aug. 8 meeting, where a decision on the sale of the parcel was once again delayed. At the Aug. 8 meeting, Mayor Mike Ham opened the public hearing regarding ordinance 640, which outlined the sale of the Hamilton St. property to Mr. Shepard. With no comments from the public during the hearing on ordinance 640, what should have been an easy vote on the sale of town-owned property, turned into a long, at times heated debate. It had been learned that Mr. Berry, who was originally granted the opportunity to purchase the larger parcel of the property, had backed out of the sale. Councilman Gary Seeber stated, “It is my understanding that Mr. Berry is, right now, delaying any action on his part.”

The fact that one part of the property would remain, should Mr. Berry not buy the portion offered to him, raised the question of whether the council would be violating Resolution 19-11. That resolution states that a right-of-way that has been abandoned/vacated and then proposed to be sold, must be sold in its entirety without any residual of the parcel left to the town. Goforth argued that according to the resolution, the smaller parcel could not be sold to Mr. Shepard if Mr. Berry did not go through with the purchase of his portion, the larger of the two parcels. Seeber advised that the resolution was drafted to insure that no townowned property would become landlocked. Goforth pointed out that the resolution did not say anything about a parcel being landlocked and maintained her interpretation of the resolution. Discussions between Goforth and Seeber became heated and loud, at times. Finally, Councilman Tommy Edwards asked for the town attorney, Andrea Erard, to interpret the resolution. Erard explained that since a resolution is simply town council policy, and not an ordinance or state code, it was up to the council to interpret. Other council members weighed in on the subject for over twenty minutes. In the end, the council secured a five-to-one vote to sell the smaller parcel to Shepard, with Goforth voting against. This still leaves the larger parcel of the Hamilton St. ROW vacation, offered to Berry, tied up in negotiations. At the Nov. 14 regular council meeting, the town held a second

Westmoreland School Board members collaborate with fellow education leaders at VSBA’s annual convention Westmoreland County Public School Board members Iris Lane, Daniel Wallace, Coralynn Wise, and Karen Jackson joined Dr. Rebecca Lowry, Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, Cathy Rice at the Virginia School Boards Association’s Annual Convention in Williamsburg last week, The convention focused on providing school divisions with the insight, tools and knowledge needed to survive the ongoing budget cuts inflicted on Virginia’s public education system. “School board members are being faced with the most difficult fiscal decisions ever seen during our time on the board,” said Dr. Rebecca Lowry. “Having the chance to network with others from across the state, hear about what other schools are doing to survive this economic crisis and learn from experts in the education community is a priceless opportunity. We are not the only ones struggling, and by collaborating and learning from

others we have a better chance of minimizing the impacts of these horrific cuts to education.” Approximately 1,000 school governance leaders attended the 2013 VSBA Annual Convention, participating in more than 50 workshops, clinics and critical issues sessions focused on topics such as boardsmanship, developing local capacity, technology integration, school law issues, best practices, STEM, advocacy, school improvement, educational trends, and energy/sustainability practices. “I am eager to share what I learned at the VSBA Convention this year,” said Iris Lane, “The convention is a great investment for our community because it allows our board to continue learning about nationwide and statewide trends, meet and learn from key policy officials, and bring back new best management practices for our schools that will improve our students’ education.”

public hearing and passed another ordinance to sell the larger parcel for $20,800, half of the original amount of $41,600. When asked why the property was sold at such a low price, Town Manager Val Foulds replied in an email, “Mr. Berry countered the appraised value, when it became clear that the Town Council (TC) opened up the discussions for pricing. So the final price represents the amount Mr. Berry and the TC negotiated for the Hamilton Street parcel.” When Mayor Ham opened the public hearing on Nov. 14, no one was signed up to speak, nor did anyone volunteer after Ham called for speakers on the matter. Likewise, council members all remained silent, and there was no discussion on the matter. The ordinance passed unanimously with six votes. The Colonial Beach Town Council’s attempt to get more money for the smaller parcel of the Hamilton St. ROW, because of its waterfront location, not only resulted in the smaller parcel being sold at its original appraised price to Mr. Shepard, but it also allowed the door to be opened to negotiation for the larger parcel by Mr. Berry. In the end, the attempt of the council to increase revenue, resulted in the town losing over $20,800 in these town-owned property sales transactions. Then-Councilman Tim Curtin was absent from the evening meeting, having presented his resignation from council earlier that morning. The council voted to accept Curtin’s resignation, with Councilman Tommy Edwards expressing, “I accept it, with regrets.” —Linda Farneth

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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

The Journal


Today’s Hebrew Word

and Religious Community Events first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. two rivers baptist church will be worshipping at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Eve. All are invited. The Church is located at the corner of Rokeby & Kings Highway in KG. first baptist church in Colonial Beach, invites you to come see their Celebrating the Birth of Jesus program on Dec. 14 at 4 p.m. Scheduled to appear are Minister Ralph Johnson and Voices of DMV; Pleasant II Mime Ministry; Eddie & Sherry Richards; Comedian Simone Ferfuson; Shante Collins and more. Mater of Ceremony, Minister Darius Fennell. 619 Jackson Street. Hanover-with-brunswick invite you to a Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, Nov. 27 at 6 p.m. Raffle tickets are still on sale for a 77” x 68” quilt, Bermuda Sunrise. This is a fund raiser by the Pitts family to purchase a new iPad for Hunter as he continues his miraculous recovery from his brain injury. Tickets are $1 each or $5 for 6. Contact Denise at St. John’s Episcopal Church or call (540) 775-3635. first baptist church in Col. Beach is hosting a bus trip to the famous Sight and Sound Theater in Strasburg, PA to see the performance of the “Miracle of Christ-

mas” Dec. 28. The bus will leave the church at 6 a.m. and will return later that evening. Costs vary by age. Call (804) 224-3274 or (804) 224-8588 for ticket information. All ages are welcome on this trip. love thy neighbor will hold a special holiday meal and party on Dec. 5 from 2-5 p.m. Items needed are listed on the web site. lovethyneighbor-kg.org. Event will be at the KGCC.

‘Tis the season The Journal’s special church Christmas pages will be published in the Dec. 18th paper. Now is the time to reserve a space to publish your church’s Christmas worship services and special programs. Catch all those “holiday Christians” as they look for a place to worship at Christmas time. Cost for a 2x3 color ad is only $66 dollars. We can design your ad for you at no additional cost. If the cost of an advertisement is not in your church’s budget, perhaps two or more members can pool the funds and run an ad. Always a success, the 2013 section promises to be full of services to attend at this most holy time of the year. So, get with your church councils, board, committee and reserve your space NOW! Call Lori (540) 709-7495 or email lori@journalpress. com.

WINGS WINGS (Women in the Giving Spirit) invites you to make a difference in a child’s Christmas by sponsoring a visit and lunch with the Snow Queen, Saturday, Dec. 7, at Brock’s Riverside Grill. At WINGS’ annual Snow Queen event, financially disadvantaged children from our community will have a special holiday lunch, join in a holiday songfest with Santa’s elves, receive gifts of ageappropriate storybooks to take home, and have their pictures taken with the Snow Queen and the elves. WINGS’ holiday event will also benefit Rappahannock Area Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), a non-profit organization that advocates for the safety and best interests of children who have suffered from parental abuse or neglect. CASA recruits, trains and supervises volunteers who monitor the children’s well-being and speak up on the children’s behalf in courts. A contribution of $15 per child will provide this festive afternoon for disadvantaged youngsters. To sponsor children for this special holiday event or to donate to CASA, please send checks to WINGS, P.O. Box 3084, Fredericksburg, VA 22402 WINGS was founded as a non-profit organization to serve the greater Fredericksburg area by providing financial support through fund-raising events to eligible organizations, individuals or families in need. For further information on WINGS’ Snow Queen event, telephone (540)371-6920.

The original Hebrew written text was a picture language--much like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), he used this picture language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet

is a picture with meaning. When we put these letters together, they form a word, but they also form a story within the word! Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “The honour of God is to hide a thing, And the honour of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal

Translation) This is exactly what God has done with His language! Today’s Hebrew Word is “evan” — the word for stone. The first two letters form the word “ab” (father). The last two letters form the word “ben” (son). Why is this significant? Read Psalm 118:22 - The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. Why was Jesus rejected? He claimed to be the Son of the Father! He was the “evan”! Rick Blankenship Grafted In Fellowship www.DoYouShabbat.com rick@gifkg.org Psalm 55:14 We who had sweet fellowship together, walked in the house of God in the throng.

Chanukah and Thanksgiving - same day in 2013 Is it true that . . .Thanksgiving falls on Chanukah this year, it’s never happened before, and it will never happen again? Answer: Yes, no, and maybe. Yes, this Chanukah, if you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, you’ll want to light the second candle of the menorah at your turkey dinner. No, it’s not true that this has never happened before. Let’s work this through step by step: Chanukah was declared a Jewish national holiday 2178 years ago. Thanksgiving was declared a national American holiday on the last Thursday of every November by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Before then, Thanksgiving was celebrated on different dates in different states, so we won’t count those. But, using the Chabad.org Date Converter, you

will see that Thanksgiving coincided with the first day of Chanukah on November 29, 1888. It also coincided with the fifth day of Chanukah on November 30, 1899. On November 28, 1918, Thanksgiving was on Chanukah eve. But since it’s still Thanksgiving until midnight, and Jewish days begin at night, that would still mean that Jewish Americans would have eaten their turkeys that Thanksgiving to the light of their first Chanukah candle. It gets more complicated. Originally, Thanksgiving was always on the last Thursday of November. In 1939, FDR decided it would be good for the economy to push Thanksgiving back a little, so he declared the fourth Thursday of that November to be Thanksgiving—even though there were five Thursdays to November

that year. In 1942, that became federal law. But not all states went along with it. As late as 1956, Texas was still celebrating Thanksgiving a week later than the rest of the country. Will it ever happen again? Interesting question. If we project forward, assuming that:Thanksgiving will be celebrated on the same schedule, The people celebrating Thanksgiving will continue following the Gregorian calendar without modification, The Jewish calendar will continue on its current 19-year cycle, then the next time the two will coincide would be when Thanksgiving falls on Chanukah eve in the year 2070. That would repeat itself in 2165. From Chanukah and Thanksgiving: A Brief History By Tzvi Freeman

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

HANOVER BAPTIST CHURCH "At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Christmas Holiday section Dec. 18, 2013 Celebrate! (540) 775-5081

Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m. Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG


“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Annual Holly Jolly Shop Local event is beginning to fill up Saturday, Dec 14 9-1 p.m. KGES Members of the KGFM will be outside, and home made crafts & non-profits inside. KGHS Chorus will sing 10-noon Registered so far: Love Thy Neighbor (raffle & donations) KG Historical Society Sealston Elem. PTA-school stuff Ruth Hornbaker, pen & ink drawings of local homes, buildings & businesses Alfonso Lanzara, jewelry Kordent, Inc. (KGFM member), jams, sauces & candy Linda Scott, handpainted gourds

“SANTA’S WONDERLAND AND WINTER FESTIVALâ€? in Colonial Beach The Festival will be held on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013, on Town Hill in Colonial Beach from 1-5 p.m. The Parade begins as 1:15 p.m. starting at Rankin’s True Value parking lot, up Colonial Avenue, right onto Washington Avenue, left on Hawthorne and left on Taylor to Town Hill. The lighting of the Christmas tree is at 5 p.m. Starting a 1:15 p.m. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive in town and join the Parade. Bring family and friends to visit them and pass along your Christmas “wish listâ€?, and have your picture taken with them. (NOTE: This year a photographer will NOT be available so you’re welcome to bring your own camera. A donation for visiting Santa and Mrs. Claus would be appreciated.) Take part in the 50/50 ‌. obtain raffle tickets to win boys and girls bicycles ‌ enjoy music, face painting and pony rides. Hot dogs and chili as well as hot chocolate will be available as will cookies sold out of our Gingerbread House. The “Lighted Boat Paradeâ€? begins at 5 pm. Start the Christmas season with family, friends and neighbors by enjoying this family oriented event. In the event of inclement weather Santa will relocate to the Colonial Beach High School, on First Street, Colonial Beach. If you would like additional information contact the CB Chamber of Commerce at (804)224-8145. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

NN Audobon Society to meet

Mrs. Cluckers Best eggs Hickory Point Farm, fresh veggies Go Nuts, nuts & nut butters Larry’s Produce, veggies Peery’s Natural Cheese, blue, garlic, cajuncheddar, sharp cheddar and more cheeses Audrey Durfee, hand turned wood bowls & bottle stoppers Poppin’ Jon’s Kettle Corn C&T Produce, veggies Meandering Dragonfly, bags, totes, purses Friendly Cottage Farms, misc We have heard from others, and are waiting for registrations!

Rex Springston to be the Dec. 2 Northern Neck Audubon Society Speaker. 7 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church in Kilmarnock. His talk will be titled “Covering the Environment�. He will talk about some of the stories he has covered and some of the environmental issues that are big in Virginia. Springston plans to refer to several bird stories he’s written. Springston covers environmental issues for the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The beat involves writing about everything from water and air pollution to uranium mining, bald eagles, giant catfish and climate change. A native of Norfolk, Springston got his environmental training at an early age. Growing up in thenrural Princess Anne County, VA, before it became suburban Virginia Beach, he caught turtles and snakes in the marshes near his home and swam in the polluted Elizabeth River (without growing a third arm from the chemicals in the water). Springston holds a degree in English from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, where he also did graduate work in urban studies.He has won several writing awards, including a first-place Virginia Press Association award in 2011 (shared with another reporter) for a series on the effects of global warming on Virginia. Springston lives in Richmond’s Fan District with his wife Kathy, cat Windsor and 21-year-old corn snake Cornpone. The only one that bites is the cat. Springston last visited the Northern Neck -- and inadvertently made the news -- in midAugust, when he planned to look at some recovering oyster beds with Gov. Bob McDonnell. Springston slipped getting into the boat and broke his arm. He has almost totally recovered, but you might want to steer clear of his left side. This program is open to the public, free of charge, and refreshments will be served.

Annual Small Works Show PONSHOP Studio and Gallery 712 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401, will host an Opening Reception: Friday, Dec. 6, from 6-10 p.m. to celebrate the holidays with their annual Small Works Show. Exhibition Dates: Dec. 6–31, 2013. For our customer’s convenience, PONSHOP will have extended holiday hours Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sunday noon–5 p.m., and Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Belle Grove Plantation B&B to host Christmas Candlelight Tours Friday, Dec. 6 and Friday, Dec. 13: 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 and Saturday, Dec. 14: Daytime Tours Noon-3 p.m. and Evening Tours 5-9:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8 and Sunday, Dec. 15: Daytime Tours - Noon-3 p.m. and Evening Tours 3-6 p.m. On Friday, Dec. 6 at 6 p.m.: Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to officially Open Belle Grove Plantation. Saturday, Dec. 14 between 5-9 p.m., Santa and Mrs. Claus will make their appearance at Belle Grove Plantation. Buy tickets through the online tore at http://www.bellegroveplantation.com/. The tickets are for time slots to visit, so select the correct time you plan to visit. The cost is: Adults - Daytime visit - $15 Night Time visit - $25 Children - under 12 - $10 Children - under 5 - Free

Elks 2666. Every Monday night. The doors open at 5 p.m. Early Bird Games 6:30 p.m. At 719 Ferry Landing Road. Just off 205 in Oak Grove - Colonial Beach VA. Food available. (804) 224-0364.

‘Star-stuff’ show for Thanksgiving day zen chunk of what our solar system was made of.� As it gets close to the sun, “the surface is going to be vaporizing furiously, and that’s going to release a lot of interesting material that hopefully we can study.� Through the research we will learn more about how the Earth and the universe was created. If ISON survives its close encounter with the sun, we can be dazzled by celestial views. How-

ever, as Battam says, “Comets are like cats. They’ve got tails, and they do exactly what they please.�

Animal Adoption





Monday, Dec. 2

EXIT Realty Expertise is conducting its 7th annual Holiday Food Drive to benefit the King George Food Pantry now until the end of the year. Drop off non perishable food items at our office located across from KG Domino’s, 7947 Kings Highway, between 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m. -2 p.m. on Saturdays. Checks may be made out to King George Social Services. Please note, we also remain an ongoing collection site for Love Thy Neighbor donations. Thank you for helping us to help others have a brighter holiday season! 2 FREE Christmas Concerts The award winning Rappahannock Choral Society invites you to start this Christmas season with one of two FREE Christmas concerts. Come and enjoy our all audition 70+ member chorus, under the direction of Linda Monner, and the accompaniment of Marilla Haas. There will be something for everyone – from traditional holiday music to a Hebrew number to the majestic Hallelujah Chorus. The concerts will be on Saturday, Dec. 7 @ 8 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 @ 3 p.m. at Chancellor High School, 6800 Harrison Road in Fredericksburg, VA. Enjoy the season with your family and the Rappahannock Choral Society.

KG P&R What’s Happening Registration deadline is extended for Girl Youth Basketball Players in all of our age divisions,(89,10-12 & 13-15), to Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013. Registration cost is $81 per participant. Don’t forget to sign up for the Santa’s Calling! Send a special message to your child (typically geared for children under the age of 10) during this holiday season with a call from Santa. Complete the form (you can get one on www.kinggeorge.recdesk.com starting on Monday, Nov. 25) and return it to the Citizens Center by Friday, Dec. 6. Calls will be made on Tuesday, Dec. 10 or Thursday, Dec. 12. Saturday, Dec.14, from 9 a.m - 11 a.m at the Citizens Center Parks and Recreation’s annual Santa Breakfast. For years we have provided youth, ages 12 and under, a great experience to have a light breakfast and picture taken with Santa. In addition, there will be games and crafts and children can do some holiday shopping at the “Shamrock the Elf Shelf � where they can purchase small gifts ($5 and under, many at a dollar) for their friends and family. Preregistration (by calling 775-4386) is appreciated. Cost is $5.00 per child. King George Youth Athletic Association is taking Spring Flag Football registrations. Please check www.kgyaa.org for further information. Call KGP&R at (540) 775-4386 or come by the office to learn about more of our programs.

KG Garden Club to meet 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion Bldg on 206. Program: making wreaths for county buildings. (note meeting day changed) KG Internet Service meeting. 6-7 p.m. at UMW-Dahlgren. All KG residents invited to discuss internet service solutions for KG are welcome to attend. Town Hall meeting 7-9 p.m. UMW-Dahlgren. All KG residents welcome. Scheduled speakers, Capt. Nette, Sheriff Dempsey, KG Historical Society & Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal Co. Regular meeting of AARP Chapter 3951. Noon at the KGCC. Bring a covered dish to go along with turkey & ham. Guest performance by the KGHS Jazz Band. Come meet the new officers for 2014. Make this meeting one of joy for the season.

Tuesday, Dec. 3

KG County Annual Tree Lighting. 5:30 p.m. Courthouse lawn. Free! Reservations now being taken for the NARFE Northern Neck Chapter 1823 Holiday Luncheon to be held at noon at the Horn Harbor Restaurant in Burgess, VA. For add’l information and to make a reservation call (804) 5808666.

Thursday, Dec. 5

Colonial Beach author Paul Tsompanas to hold book signing at Smoot Library. 7 p.m. for his new book, “Juan Patron: A Fallen Star in the Days of Billy the Kid.�

Saturday, Dec. 7

Cottrells’ Holiday Wonderland Craft Fair & Classy Consignment Sale. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Fundraiser for 2nd annual Run for Autism 5k. 11060 Smile Way, KG. R4L fund raiser Pancake Breakfast. 8 a.m.- Noon. St. Paul’s Episcopal Parish Hall. $5 adult/$4 for children 12 & under. Family pack available. For more info email ursula@crosslink.net or jeidyamidala@yahoo.com. KGES to hold Vendor Fair/ Santa Breakfast from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the school. Holiday Craft Bazaar hosted by the CB-VRS. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Vendors and crafters needed! Call (804) 761-5115. $15 for 10x10 space. $25 for two spaces.



King George, VA



Call 775-2667 or 659-1111 for a Free Inspection! 8 am - 1 pm M-F


Thursday, Dec. 19

Annual Christmas Party KG County Historical Society. 6 p.m. Shiloh Baptist Church, 13457 Kings Hwy. Covered dish. Next Society meeting will be in February, 2014.

Sign up now for the Virginia Tourism e-newsletter. Free to use. You’ll get a monthly newsletter of events, exhibits, festivals, getaways and much more. Go to Virginia.org and sign up for your newsletter today. The December newsletter just came out and is full of holiday events and more! See below:

Cell: 540/220-0726 Home: 540/663-3854 TOP PROD

Saturday, Dec. 14

Woman’s Club of KG to hold 18th annual Santaland event. 9-noon at 9441 Kings Hwy, across from the Opp Shop. $1 donation for admission. Picture with Santa $2. Kids boutique, Christmas Bazaar room, Santa and Mrs. Claus, the SnowQueen, bake sale and more. Journal’s annual Holly Jolly Shop Local event. Members of the KG Farmers’ Market bring their “winter crops� to sell, greenery, local crafters with hand made items, and more. Great chance to pick up last minute Christmas gifts. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. KGES on Ridge Road. Inside & outside! Call (540) 709-7495. Inaugural CBVFD-LA Frosty the Fireman 5k and Kids 1 mile race. $20 per runner includes t-shirt. Best Santa hat contest! Contact anyone at the fire dept. for details and entry forms.

Annual Tree of Lights to benefit the Col. Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad $5 a light “in memory of � or “in honor of � a loved one Drop off donation & name(s) at the BB&T branch at the beach ormail them to: CB-VRS, 223 Dennison St., Col. Beach, VA 22443 or call (804) 761-5115 BY DECEMBER 11 to be published in the Journal on Dec. 18


This advertisement sponsored by PermaTreat Pest Control

Thursday, Dec. 12

Info meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing- fracking- 6:30-8:30 p.m. General District Courtroom, Geo. D. English Bldg., 111 Polk St., Montross. Sponsored by Friends of the Rappahannock & Caroline County Countryside Alliance.

Annual Tree of Bones & Bells hosted by Colonial Beach Humane Society & BB&T Bank at the Beach $5 for an “in memory of � or “in honor of � a beloved pet Drop off donation & name(s) at the bank branch or mail them to: PO Box 393 Col. Beach, VA 22443 BY DECEMBER 11 to be published in the Journal Dec. 18

or visit http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/VA53.html for a complete listing


Wednesday, Dec. 11

Info meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing-(fracking) 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bowling Green Town Hall, 117 Butler St. Bowling Green, VA. Sponsored by Friends of the Rappahannock & Caroline County Countryside Alliance.

Your picture with us! Maranatha Alpaca Farm is offering a Pictures with the ‘Pacas fundraiser on Nov. 29 & 30 from 11a.m. -3 p.m. Your $20 donation will helpsupport Casa CHapi childrens village in Peru. Located at 71 Coakley Lane. F’brg, VA 22406.



Sunday, Dec. 8

The Compassionate Friends F’brg Chapter Candle Lighting Memorial Service. 17th annual worldwide event. Starts at 2 p.m. Redeemer Lutheran Church, 5120 Harrison Rd. F’brg. For more info contact Kathie, (540) 735-4276 or tcffred@yahoo. com.

SMOOT LIBRARY TEEN EVENTS On Saturday, Dec 7 all 13-18 year olds are invited to “dress to the nines� and attend the 2013 Holidazzle Formal Ball. 7-10 p.m. at the new library. Hosted by the library’s Teen Advisory Board, there will be food, beverages, music, dancing and more. Entry fee $5 pp or $8 per couple. All proceeds support teen programming RSVP required. So visit smoot.org or call 775-7951to sign up! On Friday, Dec. 13 all teens are urged to attend the library’s Teen Advisory Committee meeting 4-5 p.m. Come out and help suggest new library materials for teens, plan upcoming events & meet new people. Snacks & beverages served. Go to smoot. org or call 775-7951.

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This & That

BelleGrovePlantation.com (540) 621-7340

The Oort cloud, near (the once planet of ) Pluto spewed a huge chunk of 4.5 billion year old frozen ‘star-stuff ’, a comet named ISON. ISON’s orbit will take it through the sun’s atmosphere according to Karl Battams, an astrophysicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., who is also a comet expert. Per Battams, the comet, is a “fro-

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

Spend the Holidays in Abingdon Visit Harrisonburg’s Main Street Plan a getaway in Alexandria Love seeing Christmas lights? How about 100 Miles of Lights? Come share the warmth of the season and experience millions of lights and hundreds of events from Virginia’s capital city to the Atlantic Ocean. The region will glitter and glow, sparkle and shine with lights, lights and more lights. 100 Miles of Lights features holiday events and activities in Richmond, Williamsburg, Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Virginia Beach. And so much more, in Virginia for the holidays!


Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013


The Journal

Shop Local CHRISTMAS STARTS IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN FREDERICKSBURG Historic Downtown welcomes you this holiday season, for your shopping pleasure

Children’s Tree Lighting • Hurkamp Park Friday, November 30th • 4-6 pm Music, Hot Chocolate, Cookie Decorating & Holiday Crafts (Corner of Prince Edward and William Streets) Candlelight Tour at the Mary Washington House* Free December 1 Carols and Refreshments • (540) 373-1569 1200 Charles St, Fredericksburg A Monroe Christmas Holiday Open House * Free December 7th The museum will open its doors for cookies, punch, & hot cider before the parade. in Sophia Street Studios (540) 654-1043 • 908 Charles St Annual Christmas Parade * Free December 7 * 5:30 pm Paint your own Pottery 43rd Annual Candlelight Makes a Perfect Gift! Tour Dec. 14 & 15 Last day to paint for Christmas December 20th at close of business • (540) 371-4505 First Night FredericksWalk In Anytime During Hours Ornaments, Buy 2 Get 1 FREE! burg Dec. 31 * 6 pm-12:15 am Tues. - Thurs. 10 - 6 • Fri. 10 - 9 • Sat. 10-6 Sun. 1 - 6 • Closed Monday A family-friendly celebration of Holiday Hours: Open Mon.12/23 10-6 the New Year with music, Closed 12/24 & 12/25 dance, comedy, art and more, 540/373-7046 www.potsandpalettes.com on the streets of Fredericksburg. 1104 Sophia Street, Fredericksburg

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This chest belongs to a gentleman from the Middle Peninsula. He purchased it at a recent auction, and questions whether the hardware is original, but he is certain that the finish is original. The overall condition is excellent. This piece dates from the second quarter of the nineHenry Lane teenth century. Hull The carvings on the corner encompass the acanthus leaf motif of the Empire Period as well as the spool design that characterized the early Victorian era. The feet are of special significance due to the quality of their carving, and the marquetry of the crotch mahogany veneering on the draw fronts is quite good. The hardware is a different story. The present pulls are typical

of the Chippendale style of the eighteenth century, and are clearly replacements, albeit old ones. The cabinetmaker who constructed this chest never would have used that style of hardware. The brass hardware of this period often did not have sufficient alloy in its manufacture to make it durable for long-term usage, thus it often fell apart after a few years, the result of too much opening and closing of the drawers. Probably that was the case with this chest. The present pulls appear to be from the American Centennial Period, that is the 1870s, when early styles were being reproduced. On a Chippendale piece they would be fine, but here they are incongruous. Replacing them should not be a costly expense. Companies such as Horton Brass or Ball and Ball make excellent reproductions of a vast aray of styles of furniture hardware at reasonable prices. I suggest measuring the distance

between the holes and ordering appropriate replacements in the Empire style. The eight pulls should amount to an expense of less than $80., but they would enhance the value of the chest by far more than

that amount. This is a good piece, worthy of having the correct hardware. Once replaced, the overall value would be $700. Happy Antiquing!

Celebrate Yuletide in the Northern Neck Home Tours Belle Grove Plantation Bed and Breakfast - Dec. 6-7-8,13,14-15 Christmas Candlelight Tours Cindy’s Corner in Bowling Green is decorating the mansion inside and out. Musical entertainment from the area will accompany you as you move through the house. At the end of the tour, the King George Historical Society will offer hot beverages to warm the soul and brighten the spirit. Hague - Dec. 8 Westmoreland County Museum’s Annual Holiday House Tour Come and see how Hague celebrates the holidays, featuring five homes and three wineries. Tastings available for purchase. Reedville - Dec. 14-15 Christmas On Cockrell’s Creek Featuring a free boat shuttle, this waterfront tour highlights the Northern Neck’s rich maritime heritage. Reedville, still one of the most active fishing ports in America, was established in 1867. Chesapeake Bay Garden Club will again be adding festive seasonal touches to all the homes Parades Warsaw - Tractors, Trucks and Toys Christmas Parade Dec. 1st - 3:30 Kilmarnock - Lighted Christmas Parade, Dec. 13th - 7 p.m. Fine and Performing Arts Colonial Beach Artwalk - Dec. 13th - Ongoing, every second Friday, year-round Rappahannock Arts League Holiday Shop - Downtown Kilmarnock - Until Dec. 28 -Tuesday- Friday Rappahannock Foundation for the Arts presents Natalie MacMaster - Kilmarnock - Dec. 9 Reedville Festival Chorale Christmas Concert - Dec. 22 Reedville Festival Halle - 3p.m.

montross christmas spirit festival friday december 7 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Open House. Cookies & hot apple cider at Farm Bureau 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Open House, Light refreshments at Sunbelt Realty 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Open House, refreshments, specials at Carrot Cottage 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. 3rd Holiday Bazaar, food crafts, etc. at Montross F.D. 4 - 6 p.m.

Gifts for children at Union First Market Bank

4 – 6 p.m.

Mrs. Santa, photos, refreshments at Bank of Lancaster

4 – 6 p.m.

Spaghetti Dinner at St. James Episcopal Church

5 – 7 p.m.

Open House, refreshments, at Bridget’s Bouquets

5:30 – 6 p.m.

Christmas story telling at the Montross library

6 p.m.

Spirit Tree Lighting at Courtyard


Blessing of the Spirit Tree Barbara Jean Jones, WVFD Auxiliary President Tree Lighting and Reading of Names, Westmoreland Fire Dept. & Auxiliary The Christmas Story Katie Johnson & Paul Smith, W&L Ruritans Christmas Music Siloam Church, Youth Choir 6 – 8 p.m. Open House Raffle drawing at Westmoreland County Museum 7 – 8 p.m. Live Christmas Music at the Art of Coffee

Dahlgren Lions Club Annual Citrus Sale The Dahlgren Lions Club is now holding its annual citrus sale. The sale is at the old Dahlgren Rescue Squad building on Dahlgren Rd. Hours are Monday through Friday 12 noon- 6pm. Saturday hours are from 9am-1pm. Navel oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, nuts and cheese are for sale. Your purchase makes possible the Lions mission of helping our community’s sight and hearing needs.

18th Annual “Santaland” Sponsored by the Woman’s Club of KG

9 a.m.-Noon on Saturday, Dec. 7 9441 Kings Highway (across from Opp Shop) Admission: $1 donation Santa & Mrs. Claus Photo with Santa $2 Snow Queen Bake Sale w/ sweet bread Kid’s Boutique New for 2013: White Elephant Sale Christmas Bazaar Room Holiday Crafts while u wait ALL ARE WELCOME!!

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R. David O’Dell, Jr., Mayor

saturday december 8 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Holiday Bazaar continues from Friday 10 – 5 p.m.

Open House continues from Friday at Carrot Cottage sunday december 9

11 am - 5 p.m. Open House continues from Carrot Cottage 3 – 6 p.m. Holiday House Tour at Westmoreland County Museum For info, call 804-493-9623 or visit www.montrossvirginiafestivals.com

Annual Holly Jolly Local, Shop Local Local Event Jolly, Holly, LocalLocal Christmas hostedpresented by the Journal & KG Farmers’ by The Journal andMarket Sat. Dec. 14 - 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. KG Farmers Market King Sat.George Dec. 15 Elementary - 9 a.m. - 2:00School p.m. King Home Georgemade Elementary School In the parking lot crafts, baked goods, and the cafeteria local produce, holiday wreaths, and more Featuring Live performance by KGHS chorus Exhibits of gift items and food “Made or baked” in King George produced by members of the KG Farmers Market Callpeople, (540)the 709-7495 for more information or local best from local crafters, fresh Potomac River oysters, Greek pastries, you name it, it will be there. Look for Carolers and Santa! To participate with a table, inside or out, call Lori at The Journal at (540)709-7495 or DeLaura Padovan at the KG Farmer’s Market at 775-2963.

Visit with Santa!

Montross Spirit Festival December 6

Stop in from 4 to 6 p.m. Visit with Santa and enjoy cookies and punch 15960 Kings Hwy. • 804-493-8031 Your Home Town Bank since June 17, 1913



The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

CB Drifters varsity girls’ basketball 2013-14 outlook However, the challenge to repeat that success will tested; given the loss of four potential returning players who chose not to play this season, and the loss of their six foot one center, who transferred to another school, the possibilities of success could become problematic. While many Northern Neck opponents may have lost sight of the Drifters’ interesting way of pulling a rabbit out of the hat of intangibles, Dickerson has prepared his team for all-out-war against anyone gullible enough to take them lightly. Dickerson is a chessmaster at the game of basketball, and will not hesitate to drop a bomb on the uninformed. “Our team is reloading, growing, and the future is bright for Drifters girls’ basketball,” Dickerson said. “Although our schedule is tough, hopefully we can grow from it, and by the time districts come around, they will be well seasoned.” As for area Northern Neck competition, the Drifters will have their hands full. With Lancaster and Northumberland lingering in the shadows of the schedule, the Drifters are confident that they have the right stuff to take on the area’s perennial powerhouses. “We’re young, and from game to game, you could see a different mentality; however, the one thing I like about this team is that we have a competitive nature,” Dickerson said. “I frequently remind them that the hardest team they will face this season is the team (fellow teammates) they play against every day in practice.” For schedule, and general information pertaining to Colonial Beach High School sports, go online to www. driftersports.com.

Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Not for the faint of heart! Throughout the years, Drifter varsity girls’ basketball practices are traditionally intense.

Fasten your seat belts, the winter basketball season has already begun. By the time the 2014 portion of the winter sports season arrives, the Drifters girls’ varsity basketball team’s fortitude will have been tested and proven. Long before the Christmas break, the Drifter faithful will see their beloved ladies of “Black & Gold” battle teams such as King George, North Stafford, Washington & Lee and West Point. Nothing will be easy in the new VSHL reclassification era of fast lane basketball. After four-back-to-back winning seasons that included their first Regional Championship win (5944 over Charles City, 2013) Drifters girls’ varsity head basketball coach Keith Dickerson may have his toughest challenge yet as a coach. “We’re young with two seniors, two juniors, two sophomores, and five freshmen. We consider this season a reloading process rather than a rebuilding year. We have a solid group of freshmen willing to get the job done.” With the graduation of Drifter sports standouts, and 1,000 point club legends, Karley Inscoe and Canieshia Fulcher, the impact on team leadership will fall on the shoulders on point guards Deniya Newman, Sydni Carey and Emily Parks. Over the last four years, the Drifters have competed for the Regional crown on three occasions. In addition, they have compiled a record of 40-19.

Lunenberg defeats W&L in VHSL Regional playoffs Richard Leggitt Central Lunenburg running back Dajour Smith powered for 136 rushing yards and two touchdowns Friday night to lead his Chargers to victory over the W&L Eagles in a quarterfinal 1A-East football playoff game played in Victoria. “Lunenburg Central played a great football game,” said W&L Coach Antron Yates. “We had some key injuries. Two starters on that great defense were out. We dug some holes for ourselves with penalties. But my team played hard and left it all on the field. I am very proud to be their coach.” W&L junior quarterback Treshaun Brown had a strong game, passing for 215 yards and three touchdowns, but the Eagle ground game was able to generate just 70 yards rushing while Eagle defenders were unable to slow down the Chargers running attack. Lunenburg Central used four different runners to gain 323 yards on the ground, lead by Smith who racked up his 136 yards on 21 carries. The Eagles were outmanned on both lines and could not stop the Chargers double wing offense. The Chargers scored in the first quarter on a 58-yard pass from quarterback Graham Smith to receiver Markeith Carr. And then again early in the second quarter on an 11yard run by Dajour Smith. W&L fought back scoring two second quarter touchdowns as Brown passed for 43 yards to senior receiver Davon Hamilton and 34 yards to sophomore receiver Jarret Smuiel. The Eagles failed to convert the point after on the second touchdown when kicker Alex Lane’s try was blocked. The score was 14 to 13 Lunenburg at the half. The Chargers scored in the third quarter on a four-yard run by Dajour Smith and again in the fourth quarter on a 17-yard pass from Graham Smith to receiver Tucker Price. W&L wide receiver Hamilton took

“I frequently remind them that the hardest team they will face this season is the team (fellow teammates) they play against every day in practice.” —Keith Dickerson

Name Pos. Class # Deniya Newman G S 10 Emily Parks G Jr 5 Billie Gould SF Sr 3 Kora Herrod C Sr 4 Sydni Carey G Jr 32 Amber Jones SF Fr 2 Kenzie Cox SF Fr 1 Alexia Wilson SF Fr 34 Michaela Beverley PF Fr 22 Markeya Lucas SF S 24

Drifters Eagles Foxes

Keep up with your team this year in The Journal

“I want to give a special thanks to my seniors who left a pretty strong legacy for the underclassmen to follow.”

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—Antron Yates a 40-yard pass from Brown across the goal line with seven minutes left in the game. But the powerful Chargers sealed the win by keeping the ball the rest of the way. The Chargers, who are now 102, move into the third round of the playoffs against Essex, the top seeded team in 1A-East. The Eagles, who finished the year 7-5, look forward to next season with optimism. “I want to give a special thanks to my seniors who left a pretty strong legacy for the underclassmen to follow,” said Yates. “We have some key players returning next year and with a good off-season should be ready to have another good year.” “It was a good year for W&L Football. I believe this year was a good year for everyone involved,” Yates said. “The players did an awesome job. My coaching staff was second to none. I think everyone feels and knows that we are back and will remain relevant for a while.” “It was a season that at one point could have gone either way, and you have to celebrate a team that picks it up and takes it in the right direction,” said W&L Athletic Director Malcolm Lewis. “There was good coaching . . . good senior leadership . . . and just a maturity that wasn’t there last year,” Lewis said. “We had a strong season with solid momentum for a bright future.”

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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

The Journal


KGYAA annual Frostbowl Championship results Staff Reports With the playing of the annual Frost Bowl championships last Saturday at the King George High School stadium, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) closed the chapter on yet another exciting season of local youth football - its 12th season overall. The signature, fitting conclusion to every fall tackle football campaign, the 2013 KGYAA Frost Bowl featured the Rookie (ages 6-8) and Junior (ages 9-11) division title contests, as well as an invitational game between two additional Rookie division teams. Each of the three games was compelling in terms of its level of competitiveness, with two of the three games featuring dramatic, comefrom-behind, upset victories. In the Rookie division title contest, Coach Welch’s #3 Pirates rallied from an early 14-0 deficit against Coach Caldwell’s #1 River Hawks, scoring 22 unanswered points to ul-

timately capture the division crown, 22-14. The Junior division championship featured a similarly sensational storyline, as Coach Mike Rose’s #3 Blue Devils also rallied from a considerable deficit at one point (22-6) to Coach Parr’s #1 Warriors, posting 28 straight points to capture the team’s first-ever division title, 34-22. And finally, in Saturday’s invitational Rookie contest between Coach Webster’s #4 Pride and Coach Williams’ #2 Rattlers, the Rattlers gained an early lead and ultimately held off the never-say-die Pride, 28-12. To add to the thrilling nature of the day’s events, the Rookie and Junior division cheerleaders enlivened the festivities (as they always do) with their spirited cheers and wonderful halftime routines, all football players, cheerleaders, and coaching staffs were introduced (the games themselves called) over the stadium’s public address system, and the champion and runner-up of each game were presented with team trophies

and individual player medals in onthe-field ceremonies. The Rookie and Junior division cheer squads were also recognized at the end of their respective division championship games. And finally, as is a KGYAA tradition, Marines were on-hand to accept generous King George donations to the annual “Toys for Tots” campaign. Representing the Marines at the Frost Bowl were Sergeant Marla Nelson of Lovington, Mich., and Lance Corporal Haley Smith of Fredericksburg. Both served as honorary participants in coin toss ceremonies throughout the day. Although the day began cold and blustery - seemingly befitting the Frost Bowl moniker assigned to the event - by Saturday’s end the sun was shining brightly, as it ultimately set, on another great season of KGYAA football. For more information on the KGYAA, visit them on Facebook and www.kgyaa.org.

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Victory is sweet for coach Mike Rose and #3 Jr. Blue Devils celebrating their come-from-behind Frost Bowl victory Saturday at King George High School.

Raiders race at Regency Park Brandon Hendrickson Recently, the Rappahannock Raiders competed at the Regency Park Fall Invite. The meet took place at St. Michaels High School in Fredericksburg. The Raiders took an all-time high 42 athletes to the swim meet. “Our team numbers dropped a little this year, but almost every athlete we have is competing! I love that! That’s where the coaching staff gets to visibly see how our athletes are improving and what we need to work on,” said Head Coach Brandon Hendrickson. The Raiders were able to improve with 110 new best times, earn 27

brand new “USA Motivational Times”, and crack 13 team records. However, nothing topped the performance of the 13 and Older Raiders. They were able to best nearly 60% of all their swims. The meets time table was very short and with each athlete swimming four to five events each day, it meant for a very fast-paced meet. “Our older athletes would swim a race, spend fifteen minutes in the warm up pool, and would have to be behind the blocks immediately for their next race. The pace was ridiculous and our athletes handled it like champs. It was a moment of growth for everyone,” Said Hendrickson Notable performances included

Mollie Billingsley who swam six best times out of seven events and Zandy Knoke who bested six out of seven swims, earned two new USA Motivational Cuts (200 IM BB, 400 IM B), and cracked a new team record (200 Breast). New USA Motivation Standards Achieved: Jenna Kapp 100 Free AA, 500 Free A, 100 IM AA; Lindsay Knoke 200 Free B, 200 Fly B; Zandy Knoke 200 IM BB, 400 IM B; Marie Macaluso 200 Free BB, 200 IM B; Taylor Mayros 100 Free B; Jessica Miller 100 Back B, 400 IM BB; Chayla Morin 200 Free BB, 200 IM BB; Jordin Morin 200 Free B, 50 Back B, 100 Back B, 200 IM BB; Cannon Parker 100 Free B; Alex Poley 400

Raiders Swimmers of the Month Brandon Hendrickson Bronze: Olivia Anderson – Olivia is just 9 years old and has been swimming with the Raiders for about a year now. She always comes to practice with a bright attitude and is always striving for perfection. Following her achievement of earning “Swimmer of the Month”, her coaches decided to promote her to the Silver Group. She was formerly coached by Leann Miller and is now coached by Jeanne Parker. Her favorite stroke is butterfly and her favorite hero is her Mom and Dad. When she grows up she wants to be an ice skater. Silver: Seth Christensen – Seth is 8 years old and is in his second full

season with the Raiders. In the past year, the coaching staff has watched Seth grow in swimming and become one of our best 8 and Under swimmers. His favorite stroke is the butterfly and the athlete that he looks up to most is Michael Phelps. His future goals include being the best swimmer he can be and his career choice is to become a scientist. Seth is currently being coached by Coach Jeanne Parker. Gold: Marie Macaluso – Marie is 9 years and is in her third season with the Raiders. Marie’s focus on excellence has allowed her to improve in the sport at a rapid pace. She always has a smile on her face and enjoys spending time with her teammates. She is currently being coached by Coach Bran-

don Hendrickson. Her favorite event is the 200 IM and her favorite athlete is Rebecca Soni. Her future goal is to become a doctor and cure cancer. Junior: Emily Sizemore – Emily is 13 years old and is now in her third year with the Raiders. Her most recent accomplishment on the team was qualifying and swimming at Virginia’s Age Group Championship Meet over the summer. Emily is full of energy and is always smiling. Her favorite event is the 100 Backstroke and her favorite swimmer is Missy Franklin. Her future goals are to get into governors school, make it to the 2016 Olympics, maintain straight A’s and get into a good college. When she grows up, Emily would like to become a surgeon.

Drifter teammates/friends forever!

IM B; Braden Sembower 100 Free B; Emily Sizemore 400 IM BB; Gabby Thompson 100 IM AA; Abby Wilson 50 Back A, 100 Breast A, 200 Breast A, 100 IM A. New Team Records Broken: 9-10 Girls Jenna Kapp 50 Free, 100 Free, 100 Breast, 50 Fly, 100 IM; 200 Free Relay – Jenna Kapp, Marie Macaluso, Carter Wasser, Chayla Morin; 11-12 Girls Gabby Thompson 200 Free; Abby Wilson 100 Breast; 1314 Girls Jessica Miller 100 Breast; Zandy Knoke 200 Breast; 8 & Under Boys Seth Christensen 25 Back; CJ Crocker 50 Breast; 13&Older Boys 200 Medley Relay Alex Poley, Brandon Wofford, Nate Wilson, Matthew Macaluso.

Brandon Hendrickson

Rappahannock Raider swimmers improved with 100 best times recently at the Regency Park Fall Invitational, while earning 27 brand new “USA Motivational Times”, and crack 13 team records.

Drifters and Eagles named to All-Conference Team Richard Leggitt

Nine Washington & Lee Eagles and eight Colonial Beach Drifters have been named to the Conference 43 All-Conference football team. The Eagles and the Drifters both made the 1A-East playoffs this year with W&L losing in the quarterfinals and Colonial Beach losing in the first round. Three W&L players, defensive back and wide receiver Davon Hamilton, offensive and defensive lineman Gabe Loesel and kicker and punter Alex Lane were named to both the offensive and defensive AllConference teams. Two Colonial Beach players were awarded double honors. Running back and punter Nick Graves and running back and defensive back Sharmar Shanks were also named to both the offensive and defensive squads. Washington & Lee’s hard hitting Kaleel Pratt, who played wide receiver, defensive end and linebacker this year, was named Conference 43’s Defensive Lineman of the year. Pratt, a senior, had 20 sacks while leading

the W&L defense this year. Eagles and Drifters named to the all conference team were as follows: All-Conference 1st Team Offense: Junior Center Darin Jones, Colonial Beach, Senior Tackle Frankie Jacobo, Colonial Beach, Sophomore Running Back DJ Weldon, W&L Freshman Running Back Lamar Lucas , Colonial Beach, Senior Kicker Alex Lane, W&L.

All-Conference 1st Team Defense: Senior Defensive End Kaleel Pratt, W&L Junior Defensive Lineman Markeyse Thompson , W&L Senior Linebacker Milan Bullock, W&L Junior Linebacker DezJohn Parker, Colonial Beach Senior Defensive Back Davon Hamilton, W&L Junior Punter Nick Graves , Colonial Beach All-Conference 2nd Team Offense: Senior Center Chantz Swann , W&L Junior Guard Gabe Loesel. W&L Senior Wide Receiver Davon Hamilton, W&L Senior Running

Back Shamar Shanks , Colonial Beach Junior Running Back Nick Graves , Colonial Beach Junior Quarterback Treshaun Brown, W&L. All-Conference 2nd Team Defense: Sophomore Defensive End Carter Foster , Colonial Beach Senior Defensive Lineman Brandon Phillips , Colonial Beach Junior Defensive Lineman Gabe Loesel, W&L Junior Linebacker Brandon Buzby , Colonial Beach Senior Defensive Back Shamar Shanks , Colonial Beach, Senior Punter Alex Lane, W&L. 2013 Eagles, Drifters Conference All-Academic Team: W&L: Milan Bullock,Chris Graham, Steven Preston, Nicky Fones, Baine Self, Tyler Ashton, Gabe Loesel. Colonial Beach: Dez’John Parker, Ryan Thomas, Carter Foster, Monte Gould, Nick Graves, Lamar Lucas, Brandon Phillips, Cameron Headley, Nich Hipple, Brandon Buzby, Taylor Stees.

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Leonard Banks

Whether it’s volleyball, softball or basketball, Drifter seniors Kora Herrod and Billie Gould will always have a high school friendship connection that has lasted through years of competitive sports.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013


NSWC Software engineer runs for the love of his life

Torres family photos

With a tutu around his waist to symbolize the fight against breast cancer, NSWC software test engineer Ray Burgos Torres ran the entire 26.2 miles of the annual Marine Corps Marathon in Arlington. Leonard Banks Sports editor What began as a means of improving his health soon became a lifestyle for NSWC Aegis Training Systems software test engineer and retired US Navy chief Ray Burgos Torres. Torres finished the 38th annual Marine Corps Marathon in four hours and 12 minutes—22 minutes faster than his first attempt at the marathon in 2012. Out of the

male 50—54 age group, he placed 357 out of 1244 runners. Out of 23,521 overall runners, he finished 6982. “I gradually began running last year, and I ended up running 600 miles throughout the year,” Torres said. “Last year I ran the Marine Corps Half Marathon in Fredericksburg, and soon after, I ran the 20-mile Stonewall Jackson Ambulance run. After running the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon and

the annual Blue & Gray run out of Fredericksburg, I was able to get off of high blood pressure medicine and cholesterol medicine. In the process I lost 20 pounds.” Torres has embraced the holiday’s spirit of Thanksgiving, and family. Although he has enjoyed the health benefits of lowering his cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure, his primary inspiration for 26.2 miles is his beloved wife. With his wife’s battle with breast cancer in his heart, Torres ran the entire race dressed in a ballet tutu. “I felt her throughout the whole race—she became a part of my spirit,” Torres said. “It was something I will never forget.” In light of their rigorous weekly training, marathon runners are rare, and Torres is no exception. His 20week training plan began at the start of January. Through time management between work and family life, he dedicated his body towards a ritual of 5-10 mile training routines at the break of dawn. “Just to beat the summer temperatures, I would get up at 4-4:30 a.m. in the morning to get my runs in,” Torres said. Committed to his plan to strengthen his endurance and muscle mass, he ran four days a week, and on Saturdays he pushed his body for longer runs (8-9 miles) until he reached his goal of 20 miles. “My ultimate goal is to stay fit, and to be able to enjoy life a little better,” Torres said. “During training and competing, you get what is called a runner’s high. It makes you feel better about yourself, and it builds up your confidence. Running improves your focus, bone growth, and keeps you healthier than the average person.” With a full schedule of future races on his schedule, Torres has also spread the running bug to both of his sons, who are also endurance athletes. Most recently, he participated in the Anthem Richmond Marathon, on Nov. 16.

Carroll’s Automotive and Michelin donate to KGP&R Leonard Banks Sports editor Thanks to Carroll’s Automotive and Michelin, Christmas has come early for the King George Parks & Recreation Department. The Dahlgren based automotive repair shop recently donated over $750 in money and equipment to KGP&R through the Michelin Soccer Program. The program partners Michelin tire dealers with local soccer organizations throughout the country. Each dealer has purchased customized soccer balls that are redeemed with certificates sent to the soccer organization. Two dollars is donated back to the soccer organization for every

Michelin® tire sold to the general public at Carroll’s Automotive during the 30-day soccer ball giveaway. The donations will ensure a bright future for athletics in the community by providing scholarships, uniforms, and other equipment for soccer leagues. Michelin is adamant about safety both on the road, and on the field. Thrilled with the opportunity to give back to the community, Carroll’s Automotive owner Patrick Carroll said, “Whether you have done this program for one year or more than 13, you’re going to have a blast. Kids love it, parents love it, and all of us at the dealership really enjoy being able to interact with the soccer community. There is nothing

better than seeing the direct impact it has on everyone involved.” Benefiting the community through generous donations is a win-win relationship, both for the business owner, and the aspiring athlete. “Michelin is always looking for unique ways to give back, and the perfect partnership is between our dealers and community soccer leagues,” said Michelin Marketing Manager, Jason Strand. “We had great success with this program over the past 13 years, and we look forward to many more.” Go online to www. MichelinSoccer.com to learn more about the Michelin Soccer Program. Also, visit www.carrollsautomotive. com to learn more about Carroll’s Automotive.

Nick Fronzo fulfills Marine Corps Marathon dream Leonard Banks Sports editor For the nearly 24,000 runners who finished the 38th running of the Marine Corps Marathon, the event became a major point in their lives. As for NSWC Dahlgren Warfare Systems Deputy AEGIS Program Director Nick Fronzo, the event became a personal venture into attaining better health and physical goal setting. “I’ve never really been a very good runner, but after talking with some of my friends, who actually ran the marathon, I wanted to see what I could do” Fronzo said. The 32-year old King George resident finished the Arlington based marathon in five hours, two minutes, and 21 seconds. Overall,

he placed 15,407 out of 25,518, and in the 30-34 male division, he placed 1,603. “My time was a half hour slower than my goal, but this was my first marathon, and I am happy just to finish it.” Earlier in the year, Fronzo competed in the Marine Corps Half Marathon, in Fredericksburg. His overall time was two hours, eight minutes, and 34 seconds. He finished 241 in his age group. He began the Marathon running side by side with fellow NSWC employee, Ray Burgos-Torres. However, Torres soon disappeared far ahead of Fronzo in the crowd of runners. “The first half was pretty easy, but during the second part, I really began to feel it in my legs,” Torres said. “The last 3-4 miles were difficult.”

Jim Salyers, Jr.

It was a rewarding experience. Last Thursday, the KGYAA concluded its portion of the coalition effort to partner with the local Early Childhood Special Education program.

KGYAA partners with KG ECSE Staff Reports Having joined a county-wide coalition of established community organizations intent on providing the wonderful boys and girls of the King George Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program the opportunity to enjoy athletic opportunities once a week during “special gym” sessions, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) concluded its portion of the coalition effort last Thursday. Over the course of six two-hour “special gym” sessions during Oct. and Nov., KGYAA representatives provided 50+ ECSE students (ages 2-5) the chance to participate in catching, throwing, and kicking practice, as well as various conditioning and agility drills. In addition, and at various times, these students also experienced the excitement of running through “crash banners” and “victory tunnels”, and were encouraged throughout the sessions to exhibit leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship. But through it all, “having fun” was the order of the day. In fact, it was a steadfast KGYAA requirement

that the ECSE boys and girls happily fulfilled each and every week. Many of the teachers also valued and enjoyed the opportunity to let their charges cut loose and experience the excitement of football. In fact, as Ms. Pari Paluszak, Coordinator of Preschool & Mandated Services, described it, “The kids and staff LOVED it!! Every week the children couldn’t wait until Thursday so that they could play football again!” And that anticipation seemed a common theme amongst the six ECSE classes, for as teacher Jeanette White tells it, “Every Thursday when we would review our schedule [the students] would jump up and down and cheer when they figured out it was special gym...” At the final KGYAA session last week, the ECSE staff and students were presented with speciallydesigned “KGYAA-ECSE” t-shirts, with each participating class sitting for group (or should we say, “team”) photographs. The students were also presented another exciting gift to commemorate the experience – their own KGYAA foam footballs. Needless to say, both the shirts and

the footballs were a big hit. One of Julie Johnson’s students “didn’t want to take off the shirt even the next day!” And White had at least one student that “kept his on the rest of the day and then slept in it that night at home!!” It is safe to say that the collective experience of the KGYAA-ECSE “special gym” sessions was extremely rewarding to all involved – students, staff, and the KGYAA volunteers alike. The KGYAA reports it was with some sorrow that their portion of the coalition effort reached its conclusion, especially with the endearing, thankful expressions of students on the final day, and numerous emotional, heartfelt hugs of appreciation also received. But end it did, and now the baton has been passed to other outstanding partner organizations also participating as part of the worthwhile coalition, which includes King George Parks & Recreation, King George Little League, Special Olympics, and the local YMCA. For more information on the KGYAA, visit them on Facebook and www.kgyaa.org.

Future of Drifter cheerleading!

Leonard Banks

Members of the Colonial Beach Youth Athletic Association cheer team make the most of their Drifter Homecoming Parade appearance.

Fronzo’s journey into the world of extreme endurance racing began with a leisurely conversation with some friends. His athletic background centered on his high school experiences with soccer, wrestling and lacrosse. Other than his US Navy military training background, running has only recently become apart of his daily regimen to stay fit. “I have no specific goal to attain, other than to stay fit,” Fronzo said. Although he is currently on deployment, he will always remember the long hours of training, and his experience legging out the final miles of his first marathon. “Throughout my training, the longest I ran was 20 miles, but the last 6.2 miles made a huge difference.”

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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

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The Journal



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Notice is hereby given that John and Linda Coker have requested authorization from the Marine Resources Commission to install three low-profile stone groins and associated beach nourishment in the Potomac River at 18163 Osprey Road in King George County. Send comments/inquiries within 15 days to: Marine Resources Commission, Habitat Management Division, 2600 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newport News, Virginia 23607.

BENEFIT/ Fundraiser Holiday Craft Bazaar Craft & Vendor Show; Dec. 7th from 8AM - 2PM at the CBVRS. For more info call (804) 761-5115


KING GEORGE COUNTY JOB ANNOUNCEMENT OFFICE ASSISTANT King George County Commissioner of the Revenue office is seeking a highly self-motivated and competent person to fill the position of Office Assistant. Applicant must be reliable, experienced in one-on-one customer service, possess excellent telephone skills in a highly stressful environment, and excels in multi-tasking. Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office), punctuality and good attendance a must. Knowledge of Bright software helpful but not a requirement. High School diploma or equivalent required. Starting salary will be based on experience. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday December 4, 2013. Applications are available on line at www. king-george.va.us or by contacting the County Administrator’s office at 540-775-9181. Questions should be directed to the Commissioner of the Revenue office at 540-775-4664. King George County is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V


The 2nd half of the Real Estate and Personal Property taxes for 2013 are now available. The tax due date is December 5, 2013. Penalty will be added December 6 and interest added beginning January 2, 2014. The bills have been mailed. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Treasurer <(540) 775-2571>. If you have a question about the property listed on your bill, please contact the Commissioner of the Revenue <(540) 775-4664>. The bills are created and corrected by the Commissioner of the Revenue. The Treasurer’s Office cannot make corrections; they only collect as assessed.

s d e fi assi

l C l a oJ urn

If there is a question concerning delinquency, please contact the Treasurer’s Office. Please take the time to check the mailing address on each bill and correct, if necessary, with the Commissioner of the Revenue.

NOTE: Please do not enclose tax payment with utility payment. Credit Card Payments Accepted ONLINE only at: www.king-george.va.us Click on Online Payments 11/13/2013, 11/27/2013

We’ve made even easier We’veitmade it even easier to to put your putclassified your classified adadinin

The complete text of Ordinance No. 637 may be obtained from the Town Clerk of the Town of Colonial Beach, 18 N Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. Anyone having questions or wishing to submit written comments may contact Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone with a disability who requires assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact Town Hall prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

$10.00 - $15.00 per hour (based on experience) This position is not to exceed 25 hours per week on average.

11/27/2013, 12/4/2013

KING GEORGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Supervisors of the County of King George, Virginia will hold a public hearing to receive public input regarding a proposed Ordinance establishing a deadline for submittal of landowner applications for equalization of real estate assessment to the King George County Board of Equalization, and for completing its deliberations on all applications. The public hearing will be held Tuesday, December 3, 2013, at 6:15 p.m., in the Revercomb Building, Robert H. Combs Board Room, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Anyone having questions regarding the above may contact the County Administrator’s office, ([540] 775-9181), Monday through Friday, during regular working hours. A copy of the full text may be inspected in the Office of the County Administrator, Revercomb Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485. Written comments may be submitted to the County Administrator’s office, or mailed to 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485. All written comments must be received no later than 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 3, 2013.



All interested persons may attend and express their views.

11/27/2013, 12/4/2013

And you can now use your Discover Card too!

By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council

King George County, Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services is seeking a part-time Emergency Management Planner. This position will assist with updating and improving the County’s emergency plans and Department procedures. Candidate should possess a general interest in emergency and disaster planning and should be motivated to work without close supervision. Candidate with emergency management or public safety experience preferred but not required. Interested candidates should submit application and resume to: King George County Government Human Resources 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485. For specific job related duties and applications, visit the county’s website www.king-george.va.us. This position will remain open until filled. EOE.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Planning Commission

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All interested persons may attend and express their views.


The complete text of Ordinance No. 644 may be obtained from the Town Clerk of the Town of Colonial Beach, 18 N. Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. Anyone having questions or wishing to submit written comments may contact Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone with a disability who requires assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact Town Hall prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The King George County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday December 10, 2013, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-05-Z02: Request by JPI Walnut Hill, LLC to rezone, with proffers, 6.7482 acres of Tax Map 9, Parcel 34, as depicted on the Generalized Development Plan, Walnut Hill as prepared by Webb and Associates, dated 3-27-13, from Rural Agricultural Zoning District, (A-2) to General Trade Zoning District, (C-2). The property contains 128.9452 acres and is located on the west side of Route 301 approximately 0.2 miles south of the intersection of Danube Drive (Route 1101) and James Madison Parkway (Route 301). The area requested for rezoning is adjacent to Route 301. The minimum lot size in the A-2 Zoning District is two (2) acres and the minimum lot size in the C-2 for property served by public water and sewer is 5,000 square feet. The proposed is commercial. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Dahlgren Primary Settlement Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 1 to 5 acres in those areas without public utilities. In areas with public utilities densities of up to 8 dwelling units per acre may be considered. Case Number 13-11-Z03: Request by Jean L. Moneyhon to rezone 3.9999 acres of Tax Map 28, Parcel 28B from Limited Agricultural (A-1) to Rural Agricultural (A-2). The property is located at 19273 Stoney Point Road. The property contains 17.1753 acres. The proposed use is residential. The minimum lot size in A-1 is ten (10) acres and the minimum lot size in A-2 is two (2) acres. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Potomac River Rural Development Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 10 to 2 acres. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Planning Commission 11/27/2013. 12/4/2013

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On December 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center in Colonial Beach, the Colonial Beach Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 637. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing.

LOCK IT UP SELF STORAGE reserves the right to cancel a sale at any time for any reason. #015 Kyle Neer #830 Karen Loving #306 Valerie Rhodes #831 Barbara White #309 Logan Adelman #832 Barbara White #349 Janet Finotti #849 John Rock III #812 Thomas Massey #883 Omari Wolcott

On December 12, 2013 at 7:00p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center in Colonial Beach, the Colonial Beach Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 644. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing.



Lock It Up Self Storage facility operators sale for non-payment of storage charges pursuant to the power of sale contained in Virginia Self Storage Act (1981. C., 627) general charges and for satisfaction of the facility operators lien. The following properties will be sold at auction on: December 10, 2013 at 3:30 PM at Lock It Up Self Storage, 8534 Kings Hwy., King George, VA 22485. Ray Raines Auctions.

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NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE 5359 Payne Drive, King George, VA 22485 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated July 24, 2007, and recorded at Instrument Number 20070725000158140 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for King George County, VA, securing a loan which was originally $238,000.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at 9483 Kings Highway King George, VA 22485 on: December 16, 2013 at 11:30 AM improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of All that tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the Potomac Magisterial District, King George County, Virginia, containing an area of 0.45 acre, more or less, that was conveyed to Gerald K. Dowlin and Mary H. Dowlin, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties with the right of survivorship as at common law, by John S. Springer and Helen Springer, his wife, by deed dated September 5, 1978 and duly recorded among the land records of King George County, Virginia in Deed Book 139, at Page 76., and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,� WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $34,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the Seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for Commonwealth Trustees, LLC) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 www.rosenberg-assoc.com 11/20/2013, 11/27/2013



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The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013


ODU distance learning program at RCC celebrates renovations On Nov. 18, the Old Dominion University distance learning program at Rappahannock Community College’s Glenns Campus celebrated this summer’s renovation of its classrooms and site offices. The new facilities provide ODU students with updated technology and more welcoming spaces in which to study and learn. ODU distance learning offers over seventy degree programs (including bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral de-

grees) through community colleges across the state of Virginia. Students who complete their first two years of core classes at RCC can take their junior and senior coursework through the ODU program, either online or by attending classes at the Glenns Campus. For more information on these programs, please call the ODU office at RCC-Glenns (804-758-6795), or visit dl.odu.edu/rcc.

New mascot at RCC Left to right: David Radcliffe, ODU’s associate director for military sites; Mark Pryor, assistant director of the ODU site at RCC; Lisa Hall, ODU’s external relations manager; Kirk Dewyea, director of the ODU site at Piedmont Community College; Dr. Donna Alexander, RCC’s vice president of instruction and student development; Dr. Elizabeth Crowther, RCC’s president; David Chase, ODU’s assistant vice president of site operations and military distance learning; Nancy Rudolph, director of ODU’s site at Lord Fairfax Community College; Mary Magerkorth, assistant director (Fauquier Campus) of the Lord Fairfax site; Regenia Hill, director of the RCC site; Barbie Miller, assistant director (Middletown Campus) of the Lord Fairfax site; Patrice West, assistant director of the Piedmont site; Tammy Dodson, ODU’s marketing and communications manager; and Lorraine Justice, administrative officer of RCC’s Student Support Services program.

A tall feathery character has recently been spotted on the Rappahannock Community College campuses. The creature so closely resembles the logos of the college and its sports teams that it was adopted as the newest Gull, and a contest was held to find a name for it. Almost 200 entries were considered; the prizewinner was student Teresa Weaver, with her proposed name of “Squall.”


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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

The Journal


The impact of the poor acorn crop Mark Fike I read with interest a press release by the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) recently. It detailed the poor mast crop this year, and possible reasons why we are experiencing the near failure of trees to produce nuts. I will attempt to summarize it here with added insights from others, as well as myself. As most hunters know, nuts are key food sources for most game animals. Bears love to eat nuts. Squirrels, turkey and certainly, deer, will consume acorns and other hard mast, as well. Oaks, particularly white oak trees, are not only very common in Virginia and in our area, but they are probably the favorite mast tree of the animals mentioned above. In fact, according to VDOF and the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) officials, “Acorns are rich in fat, soluble carbohydrates and energy, which are important nutritional needs that contribute to the animal’s body condition, survival, harvest rates, reproduction and, eventually, population status. The roaming range of black bear and wild turkey can increase two- to four-fold in years with mast failures, and longrange gray squirrel movement can be significant as they search for acorns.” Their press release goes on to say that when acorns are not available, deer and other animals turn to alternative food sources, which often puts them in conflict with us. Flowers,

Overview Fishing is rapidly dwindling. We anticipate stopping the report in December until March when fishing picks back up. However, please do send photos of fish or game to outdoors@journalpress.com. Wipe the blood off!

acorns, then we also see sharply lower production. Veteran hunters and biologists alike have noted what appears to be a cycle of trees producing lots of mast, and then seemingly saving resources to build up for another good crop several years later. We had really good numbers of acorns and other nuts last year, so perhaps this warrants some consideration. I asked our local forester, Karen Snape, if the onslaught of cankerworms might have impacted the mast crop. She checked with VDOF Forest Health Program Manager Dr. Chris Asaro. He feels that because not all areas of the state had a horrible outbreak of cankerworms, and yet their mast crop also was poor, that the cankerworms were not the culprit. Last year, we had lots of cankerworms, too, he pointed out, and yet the crop was abundant. This would also defer the theory

for holly trees. They are eating lots of holly berries now.

Seasons Duck seasons — Feb. 1 (Youth Day), Nov. 16 - Nov. 30, Dec. 7 - Jan. 25. Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks, any species except for the following

Saltwater Captain Ryan Rogers (804-5800245) reports very good rockfishing, with the sizes and girth of the fish picking up. Hunting Pern’s Supermarket on Rt. 3 reported some decent deer checked in including an 8 point buck. One hunter swapped quarry and took out two coyotes instead of deer. Deer season is going strong. The rut has peaked but a few bucks are still chasing does. Duck and goose season has been fair to good. The key is always having access to a good spot. Squirrels are hard to find in most areas due to the lack of acorns. Look

The weather was changing, it was getting colder and the rut was in full swing on Nov. 8. I got off the bus and my dad got off work early. So I rushed into my hunting clothes. My dad, my little brother, Elijah, and I headed out to go hunting. We have a north/south running ridge behind our cow pasture. The bottom has a creek and is a good bedding area. The wind was coming from the north, so my dad and little brother went 300 yards upwind on the same trail I was on. Dad said he was going to teach my little brother how to use a grunt call and I was to watch for a buck trying to sneak in to figure out where the grunting was coming from. So I went out into my homemade tree stand which is about 25 feet in the air and sat there. All I saw were squirrels; they were standing up with their bellies hanging out crunching away on whatever they could find and they were right in front of me. It was getting colder as the wind hit my face when out of the blue the squirrels took off running like something was in the woods other than me and squirrels. DEER! I started to hear things like something was coming toward me. I got into position and I started to see deer feet. Then I saw a rack so I knew that it was a buck. Then I saw him, but a tree was in the way so I waited a little bit. A little doe started to make her way up to the buck and I was sitting still

that perhaps the cicadas impacted the acorn crop. King George did not have the numbers of cicadas that some areas to our west did, and yet our mast crop seems to be nearly nonexistent. Gary Norman, who works for VDGIF, noted that we saw similar mast conditions in 2008. So, this is not unheard of. Some areas of our state apparently do have some red oak acorn production. I have not seen any around here. What I have noticed is fewer squirrels in the woods compared to last year. Also, deer are obviously not in the hardwood lots. They are frequenting areas where there is greenery on which to browse. Hopefully, we won’t have a hard winter. With lower food sources, the deer won’t have as much winter fat packed on, and other animals will also be operating on a leaner supply of food.

because that buck kept looking up at me and he would go back to eating. It did this over and over again until the little doe got spooked by a squirrel. This made the buck run right in front of me. I aimed at the front shoulder and I shot it and it dropped right in front of me. I thanked God that I shot the deer. What shocked me was when I pulled the trigger it hit the front shoulder and bounced off the rib cage and hit the spine and shot out and then it dropped dead. I am very happy that I got to have this experience and hope to kill even more deer in my life and keep the tradition going.

restrictions: can include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 can be hen mallards), 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 black duck, 2 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 fulvous whistling duck. Firearms bear season locally (see regs) –Dec. 2-7 Fall Firearms turkey season(locally see regs — Nov. 28, Dec. 2-14.


Local farmer, Larry Carr, took a very nice 8-point buck with a nice spread. Other hunters in the same area also took two coyotes.

Rappahannock River No report Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that most anglers are seeing lots of smaller rockfish, but a few were keeper size. Small bucktails are taking fish when anglers can get out. The wind has been terrible this week, making boating unsafe. Ken’s reported that small bucktails are catching keeper stripers, but few fish are being caught on larger lures. Aqua Land reported squid was the bait of choice for rockfish, but fish are small.

The Redemption Buck Rex Roeske

shrubs, bulbs for flowers, other vegetation and birdfeeders become the next targets. These animals may lose some of their fear as they move into subdivisions to find food. Deer may overbrowse some parts of their habitat so badly that the carrying capacity can be reduced, meaning that near future populations of deer may also find fewer food resources. VDGIF officials also note that black bears will den earlier when there are fewer acorns, and their fat reserves are noticeably less. Studies have shown lower cub survival, as well. When animals have to travel farther to find food, they are more likely to cross the paths of predators, to include humans. Turkey harvests and deer harvests are often higher in lower mast crop seasons. So why was our mast crop a near failure? The VDOF release stated that acorn production varies incredibly from year to year. Usually, we see bumper crops of acorns in cycles. Sometimes it is every other year, and other times it is up to seven years before we see a bumper crop of acorns. Each tree can produce completely different numbers of acorns, depending on many variables. Weather is a big factor. Flowers that create fruit or nuts can abort due to late spring freezes (we had this) and high humidity. We also had the humidity factor before flowers were pollinated. If summer conditions show to be a drought with high temperatures, or insects prey on

Outdoor Report Mark and Missy Fike


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Commercial Loans as Low as Stephen Thorstead, a student at King George Middle School and a member of the King George Outdoor Club, took this fine buck recently.

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