Dec. 4, 2013 King George Journal

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King George

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Volume 37, Number 49

Montross man injured by shots fired into car in King George

helping you relate to your community

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 50 Cents

Nice Bridge project gets $50 million boost toward replacement

An early start

Phyllis Cook

Richard Leggitt The King George County Sheriff ’s Office is investigating the shooting of a Montross man who was injured early Sunday morning when shots were fired into his car. Sheriff Steve Dempsey said the victim was a 24-year-old man who was driving on Windsor Drive between U.S. 301 and Ferry Dock Road in King George when the shooting occurred at 2:30 a.m. Dempsey said officers are trying to determine the cause of the shooting. The victim said he had not had any arguments with anyone recently and had no idea why someone would shoot him. “At this point we feel it could be random,” Dempsey said. Dempsey said the victim was driving a white Mustang along Windsor Drive “when he was passed by two vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed going in the same direction.” “As the second vehicle passed the victim’s car, the victim heard a noise and thought the second car had struck his vehicle,” Dempsey reported. “The victim’s car was struck twice by gun shots, once in the door and once in the panel entering the trunk.” “The victim felt a burning sensation in his leg, reached down and discovered it was bleeding,” Dempsey said. The victim drove himself to Mary Washington Hospital where he was treated for a gun shot wound to his left leg and then was released. Authorities were notified once the victim arrived at the hospital. Sheriff ’s officers said the victim was accompanied at the time of the shooting by a 23-year-old woman from Hague. The woman was not injured in the shooting. Sheriff ’s officers are looking for two vehicles in connection with the shooting incident - dark mid-size passenger car and a dark smaller passenger car that looks like an older model Honda Accord. As is usual in these types of investigations, sheriff ’s officers did not publicly identify the victim or his companion. Anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call the Sheriff ’s Office at (540) 775-2049.

What to expect at upcoming fracking workshops Phyllis Cook Additional details about two upcoming public informational meetings on fracking were provided this week in a release from Richard Moncure of Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR). The release details what can be expected at two landowner workshops on gas and oil leasing planned in the area for next week on Dec. 11 in Bowling Green & Dec. 12 in Montross. (Address details listed below.) Both meetings are sponsored by the Friends of the Rappahannock and the Caroline County Countryside Alliance. Fracking is a process whereby chemicals and water are forced deep into the ground to fracture the shale See fracking, page 11

Leonard Banks

Amid chilly temperatures on Thanksgiving Day, hundreds of area kids competed in the 19th annual Dr. John Coker, Mary Washington Hospital, YMCA Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K, 1K, ½ Mile Race. The event included 120 runners from the Sealston Running Club, and Sealton health & physical education teacher Lori-Ann Libby’s father’s track & field team.

KG Sheriff’s Office preparing for ‘Shop with a Sheriff’ Richard Leggitt The King George Sheriff ’s Office is preparing for its 2nd Annual ‘Shop with a Sheriff ’ event, partnering again with the King George YMCA and the King George Walmart for the event which provides gifts and happiness to disadvantaged children. On Dec. 18, children selected by the King George Social Services Department will gather at the King George YMCA and then be taken by bus on a shopping excursion to the Walmart in Dahlgren. The event will last from 4:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. “Each child will be escorted by employees from the King George Sheriff ’s Office and the YMCA to purchase clothing and toys not to exceed $100,” said Sheriff Steve Dempsey. “To see the joy of the children shopping with the sheriff ’s office employees and the YMCA staff makes this event truly a blessing and enhances the Christmas spirit of everyone’” Dempsey said. Dempsey said he was grateful for the help of the YMCA and Walmart in making the ‘Shop with a Sheriff ’ program a success in King George County. “Last year was great,” he said. “We helped 25 children and their families have a special Christmas.” “This is the 2nd Annual ‘Shop with a Sheriff ’ event for our office and we find it especially rewarding in establishing a positive relationship with the children,” Dempsey said. “Shop with a Sheriff ’ attempts to create a lasting Christmas memory for the children selected to participate in the program. Last year the program’s organizers were heartened by the number See sheriff, page 11


Sheriff Steve Dempsey with one of the young shoppers from the 2012 ‘Shop with a Sheriff’ excursion to the King George Walmart.

Assessment finds value of real estate down 4.1% Phyllis Cook Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal provided King George officials with a written summary of findings from its recently completed real estate assessment. The assessments will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. The summary indicated that the new assessment for the total value of taxable parcels is 4.1 percent lower than the last assessment that went into effect four years ago, in 2010. Under state law the property assessments are to reflect fair market value of property in the county for taxation. REAL ESTATE VALUES DOWN AN AVERAGE OF 4.1 PERCENT The 4.1 percent drop in real estate values in King George is an average. That does not mean that all taxable parcels drop by that amount. In fact, many parcel values went up. As of mid-November, as calculated by Blue Ridge, the total value of all taxable parcels in the county was $2,681,521,500. That compares to the prior assessed values in 2010 of $2,796,959,300. The $1.15 million difference will affect an equalized tax rate that will be calculated next year, during the budget process. But the process is not yet finished. The total value for taxable parcels could change as the result of any changes made by Blue Ridge during its appeal process last month. The assessment summary did not take into

account all changes that were made during Blue Ridge’s hearing process last month to meet with any property owners who wished to discuss their valuations to address alleged errors, discrepancies or corrections in the appraisals of real property. There is also an opportunity for more changes in valuations to take place. Property owners who disagree with their valuations will have a second opportunity to dispute them. In the new calendar year, landowners will be able to schedule an appointment to meet with a Board of Equalization. Last month, the Board of Supervisors nominated five county residents to be members of a Board of Equalization. The names have gone forward to the Circuit Court for appointment, with action expected shortly. Those nominated were Terry Collins by AtLarge Supervisor Dale Sisson, Kenneth Allwine by Shiloh Supervisor Cedell Brooks, Richard Snow by Dahlgren Supervisor Ruby Brabo, Stan Palivoda by James Monroe Supervisor John LoBuglio, and John Cheadle by Supervisor Joe Grzeika. DATES TO BE SET FOR BOARD OF EQUALIZATION APPLICATIONS The Board of Supervisors will this week hold a public hearing and then is expected to take action to establish a timeframe within which applications for tax assessment equalization may be filed and heard by the Board of Equalization.

King George is on a four-year reassessment cycle for property values, which means that when assessments are completed, they will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. The Code of Virginia requires each locality to periodically perform a general reassessment to determine each property’s fair market value and its equalization in value to similar properties. The previous general reassessment was effective January 1, 2010. March 31, 2014, is proposed as the final day for landowners to file an application with the Board of Equalization to request a change in assessed value. May 30 is proposed as the deadline date for the Board of Equalization to make all decisions in regard to applications received. Those dates are to be finalized following the public hearing this week on Dec. 3. EQUALIZED TAX RATE TO BE SET LATER Adjustments on the real estate tax rate will take place this spring, during the budget process and following a public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. During budget deliberations, Supervisors will be provided an “equalized” tax rate by county finance staff. With real estate assessments down on the average, that means the equalized rate will be a tax figure that is higher than the current 53 cents per $100 valuation for real estate property taxes. See assessment, page 11

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Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley recently announced that his state’s Transportation Authority (MDTA) Board approved an additional $50 million in its six-year capital program to go toward the next stage of the new Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge project. O’Malley said the $50 million would help fund the preliminary design and go toward right-of-way acquisition for the project to replace the bridge on US 301 that connects Charles County, Md., and King George across the Potomac River. “Together, with the support of local elected officials and federal partners, we are making a significant down payment on a wider, safer and more pedestrian-friendly Nice Bridge,” O’Malley said in his Nov. 21 announcement. O’Malley noted that Maryland’s $50 million investment would bring the new bridge one step closer to reality. He added, “There is more work to be done, but I commend the leadership of U.S. Congressman Steny Hoyer and Maryland Senator Thomas “Mac” Middleton for working with the state to advance this crucial project.” A new four-lane bridge is planned to be constructed parallel to, and north of, the existing bridge. The new bridge also will have a two-way barrier-separated bike/pedestrian path on the south side. There are plans for the existing 1.7mile two-lane bridge to be removed after a new bridge is completed. 17,900 vehicles cross the bridge each day, with traffic projected to more than double to 37,000 vehicles per day by 2030. The bridge is necessary and essential for military transportation between Dahlgren and Indian Head and points beyond including the Pentagon and other civilian and military defense offices. The bridge is also important for commuters and interstate trucking commerce, as well as for tourists travelling through and residents in both states who may use it only occasionally. PRELIMINARY DESIGN/RIGHTOF-WAY ACQUISITION, 2014-19 $50 million of new funding will boost the $6.1 million funding for preliminary engineering design that was announced by the MDTA this past summer, and also puts money toward right-of-way acquisition. Work that had been previously earmarked for the initial $6.1 million would only have gone for such activities as geotechnical work related to ordnance detection and removal in 2014 and 2015. The new total of $56.1 million is slated to be spent between fiscal years 2014 and 2019 for initial engineering design work to determine the type of bridge structure and where the bridge’s support piers would be placed in the Potomac River, among other design elements. It will also go toward the purchase of right-of-way needed for a new Nice Bridge on both the Maryland and Virginia sides. The project is not currently funded for construction. But this new funding helps boost the project into its second phase, toward the future construction phase of the major bridge rebuilding project that has been estimated to cost up to $1 billion. The planning phase of the project had begun in 2006 and took six years See Bridge, page 11


Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

The Journal



The man who saved Christmas The annual complaints about Christmas are almost always the same. It’s too commercialized, it’s too much money, it’s too glitzy and it’s just too much. I don’t agree with this, I am a big fan of Christmas, and I would remind these 21st century Scrooges that there was a time, not so long ago, when Christmas David S. Kerr was hardly celebrated at all. The warmth, cheer, and magic so many of us associate with the holiday, had faded away years before. The early 19th century, both in Britain and America, was the beginning of the industrial revolution.

While it ushered in our modern society, it was a transformation that came at a high price. As people moved from farms to the cities, traditional society and family ties were disrupted on a scale that is hard to imagine today. No longer working on farms, men and women moved to the newly emerging cities to work in dingy and dangerous factories. Work that had for centuries been tied to the seasons and outdoors was now a function of the time clock. All the familiar connections to relatives, the land, and their home towns had been disrupted. Traditional holidays, so popular when people lived in the countryside, were fading. The celebration of Christmas, which had been a part of life for centuries, receded so far that it was sometimes only recognized in passing. In both America and Britain, Christmas, which had once been

celebrated with feasts and religious celebrations, didn’t even merit a day off. However, in 1843 all that began to change. Charles Dickens, wrote his famous story, “A Christmas Carol.” It told of an old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge. It’s a name that has become synonymous with greed and meanness. Scrooge, not surprisingly, disdained the traditional Christmas, but on one night he was visited by three ghosts: the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. Following his supernatural sojourn, where he was presented with his past and likely fate if he didn’t change, he became a different man. He resolved to “keep Christmas throughout the year.” The story’s message was that even a man like Scrooge, someone seemingly without a soul, could be redeemed. I remember my grandfather,

normally a quiet man reading the story on Christmas Eve. With his accents, inflexions, and well-timed pauses he made the story come to life. It’s unlikely that Dickens fully appreciated how popular his story would become. It was first printed in newspapers in serial form and it was read by millions. It was quickly put in novel form and has been in print for most of the past 170 years. But most importantly, it set into a motion a change in society’s attitude towards the celebration of Christmas. In a sense it reminded people, in its own unusual way, what with ghosts and dead men rattling chains, what Christmas was all about. As someone who is an unashamed fan of Christmas and all it entails let me say to that remarkable writer Charles Dickens, “thank you for helping bring back Christmas.”


Our Veterans need more than a day Thomas Kennedy Our Veterans need more than a day; they need a career. America is home to 21.2 million veterans -- men and women who were willing to risk their lives for our country. Unfortunately, many of these veterans face a daunting personal battle here at home: finding work. According to the Labor Department, more than 700,000 U.S. veterans are currently unemployed. This simply isn’t acceptable. Our veterans have earned the opportunity to earn a living and take part in the very society they fought to defend. The most effective way to help them succeed in post-military life is through targeted efforts to extend educational opportunity. Since the 2008 financial crisis, competition for jobs has become fierce. Positions that once required a

high school degree or less are being filled by college-educated applicants. This development presents a particular challenge for former soldiers, airmen, and sailors, many of whom enlisted without much education or civilian experience. Moreover, unemployed vets who find work typically take 43 weeks to land a job. Joblessness is stressful for all who have experienced it. However, many veterans face additional obstacles. At least 3 million were wounded in battle and still suffer from some form of disability. Among those who served in Iraq or Afghanistan, about 20 percent are living with post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression, and one in three cope with a serious psychological trauma. All these stats are troubling -- and illustrate why Americans must commit to making sure veterans have the tools they need to build successful

post-military lives. The best place to start is by broadening educational opportunity for our veterans. Indeed, education is often the determining factor in whether or not a veteran is able to thrive after returning to civilian life. One initiative has already made important progress in this respect. At the beginning of this academic year, 250 community colleges and universities committed to implementing best practices established by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Education, and more than 100 educational experts. These “8 Keys to Success” help connect veterans with academic, career, and financial help, and surround them with a community of students and fellow veterans who can encourage them as they further their education. For similar efforts to grow in number and effectiveness, more

Americans need to get involved with private initiatives like Student Veterans of America and the Wounded Warrior Project. These two groups enable soldiers to draw on the skills they have already developed through military service and apply them to their post-military careers. We should always welcome opportunities to show our appreciation for those veterans who risked everything for our safety and security. But these brave men and women need more than our appreciation; they need our help. And, more specifically, they need more opportunities to arm themselves with the skills to create a prosperous, fulfilling life.

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, delay your plans for the time being. A number of unexpected tasks that will require your undivided attention in the coming day, so clear your schedule.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, conflicting emotions arise in the week ahead. You have the desire to fulfill people’s expectations of you, but you also just want some time to yourself.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Assume the role of the strong and silent type this week, Taurus. You do not have to share your opinions with everyone, as an air of mystery may boost your popularity.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, maintaining your focus on chores is nearly impossible this week, when you are easily distracted by anything else that sounds interesting. Try to get your work done.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 It can be easy to allow excitement to overtake your logic, Gemini. But you need to be patient and not allow exuberance to interfere with the tasks at hand. That is a recipe for trouble. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, a hefty workload at the office may zap your desire to do much else. However, don’t pass up the opportunity when a social engagement beckons this week. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you will have to continue your rather hectic pace this week, even when you start to feel tired. Fortunately, you are excited about some of the things on your to-do list. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, getting involved with the right people now opens doors that previously may have been closed to you. Do not squander the opportunity to use these new contacts.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Reestablish your priorities, Sagittarius. Doing so will help you live up to your end of the bargain on various commitments. If necessary, ask others for help. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Expect to be busy for the rest of the month, Capricorn. With potential birthday celebrations and holiday tasks to complete, spare moments are few and far between. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, learning a new skill this week will only add to your already vast repertoire of abilities. This is one more reason to have a positive attitude. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Emphasize feeling good about yourself this week, Pisces. Doing so will enable you to help others in the near future.


Thomas A. Kennedy, Ph.D., is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Raytheon. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1977-1983, attaining the rank of captain.

Signs, signs everywhere and nowhere Lori Deem Whew. Never thought I’d make it through Thanksgiving what with all the talk about Christmas and Hanukkah. Now, don’t take it wrong. I love this time of year. But, I’d really like to savor each holiday, not jam them all together. It’s funny how we all get together for Thanksgiving to give thanks for what we have, and spend the next couple of days going and getting more. It’s really more sad than funny. Driving to work this morning, I was excited to see the county workers putting up the Christmas lights along Route 3, through the main part of King George. It will be interesting to see if they expanded their decorations to include the whole of the county seat, or just the where the displays have always been. How many of you have noticed how there are not enough lights to be put in front of all the businesses through main street King George? If I had a spot on the main drag, I’d want a county decoration in front of my business (only if there was an existing pole there of course!) What say we bring holiday equality to the main street? Small businesses in King George

Have something to say? Send your letters to the Editor (all letters are subject to editing and must include the sender’s name & address) Express YOUR opinion & maybe stir the pot!

do their best to get their name out there, but with the restrictions on signage, this can be a futile effort. Even living here, there are places I haven’t been to, or even known about except by word of mouth and maybe an advertisement here and there, only because they can’t have a sign out on the roadside. We have a world-class winery in the county, and they aren’t allowed to put a sign out on the major road by their entrance because “they don’t own property alongside the road.” Hog wash. If the landowner gives the okay, why is it going to be a problem? No one complained so much for all those candidate signs that sprang up like a plague. (there are still a couple left out there!) So, the winery pays big bucks to put up their name and advertisement on a gigantic billboard. Can someone explain this to me? Which would I want to see, a neatly designed sign or two on the side of a major road or a gigantic billboard? Which is more esthetic or even more effective? The county doesn’t seem to go for the esthetic. And don’t get me started on realtors’ signs. Small businesses have their hands tied on street advertising. But, there seems to be an abundance of little 2x2 or 2x3 plastic signs stuck on wire and jammed in someone’s yard or


next to a wood line or intersection. Sign garbage I call it. These are more hideous to me then a nicely done sign along the curb of a shopping center or business entrance. I know VDOT takes improper sign placement very seriously. Just look behind the shop building off State Road. There are hundreds of signs that were “picked up.” There seems to be no consistency in signage in King George.


What is okay for Company A is denied for Company B, and so on. Businesses that put the little plastic signs all over the place seem to face no consequences. Or if they do, it can’t be much as the signs continue to show up all over the county. I love the holidays. I love decorations. But, like signs, I’d like them to be equal, visible, bright, & worth my time looking at them. Believe me, I’ll get the message.

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President Jessica Herrink • Publisher Jessica Herrink • Sports Editor Leonard Banks • Reporters Phyllis Cook • Linda Farneth • Richard Leggitt • Community Events Lori Deem • IT/Production • Drue Murray

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Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

CLUES ACROSS 1. Indicates before 4. Printed from a plate 10. Brain activity test 11. Wading birds 12. Atomic #18 14. Writer Tan 15. Tear 16. An unfortunate accident 18. Send out rays 22. Emphasize 23. Genetic throwback 24. A large and noisy party 26. With reference to 27. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 28. Aoudad 30. 100 = 1 tala in W. Samoa 31. Military mailbox 34. No. Saudi Arabian desert 36. Constitution Hall is HQ 37. Scree (plural) 39. Apple, pear, quince 40. Religious song 41. 17th Hebrew letter 42. Attached at the base 48. Reflexive form of one 50. Carbolic acid 51. Worldly rather than spiritual 52. Worked for income 53. A Loloish language 54. One point E (clockwise) of due N 55. Common college degree 56. Of cadmium 58. East by north 59. Delightful surprises 60. Color

CLUES DOWN 1. Female peafowl 2. Return to custody 3. Citizen of Cairo 4. What was that? 5. Gardens in fishbowls 6. Cause to be or to become 7. Civic or Accord 8. Chicories 9. Set of data 12. Fan-based music awards 13. Wealthy 17. __-fi: “Star Trek” genre 19. Helped 20. Blue Nile source (alt. sp.) 21. Starch wheat 25. Breakfast citrus 29. Flying saucer 31. Monastic Republic Mount 32. “Miracle on 34th Street” actor John 33. Ancient C. American people 35. Dug lower 38. Restricted in outlook 41. Liquid body substance 43. Ragged 44. Unagitated 45. Hostelry 46. Leopold’s crime partner 47. Spanish footwear museum city 49. Slur over in pronunciations 56. Constitution state 57. Atomic #55

See classified page for answers

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The Journal

Area Death Rosaltha “Rose” Lucille Eakin

Rosaltha “Rose” Lucille Eakin, age 83, passed away November 27, 2013, in King George, Virginia. She was born January 10, 1930 in Bangkok, Siam (Thailand) the daughter of missionary parents. She was preceded in death by her parents, John L. and Louise T. Eakin; her spouse, Jack W. Donohue; her son, Sgt. Michael Donohue; and a sister, Johnette Schuller. In her younger years Rose was a performer. Later she became a veteran of the carnival world where she

performed along with her husband. For many years she worked in the healthcare field and later hosted an education based traveling reptile show for children. She was an avid reader and loved to play Bingo. She is survived by her daughters, Jalna, Carol, Kimberly, Mary, Ann, Lib and Linda; daughter-inlaw, Rita; brother, Elwood; sister, Marjorie; 12 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be private.

Holiday Safety Tips

WANTED: Addresses of decorated houses in the K.G. area that people might want to drive by & see. Or, if you know of any neighborhood contests in the works, pass that info on too! One address already sent in: 10211 Hancock Circle, Presidential Lakes, KG. Rumor has it that this “Clarke Griswall” of KG (lovingly based on the infamous “Christmas Vacation” movie, has been planning & working on this project for weeks and by the time it’s done you just might see it “Glow” from Route 3. Send in those addresses to lori@

Steve Zirkle Steve’s Locksmith

Annual Holly Jolly Shop Local event is beginning to fill up Saturday, Dec 14 9-1 p.m. KGES Members of the KGFM will be outside, and home made crafts & non-profits inside. KGHS Chorus will sing 10-noon Registered this week: Jim Harrover, corn hole boards & bags Linda Hollis, jewelry St. John’s Church, Alice Taylor with Honduras bags Sylvia Webb, felted hats Angie’s Wire wrapped jewelry Ridgemore Artisan Creations, hand turned wood & acrylic products Two Sister,s hand made earrings, quilted bears, 18” American Girl style clothes Christi Cowan, doll clothes Ed’s Pens, pens & gifts Koda’s K&K, pet themed products for pets and people also registered: Love Thy Neighbor (raffle & donations) KG Historical Society Sealston Elem. PTA-school stuff Ruth Hornbaker, pen & ink draw-

ings of local homes, buildings & businesses Alfonso Lanzara, jewelry Kordent, Inc. (KGFM member), jams, sauces & candy Linda Scott, handpainted gourds Mrs. Cluckers Best, eggs Hickory Point Farm, veggies Go Nuts, nuts & nut butters Larry’s Produce, veggies Peery’s Natural Cheese, varieties of cheeses Audrey Durfee, hand turned wood bowls & bottle stoppers Poppin’ Jon’s Kettle Corn C&T Produce, veggies Meandering Dragonfly, bags, totes, purses Friendly Cottage Farms, misc We have heard from others, and are waiting for registrations!

Thursday, Dec. 5

Belle Grove Plantation B&B to host Christmas Candlelight Tours Friday, Dec. 6 and Friday, Dec. 13: 6-9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 and Saturday, Dec. 14: Daytime Tours - Noon-3 p.m. and Evening Tours 5-9:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8 and Sunday, Dec. 15: Daytime Tours - Noon-3 p.m. and Evening Tours 3-6 p.m. On Friday, Dec. 6 at 6 p.m.: Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to officially Open Belle Grove Plantation. Saturday, Dec. 14 between 5-9 p.m., Santa and Mrs. Claus will make their appearance at Belle Grove Plantation. Buy tickets through the online tore at The tickets are for time slots to visit, so select the correct time you plan to visit. The cost is: Adults - Daytime visit - $15 Night Time visit - $25 Children - under 12 - $10 Children - under 5 - Free (540) 621-7340 “SANTA’S WONDERLAND AND WINTER FESTIVAL” in Colonial Beach The Festival will be held on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013, on Town Hill in Colonial Beach from 1-5 p.m. The Parade begins as 1:15 p.m. starting at Rankin’s True Value parking lot. The lighting of the Christmas tree is at 5 p.m. Starting a 1:15 p.m. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive in town and join the Parade. Bring family and friends to visit them and pass along your Christmas “wish list”, and have your picture taken with them. (NOTE: This year a photographer will NOT be available so you’re welcome to bring your own camera. A donation for visiting Santa and Mrs. Claus would be appreciated.) Take part in the 50/50 …. obtain raffle tickets to win boys and girls bicycles … enjoy music, face painting and pony rides. Hot dogs and chili as well as hot chocolate will be available as will cookies sold out of our Gingerbread House. The “Lighted Boat Parade” begins at 5 pm. Start the Christmas season with family, friends and neighbors by enjoying this family oriented event. In the event of inclement weather Santa will relocate to the Colonial Beach High School, on First Street, Colonial Beach. If you would like additional information contact the CB Chamber of Commerce at (804)224-8145.

EXIT Realty Expertise is conducting its 7th annual Holiday Food Drive to benefit the King George Food Pantry now until the end of the year. Drop off non perishable food items at our office located across from KG Domino’s, 7947 Kings Highway, between 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m. -2 p.m. on Saturdays. Checks may be made out to King George Social Services. Please note, we also remain an ongoing collection site for Love Thy Neighbor donations. Thank you for helping us to help others have a brighter holiday season!

KG P&R What’s Happening

Don’t forget to sign up for the Santa’s Calling! Send a special message to your child (typically geared for children under the age of 10) during this holiday season with a call from Santa. Complete the form (you can get one on starting on Monday, Nov. 25) and return it to the Citizens Center by Friday, Dec. 6. Calls will be made on Tuesday, Dec. 10 or Thursday, Dec. 12. Saturday, Dec.14, from 9 a.m - 11 a.m at the Citizens Center Parks and Recreation’s annual Santa Breakfast. For years we have provided youth, ages 12 and under, a great experience to have a light breakfast and picture taken with Santa. In addition, there will be games and crafts and children can do some holiday shopping at the “Shamrock the Elf Shelf ” where they can purchase small gifts ($5 and under, many at a dollar) for their friends and family. Preregistration (by calling 775-4386) is appreciated. Cost is $5.00 per child. King George Youth Athletic Association is taking Spring Flag Football registrations. Please check for further information. Call KGP&R at (540) 775-4386 or come by the office to learn about more of our programs.

Come and see how Hague celebrates the holidays. Sponsored by the Westmoreland County Museum in Montross and Murphy’s Seed in Mt. Holly, the annual “Holiday House Tour,” scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 8 from 3-6 p.m. will feature Hague this year. The houses decorated for the Holidays will get you in the spirit to start your own decorating, shopping and celebrating with family and friends! Tickets are now on sale for $20 and can be purchased at the Westmoreland County Museum in Montross every day, except Sunday, from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., and at Murphy’s Seed in Mt. Holly, Carrot Cottage in Montross, The Inn at Montross, or on the day of the tour. This popular and growing annual holiday tour proudly showcases the Northern Neck’s historic heritage. Tours begin at Vault

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This advertisement sponsored by PermaTreat Pest Control Call 775-2667 or 659-1111 for a Free Inspection! 8 am - 1 pm M-F

Saturday, Dec. 7

Woman’s Club of KG to hold 18th annual Santaland event. 9-noon at 9441 Kings Hwy, across from the Opp Shop. $1 donation for admission. Picture with Santa $2. Kids boutique, Christmas Bazaar room, Santa and Mrs. Claus, the Snow Queen, bake sale and more. Cottrells’ Holiday Wonderland Craft Fair & Classy Consignment Sale. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Fundraiser for 2nd annual Run for Autism 5k. 11060 Smile Way, KG. R4L fund raiser Pancake Breakfast. 8 a.m.- Noon. St. Paul’s Episcopal Parish Hall. $5 adult/$4 for children 12 & under. Family pack available. For more info email or KGES to hold Vendor Fair/ Santa Breakfast from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the school. Holiday Craft Bazaar hosted by the CB-VRS. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Vendors and crafters needed! Call (804) 761-5115. $15 for 10x10 space. $25 for two spaces.

Sunday, Dec. 8 SMOOT LIBRARY TEEN EVENTS On Saturday, Dec. 7 all 13-18 year olds are invited to “dress to the nines” and attend the 2013 Holidazzle Formal Ball. 7-10 p.m. at the new library. Hosted by the library’s Teen Advisory Board, there will be food, beverages, music, dancing and more. Entry fee $5 pp or $8 per couple. All proceeds support teen programming RSVP required. So visit or call 775-7951to sign up! On Friday, Dec. 13 all teens are urged to attend the library’s Teen Advisory Committee meeting 4-5 p.m. Come out and help suggest new library materials for teens, plan upcoming events & meet new people. Snacks & beverages served. Go to or call 775-7951.

New Boy Scouts of America Scout Unit is organizing in Col. Beach, VA: CO-ED SEA SCOUT SHIP 258


Boxer Mix adult male

Colonial Beach Historical Society monthly meeting a the Cooper Memorial Library’s meeting room. 7 p.m. Public invited. Discussion on “Christmas House & Light” event scheduled for Dec. 14. Note: Museum will close after the tour, and will reopen April, 2014. Colonial Beach author Paul Tsompanas to hold book signing at Smoot Library. 7 p.m. for his new book, “Juan Patron: A Fallen Star in the Days of Billy the Kid.”

Field Vineyards, 2953 Kings Mill Rd. where you will receive your Holiday tour book with directions and background information on all of the tour’s houses. Participating are: The Manor House at General’s Ridge Vineyard, Kelvin Grove, Kirnan, Poplar Plain, and Buena Vista at the Hague Winery. As an extra bonus, Vault Field Vineyards will be offering free mulled red wine and Christmas cookies to begin the tour and the Hague Winery will be providing complimentary hors d’oeuvres at the end of the tour! Wine tastings available at the vineyards, (cost not included in House Tour ticket.) Everyone must have a ticket. The tour sponsors request no high heels that could damage floors and no smoking in the houses. For more info, contact Westmoreland County Museum at (804) 493-8440, or email

Gotta love a good combo


Dennis K Dodson Ins Agcy Inc Dennis Dodson, Agent 2304 Jefferson Davis Highway Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Bus: 540-373-2300

“Moose” Lab Mix tan 3 y/o male


This & That

In sorrow, we mourn those lost. In gratitude, we embrace those around us. In sympathy, we reach out to those who grieve.

1- Park in a well lit area. 2- Travel with a friend or family member. 3- Keep your handbag or wallet in a safe place and attached to you. 4- Lock your vehicle. 5- Put your cell phone away, unplug your iPhone so you can hear. 6- Place all valuables in the trunk of your car or out of plain sight. 7- Be careful of people approaching you with deals too go to be true. 8- HAVE YOUR EMERGENCY PHONE LIST READY BEFORE HAND. Have a safe holiday season. Please pass these tips on to family and friends.

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

Please feel free to attend one of our Open Houses Dec. 14, 2013 from 10 a.m.-noon & Dec. 17, 2013 from 7-8 p.m.) to meet the new Ship’s Committee and some of the youth who are signing up. This unit will be open to interested youth (Male & Female) in the King George/Westmoreland county area. Untraditional Scouting with traditional values.

The Compassionate Friends F’brg Chapter Candle Lighting Memorial Service. Starts at 2 p.m. Redeemer Lutheran Church, 5120 Harrison Rd. F’brg. For more info contact Kathie, (540) 735-4276 or tcffred@yahoo. com.

Wednesday, Dec. 11

Info meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing-(fracking) 6:30-8:30 p.m. Bowling Green Town Hall, 117 Butler St. Sponsored by Friends of the Rappahannock & Caroline County Countryside Alliance.

Thursday, Dec. 12

Info meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing- fracking- 6:30-8:30 p.m. Gen. Dist. Courtroom, Geo. D. English Bldg., 111 Polk St., Montross. Sponsored by Friends of the Rappahannock & Caroline County Countryside Alliance.

Saturday, Dec. 14

Journal’s annual Holly Jolly Shop Local event. Members of the KG Farmers’ Market bring their “winter crops” to sell, greenery, local crafters with hand made items, and more. Great chance to pick up last minute Christmas gifts. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. KGES on Ridge Road. Inside & outside! Call (540) 709-7495. Inaugural CBVFD-LA Frosty the Fireman 5k and Kids 1 mile race. $20 per runner includes t-shirt. Best Santa hat contest! Contact anyone at the fire dept. for details and entry forms.

Thursday, Dec. 19

Annual Christmas Party KG County Historical Society. 6 p.m. Shiloh Baptist Church, 13457 Kings Hwy. Covered dish. Next Society meeting will be in February, 2014. St. Mary’s County Tourism posts Decembers events CSM Celebrates Concerts, Events Throughout December with Dance, Music Programs which began Dec. 2. The College of Southern Maryland will present special concerts and events from holiday-themed performances to student recitals and community concerts to celebrate the season at its three campuses throughout December. Music Student Honors Recitals are free to the public. All other performance tickets are $5 in advance, $7 the day of the concert. For information about any of the arts at CSM, contact the box office at, or call (301) 9347828 or visit The Fine Arts Center is accessible to patrons with disabilities. Audiodescription for the visually impaired and sign language interpretation for the hearing impaired are available with a minimum two week advance notice. If you are interested in these services please contact the Coordinator of ADA at (301) 934-7614. Conveniently located across the Nice Bridge, the College arts department is offering a variety of holiday, musical, dance and theatrical performances for all ages. Go the web site and check what there is for you to see. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

Annual Tree of Lights to benefit the Col. Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad $5 a light “in memory of ” or “in honor of ” a loved one Drop off donation & name(s) at the BB&T branch at the beach or mail them to: CB-VRS, 223 Dennison St., Col. Beach, VA 22443 or call (804) 761-5115 BY DEC. 11 to be published in the Journal on Dec. 18

Annual Tree of Bones & Bells hosted by Colonial Beach Humane Society & BB&T Bank at the Beach $5 for an “in memory of ” or “in honor of ” a beloved pet Drop off donation & name(s) at the bank branch or mail them to: PO Box 393 Col. Beach, VA 22443 BY DEC. 11 to be published in the Journal Dec. 18


Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

shiloh baptist church will present “The Heart of Christmas” Saturday, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8, at 2 p.m. The adult, teen, and children’s choirs will perform in this musical offering expressing the Christmas story. It will lift your spirits throughout the Christmas season and the rest of the year, too. Choir director, Barbara Perry, invites everyone to this event at 13457 Kings Highway. For further information, contact the church at (540) 469-4646 or go to round hill baptist church The Church’s adult choir will present “Appalachian Winter” by Joseph M. Martin on Friday, Dec. 13 and Sunday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. This beautiful cantata celebrates the legacy of early American carols and hymnody. Popular American carols, traditional spirituals, shaker and Appalachian melodies are woven together with narration to create a meaningful tapestry of song and scripture. Please join us as we celebrate God’s most precious gift to us, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 16519 Round Hill Road, King George, VA. For additional information, contact the church at (540) 775-5583 or visit the website at www.roundhillbaptist. com. first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939.

The Journal

and Religious Community Events

Local church awarded grant

WINGS WINGS (Women in the Giving Spirit) invites you to make a difference in a child’s Christmas by sponsoring a visit and lunch with the Snow Queen, Saturday, Dec. 7, at Brock’s Riverside Grill. At WINGS’ annual Snow Queen event, financially disadvantaged children from our community will have a special holiday lunch, join in a holiday songfest with Santa’s elves, receive gifts of ageappropriate storybooks to take home, and have their pictures taken with the Snow Queen and the elves. WINGS’ holiday event will also benefit Rappahannock Area Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), a non-profit organization that advocates for the safety and best interests of children who have suffered from parental abuse or neglect. CASA recruits, trains and supervises volunteers who monitor the children’s well-being and speak up on the children’s behalf in courts. A contribution of $15 per child will provide this festive afternoon for disadvantaged youngsters. To sponsor children for this special holiday event or to donate to CASA, please send checks to WINGS, P.O. Box 3084, Fredericksburg, VA 22402 WINGS was founded as a non-profit organization to serve the greater Fredericksburg area by providing financial support through fund-raising events to eligible organizations, individuals or families in need. For further information on WINGS’ Snow Queen event, telephone (540)371-6920.

Trustees of the Jessie Ball duPont Fund awarded $60,000 to Wicomico Episcopal Church, Wicomico Church, to support operating expenses of Linking Hope and Help (The Link) a program of 23 congregations and agencies to better coordinate community responses to people in need. The grant was among 17 awards, valued at $1.98 million, made by the trustees during their November meeting. The Link was established in 2012 to help congregations more effectively and efficiently respond to requests for assistance. The Link staff validates requests for assistance and refers the individual or family to churches or organizations equipped to respond appropriately. The Link’s centralized interviewing, counseling and referral services reduce the amount of church staff time spent responding to requests and eliminate duplication of effort among the churches. Other awards made to VA-based organizations included: $200,000 to RandolphMacon College, Ashland, to support a partnership with W&L University, VCU and the U.S. Geological Survey; $105,500 to Radford University, Radford, VA, to support the expansion of the Summer Bridge Program, that exposes first generation high school girls to education and career options in the STEM fields; and $102,300 to the Episcopal Diocese of VA, Richmond, to support Grace-on-the-Hill, an intentional community of Christians living together and engaged in service, vocational discernment and leadership formation in the Oregon Hill neighborhood in Richmond.

first baptist church in Colonial Beach, invites you to come see their Celebrating the Birth of Jesus program on Dec. 14 at 4 p.m. Scheduled to appear are Minister Ralph Johnson and Voices of DMV; Pleasant II Mime Ministry; Eddie & Sherry Richards; Comedian Simone Ferfuson; Shante Collins and more. Master of Ceremony, Minister Darius Fennell. 619 Jackson Street. Hanover-with-brunswick Raffle tickets are still on sale for a 77” x 68” quilt, Bermuda Sunrise. This is a fund raiser by the Pitts family to purchase a new iPad for Hunter as he continues his miraculous recovery from his brain injury. Tickets are $1 each or $5 for 6. Contact Denise at St. John’s Episcopal Church or call (540) 775-3635. first baptist church in Col. Beach is hosting a bus trip to the famous Sight and Sound Theater in Strasburg, PA to see the performance of the “Miracle of Christmas” Dec. 28. The bus will leave the church at 6 a.m. and will return later that evening. Costs vary by age. Call (804) 224-3274 or (804) 224-8588 for ticket information. All ages are welcome on this trip. love thy neighbor will hold a special holiday meal and party on Dec. 5 from 2-5 p.m. Items needed: Breakfast are listed on the web site. lovethyneighbor-kg. org. Event will be at the KGCC. Psalm 55:14 We who had sweet fellowship together, walked in the house of God in the throng.

Pope’s Creek Baptist Church ordains three new deacons

Pope’s Creek Baptist Church in Westmoreland ordained three new deacons Dec. 2. Along with the present deacons are now included, Elizabeth Nash, Stephanie Berry and Al Gaizick. Pastor Richard Headley welcomes all to the 10:30 Sunday Services. PIctured above: l to r Marshall Barden, Robert Heatwole, Elizabeth Nash, Stephanie Berry, Al Gaizick, James Marks, Robert Estabrooke, and Kenneth Berry. Garnett Horner, Jr. is missing from the Picture.

‘Tis the season The Journal’s special church Christmas pages will be published in the Dec. 18th paper. Reserve a space now for your church’s Christmas worship services and special programs. Catch all those “holiday Christians” as they look for a place to worship at Christmas time. Cost for a 2x3 color ad is only $60 dollars. We can design your ad for you at no additional cost. If the cost of an advertisement is not in your church’s budget, perhaps two or more members can pool the funds and run an ad? The 2013 section promises to be full of services to attend at this most holy time of the year. So, get with your church officers and reserve your space NOW! Call Lori (540) 709-7495 or email

Colonial Beach Museum’s annual Christmas House and Light Tour The 2013 Colonial Beach Museum Christmas House and Light Tour will be held on Saturday, Dec. 14. Tour cost will be $12 for member and $15 for non-members. Ticket sales & Reception at: will be at the Museum, located at the corner of Washington Avenue and Hawthorne Street, Colonial Beach. Transportation for the tour will be provided. Museum doors open at 6 p.m., tours will begin at 7p.m. For reservations call the Museum at (804) 224-3379 or Betty (804) 224-8619. Come out and celebrate the Season.

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - web site - Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 •

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 •

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:


3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney


Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: web site

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 • 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

HANOVER BAPTIST CHURCH "At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Christmas Holiday section Dec. 18, 2013 Celebrate! (540) 775-5081

Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m. Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16 P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485

The Journal

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013


Shop Local NNEC Helping Hands Cooperative Helping Hands (CHH), the fundraising organization of Northern Neck Electric Cooperative employees, provides charitable donations to organizations in the counties where CHH members reside. The employees of Northern Neck Electric Cooperative raise funds through activities such as bake sales and their annual golf tournament. Bay Aging provides supportive services such as meals and home care to older citizens in the Northern Neck. Cooperative Helping Hands member B.J. Walker (left) presents a donation to Jack Harris, chairman of the Richmond County Salvation Army. The Salvation Army provides assistance for families in need due to financial crises, disasters or emergencies. Cooperative Helping Hands member Jenny Hayes presents a donation to The Haven Community Relations Coordinator Sandy Longest. The Haven provides free services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in the Northern Neck and Essex Counties. Cooperative Helping Hands member Sheila Balderson presents a donation to Richmond County Family YMCA Branch Director Philip Belfield. The YMCA mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Cooperative Helping Hands member Denise Sanders presents a donation to Jennie Beck, Assistant Director of the Community Living Program for Bay Aging.

This Sheraton lady’s work table belongs to a family from the Northern Neck The wood is cherry and tiger maple, with poplar secondary wood. The construction is interesting as the top is hinged at the rear, and opens to reveal compartments for the various sewing implements and threads. The family had the table refinished many years ago, but otherwise it is in original condition. Work tables always are popular, and this one is a fine example of the genre. The legs are well turned, and the maple pilasters on the sides of the cabinet show Henry Lane a level of sophistication on the Hull part of the cabinetmaker. The hinged top is unusual, and adds a new dimension as it is an innovation adapted to the purpose of the table. In other words, this table is not a nightstand, although it could be used for that purpose. Not knowing what the condition of the previous finish was, makes difficult determining how the refinishing has affected the value of the table. For the past generation purists have denigrated pieces that have lost their original finishes. As a rule I do also, but the caveat to that position is to realize how poorly the piece might have appeared prior to restoration. Provenance is an important consideration with respect to refinishing. If the piece belonged to a famous person, or was made by a recognized cabinetmaker, the finish is more important than if that information is unknown. Here the present finish has a clean look to it, albeit a bit shiny, but that aspect will diminish as time passes. In its present restored condition the table is worth

Don’t Miss the Annual Holly Jolly Shop Local Local Local Event hosted by the Journal & KG Farmers’ Market Sat. Dec. 14 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. King George Elementary Home made crafts, baked goods, local produce, holiday wreaths, and more Live performance by KGHS chorus

in Sophia Street Studios

$275. The lines are good, and the wood tone is attractive, but I advise against having other pieces refinished without consulting a professional to ascertain how the process would affect the overall value. Always remember, refinishing cannot be undone. Happy Antiquing! Henry Lane Hull Commonwealth Antiques & Appraisals, Inc. P.O. Box 35 Wicomico Church, VA 22579 Cell: 804.580.0514

Call Lori Deem at (540) 709-7495 for more information about the Annual Holly Jolly Market

Paint your own Pottery Makes a Perfect Gift! Last day to paint for Christmas December 20th at close of business

Walk In Anytime During Hours

Ornaments, Buy 2 Get 1 FREE! Tues. - Thurs. 10 - 6 • Fri. 10 - 9 • Sat. 10-6 Sun. 1 - 6 • Closed Monday Holiday Hours: Open Mon.12/23 10-6 Closed 12/24 & 12/25


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Visit with Santa! Montross Spirit Festival

When you purchase from me $60 in Dermalogica Skin Care Products..... 540-429-0304 1105 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22404


Stop in from 4 to 6 p.m. Visit with Santa and enjoy cookies and punch 15960 Kings Hwy. • 804-493-8031 Your Home Town Bank since June 17, 1913

Accessories....up to 30% off Golf Bags.................. 25% off

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Holiday Sale

~ Evenings & Weekend Hours ~

(804) 224-2089 308 Washington Ave., Colonial Beach , VA 22443

Evening Tour & Cocktail Party • Saturday, December 14, 2013 Tour: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Cocktail Party: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Featured Homes/Attractions this year: 100 Frederick St. (The Commission House) • 211 Caroline St. (Goolrick-Caldwell House) 213 Caroline St. (Mortimer House) • 306 Caroline St. (The Thornley House) 309 Caroline Street (Mary Frances Lang House)

Tickets: - HFFI Office (540) 371-4504 Fredericksburg Visitor Center (540) 373-1776 • Spotsylvania Visitor Center (540) 507-7090 25 30 Expresso (540) 368-2101, 400 Princess Anne St. • Amy’s Café (540) 373-3663, 103 W. Cambridge St. Mail or bring this ad to the HFFI Office, 1200 Caroline St., for $2.00 off your ticket! This deal good ONLY at the HFFI office. Visa & MC accepted ONLY at the HFFI office or by calling (540) 371-4504.


Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

The Journal

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The Journal

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013


Don’t forget the annual Disabled Veterans Hunt this Saturday Mark Fike This Saturday will be full of excitement for a number of disabled veterans who make the trip from Richmond and other locations to hunt and fellowship with one another at Caledon State Park. Many of these men and women are unable to walk, or they cannot walk well. Some are in wheelchairs. Several years ago, I had the honor of taking my nephews to the hunt to help out. I explained what a veteran was to them when they asked, and we discussed the sacrifices many of the vets made for our freedoms. I was determined when the bus rolled up from McGuire V.A. Hospital that my “boys” were standing there to see the vets unload in their wheelchairs. I hoped they would step forward and thank the men (and women) for their sacrifices. My daughters had already been on the hunt many times and knew all about veterans, as both my father and I are veterans. Their other grandfather is also a veteran. I remember very distinctly, the boys, both of them under the age of 12 at the time, being nervous. They are shy and don’t really speak to strangers much. In this instance, they did not have much of a choice. Some of the vets who were unloading from the bus came down the ramp in the back that lowered them to the ground. We were standing out of the way, but very close by. The first vet who was unloading must have sensed what was going on with the boys being nervous. He eyed them as his chair was being lowered. I smiled towards him and nodded. As soon as his wheelchair hit the ground, he wheeled right up to my oldest nephew and stuck out his hand, saying, “Thanks for coming to help us hunt!”

I think he took us all by surprise. The look on the boys’ faces was telling, though. They suddenly understood a little bit about life, what a good attitude is, and sacrifice. I am sure they were thinking about it the rest of the day as they interacted with the veterans. They saw the handicaps the vets faced, but they also saw men and women who just continued living life. It was a healthy experience for the boys, and they realized that freedom is not free. Although they are normally pretty quiet, I did get to field a few questions that day about veterans, their injuries and war. Again, freedom is not free. Please come out to help with the hunt this Saturday. Bring your kids, too. I am not sure who gets the most out of the experience- the hunting veterans, or those who help them. Tips for the hunt If you are coming to help out this Saturday, look at the weather forecast and dress appropriately. As I type this, the long-range forecast is for rain on Friday and Friday night, but very little chance on Saturday. It could be breezy, if the forecast holds, with a high of 45. Some parts of the deer drive are swampy. If you plan on helping drive deer, you need to keep that in mind. With up to an inch of rain before the hunt, those low-lying areas are going to be very wet. Wear waterproof boots. Wear your bird hunting pants with the stiff fronts on them to ward off briars. Bring a walking stick, and wear PLENTY of blaze orange to include a cap. Bring hand warmers and foot warmers, and then wear good socks. Don’t wear brand new boots. It is a long walk, and blisters are sure to develop. Those on the drive need to stay on line, to keep the deer moving

Outdoor Report Mark and Missy Fike Overview Fishing has dwindled to the few hardy souls that don’t hunt. That is not to say that fishing is not good, or they cannot be caught. Lack of interest is the big issue. Good fishing exists for winter catfish; Lake Anna for striper and bass; chain pickerel in local swamps and creeks and, of course, striper. We anticipate stopping the report in a week or so until March, when fishing picks up again. However, please do send photos of fish or game to outdoors@ Wipe off the blood! Rappahannock River No report, other than that catfish and crappie can be caught. Some

dedicated bass anglers are hitting deeper structures and pulling out bass. Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that some anglers were trying for rockfish, with little luck. Saltwater The rockfish are out there, but windy weather and the holiday weekend kept many anglers in. Look for the fish to get bigger and fatter through the first of the year.

Top Left: fathers and kids are often seen on the DAV hunt. Bottom Left: Many kids love to go on the DAV hunt. They make plenty of noise in the woods, quite the opposite of most hunts! Above: Some of the veterans are very willing to tell the kids stories of their experiences. in the right direction. I often take a pack with water, hand warmers, band aids and possibly a piece of rope to drag any deer out that make it back to the woods. Layers of clothes vs. a huge bulky coat would be appropriate. All that walking gets

you warm, but then when you stop, it can get cold again. Make your kids comfortable while on the hunt with regard to clothing. This is a great way to give a tiny bit back to the veterans. I hope to be there and see many

lately, but many are small fawns or yearlings. Be sure before you pull the trigger, you are shooting at what you think it is! Squirrels are hard to find in most areas due to the lack of acorns. Look for holly trees. They are eating lots of holly berries now.

Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks, any species except for the following restrictions: can include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 can be hen mallards), 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 black duck, 2 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 fulvous whistling duck. Firearms bear season locally (see regs) – Dec. 2-7 Fall Firearms turkey season(locally see regs) – Dec. 2-14.

Seasons Duck seasons – Dec. 7 - Jan. 25 Feb. 1 (Youth Day)



deer herd at the park after last year’s bad Hemorrhagic Disease outbreak. It sounds like we can all do a great deed for those who did so much for us, and still make it to a treestand for an evening hunt. God bless our veterans.

Send us your hunting & fishing photos


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familiar faces. The hunt this year will be at Caledon, and volunteers should show up at 6 a.m. Buddy Fines, organizer for the hunt, told me he expects to be done around noon. The drives will be limited to two this year, in consideration for the

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Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013


The Journal

Gabrielle Caron verbally commits to Shippensburg Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Thrilled with verbal commitment to attend and play for Shippensburg University, in Pennsylvania, King George High School soccer standout, Gabrielle Caron (center) hopes to finish her senior year with a championship.

Her path to a world outside of King George has been paved in opportunities that will soon extend beyond her wildest collegiate dreams. Recently King George High School senior Gabrielle Caron has given a verbal commitment to attend and play women’s soccer for Shippensburg University. The Division II university is coming off of a successful 12-5-3 season, where they defeated Edinboro University in the first round of the NCAA Division II playoffs. She will attend the school in the fall of 2014, and major in chemistry. Although she has considered a career as a physician, she is leaning more towards the pharmacy profession. She will sign her National Letter of Intent in the spring. Currently, Caron is focusing on off-season conditioning at a local fitness center, while sharpening her soccer skills with her FASA women’s soccer team. Currently her team is ranked seventh in the state, and Caron has played a significant role in the team’s success. “Gabi takes every opportunity with the team to make herself better,” FASA girl’s head soccer coach Joe Herndon said. “We train year round including outside in the cold winter months. There were nights that we were training with temperatures in the 20s, and maybe colder. Not only did Gabi drive over 45 minutes one way to be here, but she has always shown up with the proper frame of

“Gabi’s game intelligence is one of the things that makes her an exceptional player. Shippensburg is fortunate to be getting a such a well rounded player.” —Denise Flately

mind, and was ready to train.” Located in Shippensburg, Pa., the university was founded in 1871. Also, the highly regarded school is rated by US News & World Report as one of the top universities in the north, and America’s best college in 2012. “I’ve considered several smaller D-3 schools, because I liked the smaller intimate class settings, but in the end after going to soccer camps throughout the summer, I felt that Shippensburg was the best fit for me,” Caron said. After experiencing several tough seasons, Caron helped lead King George to a record of 10-7, and playoff berth against archrival Spotsylvania last year. While a 2-1 playoff loss to the Knights, and the loss of several key members to graduation may have created several obstacles for the Foxes, they will return with an abundance of talent. Caron’s athletic and leadership contribution to the Foxes soccer program is invaluable. During the spring athletic awards banquet, Caron received the annual “Coaches Award.”

W&L Eagle basketball teams head to Rivalry Tip Off Tournament Richard Leggitt The Washington & Lee boys and girls basketball teams head to Lancaster Saturday for the Rivalry Tip Off Tournament optimistic about the 2014 season. The W&L girls will play Colonial Beach at 10 a.m. and the boys will play Colonial Beach at 12 noon. “We return four starters and look to compete every night with anyone,” said Eagles boys head basketball coach George Hunter. “I expect good things from this team.” “The Lady Eagles have a new energy about them,” said W&L girls coach Elizabeth Beckham. “The returning players have been working hard in pre-season and are ready for the challenges that they will face this year.” Both the boys and girls W&L teams under-performed last season but a strong core of returning players

has both Hunter and Beckham hopeful that things will improve this year. The W&L boys return a number of key players from last season, including Treshaun Brown, a junior guard who was All-District and Jeremy Turner, a junior post player who was 2nd team All-District. Both Brown and Turner just began practicing this week after being part of the W&L Eagles football playoff run. “We will be a little behind because those players and seven others were on the football team,” said Hunter. “But I believe we will be able to compete night in and night out. I’m very excited about this team and I’m blessed to be able to coach these young men.” The W&L girls have seven returning players including sophomore Alexia Tate and juniors Alexis Washington and Amy Saunders. Top newcomers this season will include sophomore

“The boys have been active this summer attending team camps as well as some players playing on various AAU teams. The Northern Neck District is always one of the toughest districts in the state and it doesn’t get any easier this year”

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—George Hunter guards Lorena Luna and Jahania Remington. “The newcomers have also transitioned well and are developing a strong sense of teamwork,” Beckham said. “The girls have been willing to put in the hard work. That’s what any coach wants to have in a team.” Both coaches believes their teams will be ready for the always

competitive Northern Neck District play this season. “The boys have been active this summer attending team camps as well as some players playing on various AAU teams. The Northern Neck District is always one of the toughest districts in the state and it doesn’t get any easier this year” said Hunter.

New additions now to KGMS Sports With volleyball, wrestling added to the King George Middle school winter sports line-up, fans can see the future of King George High School sports up close. Also, don’t forget to support the KGMS boys’ basketball team. To access schedules, go online to

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“The influence Gabi has had on our team this year is really hard to put into words,” Foxes varsity girls’ head coach Denise Flately said, “She came into the season with a transformed attitude, and has proven exactly how valuable a player she is. She has always had talent. As a captain, she has shown to be an exceptional leader. She by far is the most capable player, when it comes to changing priorities and tactics during a game. She is the best example of what I wanted to focus on this year; talent, teamwork, and intelligence.” Last season Caron came into her own during Battlefield District competition. She was named to the All-District Second Team. She finished the season with four goals, and two assists. “Soccer is a player’s game, and as a coach it is most important to equip players with the tools to make the best decisions possible on the field,” Flately said. “Gabi’s game intelligence is one of the things that makes her an exceptional player. Shippensburg is fortunate to be getting a such a well rounded player.”

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The Journal

King George Foxes girls basketball 2013-14 preview Leonard Banks Sports editor Conference 22 4A North girls varsity basketball will be nothing short of a dogfight this season. With Chancellor and Caroline boasting some of the area’s best talent, and Courtland losing a number of seniors, King George will have to step up their game. Although the loss of AllDistrict first team forward Carley Armentrout and inside scorer/center Kimi Howell could impact the team during the initial phase of the winter sports season, the Foxes will have a bounty of younger talent to rely on. Confident that his team is prepared for the season, Foxes head coach Jeffery Butler said, “We are still young, but we have two juniors (Jada Saxon and Kanysha Reynolds) and two sophomores (Megan Montague and Champagne Davis) who have been at the varsity level since their freshman year. We should be able to have a much more balanced attack and compete well with all the teams in our District and Conference.” The agility and scoring potential of center Sha’Tiva Harvey in the post-position will give the Foxes a dual athlete capable of ripping down rebounds, while scoring short baskets. The speed of Elissa Davis, Reynolds, and Davis is an added boost to the Foxes fast break scoring attack. Peering into area Conference 22 competition, the Foxes will have to contend with arguably the best player in the area in the form of Spotsylvania All-District standout, Kortney Simmons. In the past, Simmons has given opposing teams

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013


Future High Point Panther!

fits. From top to bottom, Simmons has the defensive and offensive skills that most coaches dream about. Nothing will come easy for any team in Conference 22 basketball this season. While both Eastern View and Courtland lost a number of impact players to graduation, it will be naïve to expect their program to suffer the ills of rebuilding. Chancellor has a few rabbits left in the hat, in regard to their depth corps. As for the Foxes junior varsity girls, head coach Eileen Ordonez will continue to develop young players with the hope of ascending to the varsity level. Monday night game In the hostile confines of Mountain View during a Monday night visit, the Foxes suffered their first loss of the season, 40-31. Although the Black-Hawks got off to a relatively slow start, they rallied to take the lead, and added 9 of 11 free throws in the final quarter to win. Jesse Dixon led Mountain View with 15 points, including 10 of 13 foul shots. Due to press deadlines, information on to the Tuesday night home game against Colonial Beach was unavailable. On Friday, the Foxes travel to play Eastern View.

Leonard Banks

Junior Foxes forward/guard, Jada Saxon (#22) has the tools to make a positive impact on the Foxes’ season.

King George Foxes girls’ 2013 - 2014 varsity roster No. 10 12 20 21 22 23

Name Rebecca Leonard Shantel Harvey Whitney Allen Champagne Davis Jada Saxon Kanysha Reynolds

Grade Sr. Jr. Jr. So. Jr. Jr.

Position Guard Guard Forward Guard/Forward Guard/Forward Guard

24 Christian Porter Sr. Forward 30 Sha’Tiva Harvey Jr. Center 31 Elissa Davis Jr. Guard 32 Dai’zsa Bullett So. Guard/Forward 40 Megan Montague So. Forward/Center Head basketball coach, Jeffrey Butler Assistant basketball coach, George Goujon

Leonard Banks

Blake Clift hopes to bring his pitching skills to the mound for the Foxes in the spring of 2014. The talented right-hander impacted his IMG Academy baseball team with a win in the Arizona Cleats Classic Spring Break Tournament, in Scottsdale, AZ.

Hundreds flock to the 19th annual Turkey Trot Race Leonard Banks Sports editor Neither wind, nor freezing temperatures, nor the effects of the early morning hour could keep hundreds of area runners away from the 19th annual Dr. John Coker, Mary Washington Healthcare, YMCA, Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K, 1K, 1/2 Mile Race. The holiday event took place at Central Park, next to Wegman’s grocery store, in Fredericksburg. Thrilled with the continued overwhelming participation from area runners, former King George orthodontist Dr. John H. Coker, Jr. said, “It’s simply wonderful that so many families came out this morning for the 19th annual Turkey Trot race—it’s a beautiful thing to see.” Twenty-four year old Sophy Jepchirchir (16:38) and 19-year old Emmanuel Bor (14:07) were the overall winners of the 5K race. Amid the hundreds of King George runners, health & physical education and Sealston Running Club coach Lori-Ann Libby featured over 120 runners from her club, and her late father’s track & field team. Libby is the founder of Fredericksburg area running clubs.

A number of female runners from King George finished in the top ten of their age category. However, triathlete, and King George resident, Molly Roohi placed sixth overall in the women’s 5K category, while finishing with a time of 18:51. King George High School cross-country, and track & field standout, Kristen Hornbaker finished less than a minute behind Roohi with a time of 19:37. Hornbaker’s high school teammate, Miranda Green placed third in the women’s 14-19 age division with a time of 20:31. In the 13 & under women’s division, Hannah Koepfinger finished sixth with a time of 32:16, while Cori French placed seventh with a time of 23:24. Koepfinger and French both compete on the King George High School cross-country team. After finishing the race in 20 minutes, 25-year-old Melissa Cummings placed first in the 25-29 category. Potomac Elementary School second grade teacher, and Dahlgren Sharks head coach Elizabeth Guthrie finished first in the 60-64 division with a time of 32:22. Alice Pallotti placed third in the women’s 35-39 age division with a

time of 21:06. Anne Koepfinger placed sixth in the women’s 45-49 division with a time of 25:26. Fellow 45-49 division member, Kerry-Anne Dachos finished ninth with a time of 26:09. As for the men from King George, 13-year-old Jarrod Brem (19:44) finished first in the 13 & under division. Fellow King George runner Michael Habgood (19:48) finished four seconds behind Brem to capture second place in the 13 & under division. Brem’s father, Thomas finished third in the 55-59 men’s age division with a time of 21:48. Matt Hornbaker finished fifth in the 45-49 men’s age division with a time of 21:53. King George chiropractor, Shaw

Pallotti finished 10th in the 40-44 men’s age division with a time of 22:10. Triathlete Justin Riddle finished third in the men’s 35-39 age group with a time of 19:33. Steve Dorton finished fifth in the men’s 25-29 age division with a time of 19:08. Boxer, and impending college graduate, Paul Cornelius Jerry finished third in the men’s 20-24 division with a time of 18:52. Fellow men’s 20-24 division competitor, Vincent Jeter finished seventh with a time of 20:38. Kristopher Rogers capped out the top 10 20-24 men’s finishers with time of 21:43. P.J. Robinson from the Clydesdale division finished seventh with a time of 24:02.

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Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

The Journal

Fredericksburg Bears’ Ralph Stephani and Anthony Parker, a commitment to gridiron excellence

Leonard Banks

After years of battling opposing teams on the field, seasoned semi-pro football Fredericksburg Bear veterans Ralph Stephani (left, #50), and Anthony Parker (right, #51) are eager for the 2014 spring minor league football season. Leonard Banks Sports editor Their mindset will forever be engrained on the battlefields of gridiron warfare. This is a story about two men who traveled along parallel careers, while pursuing the ultimate confrontation of victory. From high school to the semi-professional football arena, Ralph Stephani and Anthony Parker’s passion for football has been sustained by their love for the game. At 45, most men would never dream of taking on a 300 pound plus defensive lineman, but former Washington & Lee standout Anthony Parker salivates at the very thought of ripping the helmet off of an opposing player. “I’ve always had a passion for football,” Parker said. “I always tell everyone that this is going to be my last year, but I said that 10 years ago, and I keep coming back.” Used predominately as an offensive and defense lineman, Parker

has used his experience to help guide his semi-pro football fellow Fredericksburg Bear players to two back-to-back winning seasons. “His value really comes in experience and wisdom,” Fredericksburg Bear head coach Rodney Anderson said. “He’s seen and done it all. There’s nothing he hasn’t experienced as a player, and he brings that to our team.” After high school Parker searched for a football outlet that would utilize his strength. He hit pay dirt, when he joined the now defunct King George Kodiaks. After a short stint with the Kodiaks, he joined several teams under the Fredericksburg name. Teams such as the Titans, Falcons, and ultimately, the Bears would all benefit from Parker’s services. Prior to playing for the Bears, Parker played for the Northern Neck Rivermen. “The best part about playing for the Rivermen was our home games at Washington & Lee,” Parker said. “It was like a homecoming for me, and I will always consider it the highlight of

“We’ve had a lot of opportunities to get together outside of football, and develop team continuity. There are no egos here, college agendas, or give me the ball 20 times a game. Nothing is selfish on this team—it’s all about team unity.” —Ralph Stephani my career.” “Whenever I call his number, he is ready,” Anderson said. “He’s known on the team as “Baby T”. He gives me everything he has every time he plays. He plays guard, tackle, and on the defensive line—he loves the game, and it shows. I’ve seen tears in his eyes when we’ve lost, and I’ve seen tears in his eyes when we’ve won. If this younger generation took as much pride in competing as he does, they would be better for it.”

Stephani is a portrait painted in courage, and framed in leadership. Simply put, his career on the field has endured every aspect of football. After nearly winning a high school state championship in 1995 with the legendary Parker brothers - Jonathan & John - as a member of the King George High School football team, he understands the importance of being the team captain. He will forever remember the teams he beat along the way. After

two memorable wins over arch rival James Monroe, the Foxes celebrated their post-season win as if it was the state championship. “We had so much fun,” Stephani said. “As a team, we were terrible for many years, but suddenly coach Pierce (Roger) came, and we started winning. It was a great feeling to see everyone in the community get behind us. It was amazing to see our fans when we returned from the state championship, and hear them cheer us on.” After finding his niche in the theater of semi-pro football, his pursuit of winning became reinvigorated. As the captain of the Bears, the man who wears the jersey number 50 is often seen colliding with ball carriers, as he attempts to separate the ball from them. Like Parker, Stephani has also played for every team that has ever been in Fredericksburg area, including the Rivermen. After finishing the 2013 fall season with a 7-3 record, including a 21-0 win against the Suffolk Chargers in

the opening round of the playoff, the Bears are clearing the path towards an eventual championship. During their initial 2012 year, the Bears compiled a 5-2 record. Winning has become a tradition for the Bears. “I thing we’re gelling more as a team this year,” Stephani said. “We’ve had a lot of opportunities to get together outside of football, and develop team continuity. There are no egos here, college agendas, or give me the ball 20 times a game. Nothing is selfish on this team—it’s all about team unity.” On Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Fredericksburg Field House, the Bears will host spring tryouts for aspiring semi-pro football athletes. Registration opens at noon, and tryouts are from 1 to 4 p.m. Registration fee is $40 (cash only, no checks). Players will engage in speed, agility and strength drills (40-yard dash, 20yard dash, pro shuttle, broad jump, push-up max, position specific skills testing).

Area children love the 19th annual Turkey Trot race Leonard Banks Sports editor Prior to the 19th annual Dr. John Coker, Mary Washington Healthcare, YMCA, Thanksgiving Day Turkey 5K adult race, the younger/smaller runners ran along the corridors of Carl D. Silver Parkway. Less experienced runners, ages 6 & under participated in the half-mile race, while runners with more experience, ages 6-12, competed in the mile race. The overall winner for the halfmile 6 & under race was Lancaster resident, Macyn Fogleman (4:22). She finished the race five seconds faster than her nearest competitor, Fredericksburg resident, Juliana Velez (4:27). The top girl’s 6 & under runner from King George was threeyear old Molly Habgood. Habgood finished with a time of 5:11. Three-year old Fredericksburg resident Jackson Fletcher finished first in the women’s other division with a time of 7:57. As for the boys, six-year old King George resident Bodie Riddle was the overall top 6 & under half mile winner with a time of 3:58. Also, Riddle was accompanied in the top ten placements by the following King George runners: Evan Fairfax (third, 4:31), Andrew Fronzo (tied for third, 4:31), and Lucas Fronzo (ninth,

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4:51). In the one-mile portion of the race, eight-year old Ruther Glen resident Kendall Loescher was the overall winner of the girls’ 7-8 division with a time of 7:17. Seven-year old Linsey Spillman finished eighth in the division with a time of 9:10, while fellow 7-8 division runner, Madison Greiber rounded out the top 10 finishes with a time of 9:22. Ten-year old Fredericksburg

resident Rylie White was the overall 9-10-year old winner with a time of 7:19. In the girls 11-12 division, the four runners from King George that placed in the top 10 included: Becca Tidwell (second, 6:42), Unoma Aquolo (third, 6:57), Allison Carver (seventh, 8:46), and Avery Taylor (eighth, 8:50). Spotsylvania resident, Kendall Zywaiak placed first with a time of 6:37.

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Eight-year old Stafford resident Kayli Henderson finished first in the women’s others division with a time of 8:36. Thirteen-year old King George resident Allison Seay finished third in the women’s others division with a time of 11:19. In the boys 7-8 division, eightyear old Lancaster resident Quaden Fogleman finished first with a time of 6:39. Six-year old Eli Henderson from Stafford, placed first in the boy’s others division. King George resident Hunter Fuchs finished second with a time of 13:54. Ten-year old Aroda resident, Joseph Owing placed first in the boy’s 9-10 division with a time of 5:56. King George resident Alexander

Dachos finished second with a time of 6:22. Twelve-year old Aroda resident Elijah Owing, finished first in the boys 11-12 division with a time of 5:58. King George resident and 11year old Joseph Asiamah placed sixth with a time of 7:50. Fredericksburg resident and sixyear old runner, Gwyn Frick placed first in the six & under division with a time of 8:34. Six-year old King George resident, Miranda Griffith placed third with a time of 9:11. Six-year old Fredericksburg resident Avery Amidon placed first in the 6 & under division with a time of 8:57. Five-year old King George resident, Brian Hollis rounded out the top 10 with a time of 11:03.

Leonard Banks

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The Journal

Fracking: National expert From page 1 rock strata to release natural gas so it can be collected by drillers. Both informational meetings will feature a national expert on shale gas leasing. The Dec. 2 FOR release notes that Colorado County Commissioner Gwen Lachelt will discuss the shale gas and oil industry and answer questions from landowners who have leased their land, are thinking about leasing or are just concerned about landowner rights and the impacts of drilling on their land and community. Lachelt is the founder of the national EARTHWORKS Oil & Gas Accountability Project to expand awareness of landowner and community options after BP announced plans to drill more than 1,000 gas wells in La Plata County in 1988. The Friends of the Rappahannock has learned that a Texas-based company, Shore Exploration & Production Corporation, has leased 84,390 acres in the Northern Neck and the Peninsula areas for gas and oil drilling since 2010, according to FOR Executive Director John Tippett. The Friends of the Rappahannock’s search of county records this past summer indicated that nearly half the land leased, 40,733 acres, is in Caroline County, with leases in Westmoreland County (13,864 acres, 16.4 percent of the total), Essex County (13,338 acres, 15.8 percent), King George (10,443 acres, 12.4 percent) and King and Queen (6010 acres, 7.1 percent) “We’re getting questions about what leasing means for landowners and the community,” Tippett said. He added, “The workshop is designed so that landowners and others can learn more before they have to make any decisions.” Maps of those gas/oil leases in the region along with additional

information about energy development in the area can be found at the FOR website: <www.> This area lies within the Taylorsville basin shale deposit, an ancient lake bed that stretches from Richmond to Maryland. FOR notes that Shore Exploration plans to drill by hydrofracking or fracking, which uses high pressure to force millions of gallons of water, some sand and chemicals a mile or more underground to break up shale rock and release gas or oil. Natural gas fracking has grown rapidly since 1995 in the Marcellus shale play in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. The two upcoming meetings will take place next week as follows: - Wednesday, Dec. 11, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Bowling Green Town Hall, 117 Butler St., Bowling Green. - Thursday, Dec. 12, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., General District Courtroom, George D. English Building, 111 Polk Street, Montross. The workshops are free and open to the public and could be helpful to landowners who have leased their land, those considering a lease and anyone concerned about landowner rights and the impacts of gas and oil hydrofracking. They will offer information about mineral leasing, corporate accountability and gas regulations so landowners can learn about the leasing process, industry tactics and what gas or oil development means for residents and the community. CONTACT FOR INFORMATION/ MAPS OF LEASED AREAS Those who wish additional information about the upcoming workshops may contact either of those listed below: Richard Moncure, 804-4433448, or email: <richard.moncure@>; Nancy Long at CCCA: 804-7425612, or email: <Long5Nancy@aol. com>

Assessment: 4% lower From page 1 The $1.15 million difference in the value of taxable real estate is expected to provide an equalized tax rate that is 2 to 4 cents higher than the current 53 cents per $100 valuation. The equalized tax rate figure will reflect a calculation of what the tax rate should be for the county to collect the same amount of taxes as in the current year, but based on the new, lower real estate assessments.

The equalized tax rate amount is dependent on the result of the calculation of what each penny on the tax rate would realize for the county. In recent years, the calculation of what a penny on the tax rate would generate has fluctuated around $260,000 per penny. Whatever tax rate is adopted by the Board of Supervisors in spring 2014 will be reflected in tax bills due in June 2014 when the first half-year payment is due.

School Board meeting date changes Textbook purchase to be finalized Phyllis Cook The King George School Board has postponed its final regular business meeting for the calendar year. The established meeting date has been changed from next week on Dec. 9 to instead take place during the following week, on Monday, Dec. 16, at 6 p.m. at in the board room of the Revercomb Administration building. No reason for the meeting date change has been provided. The clarification about the meeting postponement was provided this week on Tuesday, after a notice had gone out the previous day on Monday, saying the meeting Dec. 9 meeting was simply cancelled. That same email meeting notice by School Board Clerk Sheryl Bushrod also provided an announcement that a 15 minute special meeting has been scheduled for this week on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 4:15 p.m. at the School Board office. It is unclear whether that meeting is still scheduled prior to another special meeting set for a student discipline hearing at 4:30 p.m. on the same day. The 4:15 p.m. meeting could end up being cancelled, with the agenda items placed on the Dec. 16 agenda. That had not been decided by our press time. The agenda for the 4:15 p.m. special meeting included in the notice had indicated an action item to purchase new textbooks and materials for Kindergarten through 5th grade for Reading and Language Arts in preparation for the 2014-15 school year. (See details below.) The other two agenda items were to announce the student who is the winner of a Holiday Card design contest, along with a closed meeting session for discussion of personnel issues, followed by action in open session, as necessary. TEXTBOOK PROCUREMENT The textbook procurement had been discussed at a previous emergency meeting that took place on Nov. 14, after Superintendent Rob Benson had introduced the topic during a regular School Board meeting the night before on

Nov. 13. The School Board plans to pay a deposit of $29,201.69 within 30 days of placing the textbook order. Benson has indicated that amount of funding is available in the current year’s budget as a result of the differences between budgeted and actual personnel costs. The textbooks and materials will be shipped to the King George County School Division after the issuance of the initial purchase order. The remaining balance of $152,879.44 is to be paid next fiscal year prior to July 15, 2014. The amount is to be included in the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. The textbooks are planned to be ordered from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, with the total cost coming to $182,081.13 including shipping. Ordering the books now and making a deposit payment as

specified will provide the division with a “4th quarter discount” for the K-5 textbooks and materials. Benson said the textbooks and materials are the most current editions. The early ordering will save the school division $54,957.17. The non-discounted price for textbooks, materials and shipping would have come to $237,038.30. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Currently, the King George School Board has its first meeting in the new year scheduled to take place on Thursday, Jan. 2, at 6 p.m. at the School Board office. The purpose of the meeting is limited to actions having to do with organizing duties and meeting dates for the calendar year. The agenda is expected to include the election of a chairman and vice chairman for the new calendar year, along with similar actions, as well as to approve a meeting calendar for 2014.

Sheriff: Christmas shopping From page 1 of children who wanted to buy Christmas gifts for their siblings or parents rather than for themselves. Elizabeth Clark, executive director of the King George YMCA, who helped coordinate last year’s event and will be working to help the children and their families again this year, said the event allows sheriff ’s officers to get to know the children and allows the children the time to make a special connection

with a sheriff ’s officer. “Last year I heard a little girl, while they were shopping at Walmart, tell the children around her that this was going to be her best Christmas ever,” said Dempsey. “That says it all.” Dempsey said the sheriff ’s office is seeking donations to help fund the upcoming children’s Christmas event. Checks made out to ‘Shop with a Sheriff 2014’ can be sent to the Sheriff ’s office and will be gratefully received.

The Journal publishes the KG Parks & Rec brochure Look for the next issue at the beginning of 2014. Call 540-775-2024 to advertise in the brochure

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Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

Bridge: Redecking planned From page 1 to complete, with it finalized in fall 2012. MAINTENANCE WORK ALSO FUNDED AND PLANNED ON EXISTING BRIDGE Following the earlier announcement of the initial design funding this summer, the King George Board of Supervisors had been provided an update on the next phases of the Nice Bridge rebuilding project planned to replace the existing bridge over the Potomac River which opened in December 1940. In addition to the engineering work slated to begin, Supervisors also got news about some maintenance activity that will take place on the existing 73-year-old bridge. Glen Smith, planning manager for the Maryland Transit Authority’s (MDTA) capital planning, and MDTA engineer Will Pines, bridge and tunnel manager had told the King George board that the MDTA had also programmed funding for future maintenance on the existing bridge. $13.2 million has been identified by the MDTA in fiscal years 2014 and 2015 to assist in extending the service life of the existing bridge until the preferred alternate can be constructed. That work is expected to include concrete deck repairs, deck sealing, and rehabilitation of the catwalk.

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Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

The Journal

Frugal holiday gift wrapping ideas

king george

Sheriff’s report Nov. 18 Flanagan, Robert Paul Jr. – Driving Under the Influence, Failure to Possess Driver’s License-LearnersTemporary Permit, Refusal of Tests and Procedures Nov. 20 Romine, Latasha Lorraine – Larceny Two or More Convictions Nov. 21 Cusworth, Joshua Robert – Driving Under the Influence, Refusal of Tests and Procedures Orlando, Dana M. – Obtaining Money by False Pretenses Tilley, Casandra Lynn – Fail to Appear on Felony Charge Johnson, Robert IV – Fail to Appear on Misdemeanor Charge

Nov. 22 Jenkins, James Austin – Revocation of Suspended Sentence and Probation Hughes, Irene Mae – Contempt of Court Green, Heather Ann – Assault and Battery Family Member Nov. 24 Winkelspecht, Vincent Michael – Steal Property with Intent to Sell, Conspire to Commit Trespassing or Larceny, Grand Larceny Flippo, Amanda Sue – Petit Larceny Barnes, Charles Everett – Conspire to Commit Trespassing or Larceny (2 times), Grand Larceny (2 times), Steal Property with Intent to Sell (2 times)

Nov. 25 Winkelspecht, Vincent Michael – Grand Larceny, Conspire to Commit Trespassing or Larceny, Steal Property with Intent to Sell Langley, James David – Fugitive from Justice Nov. 27 Smoot, Jason Michael – Revocation of Suspended Sentence and Probation Orlando, Dana Marie – Fugitive from Justice Orlando, Michael Jospeh Jr. – Fugitive from Justice Nov. 29 Valdez, Ricardo Glenn – Assault and Battery Family Member

Holiday shoppers spend billions of dollars each year on gifts for friends, family and coworkers. But holiday shoppers also spend substantial amounts of money dressing up those gifts with bows and wrapping paper. Shoppers may not want to spend much more on wrapping paper, bags and other ways to dress-up their gifts, and by employing a few tricks of the gift wrapping trade, they may not have to. The following are some frugal, yet flashy, ways to wrap presents this holiday season. * Children’s artwork: Over the course of a school year parents can accumulate dozens of original pieces of art from their children’s time in the classroom. Instead of relegating those pictures to a memory box or temporary glory on the refrigerator, turn them into unique gift wrap. Pair these pieces of art with colored ribbon, and everyone who

gets a unique masterpiece will feel special. * Newspaper: Recycle newsprint and comics into wrapping paper. Encourage everyone to wrap in newspaper for a cohesive look come Christmas morning. * Cloth: Leftover cloth from Halloween or cloth purchased to create homemade curtains can be turned into giftwrap for awkward-shaped gifts. Use decorative ribbon to seal the bundle shut. * Brown paper: Brown paper tied with twine or ribbon is inexpensive and can easily be recycled after use. Use a marker to put the names of gift recipients on each package to save on gift tags as well. * Glass jars: Use mason jars when wrapping smaller gifts, including gift cards, to give them an arts-andcrafts feel. * Fabric gift bags: If you’re handy with a needle and thread, sew sacks

out of leftover fabric to make gift bags of various sizes. * Cookie tins: Find unique cookie tins from yard sales or leftover tins from holidays past and use them as gift boxes. * Recipes: If you will be giving a cookbook or food-themed gifts, print recipes that can be used as gift wrap and then later used to make certain dishes. * Baby linens: From blankets to wash cloths, use baby linens to wrap infant-themed gifts for new parents. * Baskets: Wicker baskets are available in various shapes and sizes. They can be used to make a gift collection and then reused over and over again. There are many creative and inexpensive ways to wrap gifts this year instead of relying on preprinted and often expensive wrapping paper.

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KING GEORGE COUNTY WETLANDS BOARD PUBLIC HEARING The King George County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, December 19, 2013 in the Board Room King George County Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, to consider the following requests: VMRC Permit Application #13-1473: Request by John H. Jr. and Linda C. Coker to reconstruct existing riprap reventment and add filter cloth, remove (3) existing deteriorated timber groins, construct (3) 48’ replacement low-profile armor stone groins with approx. 110 cu. Yds. Of beach nourishment, along the Potomac River, located at18163 Osprey Road on Tax Map # 2, Parcel 12. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, VA 22485, prior to the scheduled public hearing.

By Order of the Chairman King George County Wetlands Board 12/4/2013, 12/11/2013

TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE On December 12, 2013 at 7:00p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center in Colonial Beach, the Colonial Beach Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 644. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. ORDINANCE NO. 644: AMENDS THE TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE 4 RESIDENTIAL ONE (R-1) DISTRICT AND ARTICLE 6 RESIDENTIAL-TWO (R-2) DISTRICT, TO PERMIT THE USE OF AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) UP TO 750 SQUARE FEET BY RIGHT AND UP TO 950 SQUARE FEET AS A CONDITIONAL USE. THE ORDINANCE ALSO PROVIDES FOR SPECIFIC AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ADU RELATED TO: NUMBER OF UNITS AND BEDROOMS; ENTRANCES; EXTERNAL APPEARANCE; MAXIMUM SIZE; PARKING; ADDRESSES & UTILITIES; USE; BUILDING CODE; DEED RESTRICTIONS; SETBACKS; HEIGHT. THE ORDINANCE ADDS THE FOLLOWING TERMS TO ARTICLE 20, DEFINITIONS: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) AND HABITABLE SPACE. The complete text of Ordinance No. 644 may be obtained from the Town Clerk of the Town of Colonial Beach, 18 N. Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. Anyone having questions or wishing to submit written comments may contact Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone with a disability who requires assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact Town Hall prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made. All interested persons may attend and express their views.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Planning Commission 11/27/2013, 12/4/2013


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TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE On December 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center in Colonial Beach, the Colonial Beach Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 637. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. ORDINANCE NO. 637: AMENDS ARTICLE 12 – “SIGNS� OF THE TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH ZONING ORDINANCE TO REDUCE THE COMPLEXITY OF THE ARTICLE, TO CONFORM TO THE GOALS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, TO INCREASE SIGNAGE OPTIONS FOR BUSINESSES, TO INCREASE THE CLARITY AND CONSISTENCY OF THE LANGUAGE AND TO CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA. THE ORDINANCE INTRODUCES CHARTS, GRAPHS AND FIGURES TO CLEARLY COMMUNICATE SIGNAGE OPTIONS AND MEANS OF DETERMING SIGN MEASUREMENTS; RELAXES REQUIREMENTS ON TEMPORARY SIGNS AND REQUIRES A PERMIT FOR INSTALLATION; REDUCES THE NUMBER AND TYPE OF PROHIBITED SIGNS; ALLOWS FOR DIGITAL SIGNS TO BE INSTALLATED; PROHBITS THE REMOVAL OF TREES/VEGETATION TO ENHANCE SIGN VISIBILITY; AND PROVIDES FOR REMOVAL OF ABANDONED/OBSOLETE SIGNS. The complete text of Ordinance No. 637 may be obtained from the Town Clerk of the Town of Colonial Beach, 18 N Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. Anyone having questions or wishing to submit written comments may contact Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone with a disability who requires assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact Town Hall prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made. All interested persons may attend and express their views.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council 11/27/2013, 12/4/2013

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The King George County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday December 10, 2013, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-05-Z02: Request by JPI Walnut Hill, LLC to rezone, with proffers, 6.7482 acres of Tax Map 9, Parcel 34, as depicted on the Generalized Development Plan, Walnut Hill as prepared by Webb and Associates, dated 3-27-13, from Rural Agricultural Zoning District, (A-2) to General Trade Zoning District, (C-2). The property contains 128.9452 acres and is located on the west side of Route 301 approximately 0.2 miles south of the intersection of Danube Drive (Route 1101) and James Madison Parkway (Route 301). The area requested for rezoning is adjacent to Route 301. The minimum lot size in the A-2 Zoning District is two (2) acres and the minimum lot size in the C-2 for property served by public water and sewer is 5,000 square feet. The proposed is commercial. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Dahlgren Primary Settlement Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 1 to 5 acres in those areas without public utilities. In areas with public utilities densities of up to 8 dwelling units per acre may be considered. Case Number 13-11-Z03: Request by Jean L. Moneyhon to rezone 3.9999 acres of Tax Map 28, Parcel 28B from Limited Agricultural (A-1) to Rural Agricultural (A-2). The property is located at 19273 Stoney Point Road. The property contains 17.1753 acres. The proposed use is residential. The minimum lot size in A-1 is ten (10) acres and the minimum lot size in A-2 is two (2) acres. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Potomac River Rural Development Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 10 to 2 acres. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Planning Commission 11/27/2013. 12/4/2013

Call Steve at 540-775-2024 or email for all your business & personal printing needs

Christmas & New Years are on Wednesday this year. Please submit your Legal notices & classified advertising by 5 p.m. on the Friday before to ensure they get into the paper correctly.

The Journal

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013


Landowner Workshops on Gas & Oil Leasing in Bowling Green & Montross A national expert on shale gas leasing will speak at two workshops in the region, Dec. 11 at the Bowling Green Town Hall and Dec. 12 at the George D. English Building in Montross, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The workshops, sponsored by Friends of the Rapphanannock (FOR) and hosted by the Caroline County Countryside Alliance, are free and open to the public. Colorado County Commissioner Gwen Lachelt will discuss the shale gas and oil industry and answer questions from landowners who have leased their land, are thinking about leasing or are just concerned about landowner rights and the impacts of drilling on their land and community. Lachelt founded the national EARTHWORKS Oil

“We’re getting questions about what leasing means for landowners and the community,” Tippett said. “The workshop is designed so that landowners and others can learn more before they have to make any decisions,” Tippett said. The leases lie within the Taylorsville basin shale deposit, an ancient lake bed that stretches from Richmond to Maryland. Shore Exploration plans to drill by hydrofracking or fracking, which uses high pressure to force millions of gallons of water, some sand and chemicals a mile or more underground to break up shale rock and release gas or oil. Natural gas fracking has grown rapidly since 1995 in the Marcellus shale play in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

& Gas Accountability Project to expand awareness of landowner and community options after BP announced plans to drill more than 1,000 gas wells in La Plata County in 1988. In the Tidewater, Texas-based Shore Exploration & Production Corporation has leased 84,390 acres for gas and oil drilling since 2010, according to FOR Executive Director John Tippett. A search of county records this summer indicated that nearly half the land leased, 40,733 acres, is in Caroline County, with leases in Westmoreland County (13,864 acres, 16.4 percent of the total), Essex County (13,338 acres, 15.8 percent), King George (10,443 acres, 12.4 percent) and King and Queen (6010 acres, 7.1 percent)


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Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013

The Journal

KG Girl Scout Service Unit Court of Awards The King George Girl Scout Service Unit held their Court of Awards in November. The Service Unit honored Scouts receiving their 5-year and 10-year membership pins, as well as Scouts receiving the Bronze and Silver Awards.

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Junior can earn. Working toward obtaining this award demonstrates a Scout’s commitment to helping others, improving her community and the world, and becoming the best she can be. 21 Scouts received this award.

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Cadette can earn. The Girl Scout Silver Award represents a Scout’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and in her community as she grows and works to improve her life and the lives of others. The first four requirements of the

Girl Scout Silver Award help girls build skills, explore careers, gain leadership skills, and make a commitment to self-improvement. Nine Scouts received this award. —Submitted by Katherine Lenzi

Lions offer vision screening

For King George Pre-Schools and Day Care Centers The Dahlgren Lions Club is pleased to offer free vision screening to the children of King George. Our PediaVision VS100 Spot camera measures the degree of near sightedness, far sightedness, astigmatism, eye misalignment, and amblyopia plus several other useful factors. It is about the size of a large digital camera and can perform its refractive functions in just a few seconds. We are set up to print out the results for each child tested. It is particularly effective for children ages 6 months to 6 years, and for nonverbal older children who are unable to accurately report what they see. The SPOT camera is a state-of-the-art optical device, and its data and results correlate precisely with measurements made by professional optometrists. Use of Above: The SPOT Pedia-Vision Camera. Right: this device makes it Vision screening at Peace Preschool. possible to obtain early indication of vision difficulties, and corrective treatment can be initiated before significant problems develop. Plus the computer printout provides a permanent record of the child’s visual parameters, a baseline which will be useful in monitoring any change or deterioration. If your organization would like to invite the Lions to provide vision screening for your children, please contact Richard Frazer, 540-663-2710; or Richard Rowland, 540-775-9670 members of the Dahlgren Lions Club Sight and Hearing Committee.

Virginia Center for Learning and Achievement LLC Tutoring K-12 Study Skills K-12 Writing Workshops Intensive Reading Instruction 10081 Kings Highway • King George, VA 22485

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“Form follows function” is a principle associated with modern architecture that orthodontists may turn on its head by saying “function follows form.” If teeth and jaws do not mesh properly due to malocclusion (“bad bite”), teeth may be subjected to excessive wear, and worse. If left uncorrected, malocclusions can lead to the need for crowns, bonding, veneers, or implants. In addition, a bad bite can place excessive stress and strain on the muscles that work the jaws. If so, pain may develop in the chewing muscles. Even worse, the bone and tissues that support the teeth may become stressed to the point where their ability to support the teeth is compromised. As a result, tooth loss may occur. Orthodontic problems require specialized care. Patients who have tooth and jaw alignment problems should see an orthodontist. Our specific qualifications in the design, application and control of corrective appliances will bring teeth, lips, and jaws into proper alignment for optimal facial balance. To schedule an orthodontic consultation, please call FREDERICKSBURG ORTHODONTICS at 540/898-7211. We are located at 10618 Spotsylvania Ave. (Lee’s Hill Center on Rt. 1 South). We are open Monday through Friday. Evening appointments are also available P.S. Not all malocclusions lead to dire consequences, and some malocclusions do not require treatment at all.

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FIVE LOCATIONS N. Stafford–Rt.1–Aquia Park Rt.1–So. Stafford/Falmouth Spotsylvania–Parkway Medical Center Spotsylvania–Rt.3 West–next to Sakura King George–First Lady’s Centre–Rt.3E

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Free single vision lenses with purchase of any frame. Includes scratch resistant impact resistant (polycarbonate) for children under the age of 18 and Cr39 uncoated lenses for adults over 18. Other discounts and/or insurance do not apply. Please see our Optical Shops for more details. KGJ Free Lenses 4 col. (8.6”) x 5”

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