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King George
Special Section Inside Volume 37, Number 51
helping you relate to your community
Dr. Roosevelt Dean named Medical Director
Santa visits King George
Jessica Herrink
Santa has been seen around King George a lot lately. On Saturday, Dec. 7 he visited Santaland at the old post office building. Karee Allen, age 1, was not so sure about the guy in the red suit, but she finally posed for a picture with Mrs. Claus. Her brother Karon Allen, age 6, was all smiles for his photo. See more The Journal’s Christmas section inside.
Fracking meetings draw crowds Phyllis Cook The Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR) is reporting that more than 250 area residents turned out for two workshops held last week in Bowling Green and in Montross to learn about the environmental and community impacts of gas and oil drilling. The Dec.16 FOR release noted that a crowd of about 150 filled the Town Hall in Bowling Green on Dec. 11, with about 110 attending the meeting on Dec. 12 in Westmoreland County. The workshop forums were sponsored by Friends of the Rappahannock and hosted by the Caroline County Countryside Alliance. The hour-long presentations were followed by an additional hour of questions from the audience. Speaker Gwen Lachelt, a county commissioner in from Durango, Colorado shared lessons learned from 25 years working with landowners and the shale gas and oil industry at home and across the country. Lachelt is a founder of the national Oil & Gas Accountability Project. During the info meetings, she outlined ways that landowners, local governments and residents can protect themselves and their communities from the water, air and industrial impacts of gas and oil well development. She urged property owners interested in leasing their land for energy extraction to learn as much as possible about drilling impacts to negotiate the strongest, most protective terms for their property. Commissioner Lachelt told attendees that the shale gas drilling industry is exempt from numerous federal environmental laws that govern industrial land uses, saying that it was very important to get organized at the local level to put appropriate regulations in place.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 50 Cents
She described how La Plata County’s land use guidelines protect water resources and air quality, reduce noise and intrusions on neighbors, and minimize the impact of heavy industrial truck traffic. Westmoreland County Supervisor Rosemary M. Mahan of Hague was quoted as saying that the workshop in Montross “was very balanced and gave people a well-rounded view of the pros and the cons of the industry.” FOR Executive Director John Tippett said, “Everyone was very engaged and talking to each other afterward, which is just what we hoped for in planning the workshops.”
The ailing female patient shuffled slowly away from the medical clinic. Noticing his retreating patient Dr. Roosevelt went to investigate. As former co-workers relate the details, the patient explained that she did not have the money to call a taxi and also fill the prescription held tightly in her hand. Without hesitation upon hearing this, Dr. Dean quickly coordinated with his nurses to rearrange his schedule, and then personally drove the woman to the pharmacy and on to her home. According to his former co-workers this compassionate caring streak is one of his hallmarks, so when 24/7 TLC Community Care clinic began interviewing for a Medical Director, Dr. Roosevelt Dean’s name was mentioned frequently by former medical colleagues and patients. “Personalized one on one service, and a heart of compassion, along with excellent medical skills are key criteria for the culture we’re striving to create here at the community care clinic.” states 24/7 TLC President Arlene Jacovelli. Theresa Gauvin RN, the 24/7 TLC Community Care Clinic Director of Administration explains “Dr. Dean was frequently praised for his warm bedside manner, and for going the extra mile when diagnosing a patient’s symptoms. Any of the former nurses and his patients conveyed his close attention to detail, yet he was pleasant to work for. When one factors how many hours one may spend in a high stress medical situation this attitude is a critical component of providing excellent health care.” Therefore, it is with great pleasure that Arlene Jacovelli, President of 24/7 TLC community Care Clinic announces that Dr. Roosevelt Dean has accepted the position of Medical Director. Theresa Gauvin RN further stated that “Dr. Dean comes with a solid reputation for having a warm, bedside manner, and pays attention to detail which for a nurse is very important. Another important fact is his commitment to this community. One of his reasons he stated in the interview was a desire to stay in the area to continue his relationships he has built here, and to support his patients while enjoying the serenity of life here in King See Dean, page 5
Theresa Gauvin (left) talks with Arlene Jacovelli and Dr. Roosevelt Dean about plans for the Community Care Clinic which had its administrative opening Monday, Dec. 16. 24/7 TLC, a not-for-profit organization, is working to open a new primary care practice in the space formerly occupied by Gateway Urgent Care. The clinic will offer care for walk-in patients. Dr. Dean had treated patients at the urgent care practice.
Robert Crouch granted hearing by Va. Court of Appeals Robert Ray Crouch of King George, who was sentenced to five years in prison, fined $35,000 and ordered to pay more than $84,000 in restitution for defrauding customers of the former Meadow-Brooke Memorial Gardens cemetery in King George, has been granted a hearing by the Virginia Court of Appeals. Crouch, 47, was convicted by a King George Circuit Court earlier this year of nine counts of failure to deposit in the proper trust account and five counts of receiving money by false pretenses. The jury
Request for golf cart use in Potomac Landing
KING GEORGE BOARD TO GET REPORT IN JANUARY It’s clear that there is interest in the issue by residents and elected officials in King George, one of the five area counties in which Texas-based Shore Exploration & Production Corporation holds mineral rights leases on 10,443 acres in King George, according to a search of county records this past summer by Friends of the Rappahannock. FOR found at that time that the company also holds drilling leases on 40,733 acres in Caroline County, 13,864 acres in Westmoreland County, 13,338 acres in Essex County, and 6,010 acres in King and Queen County. FOR notes that the leases lie within the Taylorsville basin shale deposit, an ancient lake bed that stretches from Richmond to Maryland. Maps of leases within the Taylorsville basin and of the workshop presentations are available at <www.riverfriends.org>. Two months ago, the King George
The Potomac Landing subdivision is proceeding with its intention to make a formal request to be allowed the legal use of golf carts on streets in the subdivision. The King George Board of Supervisors is expected this week to authorize the county to proceed with the application for use of golf carts on certain public roads in Potomac Landing subdivision, sections 1 & 2. The Potomac Landing Property Owners Association’s intention was signaled by its presentation at a meeting last month on Nov. 6. Potomac Landing would
See Fracking, page 5
See Carts, page 5
convicting him recommended the sentences handed down by Circuit Court Judge Martin Bass. After his convictions, Crouch filed a notice of appeal citing a case decided in 1998, Rooney v. Commonwealth. The Rooney case had similar facts to the Crouch case, but Rooney was found guilty of embezzlement. Crouch made a similar argument in an attempt to strike the evidence during his trial, but King George Commonwealth’s Attorney Keri Gusmann successfully argued that Crouch was found guilty of
obtaining money by false pretenses, a different crime, and that different crimes have different elements of the offense. In addition, Gusmann argued at the time, the law was changed in 2005 and that Rooney was no longer an appropriate law. However, the Virginia Court of Appeals decision to hear the appeal means the issue will be debated further in a full appeals hearing next Spring. Crouch was found guilty by a King George Circuit Court jury that listened to over 35 witnesses
and reviewed 40 pieces of evidence. He is currently incarcerated at the Rappahannock Regional Jail in Stafford County where he is being held without bond. At Crouch’s trial in March, Gusmann was passionate in her arguments for his conviction. “Mr. Crouch was accused and convicted of a despicable act,” Gusmann told the court. “He stole from people who were at their most vulnerable point.” — Richard Leggitt
Winter Shootout
Phyllis Cook
Leonard Banks
In the semi-final game of the second annual Winter Shootout at King George Middle School, Foxes Jaylen Stepney tries to prevent players from the Richmond County Raiders team for getting the ball. See the story on page 7.
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