King George Virginia Journal 3-19-2014

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King George

Volume 38, Number 12

Two King George men sentenced after guilty pleas in Circuit Court


Wednesday, March 19, 2014 50 Cents

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Richard Leggitt A King George man, Joseph McCarthy, entered a plea of guilty to unlawful entry and petit larceny in King George County Circuit Court on Thursday, while James Wellborn of King George plead guilty to eight counts of conspiracy, grand larceny and tampering with a vehicle. King George Commonwealth’s Attorney Keri Gusmann said, “In both cases, the defendants were stealing items, then pawning them and using the money to buy drugs.” “Drug addiction is a tremendous problem,” Gusmann said. “And it does not discriminate; young, old, poor or rich, it does not make a difference.” McCarthy received a sentence of 12 months in jail, with nine months suspended on each charge. Judge Joseph Ellis ordered McCarthy to pay restitution and be on good behavior for five years. Since his new convictions violated the terms and conditions for a suspended sentence McCarthy received for an earlier charge in 2005, Judge Ellis revoked his 2005 suspended sentence and resuspended all except three months. After Wellborn entered his guilty pleas, Judge Ellis sentenced him to a total of 18 years, with 16 years suspended on his six felony convictions. Wellborn also faces 24 months, with 18 months suspended, for two misdemeanor convictions, so his total active prison time will total two years and six months, according to Gusmann.

Shopping in KG to be improved by addition of new stores Realtors developing the King George Gateway shopping area in Dahlgren have announced that six new retailers have signed leases to occupy space in a 72,000-squarefoot building that will be constructed next to Walmart. Dimitri Georgelakos of KLNB Retail, who is handling leasing in the development off U.S. 301, said Peebles, Petco, Dollar Tree, Famous Footwear, Hibbett Sports and Rappahannock Goodwill Industries will be opening stores in the shopping area. Georgelakos said only 9,600 square feet of space in the new building is still available. Construction on the new building is expected to start April 1, and the space should be ready for retailers by January 2015. Realty Development Services LLC, The Engineering Group Inc., Ruhf and Associates, Mullen Inc. and Benchmark Construction are all playing a role in the construction of the new building. —Richard Leggitt

For the 13th year DECA at KGHS competed at the Virginia DECA State Leadership Conference, bringing its largest delegation of 56 competitors. Read more on page 6.

Equalized real estate tax rate will be increased by three cents King George narrowing estimated budget gap Phyllis Cook The King George Board of Supervisors will continue its budgeting this week on Wednesday, March 19, with an additional work session scheduled next week on Thursday, March 27. One thing is clear; the county’s real estate tax rate will go up beginning with the tax bills due in June 2014, when the first half-year payment is due. If it only goes up to 56 cents per $100 valuation from the current 53 cents, it will not be a tax increase.

That’s because 56 cents is the ‘equalized’ tax rate calculated to reflect the new real estate assessments that went into effect on Jan. 1. The 56 cents is revenue-neutral for the county, meaning that rate would bring in the same amount of real estate tax revenue as the 53cent rate did last year on the higher real estate values. EQUALIZED TAX RATE King George is on a four-year reassessment schedule. The real estate assessment performed last year by Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal indicated the total value of all taxable parcels is 4.1 percent lower than the previous assessment that went into effect four years ago, in 2010. That 4.1 percent drop in real estate values in King George is an average, with some

property owners receiving higher assessments and some receiving lower, even much lower valuations on their property. An ‘equalized’ tax rate figure was calculated at 56 cents as a new real estate tax rate that would provide the ability for the county to collect the same amount of taxes as last year, but based on the new, lower real estate assessments. Blue Ridge reported the total value of all taxable parcels in the county dropped by $1.15 million. That calculated to an equalized tax rate of 3 cents higher than the current rate of 53 cents per $100 valuation for real estate property taxes. The equalized tax rate amount is dependent on the result of the calculation of what each

penny on the tax rate would generate in tax revenue to the county. In recent years, the calculation of what a penny on the tax rate would produce has fluctuated around $260,000 of county revenue per penny. BUDGETING Travis Quesenberry, county administrator, distributed figures on March 11, based on a round of cuts he made from the departmental requests provided over the previous budget sessions. That working draft reduced the gap between estimated revenues and estimated expenditures from the previous $3,700,000 down to $973,504. The proposed expenditures had been See budget, page 3

School Board considering $15,000,000 in capital requests Phyllis Cook The King George School Board discussed a proposed capital projects listasrecommendedbySuperintendent Rob Benson at last week’s meeting on March 10 that contains eight projects and totals more than $15 million over the next five years, with three of the projects totaling $1,482,835 requested in 2014-15. Currently, county administrator Travis Quesenberry is proposing about $600,000 for cash-funding projects in the upcoming fiscal year, with no plans to incur additional

debt for large-scale projects. In addition to the School Board, county department heads, agencies and constitutional officers have been invited to submit capital requests. Discussion by School Board members last week included suggestions for some changes and additions to go forward to the county’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 2014/15 – 2018/19. A revised project list is expected to be brought back for proposed action by the School Board at next week’s meeting on Monday, March

24. More discussion may be needed at that time. In the meantime, Benson is developing cost estimates for some of the potential projects that could be added to the division’s requested list. PROJECTS PROPOSED BY BENSON The eight projects recommended by Benson are listed below, with changes and additions as suggested by School Board members. ~ Roof repairs for KGMS – $1,179,500, with $594,500 requested in 2014 and $585,000 in 2015-16.

Household hazardous waste special disposal day set for on Saturday, April 5 Phyllis Cook The first of three ‘household hazardous waste days’ during 2014 for King George residents is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., at the county’s main landfill site, 10376 Bullock Drive, (off Route 665, north of Route 3). Residents should have their yellow permanent county sticker affixed to their vehicle or ready to display to landfill staff. The event is strictly for households in King George. County businesses and other commercial entities are not permitted to participate.

WHAT’S HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE? Household hazardous waste includes old, used or leftover products that should not be discarded as regular waste into the landfill, including liquids that should not be poured down the sink or flushed in the toilet. The numerous items classified as “household hazardous waste” include common items such as all types of batteries, household cleaners, paint, turpentine, paint stripper, rust remover, paint thinner, varnish, automotive fluids, pesticides and other stuff that

requires special disposal. Acceptable items also include fluorescent light bulbs and other light tubes, old motor oil and used motor oil, antifreeze, swimming pool chemicals and other chemicals, aerosol cans, kerosene, insecticides, fertilizers and leftover household cleaning chemicals and other solvents. Other items are mercury thermometers, photographic chemicals, lighter fluid, shoe polish, fiberglass epoxy, mothballs and glue. See Waste, page 3

This newly-revamped roof repair project was suggested earlier this year to replace an earlier roof repair project requested last year estimated at $90,485 and approved by Board of Supervisors for the current fiscal year. The project keeps changing. The higher cost estimate came from a proposal from a roof consultant made near the end of January. But at last week’s meeting, Benson provided a March 7 letter with a new estimate of $562,975 along with professional services of $11,250 for the consultant for a scaled-back fix. School Board member TC Collins

disagreed with the proposed fix, saying he had been up on the roof the day before. He said the roof has a couple of leaks, but added that the larger problem is a drain, which backs up, causing leaking. Collins said he wanted to meet with the county building inspector and another engineering firm, and noted that a watertight warranty was proposed at only two years, along with a 20-year warranty on parts. Chairman Mike Rose agreed a second opinion might be a good See CIP, page 3

Business Appreciation event will be May 21 Small business focus at breakfast next week on March 25 County businesses will again be celebrated this spring at an appreciation night sponsored by the Board of Supervisors and the county Economic Development Authority (EDA). The EDA’s selected date for the event is Wednesday, May 21, 6 -8 p.m. at the Citizens’ Center. The EDA agreed to continue to hold the event on the third

Wednesday in May, as it has for the last several years. Supervisors decided a couple of years ago to stick with the county’s traditional timeframe for its annual ‘Business Appreciation’ event. The date was formally set by the EDA at its monthly meeting last week on March 13. That’s when Linwood Thomas, county Economic See EDA, page 3

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Journal



Saying you’re sorry is a sign of weakness For many people it’s just about the hardest thing there is to do. And I don’t mean some grueling test of physical or mental endurance. It’s often reflected in the words, “I am sorry,” but for some, they could be the hardest three words in the world to say. Apologizing, David S. Kerr particularly in our culture, doesn’t come easily. Just look at the number of corporate executives, government officials, and military leaders, who seemingly can’t utter the words. Rather than saying, I’m sorry I made a mistake, we’ve come up with a long list of silly sounding almost apologies. “Mistakes were made,” is one of the most notorious, as is, “I am responsible.” But, none says I’m sorry. Western culture has created some-

thing of a prejudice against apologizing. One culprit is our lawsuit happy legal system. It has created a fear that an apology for an action, whether it’s a business mistake, a government project gone wrong, or an accident, will leave the one apologizing open to all sorts of lawsuits. There is also the tough frontier culture which still shapes the American psyche. Rugged men in the old west didn’t apologize. John Wayne once said in a movie, “Never apologize for anything, it’s a sign of weakness.” Many men and women, particularly of the Greatest Generation, weren’t given to apologies. My father was amongst the most decent and kind individuals I have ever known, but “I am sorry,” was not a phrase that I ever recall him saying. Asian cultures view apologies in an entirely different light. And we could learn a lesson from them. In 2001 the U.S.S. Greenville, a nuclear attack submarine operating off Japan, surfaced without properly checking the

Letters to the Editor Land use has once again bubbled to the forefront as a central topic of discussion in our fair town. Soon the citizens of Colonial Beach will be given the opportunity to voice their opinions on what has proven an intractable issue that immediately drives passions. Dividing the town and the town council into their ideological bunkers. Just mentioning boardwalk properties or Eleanor Park and each camp will retreat into their well-worn positions as easily as slipping on those old sneakers that you should have thrown away a long time ago. Once again, we will hear: We can’t sell it, it’s historic! Let’s offer it as a public/private enterprise or lease option. We lack the moral authority to dispose of it. Wait until the real estate market improves. It will be better when slots come back. Let’s organize a fund raising effort of volunteers to provide funding to restore and save said buildings. Apply for a grant or the price is too low. All of these arguments will be made by our well intentioned neighbors, in many cases, when applied to a single property, is correct. No one should question the motives or the sincerity of those that offer these objections, which is usually given voice by the same three on the council. This division was again on display at the last town council meeting with Mr. Kern’s and Mr. Blunt’s call for selling surplus town owned properties and Ms. Park’s statement to save Eleanor Park. It is ironic that the reason we lack


the resources to provide our Fire Department more support, as Ms. Brubaker would like to see or increase our tax base without raising real estate taxes, which Mr. Chiarello told me he wanted to do, when he knocked on my door two years ago and asked if I would sign his petition or to increase our staff to manage a public/private partnership to develop a long term lease program as Ms. Goforth advocates; is our unsustainable high inventory of public held properties and their refusal, so far, to find a path to yes. Mr. Mayor, call the vote! Let’s move the measure. I stand with Mr. Blunt. It is time we started to look towards the future by doing what is best for our town. We already know what the policies of the past will bring. More conversations of consolidation, level funding for our critical departments and deferred maintenance. Selling surplus properties is an economic multiplier! By selecting a path to yes, we will see increased properties values throughout our town, will reduce our maintenance costs and we will see an increase in our tax base. Providing the additional revenues we need save our historic buildings; provide adequate funding for our school system; put an end to mods on campus; provide more funding for our first responders, tourism, our nonexistent capital improvement budget and by all means, put an end to “we do not do maintenance in Colonial Beach.” Charles Green Colonial Beach

area for other ships. The result was the sinking of Japanese fishing trawler full of trainees. Curiously the Japanese weren’t all that interested in compensation, but rather, were pleased that the Captain presented himself to authorities in Japan and apologized. It was a sad affair; there was no happy ending, but the apology meant a lot to the Japanese. Other Asian cultures, particularly China and Korea, have a similar view of the apology. Shortly after Toyota had recall after recall, with its stock value tumbling, and its public credibility at a low ebb, the president of the company apologized. It wasn’t a stock apology. It didn’t appear to be something crafted by the marketing department. Rather it was heartfelt, remorseful, and also seemed a turning point in the company’s fortunes. He was sorry; and he was going to put things right. Wouldn’t it have been remarkable had the President of BP apologized, not a qualified culpability, but an outright “I am sorry,” for the Gulf Oil To the Editor: On a recent evening, we were eating at a local restaurant when our server told us that they had just lost water pressure and were locking the doors. They had no idea what had happened. When we returned home, we had two telephone messages, both from the Town of Colonial Beach. One told us that there had been a water-line break in town, which was being repaired, and that was why there was no water pressure. The second message from the Town told us that the water-line break had been repaired and that pressure would be returning within the hour. The reason we received those two messages from the Town is that we are on the Town’s free telephone-notification list. All one has to do to get on that list is to phone the Town offices at (804) 224-7181 and ask to be added to the list. There is no charge for the service. And one will then be notified, not only of water-line breaks, but of days when Town offices will be closed, of changes in trash-pickup schedules, of school closings, and so on. Mike Looney Colonial Beach

(in my humble opinion)

Travelled to F’brg & Dahlgren this weekend and realized again how ignorant or misinformed VDOT is being with the intersection at Owens. Hitting the red light at Sealston while on route 3 I was amazed how short a time we had to wait for a car to turn eastbound from Fletcher’s Chapel Rd. onto route 3 and for the light to turn green and all traffic move quickly back to the 55 mph speed limit. Yes, route 3 is 55mph.

This is EXACTLY what is needed at the Owens intersection. Not additional turn lanes. Not a roundabout. Not increased speed limits. Just a stoplight, with on demand for access from the two side roads. Why should a vehicle have to cross 4 or more lanes to make a turn, without a signal light when we are having trouble with 2 lanes and no light? Wise up VDOT and route 206 travelers. It is going to be nightmare.

Spill? The same is true for the leaders of the American car companies and debt-laden banks who should have apologized for running their companies so badly. It’s much the same in government. In Western Europe when something bad happens in a department, the cabinet minister, and sometimes even the Prime Minister, offer an apology and tender their resignation. And maybe that’s the point, an apology, isn’t just an act of contrition, it’s also about taking responsibility for your actions. We’re not conditioned that way, but most of us might find that when we make a mistake, saying “I’m sorry” often turns out to be a liberating experience. I am not suggesting we start apologizing for everything. That would be carrying it too far, but from time to time, when we have fallen short or hurt someone, we should give it try. —Reach David Kerr at To the Editor: On Friday, March 14 I had the privilege of attending the ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Caroline County Family YMCA near Ladysmith, VA. In attendance was special guest Sen. Mark Warner, plus other county officials. Supervisor Jim Howard of King George was there, as were staff from the KGFamily Y. The crowd of 150 or so were enthusiastic listeners to the various speakers, but the key message from all of them was the importance of “family.” This could be the staff family of the Y or the administrative family of Caroline county, but, most importantly it is the essence of the community family that runs through this project. Ten years after the initial meeting to present the idea of a county YMCA, the dream became a reality. As a community family, all will have a place to meet together, get healthy together and learn together. The plan is to incorporate other branches of the county family tree into programs and facilities the Y has to offer. It will work. It happened here in King George. Lori Deem King George

Did you know: Water expands by about 9% as it freezes. Is this why we are bigger in the winter?


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GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Seeing a happy couple together inspires thoughts of a romantic nature, Gemini. Consider taking a budding relationship to a new level. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you aspire to learn a new skill or take on a new project this week. Forge ahead with this idea, which allows you to meet new people and learn some interesting things. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Love, romance and marriage are on your mind, Leo. Work on strengthening an existing relationship or heighten your efforts to find a special someone. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may have an unexpected visitor to contend with this week. This could mean a complete overhaul of your schedule and living space. It’s time to get to work.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, be prepared for a busy week that gives your bank account a boost. Expect to begin a new work assignment that requires a lot of creative energy. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you’re interested in promoting personal health this week. Your research may extend into holistic treatments as well as more traditional alternatives. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Vist some bookstores this week, Capricorn. This will indulge your need to absorb information this week. Don’t overlook the value of the library on your quest. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, an encounter with someone new piques your intellectual curiosity. Take some time to gather some information, and give yourself time to digest this information. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Thoughts of a career change are more prominent this week, Pisces. It may be a good time to finally act on those ideas.


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TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You feel artistically inspired this week, Taurus. Use this inspiration to pursue an array of projects, whether you want to dabble in photography or make home improvements.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Your mindset is intense this week, Libra. Others will find it very difficult to change your opinion on certain things, but that does not mean you should not listen to their ideas.


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ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Romance is on your mind, Aries. That’s because you met a wonderful person and are interested in seeing where this relationship may go.

The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

CLUES ACROSS 1. Former ruler of Iran 5. Tax or levy 9. St. Vitus dance 11. A bog 13. Mushroom rib structure 15. One-sided 16. Before 17. Extemporaneously 19. About aviation 21. Macaws 22. Refuge room 23. Court case 25. Conical kiln 27. Media mogul Turner 28. Cancer sign 30. Fit into 32. Somali supermodel 34. Expires 35. Trapped 37. Stabilizes 39. Plea urgently 40. Leg joint 42. Nothing (Latin) 45. Bleat 46. Poi plant 48. Loudness unit 49. Deep blue color 54. Fiddler crab 55. About retina 56. Nail protein 58. Replace ammo 59. Most sensible 60. Brooklyn team 61. Father CLUES DOWN

1. Someone who takes part 2. Relating to Homer 3. They __ 4. Helicopter 5. Coagulated milk 6. This (Spanish) 7. Moved on a log track 8. Closed hermetically 9. Nautical rope fastener 10. __ Romeo, car 11. All peoples of the Earth 12. “Three Weeks” author Elinor 14. Hairstyle 15. Moved along 18. UCB Business School 20. Paddling 24. Tibetian Buddist monk 26. E. Timor cloth 27. Latin for witness 29. Dog sound 31. 13-19 33. Involving the mind 35. Washington city 36. Beloved 38. One who yells 39. Whalebone 41. The Phantom of the Opera 43. Cut 44. Bent away from vertical 45. He killed A. Hamilton 47. Digits 50. Public violence 51. Freshwater duck genus 52. Angry 53. Amounts of time 57. Cuckoo

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and yes I read them all!

The Journal

Budget: Trimming requests From page 1 thoroughly scrubbed. Quesenberry told Supervisors it was not a proposed budget. Instead, it provided some preliminary figures for proposed revenues and proposed expenditures, which would continue to be refined.

Leftover toiletry items should also be included, such as alcohol-

From page 1

From page 1

idea, asking if money was available for another engineering study. Benson said he would discuss the issue with Quesenberry. ~ Bus Vehicle Replacement $2,106,350 over five years, with $407,175 requested in 2014-15 for replacing four buses, along with two cargo vans for operations and maintenance. School Board member John Davis suggested the request be split, with only buses in one request, and other vehicles in another request. Collins also requested a forklift be added to that list. He said there was a need for a forklift capable for being driven from school to school to move stuff around that could be accessorized with a snowplow and tiller attachments. ~ Technology Network Equipment - $481,160 requested in 2014-15. The project would include replacement of all wide and local area network switches except at the high school, and to upgrade the division’s firewall ~ Technology Fiber Expansion – $800,000 requested in 2015-16. The project would provide fiber additions to Sealston Elementary and Potomac Elementary. ~ School Security Systems - $716,159, with $125,000 requested in 2015-16 and $591,159 requested in 2016-17. The project would complete the installation of access control systems at Sealston Elementary and King George Elementary, and it would install security camera systems at all schools except for the high school, which has one. ~ HD Presentation Systems - $1,171,275 requested in 201718. The project would replace each classroom with a wallmounted, short-throw interactive presentation projector, with a set of 30 clickers, a document camera and amplification sound system. ~ District wide multimedia – $303,117 requested in 2018-19. ~ Facility Expansion $8,250,000 requested in 2016-17. The project would be either to renovate and provide an addition to the former middle school building, or to provide an addition to the existing middle school. The purpose would be to create space in one of the buildings to shift the 6th grades from the county’s three elementary schools. POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL PROJECTS Additional ideas proposed during the meeting include the following possible projects. ~ TRACK COMPLEX $250,000 requested in 2015-16 for a possible new track complex and bleachers at the high school, or alternatively, renovations to the existing track and addition at the middle school along with concessions and restrooms, and bleacher improvements. ~ Central Storage Facility – Cost and location TBD in 2018-19. Project suggested by Collins for construction of a central storage facility to store items that the school division is keeping, including paper, cleaning supplies, etc. ~KGMSAuditoriumRenovation – Cost TBD. Project suggested by Collins for renovation of the auditorium at the middle school to include new seating, audio-visual equipment, etc. ~ SBO – In addition to his other suggestions for capital projects, Collins also said he would be bringing up suggestions for a project for work needed at the School Board office. Benson said he would bring a revised projects list back for action at the next meeting. The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 24, at 6 p.m. in the boardroom at the Revercomb Administration Building. INSTRUCTIONS Projects submitted to the county for consideration in the county’s CIP require that the project or equipment must cost $50,000 or more individually; must be non-recurring or a non-routine costs; must have useful life greater than five years from the date of purchase. In addition, documentation must be included to support the requests and cost estimates, and operational costs associated with any requests must be estimated and provided.

Waste: Special dates set

based lotions, nail polish and nail polish remover, hair relaxers, dyes and permanents, along with aerosol cans from hairsprays and such. Household hazardous waste disposal days are also a good time to also get rid of unwanted mobile phones, printers and DVD players. E-waste can also include any computers, computer parts, drives and other e-waste generated from your own home, including other entertainment electronics, obsolete televisions, fax machines, copiers, telephones, cabling, servers, broken or obsolete smoke detectors and more. OTHER SPECIAL WASTE DISPOSAL DAYS The other two household hazardous waste days for 2014 will take place on Saturdays, on Aug. 9 and Dec. 13. King George residents can also mark their calendars for Saturday, June 21, for the annual day provided by the county and Waste Management to safely dispose of sensitive documents for shedding.

Shredding day is NOT at the landfill, but instead is held at the Courthouse parking lot between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 21. Shredding of your documents takes place onsite at the time you bring your sensitive papers. Its purpose is to provide King George residents a safe way to dispose of their sensitive documents including old bank statements, out-of-date tax returns or other unneeded legal and other paper work containing private information such as credit card numbers and/or social security numbers. Those can include unsolicited credit card applications and other sensitive financial offers that arrive in unwanted mail. The shredding event is NOT for recycling paper, but to safely destroy sensitive documents to ensure personal information is not compromised. The idea is to assist residents in safe disposal of sensitive paper documents to avoid identity theft by unscrupulous persons. At the June 21 event, a shredding truck will be parked with an attendant in the parking lot behind the King George Courthouse, which is located on Route 3 (Kings Hwy). The parking lot is in front of the Revercomb

Administration building. That annual event also provides an opportunity for dropping off nonperishable grocery and personal care items to go to the King George Food Bank, operated by the Social Services Department. SINGLE STREAM MAKES RECYCLING SIMPLE For regular trash disposal, King George residents can help prolong the life of the landfill by dividing their trash into two categories, garbage and recyclables. The more trash that is recycled, the less goes into the landfill. The main positive result is the potential for extending the life use of the landfill. The county landfill is currently estimated to have about 18 years of trash airspace left. While household hazardous waste is only collected at the main landfill site on the special disposal days noted above, regular trash can be dropped off at either of two sites. The main landfill site on Route 665 (Bullock Road) and the trash convenience center off Route 205 (Ridge Road) on Route 704 (Henry Griffin Road) near Purkins Corner, at the former landfill site are equipped to accept mixed recyclables bundled together to toss into a single recycling bin. Recycling can be done each time county residents take their trash


to either center for disposal. The landfill and convenience center are operated by Waste Management as the contractor for King George. Sorting and segregating glass from paper and from plastic or metal is no longer necessary. ‘Single-stream’ means all recyclables, including all paper, plastic, glass, cardboard, newspaper, magazines, aluminum and other metal cans all go into one container at the residents’ disposal area at the landfill convenience centers. Simply combine all milk cartons, vegetable containers, and junk mail together with plastic or glass soda or other drink bottles or aluminum cans, along with jars, with any kind of paper and plastic, including plastic bags, together into a plastic or paper bag to drop into the recycling bin at the landfill. Residents should segregate remaining trash items, including plate scrapings, vegetable peelings and other organic garbage, along with Styrofoam, to go into the regular trash bins or compactors for disposal at either site. Those with large items such as old sofas, old rolled up carpeting and large appliances are requested to take those items only to the main landfill site for disposal. The trash convenience center is not equipped to accept such items. —Phyllis Cook

EDA: Event for county businesses set for Citizens Center From page 1 Development Director, reported that the state has not yet publicized its dates for a statewide celebration of ‘Business Appreciation Week.’ The week for appreciating businesses had moved around at the state level during the last administration, and the EDA decided not to wait until next month’s meeting to see what the state’s dates might be under new Governor Terry McAuliffe. County Administrative Assistant Marcy Feltner has been again tasked this year to work her magic to organize the event, including decisions on catering, drinks, invitations and favors, in conjunction with Thomas.

king george

Sheriff’s Report Feb. 4 Straight, Robert L. Jr. – Unlawful Use or Injury to Telephone Lines Feb. 6 Green, Heather Ann – Fail to Appear on Misdemeanor Charge Feb. 7 Hilliard, Mary Estella – Driving After Forfeiture of License, Possession of Driver’s License Knowing to be Fictitious or Cancelled Feb. 8 Campbell, Rickey Obrian – Driving Under the Influence, Refusal of Tests and Procedures, Possession of Marijuana Jordan, Teresa – Assault and Battery Family Member Harding, Charles Franklin

LOCATION Business owners should mark their calendars for the May 21 date and plan to attend. King George is moving the location back ‘home’ to the Citizens’ Center, after shifting from that location for the last few years. All local businesses on the county’s tax rolls will be invited. Invitations are expected to go out by the end of April. FORMAT The EDA also agreed that it would not enlist a keynote speaker, but instead revert to its traditional format starting out with an informal meet-and-greet time with ‘heavy’ hors d’oeuvres, beverages, including wine from a local winery, along with coffee and desserts available on buffet tables. III – Concealment-Price Alter Merchandise, Obtaining Money by False Pretenses Bohannon, Justin Robert – Concealment-Price Alter Merchandise, Attempt to Commit Misdemeanor, Trespassing Goshorn, Renee Emily – Concealment Price Alter Merchandise Feb. 9 Higgins, Rhonda Yvette Improper Turn, Driving Under the Influence, Drive While Suspended Hatchett, Aaron Ford – Unlawful Use of Injury to Telephone Lines, Assault and Battery Family Member Feb. 10 Harris, Carl Anthony Jr. – Revocation of Suspended Sentence and Probation Hoskins, Mark Taft – Violation of Professions and Occupations Act White, Laqueesha Faye – Destruction of Property-Monument Feb. 11 Logan, Marcedis Lavon – Dog Running at Large (2 times)

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King George, VA

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The event will rely on Thomas to make brief remarks, along with welcoming remarks from EDA Chairman Glen Moore and Board of Supervisors Chairman Joe Grzeika, with lots of time available for socializing. QUARTERLY BREAKFAST NEXT TUESDAY, MARCH 25 Don’t forget King George is holding its second quarterly breakfast next week on Tuesday, March 25, rescheduled from a previous date due to the snow. The meeting will go from 8 - 9:30 a.m. at UMW’s Dahlgren Campus Center for Education & Research. Mary Parnell, Director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the University of Mary Washington, will be the

Feb. 12 Byledbal, Dawn Marie – Concealment-PriceAlterMerchandise, Possession of Controlled Substances (3 times), Improper Registration, Drive with Slick Tires Pierce, Jereamy Jamaine – Conspiracy to Commit Felony. Robbery, Use or Display Firearm in Commission of a Felony Feb. 14 Howdershelt, Clifton Wayne Jr. – Conspiracy to Commit Felony, Obtaining Money by False Pretenses, Grand Larceny, Conspire to Commit Trespassing or Larceny (2 times), Steal Property with Intent to Sell Fincham, Keenan Marie – Conspiracy to Commit Felony, Obtaining Money by False Pretenses, Conspire to Commit Trespassing or Larceny (2 times), Steal Property with Intent to Sell, Grand Larceny Preddy, Christian Craig – Steal Property with Intent to Sell, Conspire to Commit Trespassing or Larceny (2 times), Grand Larceny, Conspiracy to Commit Felony, Obtaining Money by False Pretenses Feb. 17 Richardson, Tammy Lee – Strangle Another Causing Wounding or Injury, Assault and Battery Family Member (2 times) 2/17/14 Sealock, Henry William Jr. –

The KG Preschool Program PTA invites you to come out for their

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keynote speaker. Parnell is expected to discuss how the SBDC is helping small businesses throughout the greater Fredericksburg region, including King George County. The 8 a.m. meeting will begin with a meet-and-greet networking opportunity and a light breakfast to be provided by Chik-fil-A. That will be followed by opening remarks from King George Board of Supervisors Chairman Joe Grzeika. Thomas is slated to make introductory remarks and introduce Parnell, who will provide a presentation on free services and support assistance available from her office to grow existing small businesses and help for those thinking of starting a business. —Phyllis Cook Public Swearing or Intoxication Davis, Homer Lee Jr. – Public Swearing or Intoxication Feb. 18 Torres, Jonathan Josue – Contempt of Court Baker, Kristin Leigh – Revocation of Suspended Sentence and Probation Pierce, Graison Adrion – Public Swearing or Intoxication Feb. 19 Sullivan, Wilson Lee Jr. – Driving Under the Influence Boyer, Troy Lee – Brandishing a Firearm Feb. 20 Scott, Tony Sherwood – Resist Arrest, Obstructing Justice, Drive While Suspended 2/20/14 Feb. 21 Middleton, Ernest – Public Swearing or Intoxication Heath, Stephen Bryant – Grand Larceny Feb. 24 Riabouchinsky, Paul Michael – Assault and Battery Family Member Bankhead, Ronnie Darryl – Contempt of Court Wenner, Jonathan Daniel – Dumping Trash on Highway or Private Property Ehardt, Blake Saunders Dumping Trash on Highway or Private Property Feb. 26 Boyce, Kaylana Denise – Assault and Battery Howdershelt, Daniel Wayne – Assault and Battery Feb. 27 Wade, Kayla Marie – ConcealmentPrice Alter Merchandise

Thelma’s Tax Service Paying Top Prices

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HIGHLIGHTS/ASSUMPTIONS Quesenberry pointed out numerous proposed cuts to the requests that had come from county department heads, agencies and constitutional officers. He also explained and provided a list of highlights of how he had decreased the budget gap. The current budget gap is predicated on the following assumptions/proposals. ~SCHOOL BOARD The School Board budget is to be based on an adjusted average daily membership (ADM) of 4,160 students, up from 4,130 used by Superintendent Rob Benson. That is expected to provide about $134,000 more from state revenue over the expected increase in state revenue of $1.6 million already anticipated over the amount in current year’s budget. That higher ADM figure seems reasonable, since Benson had told Supervisors the division is projecting to end the current fiscal year with about 4,180 students. Along with that, Quesenberry also is proposing level county funding for the division in the amount of $14,349,353, which is considerably more than the required local funding amount of $10,100,807. The levelfunding figure would be offset by a large increase in state funding, currently estimated at $1.76 million more than the current fiscal year. Ruby Brabo noted that the School Board’s proposal includes a 1-percent pay raise, along with step increases, which average to 2 percent more. She urged further reducing the amount proposed for the School Board budget by an additional $500,000, which is roughly equivalent to the cost of the School Board’s proposed step increases. ~ NEW POSITIONS Funding included for two positions in E-911 Dispatch; also conversion of two part-time positions to full-time in General Properties; also a new parttime position for a paralegal in the county attorney’s office. ~ 1-PERCENT SALARY INCREASE FOR VRS 1-percent salary increases are proposed for the third year of the increase in Virginia Retirement System costs to employees. Any additional raises for employees are estimated to cost about $90,000 for each 1- percent increase. ~ SHERIFF’S EQUIPMENT $100,000 in equipment and vehicle costs in the Sheriff ’s operating budget would be transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund. ~ OUTSIDE AGENCIES Contributions to outside agencies held to current year levels, except for increases for the Department of Forestry, George Washington Regional Commission,andRappahannockArea Court Appointed Special Advocate. Capital costs for Germanna and Rappahannock Community Colleges shifted to Capital Improvement Fund. ~ STABILIZATION FUND $250,000 transfer to the Stabilization Fund deleted from budget, but intended to be reinstated from any unexpended balance from the 201314 budget following the audit. ~ HEALTH INSURANCE The county employees would pay their share of the 6.3-percent increase in health insurance costs. ~ UNKNOWNS Quesenberry said he thought there were some areas of the budget that could be trimmed more. He also said the amount from the state for categoricalshared expenses is still up in the air, including those for constitutional offices. If some of the cuts or positions requested are to be added into the budget, other cuts would have to be made, or increases in revenue would need to come from tax increases. Supervisors were told that each penny on the real estate tax provides about $249,000 in revenue. Quesenberry also said each penny increase on the personal property tax for vehicles would raise about $18,000 in additional revenue. Budgeting continues this week on Wednesday, March 19, with an additional work session scheduled next week on Thursday, March 27.

CIP: School projects

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

On weekends just call for appointment

Thelma Hargray (540)775-5449 8529 James Madison Hwy., King George, VA


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

shiloh Baptist Church will host its annual Women’s Tea, March 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. This year’s theme is “Let His Light Shine.” Guest inspirational speakers are Markino Ross, who is part of the Strong Tower ministries in South Stafford; and Anna Snoddy, a teacher in Stafford County and member of Spotswood Baptist Church. Both women have served in numerous ministry positions within local churches. The Tea will be held in Shiloh’s Family Life Center at 13457 Kings Highway. For further information, go to the church website at or call (540) 469-4646. zion church at lottsburg cordially invites everyone to join them in worship on Wednesday, March 19 at 7 p.m. In lieu of Bible study there will be a worship service. Special guest, Bishop Howard Blackwell of the Temple of Praise Church in Hopewell, VA along with his choir and congregation. For more info call (804) 529-6022 or visit dahlgren united methodist church invites you to attend Wednesday services through the season of Lent. Starting at noon each Wednesday, the hour long service is followed by a light lunch. Child care can be arranged. Dahlgren UMC is located just outside the main gate of Dahlgren base. moms in prayer int’l Moms in Prayer International meets on Mondays at 9 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 5590 Kings Highway, King George. (540) 775-9131.

The Journal

tabernacle baptist church is accepting registrations for their 2014 Summer Preschool program. Summer care dates June 2-August 29. Cost $140. per week. Hours 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Call (540) 775-2948 or go to Second mount zion baptist church invites you to a Reunion Concert of the Heaven Bound Mass Choir of Caroline County, VA. Sunday, April 13 at 4 p.m. Praise and worship rendered by Monique & Sabrina Rhodes. Master of Ceremony, Bubba Johnson. For more info contact Minister Walter Baker, Jr. at lee55.wb.wb@ The church is located at 31220 Old Dawn Road, Hanover, VA 23069.

Save the Date Mark your calendar on May 31, 2014 for a “Day in the Country” To celebrate the 300th Anniversary of Hanover-with-Brunswick Join in the fun at Historic Lamb’s Creek Church from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located just off Route 3 on Lamb’s Creek Church Rd in KG, Come out for a fun day of Tours, BBQ, Live Entertainment, Games for Kids, Baked Goods Auction & Plant Sale For more information visit the website at

Mars Hill youth event March 29

Salt & Light

The next Mars Hill Youth Event is Saturday, March 29, 5-9 p.m., at K.G. Family YMCA! Mars Hill is a FREE, public event for ALL youth, middle & high school ages. Come early, 4:45 p.m. for registration. A BIG THANKS to the KG Family YMCA for hosting! 10545 Kings Hwy, King George, VA 22485. Scheduled Guest Speaker: U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Bill McConnell with a message called “Friends Forever.” Also scheduled are two bands: “Dead to Rights”, and the Mars Hill Band, who will play music by Christian artists including Third Day, Building 429, Hillsong United, David Crowder, Worth Dying For, Skillet, 7eventh Time Down, and more! There will be games & Papa John’s Pizza, drinks and desserts provided. The overall event theme: Friends Forever. Jesus Christ is a personal Savior and a best friend who never lets us down. Please help pass the word and invite teens! Any youth who brings a first-timer gets a FREE T-shirt! Brenda Buchholz (Two Rivers Baptist) is coordinating the pizza dinner, and needs volunteers to bring sides & desserts and extra hands to serve food. Please contact her if you can help: Any donations to help offset food costs are also appreciated. Volunteers also needed to help setup, cleanup, or staff registration tables. Volunteers, financial support, and especially prayer support is always needed and appreciated!

What does the Bible say about unity in the church? “Only let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel, and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.” Philippians 1:27-28 Unity is not the natural state of mankind. With American prestige and influence for good is on the wane around the world take a fresh look at the United Nations. A more disjointed, power-hungry, whiny, greedy, envious, corrupt, tyrannically dictatorial, indifferent to real justice, and small-minded collection of mankind can hardly be conceived, unless it were made up solely of despotic, miniature Napoleons. Look at who they chose to lead themselves and who is enriching themselves. It is not about uniting and it is not about nations. Real unity must be forged through common values, virtues, and allegiance. Ideal unity is the role of a common faith. Faith is one of three ideas in the Bible. It is expressive of the body of belief found in the Bible (doctrine), it is the descriptor of saving faith, and finally it is the life lived by faith. It is essentially Who you believe, why you believe and how you believe all wrapped up in Paul’s expression “striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” What is interesting about the text is that the individual, the one who is born again, in no way loses his personhood, individuality, or his uniqueness. Rather, the emphasis is on the various individuals making

up the Philippian Church owning their individual allegiance to Jesus Christ in such a way that the common purpose of the Gospel of Christ is the joint ambition of each believer. They are each important members of a team reaching for victory. Here are the principles of Christian unity within the local church found in verse 27. Unity of Identity. The Greek word for conduct is our English word politic. It is a manner of conduct of life as seen as a duty to a body or group to whom the individual is responsible. It is the sum of duties that devolve upon the member of the group. It is like belonging to a family and bearing the family name and characteristics, then ultimately the family success and reputation. Interestingly, the Greek verb is in the middle voice indicating that it is an allegiance to the particular duties incumbent upon the individual willingly embraced. Philippi was a colonial city of Rome with unique privileges granted them by Rome. Paul’s readers were proud to call themselves Romans and treasured the duties that came along with full Roman citizenship! Nothing could dissuade them from thinking of themselves as Romans first. Similarly, for every genuine believer, no matter what offenses may come, no matter what obstacles may arise, no matter how wearying or how long may be the task, he will always refresh his purpose within to act as a citizen of God’s family and for His Name’s sake. The believer’s personal interests and sensibilities pale in comparison to his identity and duty as a believer. Unity of Call. The believer’s duty is to be discharged in such a way that it is of full and equal weight to the (worthy) superlative nature of the

By rick crookshank Gospel of Jesus Christ. His is selfsacrificial and perfectly effective love reaching to the depth of the misery of men, lifting them, giving them the authority to be called the sons of God. Unity of Standing. The brotherhood of the saints is in view, who stand their ground in the face of the onslaughts of the enemies of the Gospel while not in cowardice or confusion giving an inch. One Spirit empowers (both blending and fusion of the saints to the task) and one mind (soul, that which has to do with emotion, reason, and will) impressed by and impressed upon the needs of the world. The church is to stand our ground with a single spirit and single soul. Unity of Teamwork. Striving together is from the Greek word from which we get athlete. Each athlete desires to win for the team, this is no place for egos, interpersonal struggles, thin skin, personal options and preferences, showboating or throwing the game. The Coach calls us to strive for the faith of the Gospel. If believers within each Bible preaching church would act in one accord as God intends, then the adversaries (verse 28) will gain proof (legal term of proof obtained by appeal to facts) that they are lost and in need of a Savior. Revival might be seen in our day! Are you facilitating the unity of the Gospel in your church? Trust and obey. By Rick Crookshank Pastor, Hanover Baptist Church

Send in what’s happening at your Church community Contact Lori Deem at The Journal 540-709-7495 or

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - web site - Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 •

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 •

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church

)'-!"#$$%*.$'*/!*&01*2! !"#$%&'!#()!*&+&(%&,%34256*77/89:2:

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome.

Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:

(804) 443-4168 Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m. AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443

• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass

Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ! Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paul!s Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney


Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: web site

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443

• 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at

Don’t see your house of worship in this directory? Start 2014 with a weekly ad! Let folks know all about you and your church!






A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16 P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485

The Journal

2014 Girl Scout Summer Camp Schedule for “Camp Kitty”

KG Farmers’ Market to open 2014 season on April 5 !!

KG County Museum to benefit from benefit dinner

Please come out and support the KG Museum benefit dinner on Sunday, April 6, from 4-8 p.m. at the KG Citizens’ Center. Come and enjoy a good home cooked meal! The dinner is free, but any and all donations are greatly appreciated and welcome. Funds raised will go into the museum’s building fund.

Elks 2666. Every Monday night. The doors open at 5 p.m. Early Bird Games 6:30 p.m. At 719 Ferry Landing Road. Just off 205 in Oak Grove - Colonial Beach VA. Food available. (804) 224-0364.

OPTIMIST CLUB TO HOLD ORATORICAL CONTESTS The Optimist Club of King George is seeking students for their oratorical contests. The contestants must prepare and give a 4 to 5 minute speech on the topic” How My Passions Impact the World”. There will be two contests, one for girls and one for boys. Any student, public schools, private schools or home-schooled, who has not graduated from high school and is under the age of 19 is eligible to enter the contest . Contests winners from the local contests will compete at the District level where the winners of each contest will be awarded a $2500 scholarship to a college, university or trade school at which they are accepted. The local contests will be held on Wednesday, April 2 and the District contests will be held in Richmond on Saturday, May 3; contestants will be informed of the time and locations of the contests. Application forms may be obtained from Mr. Fike at KG Middle School, Ms. Hand at KG High School or from the Optimist Club at Applications are due no later than March 28.

Girl Scouts Will Experience Never Before Offered Programs at Camp This Year Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia (GSCV) is pleased to announce that it will be holding Day Camp at Camp Kittamaqund in Northumberland County for its 50th year. The Day Camp will run Monday-Friday, June 16-20 from 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. each day for girls entering grades 1-12. Activities for the girls include an age-appropriate climbing wall and ropes course challenge, swimming in the pool each day, canoeing, singing, hiking, and creating arts and crafts projects. Lunch and a snack will be provided each day. At the end of the week, each girl will receive a customized camp patch. In addition to day camp, several weeks of resident, or overnight, camp programs are offered in July. New program offerings include ‘Mission I’Mpossible’, ‘Zombie Survival’, and ‘Gryffindor Games’ and were incorporated based on girl feedback. A full list of camp offerings can be found at Samantha “Pepper” Felton, Camp Director, GSCV said, “Attending camp gives girls the opportunity to experience challenges that will boost their confidence and independence that they might not experience otherwise. Girl Scouts as an organization works to build confident leaders of tomorrow by teaching them the valuable leadership skills they need to succeed in life.” The cost of the day camp is $140 for Girl Scout members. To attend Girl Scout Camp, girls must be registered members. To join, go to www. to register and pay the $15 joining fee. Space is limited so make sure to register soon! For more information about GSCV camp opportunities, visit www.comgirlscouts. org/camp or contact Wendy Mataya at 804-462-0322 or

Bird Walk near Urbanna scheduled for March 22

On Saturday, March 22, Frank Schaff of the Northern Neck Audubon Society will conduct a bird walk near Urbanna at the home of Maggie Eubank Gerdts. The walk will begin at 8:30 a.m. This is a prime time for bird watching as it is the end of the winter season and the beginning of migration. Among the recent sightings in Gerdts’ yard and nearby have been hooded mergansers, loons, buffleheads, ruddy ducks, great blue herons, robins, cardinals, blue jays, Eastern towhees, American goldfinches, brown headed nuthatches, robins, a rose-breasted grosbeak, red-winged black birds, white throated sparrows, an Eastern screech owl, Carolina chickadees, and bald eagles. For directions to 810 Browns Lane please call Frank Schaff at (804)462-0084 to let him know that you are coming so he can call you in case the walk is cancelled. Check out the website at www. for additional information about the Northern Neck Audubon Society and activities.

fundraiser for

Bake Sale/Craft Sale Popes Creek Baptist Church Relay for Life Team March 22, 2014 8 a.m. until....... Hall’s Market James Monroe Hwy, Colonial Beach

Call Susan Muse for your burial needs (540) 775-7733

Animal Adoption #12-31-13-2

# 2-21-14-5


DATE CHANGED FOR Annual Kite Fly to Saturday, March 29, 1-3 p.m. at a new location, Hopyard Farms on Port Conway Road, in King George. --Spring Fling Health & Safety Fair Saturday April 5 @ the Citizens Center 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Health & Safety Information inside. Flea Market & Vendor Fair outside. Call to rent tables. High Five Fitness Challenge for Kids; Lola the Clown; Meal Deals: Hot Dog, Chips and Soda $3.00 - BBQ, Chips and Soda $5.00. Boat Safety Inspections @ McDaniels Carwash – Call for details! (540) 775-4386 --Great one day bus trip – sign up now! Azalea Festival featuring the Virginia International Tattoo Show plus a ceremonial performance of military music! Saturday March 27. Last call! Only $129 per person, includes dinner, show, tattoo Hullabaloo Entertainment, Botanical Gardens & Tram Tour. Call (540) 775-4386 to register. Call or go by KG Parks & Rec to see what other programs they offer.

Thurs. March 20

KG County Historical Society will be meeting at 6 p.m. at the Belle Grove Plantation B & B. The public is invited to learn about the restoration of this historic site.

Sat. March 22

Potomac Hunt Club hosting gift card Bingo at KGCC. Doors open at 6 p.m. Games start at 6:30. $15 at the door. Proceeds for club programs and outreach. Caroline County 10th Annual Family Fair. 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Caroline Middle School, 13325 Devil’s Three Jump Rd., Milford. Pre register if you can. (804) 633-7083. Volunteer Expo sponsored by Westmoreland County Museum, NN Chevrolet & Montross YMCA. Free Lunch. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the A.T. Johnson Auditorium, 18849 Kings Hwy., Montross. Features over 20 organizations that need volunteers! Call the Museum for more info. (804) 493-8440.

Tues. March 25

Rappahannock United Way to offer 3 nights of FREE tax help at the Citizens Center in KG Rappahannock United Way to offer FREE Tax Preparation and Financial Education Services again this tax season in King George county. Trained volunteers will also be providing FREE financial coaching at select tax sites, to individuals on issues such as opening a bank account, setting a savings plan and how to pay down debts. Affordable Health Care navigators will also be available at the Wednesday tax sites to provide FREE information and guidance on health care coverage options. King George County Events: · March 25 From 5-8 p.m. ·April 3 From 5-8 p.m. ·April 10 From 5-8 p.m. Go to the website to see what documents you’ll need to bring with you. & to see what program you qualify for. Visit our website or Call – (540) 373-0041 x316

Scheduled Community Event? Send the details to or call (540) 709-7495.

Breakfast meeting hosted by KG Econ. Dev. office. UMWDahlgren 8 a.m. Joint Land Use Study Public Forum 7 p.m. UMW Dahlgren

Wed. March 26

Candidate workshop at Revercomb Bldg. 10-noon and 7-9 p.m.

Sat. March 29

Craft & Vendor Fair. Hosted by the KG Pre-school PTA, funds raised will be used to complete the playground project. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Old elementary school on St. Anthony’s Rd. KG.

Tues. April 1

Come out to the Celebration in Honor of Pearl A. Smith, and her many contributions to the community. 6 p.m. on the Paddleboat, Vivian Hannah. 8018 Shoreline Drive, KG. Wine, soft drinks & potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share if you can. Entertainment by Good Times Magic Music. RSVP (540) 775-0903 or (540) 645-9535. Sponsored by the KG Democratic Committee.

Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

Are your burial arrangements complete? Have you purchased your burial lot at Historyland but not arranged for a marker or burial vault?

Lorene Rich can help you complete burial arrangements for you or a loved one. She can also help you make all your arrangements for a lot, vault and marker or for burial of cremation remains. Call Historyland Memorial Park at 540-775-7733 to schedule an appointment or stop by on Mondays or Wednesdays to speak to Lorene.

11227 James Madison Pkwy., King George

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Sat. April 5

Friends of the NRA annual Fundraiser at the F’brg Elks Lodge. Starts at 5:30 p.m. with dinner, auctions, and chance to win prizes. Call (775) 313-3640 or email

Thur. April 10

6th Annual Candlelight Vigil & Stop the Violence Art Contest. Evening of local youth art, music & praise dancing and more. Westmoreland Fire Dept. 52 Rectory Rd. Montross, VA. 6 p.m. Contact or call (804) 493-8539.

Sun. April 13

Shirley Plantation to host Easter Egg Hunt on the grounds. For children 2-12. Bring your own basket accompanied by an adult. Cost $5 per child plus $5 grounds ticket. 1-3 p.m. Lots of eggs and prizes. Come early and bring a picnic. 501 Shirley Plantation Road, Charles City, VA 23030. (804) 829-5121or (800) 232-1613 toll-free.

Wed. April 16

Dahlgren District Joint Town Hall meeting with Congressman Wittman at UMW Dahlgren. 7-9 p.m. Volunteers needed for 26th annual Potomac River Watershed cleanup G.W. Birthplace Natl. Monument will be participating in the 26th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. Volunteers are needed to help collect trash on the Potomac River Beach, Popes Creek Landing and along the shores of Popes Creek and several small islands. This cleanup will support the Alice Ferguson Foundation’s efforts for a trash-free Potomac River watershed. The cleanup will take place on April 5, 2014. Volunteers will meet in front of the Visitor Center at 10 a.m. for registration and assignments. Gloves and trash bags will be provided. This event will conclude at noon. For information please contact Chief Ranger Wayne Rose at (804)224-1732 X 240 or wayne_ The address is 1732 Popes Creek Rd., Colonial Beach VA 22443.

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Recent funerals at Historyland Memorial Park Pauline Smith - Cedell Brooks Funeral Home Cecilia Melson - Nash & Slaw Funeral Home

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Journal


This iron fire brigade toy comes from a Northern Neck family, whose son played with it as a child almost 70 years ago. It is in excellent condition, including the surface of the paint. The former child says that he took good care of his toys. The end product bears out his statement. Henry Lane Iron toys only keeping Hull increasing in popularity and consequent demand. This one is remarkable for its condition given its age. In the mid-tolate nineteenth century iron became an inexpensive means of producing toys. The ones made in that first wave of production obviously are more rare, and command quite high prices. This piece dates between 1920 and 1940, and is American-made. Later copies have forged into the underside a phrase indicating they

are replicas of the earlier ones. Still later ones have come in hordes from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Japan. They show having been cast more crudely, and often are painted in garish colors. This one is from the first phase of reproduction, but prior to the onslaught of foreign knockoffs. Antique iron toy clubs and collectors’ societies abound, and are easily available on the internet. Many of the members being great collectors themselves might be able to define the company that made this piece, but without a label of name in the

casting, attribution of manufacturer always will be speculative. This toy, given its superior condition, is worth $250. It would receive good bidding in a toy auction, and might go for more. The fire wagon is more scarce than some of the other examples, such as the many carriages. Most importantly, this toy never should be washed, merely dusted to keep it clean. I recommend keeping it out of direct sunlight to prevent the paint from fading. Much of the value here comes from its condition, which needs to be maintained.

WC Museum is a favorite of history buffs A favorite of history buffs because of its ever-changing exhibits, the Westmoreland County Museum in Montross is the oldest museum in the Northern Neck. It was established in 1941 to display Charles Wilson Peale’s 1768 portrait of William Pitt, the British Parliamentarian behind the repeal of the Stamp Act. And the exhibit still prominently displays the Pitt painting, along with almost a dozen life-sized paintings of prominent Northern Neck historical figures, including Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lighfoot Lee, two leaders of the American Revolution and signers of the Declaration of Independence. In addition to the Lee brothers and William Pitt, the museum also proudly displays portraits of Robert W. Lee, who was born in Westmoreland County, Colonial landowner Archibald Campbell, former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall and Lord Thomas Fairfax. Also displayed are an 1862 Confederate dollar bill and artifacts from the area’s early farming and fishing industries. But the popular museum also

DECA at KGHS makes it count in Virginia Beach for State Leadership Conference 56 DECA members – 8 Chaperones – 1 DECA Advisor – 3 DECA Alumni College Interns – 40 Medals – 8 Trophies – 2 Plaques – 1 Scholarship – Making It Count! DECA at King George High School really “Brought the Heat� to the Virginia DECA State Leadership Conference (SLC) Feb. 28 to March 2 in Virginia Beach! This year marked the 13th year that DECA at KGHS has competed at this conference bringing its largest delegation of 56 competitors! And these competitors really took the stage! On Friday, DECA at KGHS presented and participated in campaigning for their own candidate for State Office – Sha’Tiva Harvey. Anna Kniceley interviewed as a finalist for the Virginia DECA Scholarship at the Virginia Beach Convention Center (VBCC), Virginia DECA’s home for the weekend! The rest of the afternoon was spent at Beach Quarters Resort practicing for competitions, unpacking, and ironing professional dress clothes! KG DECA was also spelled out in the sand! After dinner, it started to “Heat Up� at the Beach! DECA at KGHS hit the stage at the VBCC in front of 3200+ DECA members, advisors, and chaperones from all parts of Virginia to receive ReCertification for their School Based Enterprise – Fox Stox School Store – accepted by Kourtney Miller and Colton Southall – Competing in ATLANTA! Meghan Yanchulis accepted the Blue Chip – highest honor – for the Chapter Program of

Work Annual Report – it’s a really big trophy because it’s a notebook of everything DECA at KGHS has done in the last year! District 19 President Samantha Fedak and District 19 Advisor Mrs. Dee Strauss were recognized for their work in their District positions. Anna Kniceley won the Diane Tremblay Virginia DECA Foundation Scholarship for $1000. And Sha’Tiva Harvey was introduced as a candidate for Region 3 Vice President. Competitive Events began in earnest on Saturday at VBCC. From Individual Series to Team Decision to Written to Professional Selling the practice paid off! After dinner Saturday night, DECA at KGHS was on stage! Jackie Collins and Michael Hundley earned medals for their Advertising Campaign presentation, Sha’Tiva Harvey earned a medal for her Professional Selling presentation, Zak Kegley earned a medal for his test score in Travel & Tourism Team Decision Making Event and Kegley and his team-mate Corey Henderson earned medals for their presentation. Blake Clift and Lane Ward earned medals for their presentation in Sports & Entertainment Team Decision Making Event. Meghan Yanchulis earned a medal in her Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling Event. Ryshauna Graham earned a medal for her test in Sports & Entertainment Promotion Plan. Brie Bancroft, Gabi Caron, and Deon Johnson earned medals for their Sports & Entertainment Promotion Plan. Advisor Mrs. Dee Strauss was also recognized and received a plaque

KGHS Students of the Month



Tori Berman (9) Child of: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berman Nominated by Mrs. Dause Victoria Berman moved to King George this summer and started her freshman year as a Fox who was new not only to the school building, but to the county. When we first met, Tori expressed some of the difficulties that she faced because of that circumstance. Since then, Tori has impressed me as she has grown more and more confident and capable in her role as an honors student at KGHS; she has worked hard, with more determination and good grace than could have possibly been asked for, and I am proud of her. As of this month, Tori’s grade continues to steadily improve, her work ethic is phenomenal, she’s become involved in extracurricular activities, and she has forged several strong friendships throughout it all. She is an extraordinary young lady, and I am pleased to share our Fox pride with her.

as Outstanding DECA Advisor at this Awards Session. Early Sunday morning at VBCC, the Voting Delegates – Anna Kniceley, Meghan Yanchulis, and Clara Brabo – listened to all candidate speeches and voted for the next year DECA State Officer Team. Although the Region 3 Vice President spot ended up with a different person, Sha’Tiva Harvey plans to run for Chapter Office. The rest of KG DECA joined these students for the Grand Awards session at the Virginia Beach Convention Center Hall A & B! Here is the list of medal winners and finalists: Team Decision Making Events: Chase Manard & Hunter Tolliver – Medal Winners in Business Law & Ethics. – Competing in ATLANTA! Corey Henderson & Zak Kegley – Medal Winners in Travel & Tourism – Competing in ATLANTA! Operations Research: Anna Kniceley – Medal Winner in Business Services Operations Research Event Garrett Blom, Thomas Jenkins, and Jacob Bethem – Medal Winners in Hospitality & Tourism Operations Research (These gentlemen were invited to attend the Leadership Development Academy in Atlanta!) Gena Scheerschmidt – Medal Winners in Sports & Entertainment Marketing Operations Research (This young lady was invited to attend the Senior Management Institute in Atlanta!)) Elena DeLaRosa & Gabby Bueche – Medal Winners and FINALISTS in Sports & Entertainment Marketing Operations Research – Competing in ATLANTA! Chapter Projects: Lena Easingwood & Rebecca Leonard – Medal Winners and FINALISTS in Community Service Project – Competing in ATLANTA! Clara Brabo, Kelly Shea, & Briana Scott – Medal Winners and FINALISTS in Public Relations Campaign – Competing in ATLANTA! Entrepreneurship Events: Taylor Courtney – Medal Winners and FINALIST in Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan – Competing in ATLANTA! Samantha Fedak & Matthew Wright – Medal Winners in Entrepreneurship Written Event. (She was invited to attend the Thrive Academy & He was invited to attend the Senior Management Institute in Atlanta!)) Alexis Schmidt & Savannah Dougherty – Medal Winners in

International Business Plan Jordan Lee – Medal Winner in Entrepreneurship Participating Independent Event – Competing in ATLANTA! Marketing Representative Events: Jackie Collins & Michael Hundley – Medal Winners and FINALISTS in Advertising Campaign – Competing in ATLANTA! Gabi Caron, Brie Bancroft & Deon Johnson – Medal Winners and FINALISTS in Sports & Entertainment Promotion Plan – Competing in ATLANTA! Professional Selling Events: Meghan Yanchulis – Medal Winner in Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling Sha’Tiva Harvey – Medal Winner and FINALIST in Professional Selling – Competing in ATLANTA! Kathryn Strauss and Savannah Carabin have also been invited to the Thrive Academy in ATLANTA! DECA at KGHS also earned recognition for the DECA Membership Campaigns earning a possible 3 spots at the Thrive Academy in ATLANTA and was recognized as a Super Star Chapter with preferred seating and also recognized for the Chapter’s participation in Virginia DECA Day! Anna Kniceley and Samantha Fedak were Honor Society Inductees and Anna was also a Merit Award Recipient! Also attending this conference with KG DECA as Chaperones were Alumni KG DECA members Mr. & Mrs. David Miller, Ms. Shannon Tolliver, Ms. Kendall Eskey, and Ms. Nicole Paulsen – all previous SLC competitors and winners. Also attending as Chaperones were KGHS Assistant Principal Mrs. Jennifer Collins and Mr. & Mrs. John Rinko. KG School Board Member Mr. T.C. Collins visited the VBCC to observe the event on Saturday. And currently in college KG DECA Alumni Kendall Powel (UMW), Cole Pates-Clift (GCC), and Carrisa Jeffers (JMU) were at this conference as College Interns and very supportive of their KG DECA Chapter! What a great weekend for these wonderful students – now they will Bring The Heat to ATLANTA May 2-7, 2014! For more information on DECA – please visit www.deca. org,, www.kgdeca. org and follow us on Twitter and Instagram – @KG DECA To support these students on this ICDC Competitive Activity, please contact Advisor Mrs. Dee Strauss at 540-903-0573 or email dstrauss@ All donations welcome!

features exhibits and programs designed to interpret Westmoreland County history from pre-colonial times to today. Visitors also marvel at historic items discovered at the sites of American Indian settlements and early plantations. For those doing genealogical research, the museum is home to an extraordinary genealogical research collection. The collection includes Northern Neck vital records, family histories, reference works, military histories, church and cemetery guides, Northern Neck town and county histories, immigration lists and census records. The museum building was built using the same plans as the Memorial House at the birthplace of George Washington, referred to as “Wakefield� by locals. To increase space for events and exhibits, the museum is remodeling a building next door that used to be the home of the Wakefield Furniture Company. The new building will showcase the Town of Montross as it appeared between the 1930s and 1950s, and will highlight that important era of Westmoreland’s history.

WC Museum BOD makes plans

Carla Gutridge

The Westmoreland County Museum Board of Directors held a retreat at the Inn at Montross in February to brainstorm and make plans for the museum’s events for the year. Volunteers and sponsors are welcome to participate. Visit for more information.

newest Eagle is also youngest Troop 258’s newest Eagle Scout is 14-year-old Fletcher Stephen Lee of Colonial Beach. Fletcher completed all of the required merit badges and demonstrated his leadership skills, as well. He has shown that he is capable of getting things done and leads by example. Fletcher has never asked any scout to do a job that he would not do himself. In hoping to encourage people to get out and hike more and to support our local parks, Fletcher did his Eagle project at Westmoreland State Park last fall, by building two orienteering courses for the public to use. Take a day and go over to the Westmoreland State Park office and ask for the orienteering course map and hike away. There are two trails- one for those who need a simpler trail, and one for those wanting a little more adventure. Be sure to also check out the State Park’s geocaching along the way, too. Fletcher is the son of Stephen & Missey Lee, the grandson of Laura-Lee Fletcher Manning, and the great-grandson of Joe and Helen Fletcher, all of Colonial Beach. His paternal grandparents, Kenneth

Madalynn is an extraordinary young lady. She has impeccable work habits and is excelling in her Algebra 2 class. She is considerate and helpful to not only myself, but also to her classmates and her teammates on the cross country team. Madalynn is new to our school, but has become a welcome addition to our community.

and Elizabeth Lee, are from King George. His Eagle status was signed by National last fall, two days before his 14th birthday, which makes him the troop’s youngest Eagle Scout so far. The troop's first Eagle Scout, Trevor Alger, was the officiating Voice of the Eagle for the ceremony, and the troop was glad to have him help out. Trevor went on to become a Virginia State Trooper, and the troop is proud of his leadership in the community now as well. Troop 258 is sponsored by the Colonial Beach Baptist Church and meets on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Â






Maddie Amos (10) Child of: Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Amos Nominated by Mrs. Melton

The new building, located directly on Route 3 in the heart of the town, will augment the current museum building that faces Courthouse Road. The museum is restoring the new building’s façade, so it will appear once again as it did in the 1930s. The front portion of the addition will be transformed into both a general store and Coca-Cola soda fountain that will provide visitors with the opportunity to shop, have refreshments and relive a time that many remember with fondness. The center and rear of the new museum building will provide a multi-use space where portraits of many of Westmoreland’s most distinguished inhabitants will hang, and artifacts will be displayed to highlight the county’s important and historical past. There will also be space for community functions, meetings, lectures and workshops. The Westmoreland County Museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The museum is located at 43 Court Square in Montross. The phone number is 804-493-8440. —Richard Leggitt

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The Journal

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Bears slaughter Mid-Atlantic Raiders in home opener Leonard Banks Sports editor On Saturday, March 16, King George County Stadium was the site of a Bear home opener blowout! Last Saturday’s 35-0 massacre of the Bears Maryland based Mid-Atlantic Raiders was a game filled with big plays, and Raiders an unstoppable d e f e n s i v e performance. Collectively the Bears’ defensive front, led by Michael Gaines (two sacks) bombarded the Raider offensive backfield with a total of eight sacks. Bears quarterback, Darren Baker completed six out of

35 0

Roxanne M. Brenner

Bears linebacker Chris Dudley (middle) prepares to slam Mid-Atlantic Raider quarterback Jonathan Steele (right) to the ground.

10 passes for 116 yards, including two touchdown pass receptions, and a five-yard run for a touchdown. After finishing the 2013 season with a playoff berth and a 7-3 record, the Fredericksburg Bears are out to redeem themselves by bringing King George a minor league Atlantic Football Association Championship. The Bears’ long-term goal is to become the gold standard in semiprofessional football competition. First quarter Mike Hawkins upset a Bears promising drive, as he picked up a fumble and returned it to the Fredericksburg 24-yard line. On the following play, Antwon Thompson picked off a Raiders pass, and returned it to the Bears 26-yard line. With 7:43 left on the clock, BJ

Reynolds lifted the fans out their seats with a 48-yard punt return that set up a 26-yard touchdown pass from Baker to Chris Peters. On the ensuing Raider possession, Michael Gaines singlehandedly unraveled their offensive scheme with two back-to-back sacks. Later in the second quarter, with 7:40 left in the half, Baker completed a 36-yard drive with a five-yard touchdown run up the middle of the Raiders interior line. With the momentum on the side of the Bears, Andrew Boczar shut down a potentially promising Raider drive with a pass interception with 5:31 left in the half. The Bears capitalized on the Raiders turnover, with a six play, 40yard drive that ended in a Sims nineyard touchdown run. As the Raiders trailed by 21-0

at the start of the third quarter, the Bears defense continued to pummel the Raiders offensive backfield. Raiders quarterback, Dmetrius Green appeared to be running for his life with each touch of the ball. The Bears lit the scoreboard again after Baker connected with Sims on a 16-yard touchdown pass. The score was set up by a 46-yard pass from Baker to Thaddeaus Teele that gave the Bears solid field position on the Raiders 23-yard line. Reynolds scored the final Bears touchdown after returning a punt for 55-yards. On Saturday, March 22, the Bears travel to play the Metro Phoenix. The next Bears home game will be on April 12, as they host the Newville Muddogs. For more team information, go online to www.

sugar bears dance team: do it with passion or not at all

Mary Ann Magnant

Go KG Foxes! (left to right) Brittany Williams, Miranda Green, Jonathan Graham, Brooke West, Ashley Perkins, and Heidi Colwell competed at the Virginia Meet of Champions, Hampton.

Foxes Indoor T&F thrives in post season Leonard Banks Sports editor Members of the Little River Running Club (LRRC) finished strong at the U.S. Track & Field (USATF) National Youth Indoor Track & Field Championship in Landover, MD. The competition is composed of the nation’s top track & field athletes. LRRC was established in 2011, as a research-based running program dedicated to the development of youth cross-country and track & field athletes for USATF Junior Olympics National and American Association of Universities (AAU) competition. LRRC is a registered USATF and AAU club with certified level-I USATF coaches.

LRRC is composed of the following athletes: Willie Calloway, Fernando DeLaRosa, Jarod Watson, Jacob Watson, Chuck Pasold and Christian Koon. Jacob Watson earned a silver medal with a personal best performance in the (15-16 boys division) 300-meter, with a time of 9:20.83. He also placed fifth in the 1500-meter run with a time of 4:28.41. Calloway placed fifth in the high jump (boys 17-18) with a leap of 1.70. The effort earned him podium recognition and a medal. He also competed in the 55-meter hurdles. LRRC’s distance medley of Pasold (1200-meters), Koon (800-meters), DeLaRosa (400-meters), and Jacob Watson (1600-meters) earned recognition for the Silver Medal

USATF Boys’ Club. In addition, LRRC’s 4x800meter relay team of Jarod Watson, DeLaRosa, Pasold and Koon also earned recognition for the Silver Medal USATF Boys’ Club. During the 800-meter run, boys’ division, 17-18, LRRC’s boys’ placements included: Koon, 12th (personal best, 2:05.32), DeLaRosa, 23rd, and Jarod Watson, 29th. Jarod also placed 18th in the 1500-meter run. Virginia Meet of Champions Recently, six members of the King George High School indoor track & field team traveled to Hampton to compete in the Virginia Meet of Champions. The meet was hosted by Miranda Green,


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Ashley Perkins, Brittany Williams and Brooke West won first place in the 4x800-meter relay event. Green also placed fourth in the 1000-meter. Jonathan Graham placed second in the pole vault event with a vault of 13’9. Heidi Colwell, Williams, Perkins and Green placed fourth in the 34x400-meter.

Leonard Banks

The ultimate goal for the Fredericksburg Dance Team is to positively impact our community, while offering cheering and motivational entertainment. If you are interested in becoming a Sugar Bear please contact us at

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Journal

The Drifters historic season measured in resilience Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Drifter girls dynasty! The Drifters girls’ varsity basketball team is more than just a team, they are a family both on and off the court. From Sydni Carey to Deniya Newman, the Drifters have proven that they are one of the best teams in the state.

It was a beautiful Black & Gold season. The 2013-2014 Drifter winter sports season has elevated the girls’ and boys’ basketball programs to a new level of expectation. After witnessing both programs win the regular season 1A East Conference 43 regular season championship, fans and foe alike have embraced the effects of Drifter Pride, and their mystique of defying the odds against schools twice their size. On Saturday, March 22, at Lancaster High School, Drifter girls’ varsity basketball head coach Keith Dickerson will coach the conference girls’ all-stars, while Drifters boys’ varsity head coach Jonathan Parker will coach the boys’ all-stars. Dickerson has been voted Girls’ Conference Coach of the Year. Washington & Lee boys’ varsity head coach George Hunter was voted Boys’ Conference Coach of the Year. The Drifters finished the season with a record of 21-3. In addition, the season was dedicated to the memory of Chandale Dillon. Her untimely

death has left a permanent void in the heart of the Drifters’ athletic program. Seniors Kora Herrod and Billie Gould will represent the Lady Drifters, while Conference Boys’ Player of the Year, Monte Gould, and Keane Foster will represent the Drifter boys. Recently, Gould (1st team) and Foster (2nd team) were both chosen to the annual allconference team. During the past four seasons, Dickerson has built a dynasty of winning seasons that have included two back-to-back trips to the VHSL State Championship quarter- and semi-finals. The not-so-hidden intangible that has tirelessly worked to build the Drifters girls’ basketball on the junior varsity level is Audra LucasPeyton. The Drifters girls’ junior varsity finished the season with a 15-1 record. For the past two seasons, the Drifters have had the best girls’ junior varsity record in the Northern Neck. In addition, the Drifters have had the distinction of four consecutive winning seasons. Reflecting the warrior-like demeanor of their coach Jonathan

Parker, the Drifters boys’ varsity team overcame adversity to enjoy the spoils of victory. Although they lost the conference tournament championship to Washington & Lee, they defeated the Eagles three out of the five times as they faced their Northern Neck brethren this season. Throughout a season filled with game cancellations and nail-biting losses, the team hung together. No only did Montie Gould reach a personal milestone of 1,000 points, but he was recognized as the Conference Player of the Year. Gould was also voted All-Conference First Team, while fellow Drifter Keane Foster made the All-Conference Second Team list. The glare in Parker’s eyes told with names such as Lamar Lucas, Keane Foster, Kamron Smith and Montie Gould, who will be remembered for their ability to fight down to the final second. As for the Drifters boys’ junior varsity, the system is still solid under the leadership of Earl Payton. From the elementary school level, to the high school program, Payton has dedicated his life towards building Drifter Pride through hard work.

Farinet’s collegiate basketball journey ends Leonard Banks Sports editor University of Mary Washington men’s basketball senior Dylan Farinet’s collegiate basketball career has finally come to an end. On Saturday, at the Anderson Center on the campus of University of Mary Washington, the Eagles men’s basketball team historic season came to an close, as the Williams College Ephs defeated the Eagles, 79-46, in the NCAA Division III Tournament Quarter-finals. Throughout the season, the Eagles did the unthinkable by compiling a record of 25-6, that included a CAC Championship and numerous individual honors. Using the motivation of the motto “play angry” the Eagles defeated Virginia Wesleyan College (Marlins), 74-70. The first-round tournament win broke the school record, and advanced the Eagles into

the sectional final against Williams College, who defeated Albertus Magnus College. During the Marlins game, Bradley Reister led all Eagles scoring with 23 points and seven rebounds. Taylor Johnson added 15 points and six rebounds. Farinet scored eight points, pulled down six boards, and dished out four assists. On the following day, the Eagles met their end against the Ephs of Williams College. Height, speed and execution proved to be the difference during this matchup. The Ephs started strong with an 11-0 run, which led to a 15-5 lead with 13:05 left in the first half. The Ephs extended the lead to 23 points at halftime (43-20). In the second half, Williams continued to score at will, while the Eagles struggled offensively, shooting 8-29 from the field (27.6%). Arguably, the straw that broke the back of the Eagles was the Ephs’ ability to control the boards, while

capitalizing on second-chance opportunities (10-12). Taylor Epley led Williams College with 19 points. As for the Eagles, Dajon Daniels led the team with nine points, while Farinet added 10 points and six rebounds. As for Farinet, his next step in his collegiate life will be graduation in May. His contributions to the Eagles’ program were crucial to the team’s success. His contributions included: 12.3% point contributions (third); 6.2 rebounds per game (second); 38.1% field goal percentage (fourth); 32.5% 3-point goals (third). He finished the season with 381 points, 192 rebounds, 101 assists and 34 steals. Not bad for a Colonial Beach Drifter alumni who helped bring the school their first state championship. The Ephs will advance to the NCAA Division III final four in Salem.

New faces for a new season for W&L Eagles girls’ soccer Richard Leggitt As the Washington and Lee girls’ soccer team heads into the season, they have a new coach and many new players, including a new goalie, but the team is excited and determined to play at a high level. “The girls’ varsity team is extremely young,” said Cole Vanover, the girls’ new soccer coach. Vanover, W&L’s assistant athletic director, who coached track and field last year, was named girls’ soccer coach this season after Gary Daiger resigned. “We are kind of starting from

scratch in terms of new faces,” Vanover said. “They graduated seven players from last year’s team, and additionally, two other players didn’t return from last year. Vanover said the Eagles will depend on junior Gabby Valdez for leadership. “We will rely on Gabby, who is our Captain, to control the pace of the game from the center midfield position.” “We are still waiting for a star to emerge, and it’s been tough to find one. The weather has impacted us like everyone else,” Vanover said. “We have a new goalie in junior Anna Sisson; it’s her first year

KG Adult softball update Staff Reports During the spring sports season, the World Softball League (WSL) will be coming to King George Adult Men’s & Co-ed softball. Currently, there are five teams signed up for the men’s league, which is scheduled to begin on either April 1 or 3. In addition, there are three co-ed teams signed up, but a fourth team is needed to form a co-ed league. Both leagues will consist of teams competing over a 14-week, 28-game season. Additional men’s tournaments will be held on Saturdays. Currently

scheduled tournament dates are March 29, April 26, July 19, Aug. 23, Sept. 13, and Oct. 11. All of these tournaments will be held at Barnesfield Park except Aug. 23, which will be at Sealston Sport Complex. The April 26 tournament is to benefit the Wounded Warrior Program, where a portion of the proceeds will go to this great program! For more information concerning the formation of a team or becoming a WSL umpire, please contact Keith Douglas at or Doug Cantrell at Douglas.cantrell@

playing, but she is progressing.” “We have two freshman, seven juniors and two seniors penciled in to start right now, and quite a few sophomores, who we expect to contribute a lot. This all bodes well for the future,” said Vanover. The W&L girls open their home soccer season against St. Margaret’s on March 26, and against King William at home on March 28. “We are hopeful that we can start to create some synergy, but we know it will take some time,” said Vanover. “The girls are hungry and eager to get better; which makes my job very easy in terms of motivating.”

UMW photos

University of Mary Washington forward Dylan Farinet (left) contributed to the Eagles men’s basketball program’s greatest season ever.

Popes Creek 5K run update Richard Leggitt Washington & Lee High School Assistant Athletic Director Cole Vanover has announced that for the third year in a row, the Popes Creek 5k and 1-Mile Kids’ Run will take place on April 19, 2014. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. that day. “The kids’ 1-mile race will begin at 9:00 a.m.; the 5K will start promptly after the 1-Mile Run,” Vanover said. “The 5K course will start at the Visitor Center at George Washington’s Birthplace, and go down to the beach front and back to the Visitor Center.” “It’s a student-athlete-driven race; this year, Emma Oliver, a sophomore, is in charge. She is handling

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everything. She’s done a good job so far,” Vanover said. Vanover also expressed his appreciation to George Washington Birthplace National Monument for their support of the race and the community. “My goal is to have a good number of participants for the event and for it to run smoothly,” said Oliver. “I’m really excited for the opportunity. The last two years, Taylor Lewis orchestrated the event and did an excellent job. She’s now at the College of Charleston, and I have a lot to live up to.” Vanover and Oliver said awards would be given to the top-10 female finishers and top-10 male finishers in the 5K; all participants will get a medal in the 1-mile Kids’ Run. There

is a $5.00 registration fee for the 1-Mile Walk/Run and a $10.00 fee for the 5K, if you register by mail before April 15. Race day registration will be $20.00. For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Cole Vanover at or at Washington & Lee High School at (804) 493-8015. Registration forms are located at the following places: Rite Aid of Montross, Art of Coffee, The Bank of Lancaster, Bridget’s Flowers, Carrot Cottage, Angelo’s Pizza and Washington & Lee High School. The registration form can be found on W&L’s athletic website at

The Journal

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


KG Foxes junior varsity baseball 2014 outlook Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

King George junior varsity pitcher DreShawn Turner packs a hefty volume of heat as he delivers his fastball.

Massaponax edge Foxes in scrimmage junior baseball opener Leonard Banks Sports editor It was a scrimmage featuring the best of double A and triple A baseball. On Wednesday, at King George High School, the Foxes junior varsity gave the Massaponax Panthers possibly one of the toughest outings they will face this season. Although the Panthers eventually prevailed with a 4-2 victory, fans got a glimpse of the next generation of varsity players. While the game ended due to an agreed time stoppage, there a number of bright spots, including the Foxes’ pitching staff, featuring Ryan Sivak, DreShawn Turner and Chris Levere. “I saw a lot of good things, but there is still a lot to work on; and it’s going to be way early in the season,” Foxes junior varsity head coach Nick Simmons said. Interestingly, the Foxes didn’t seem to be affected by the long stretch of in-school practices or cabin fever. The game was the first opportunity for the team to play on a dry day. Panthers versus Foxes At the top of the first inning, the Panthers took a 1-0 lead, after Garrett

Myers singled home Zach Runk. The Foxes prevented an additional run after a Panther runner was thrown out at third base. During the bottom of the first inning, the Foxes tied the game at 1-1, when Shane Reviello’s RBIsingle brought home Steven Hunt. During the top of the second inning, the Panthers regained the lead (3-1), when Nick McCormick’s double brought home two runners. After Steven Hunt’s hit loaded the bases in the bottom of the second inning, the Foxes sensed an opportunity to take advantage of a big inning. However, after Austin Halter cut the Panther lead to 3-2, the Foxes stranded the two remaining runners on a ground ball. After the third and fourth inning installment of relief pitcher Levere, the Panthers’, offense seemed to go into a coma, as the freshman forced out the next six batters, with grounders, fly balls and strike outs. As fate would have it, the Panthers secured the 4-2-victory on an RBI single in top of the fourth inning. Four runs were charged to Foxes pitchers, while the Panthers gave up two runs on four hits.

Christal Blue

They are the future of Fox varsity baseball! After winning one out of four Battlefield District championships, including a 2013 berth, it’s obvious that the King George High School junior varsity is among the top feeder systems in area baseball. Over the years, head coach Nick Simmons has consistently molded average athletes into fundamentally sound baseball players capable of playing on the varsity level. The Foxes will lose Rudy Morrow and Zach Johnson to the varsity level, while the following players have returned to the roster this season: Jacob Sivak, Luke Barnum, Will Clift, Stephen Paul Pitts, Austin Halter, Steven Hunt, Jason Yowler, and Garrett Mills. As for the team’s new additions, the Foxes have inherited the eight players from last season’s King George Middle School championship team. Good pitching will beat good hit-

ting any day. After a solid scrimmage outing against triple A power Massaponax, the Foxes will have the luxury of incorporating Chris Levere, DreShawn Turner, and Ryan Sivak into their pitching rotation. As for hitting, the Foxes have a full compliment of power. From Shane Reviello to Will Clift, the Foxes are strong. Although Simmons and assistant junior varsity baseball coach Andy Bunch have had the challenge of wintery weather conditions that have limited field use to two days, they continue to make the best of a tough situation with the school’s gymnasium facilities. Thus far, the Foxes have played two scrimmages against Massaponax and Culpeper. On Friday, the Foxes will host and play conference rival Liberty (Bealton) for the first time. Game time is 6 p.m. “The kids are working hard as they compete for starting jobs, which is making our jobs difficult,” Simmons said.

Foxes 2014 JV baseball roster NAME Yr.. POS Jacob Sivak 10 C Luke Barnum 10 INF/OF Will Clift 10 INF/P/C Stephen Paul Pitts 10 OF Austin Halter 10 OF/P Steven Hunt 10 INF Jason Yowler 10 INF/P Garrett Mills 10 OF Justin Reed 9 INF/OF Mason Newton 9 INF/P Ryan Sivak 9 INF/P Bryan Yowler 9 C Shane Reviello 9 OF/P Miles Levere 9 INF/P Chris Levere 9 INF/OF/P DreShawn Turner 9 INF/OF/P

kghs boys soccer returns!

Leonard Banks

Along with defense, speed, and power at the plate, Will Clift is an added boost to the Foxes JV baseball program.

See King George High School varsity boys soccer preview in next week’s journal.

Denny More

Leonard Banks

Fredericksburg Bears 2014 schedule

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Journal

king george Antiques Considered...


March 3 White, Christopher Ray – Assault and Battery Family Member

March 1 David Earl Chapman, 56, Hague, arrested for DWI (3rd offense) and driving after license revoked alcohol-related. Joseph Edward Washington, 52, Montross, arrested on a warrant from Northumberland Co. for obtain money/etc: false pretense, larceny <$200.

Sheriff’s report March 4 Davis, Homer Lee Jr. –Public Swearing or Intoxication March 5 Popp, Michael Robert – Driving Under the Influence

March 6 Allen, Brad Oneal – Obstructing Justice Davis, Homer Lee Jr. – Public Swearing or Intoxication March 9 Curley, Clifford Ellsworth – Driving Under the Influence 3 Muzzy, Joyce Jordan – Assault and Battery Family Member

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Sheriff’s report

March 4 Joseph Curtis Whittaker, Jr., 24, Montross, arrested for felony assault on family member, 3rd+ offense. March 5 Ronnie Olando Ware, 59, Co-

lonial Beach, arrested for reckless driving: speed 20mph+ over posted limit.

Germaine Stewart Yerby, 26, Warsaw, arrested for assault: on family member.

March 6 Brian T. Draper, 26, Charlottesville, arrested on a capias from Albemarle Co. for probation violation, Charlottesville for 2 felony probation violations and served with a criminal summons for possess of marijuana.

March 12 Christopher Allen Kerns, 38, Colonial Beach, arrested for assault & battery-family member. Lisa Watson Smith, 41, Hague, arrested on a warrant from Hanover Co. for 2 counts of bad checks.

March 8 Shawnta Nicole Bland, 19, Colonial Beach, arrested for assault and batter.

March 13 Russell Ann Perry, 64, Colonial Beach, arrested for DWI.

lonial Beach, arrested for felony protective order violation, 3RD offense w/in 20yrs. Ervin Silva-Diaz, 34, Montross, arrested for assault: on a family member. March 15 Kevin Monroe Martinez, 40, Colonial Beach, arrested on a capias from Stafford Co. for possess marijuana, 2nd+ offense. Seth Herbert Biemiller, 45, Hague, arrested for possess or distribute controlled paraphernalia, felony possess SCH I or II drug, and DWI: per SE drug.

March 14 David Anthony Verhalen, 47, Co-

March 10


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The Journal

Honor roll

sealston Elementary

Third Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Allister Atkinson, Bethany Ayres, Shelby Boland, Madison Brigner, Montgomery Cox, Brenna Elchenko, Megan Garcia, Taylor Hollis, Nathan Kale, Raegan Lumpkins, James Patteson, Sarah Smith, Matthew Sokolowski, William Tolley Honor Roll Victoria Anderson, Joseph Caro, Matthew Casey, Acadia Conboy, Emma Davis, Joshua Ferguson, Nehemiah Frye, Ryan Gervasi, Blake Graves, Gavin Graves, Mason Guy, Jordan Hill, Ryan Hoffman, Samantha Jones, Ila Kickuth, Kaiden Knepshield, Kyrstin Kyle, Dylan Moneyhon, Nathan Moody, Kendall Morgan, BriAunna Nance, Henry Newman, Meghan O’Hanlon, Kamille Oliver, Catherine Ovalle, Mary Panozo, Brandon Phillips, Arianna Powell, Kelsey Reviello, Jackson Rosner, Chelsea Saguid, Alyssa Tonetti, Ravyn Wise, Charlize Wylde Honorable Mention Taylor Ball, Haylee Callahan, Angela Creech, Shamus Curran, Morgan Davis, Savannah Hinson, Victoria Jennings, Emily Kane, Wyatt Leasure, Mason Long, Tori McLaughlin, Mason Medley, Samuel Miller, Amir Muhammad, Andrew Pell, Austin Snellings, Katelyn Spuchesi, Cameron Sullivan, Syndey Turner, Avery Tutor Fourth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Bryce Kuberek, Samantha Leal, Mackenzie Polachak, Caleb Rennert, Kyle Reviello, McKenzie Scalzi, Andrew Sokolowski Honor Roll Julia Bielovitz, Connor Biondi, Seth Boyd, Payten Broderick, Logan

Constant, Bryce Dees, Emma Filkoski, Payton Foshay, Ryan Frenzley, Connor Gray, Sidney Hathway, Emily Hayden, Isabella Husson, William Hutchinson, Garret Johnson, Anna Kale, Gavin McCraw, Brandon McDaniel, James Monkister, Brooke Mycka, MacKenzie Poole, Jadyn Richardson, Madison Rodriguez, Brooke Rolocut, Casey Sanders, Jacob Shelton, Jaden Simpson, Troy Spillman, Logan Sprague, Kaylee Suckow, Lucian Tamburello, Keith Turner, Molly Watson, James Weadon, Kellie Williams Honorable Mention Chidalu Aguolu, Jonathan Amorino, Javon Daniels, Jessica Devlin, Jordan Gilyeat, Keegan Freeman, Aiden Howard, Brandon Jenkins, Dylon Jones, Cadence Manthey, Nathaniel Maynard, Aedon Mullins, Gabrielle Poole, Dylan Rorrer, Madison Scharen, Leah Taylor, Carlos Ward, Austin Webster, Ava White Fifth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Chandler Balint, Chelsi Balint, Mackenzie Cox, Elijah Dawson, Ryan Donald, Annaliese Franklin, Emily Garcia, Dillan Inthavongdy, Natalie Knoke, Keira Lipinski, David Vance, Elizabeth Waite Honor Roll Jakaia Arrington-Pride, Abigail Besaw, Samantha Blahnik, Grace Brancheau, Jaiden Butler, Lacey Connell, Drake Dalton, Stephanie Dermody, Anthony FernandezGrimes, William Gentry, Jenna Kapp, Matthew Karle, Breana Kedzierski, William Landauer, Casey Landrum, Alexis Loughner, Christopher Lumpkins, Skyla Mauro, Brenden Miers, Richard Miller, Cara Mims, Abigail Monahan, Gabriel

Nesmith, Victoria Phillips, Chad Price, Richard Reyes, David Roberson, Gerald Simms, Hollie Sisemore, Andon Snyder, Alexis Thacker, Samuel Wahlquist, Doug Wahlquist, Noah Williams, Haley Zappas Honorable Mention Raymond Bennett, Jacob Blalock, Heavenly Bonnett, Thomas Buckles, Madison DeBernard, Christopher Flierl, Kenley Gill, Alayna Grubbe, Giancarlo Irace, Alissa Krtanjek, Shiloh Lewis, Hailey Linder, Cayden Moore, Jase Mounts, Brody Newton, Gwyneth Quintana, Kealah RichardsonRansom, Cheyenne Sifers, Ian Sizemore, Jacob Stone, Claudia Tocci, Eleanor Veazey Sixth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Alyson Aubert, Ariana Currier, Kristy Fike, Cole Fincher, Isabella Irace, Ryan Kuberek, Alexandra Miller, Adrian Penn, Rebecca Seay, Benjamin Stone, Honor Roll Unoma Aguolu, Deanna Allen, Sarah Balon, Caitlin Brigner, Elianna Caro, Kaleb Earles, Alyssa Ferrell, Lauren Griffith, Gabrielle Guy, Willard Harvey, Darrian Hodsden, Sydney Hopkins, Jazmyne Inthavongdy, Jason Knott, Shane Matney, Courtney Miller, Kilah Oliver, Lily Pallotti, Bryan Reyes, Jaquoya Reynolds, Anthony Rich Jr, Gabriel Rodgers, Justine South, Terrell Staton, Ryan Tonetti, Nia-Renee’ Turner, Dylan Veazey Honorable Mention Morgan Abel, Jared Blahnik, Miranda Calloway, Jackson Carey, Sarah Devlin, Jade Fisher, Jonah Kapp, Shawn Matney, Taina Miller, Mettres Anthony Murrill, Jasmine Nance, Steven Shamblin, Xavier Ward, Morgan Watkins

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11

Honor roll

potomac Elementary

Third Grade Distinguished Honors Ella Chalkley, Chase Grover, Danielle Wynings, Logan Breen, Eilee Miller, Joshua Liggins, Mason Nicoletti, Madison Robinson, Anna Shegogue, Natalie States, Kora Taylor, Joshua Velazquez, Jude Wisslead, Raya Andrews, Paige Birkitt, Aden Cupka, Mason Ryan, Talia Scott, Ashleigh Berdeguez Madison Carlile, Arwen Downum, Brian Getty, Rylie Rainer, Justyce Smoot, and Madelyn Winfrey. Honor Roll Brooke Breneman, Briana Ellis, Nevaeh Kendall, Ryan Kendle, Alexander Kuntsmann, Parker McElrath, Kiara Pabon Velazquez, Gavin Hanrahan, Dustin Harbour, Isabella Peyton, Ethan Richardson, Taven Taylor, Georgia Burrell, Joseph Cabral, Will Green, Hailey Hodges, Kylie Miller, Nickole Primerano, Â Charlie Brinkman, Brendon Burton, Carter Mills, TayVion Pierce, Shaelyn Pogue, Brandon Smith, Eric Suon, David Wallace, Leilani Wallace, Olivia Barnes and Allison Williams. Honorable Mention Zachary DeBenedetto, Patrick McCoy, Evan Neal, Russell Newberry, Domonique Scott, Taylor Holmes, Staryonna Smith, Jordan Johnson, Gage Kilpatrick, Â George Lewis and Makayla Scott. Fourth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Marie Macaluso, YuTing Situ, Kiersten Hannah, Chase Lindal, Kaylee Lusk and Kenneth Chan.

Honor Roll Caitlin Berdeguez, Sara Dibble, Skyler Hammer, Andrew Mobley, Kaelyn Shanklin, Akylah Washington, Daniel Watson, Irma Whaley, Lylia Williams, Frederick Armstead, Summer Ashton Stephen Bartyczak, Noah Buckwalter, Katelyn Clift, Derek Deavers, Shanya Harris, Bryce Herring, Olivia McCullough, Roger Scaife, Coulson Schaeffer, Kemya White, Madison Worth, Reagan Bland, Landon Caldwell, Sierra Dwyer, Carina Edelen, Trent Fisher, Anthony Frank, Cheyenne Frazier, Chase Gaines, Jean Graham, Aliyah Middleton, Ryan Andrews, Keturah Crawford, Brandon Croce, Addison Dahl, Ella Garner, Gary Lane, Missy Langley, Taryn Liggins, Alexis Ramos-Scott, Jackson White, Koty Chambliss, Jamiek Corley, Tanaeya Crawford, Savana Jones, Eric Kilpatrick, Mackenzie Murphy, Lorelei Stuart, Quadirah Tullis, Gage Wagner, Elizabeth Wardman. Honorable Mention Breayon McCrory, Kayla Heard, Emily Polk, Hailey Wilson, Terry Scaife, Sara Higgins and Joshua Reynolds. Fifth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Erin Coffey, Mimi Collingwood, T’Mari Crawford, Alex Dachos, and Sole’ Denton, Rachel Holcomb, Lexi Jones, Jackson Lusk, Taylor Mayros, Lauren McCall, Breyanna Robey, Abby Rollins, Dillan Suon, Jaclyn Treutle, and Lauren Wentzel. Honor Roll Kyla Brown, Christopher Craddock, Jenah Deike, Kymora

Denton, Aiyana Ellis, Nate Hatch, Kenzy Holmquest, Cadence Keller, Layla Kelly, Timmy Moore, Megan Ochoa, Ayzlen Olacio, Jaden Owens, Aiden Parr, Miles Ragin, Alex Schmitt, Brandon Thomas, Nathan Velazquez, Katie Ward, De’Von Whiting, Delanie Williams and Kylie Wozniak. Honorable Mention Mady Dunahoo, Tyler Reynolds, Tyanna Roundtree, Cameron Shanklin and Kaiya Young. Sixth Grade Distinguished Honor Roll Lauren Bartyczak, Emma Birkitt, Bryce Breneman, Clarire Chalkley, Jason Healey, Katherine Healey, Alicia Lewers, Anna Marie Miller, Trevor Nease, Cameren Pannell, Maggie Vanatta, Jennis Villoch, Caroline White. Honor Roll – Shania Allen, Megan Andrews, Chance Bosworth, Aminah Brown, Caitlyn Cangelosi, Deacon Clift, Matthew Craddock, Elizabeth Deiss, Kaitlyn Doss, Jessica Drescher, Alaina Durham, Michael Feeser, Roy Fenwick, Shariah Graham, Nathan Heilman, Casey Kendle, Toney Key, Colin Murphy, Ahmad Persaud, Sammy Short, Daisha Spiece, Zoe Truxon, Leila Williams, Sophia Wilmot, Allison Wisslead. Honorable Mention Maddie Adkins, Ashanti Blanchard, Mia Brown, Demetrius Butler, Sierra DeVault, Braedon Hannah, Lauren Johnson, Isaiah Landry, Ana Martinez, Isabel McCullough, Da’Andre Milstead, Zariya Young.

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Colonial Beach School Board Public Hearing Colonial Beach School Board Public Hearing on the 2014-2015 Annual Budget March 26, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Colonial Beach Town Center, 22 Washington Avenue Colonial Beach, VA 22443." 3/12/14

TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that on March 27, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. at the regular monthly work session of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center, located at 22 Washington Avenue, the Town Council will conduct a public hearing on the following: Lease of 108 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach, VA 22443, aka the “White Building,� located on the Boardwalk between Hawthorn and Dennison Street to Donna Clayborne and John Clayborne if there are no competitive bids Interested parties may submit a sealed bid for the leasing of 108 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach, VA. Sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk, Town Hall, 18 N. Irving Street, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 until Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. All sealed bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Town Council Work Session, Town Center, 22 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, VA 224433 on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. by Town Council. Selection will be made based upon submittal of the highest and best offer. The Lease may be examined at the following location: Town Hall, 18 N. Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 3/12/14, 3/19/14

DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for King George County, Virginia (All Jurisdictions)


The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and where applicable, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report, reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations within all jurisdictions of King George County, Virginia. These flood hazard determinations may include the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations, base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed flood hazard determinations shown on the preliminary FIRM and/or FIS report for King George County. These flood hazard determinations are the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. However, before these determinations are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed information. For information on the statutory 90-day period provided for appeals, as well as a complete listing of the communities affected and the locations where copies of the FIRM are available for review, please visit FEMA’s website at, or call the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627).

3/19/14, 3/26/14

3/12/14, 3/19/14

KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Supervisors of the County of King George, Virginia will hold a public hearing to receive public input regarding a proposed amendment to the King George County Code, Article II, Use of Golf Carts on Highways and Streets-Section 13.5-38 “Designated Streets�, that would authorize the use of golf carts upon certain designated streets within Fairview Beach and the Potomac Landing subdivisions. The public hearing will be held Tuesday, April 1, 2014, at 6:00 p.m., in the Revercomb County Administration Building, Robert H. Combs Board Room, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia 22485. Anyone having questions regarding the above may contact the County Administrator’s office, ([540] 775-9181), Monday through Friday, during regular working hours. A copy of the full text is available for review in the office of the County Administrator, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485. Written comments may be submitted to the County Administrator’s office, or mailed to 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485. All written comments must be received no later than 2:00 p. m., Tuesday, April 1, 2014.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Journal


Despite weather, fishing is quite good Mark Fike Mid-March is different every year. I can recall some years when midMarch was balmy, and the biggest white perch I have ever caught in the spring were hauled in near Falmouth; one right after another on March 8, of one of those years. Interestingly, this particular memory was not that long ago. Some of those perch were nearly 12 inches long. The very next year, I went back to that spot at the same time, and the fish were not there for three more weeks and were much smaller. Did I just happen to hit it right one time? I don’t think so. I have hit the spot right a few other times, and when I did, the spot remained hot for a few days. Some years the window of opportunity is wider than others. What has amazed me is that the timing is not always what we think it would be. Take this year for instance; we have had what appears to be a cold winter. One would think that many bugs were killed and would not be out for a while. Yet my daughter had two ticks on her last week. A bus driver that I chat with at the school said he picked one off himself last week, too.

I also would have thought with all the cold weather, snow and ice, and so on that the fishing would have been a bit slower to start. A few years ago, we had a very mild winter. Turkey were gobbling in January and fighting in February. I really thought the shad and perch would be running early. In fact, I went to several of my favorite spots looking for them and never got a bite until very late March. Obviously, I was wrong. See our fishing report this week and be as amazed as I am. I suppose the weather is not always the only variable that kicks the fishing into gear. And that brings me to the next subject; our outdoor report is only as good as our sources. We have a few really good sources. However, over the years, many people have stopped going into local stores to chat about their fishing or hunting success. Some of our sporting goods stores or country stores have closed their doors, and I find that sad. However, with the aid of technology, we can still spread the word about where the fish are biting or what is biting. Most of the time, The Journal puts our report online for your convenience. I know with Facebook and all those other social media sites and avenues,

people are spreading the word about their field and stream exploits and successes. Sending us an email with your report or pictures of successes will not only give you a shot at some local fame, but it will also help others, who may not have that much time to fish or hunt, decide when the best time may be to put aside their chores or take a rare day off from work. When I put together the reports, I don’t like to put out someone’s special fishing spot for everyone to pound. In fact, much of my editing of the information I receive involves not only cleaning up the wording of the reports but also paring back some info. Some may not agree with me doing that, but I think it is in the best interest of everyone if we simply say that rockfish are biting off Swan Point rather than saying, “The third dock as you go around the southern end of Swan Point has been a hotspot.� So, if you are willing to share that something is biting well, I promise not to give away any more (and often a tiny bit less) information than you give me. If you happen to mention specific info and are just sharing that with me for my information and not for publication, just let me know. Also, please do frequent the busi-

nesses that help us with the reports. Let them know you saw the information they gave us, so they know it is worth their while to help us out. I know that many younger anglers want to get out and catch some fish. Help us help them have a successful day. The same goes with hunting; if you get out and notice something in the woods or fields that may help another hunter, let us know. We will pass it on. Last, we definitely enjoy seeing the pictures of your successful outings. I especially enjoy seeing the following types of pictures: kids with fish or game, kids and parents, women and couples with their fish or game. I would much rather see others catch fish or have a successful harvest in the field than have it myself. I know many others feel the same way. So, if you can get out in the field or on the water, take someone with you and get them involved. Take good photos of your fish or game. Send them to me at . Tips for great outdoor photos: --Clean up the background of your photos; for example- don’t sit on your tailgate holding your turkey with a bag of trash in the pickup bed. --Watch objects that grow; for ex-

and jigs. Largemouth bass were also hitting well on the same baits. Fish slow! We went to visit Miss Donna at Ken’s. She has been a loyal contributor to our report for many years. It was good to see her shop full of some of the largest selections of new baits we have seen in a while. You need to stop in and see the selection of LiveTarget lures she has; it is unreal!

Ruffins Pond was giving up plenty of crappie on minnows. Private ponds were also quite good for crappie and bass. I heard from a number of people about the bass and crappie fishing, so I had to try it. We went and got a dozen minnows from Ken’s and hit a local pond for an hour. We caught five keeper fish; two were bass in the one-pound range, and three were nice-sized crappie.

spring bass--Bass are hitting white spinnerbaits and minnows in ponds ample- a boat antenna behind an angler’s head might look like it is popping out of their skull. --Don’t cross faces with rods or guns. --Keep guns pointed in a safe direction and open actions if possible. --Keep blood off the fish, clothing

and animals, as much as possible; gruesome shots are not published. --Keep the photo clean and appropriate; we don’t need to see a provocative t-shirt, beer cans, etc. --Tilt caps up to avoid shadowing faces; or take off caps.

Outdoor Report Mark and Missy Fike This is our first report for the year! The news is good, and we hope to continue bringing you good news. With the bad weather starting as I type this, I know some of you won’t believe what we have to report. Read on to see for yourself. Hunting Several people have told me they are hearing turkeys gobbling. I have seen a large number of birds strutting around lately, and they appear to be plentiful. Perhaps that will mean more henned-up gobblers, and perhaps it won’t; only time will tell. The youth day is April 5th this year, and apprentice hunters are eligible to hunt, too, if they have an apprentice license and are mentored by a licensed hunter. Only the youth and apprentice hunters may carry a gun on that special day.

Fishing The fishing has been surprisingly good. I have been stunned at reports. Rappahannock River Ken’s Tackle Shop in Spotsylvania reported white perch from Hicks Landing up to Fredericksburg already. One angler caught over 100 further downriver, but when he went back the next day, they had moved. Although striped bass are not able to be creeled, they are being caught in the river and vary from small ones to fish that are quite large. Remember to put them back as soon as possible. No keeping rockfish! No shad have been caught as of Sunday afternoon that we heard about. Miss Donna also told us that bass anglers were tearing it up from Fredericksburg downriver a few miles. The smallies were the top ticket and were taken on plastic lures

Potomac River I heard of a few anglers catching some rockfish further downriver but cannot confirm that yet. Catfish are out there and biting, if you are patient enough. It is only a matter of time before this section of the report heats up really fast. Ponds The Old Cossey Pond in Fredericksburg is alive and well with trout. Mealworms were the ticket last week, but the SuperDupers were also taking fish.

Events March 22- Hunter Ed Class at Oak Grove Baptist Church in Westmoreland County; Contact Rick Wilks at (540) 775-4625 March 22- Boater Education class at the King George Volunteer Fire Dept. boating/education/requirement/ steps-to-requirement.asp March 29- Boater Education class at Oak Grove. Few seats remained as of press time.

Turkey appear to be in great numbers. Hopefully opening day will prove successful for kids and for apprentice hunters. April 5- Youth and Apprentice Turkey Hunting Day. Half hour before sunrise until noon. One bearded gobbler per hunter.

April 12- First day of spring gobbler season. Half hour before sunrise until noon. One bearded gobbler per hunter per day.

Restoring your property after a long winter One of the best things about the dawn of spring and the return of warmer weather is the chance to get out of the house and get some fresh air. For homeowners, this is the perfect opportunity to assess any damage the previous months did to yards and develop a plan restore properties. Don’t jump the gun. The first warm day of spring might seem like a great time get out in the yard and get your hands dirty. But it’s best to wait until the grass has completely dried out before getting to work. Raking on wet grass increases the risk of tearing out grass, which can cause bald spots and the growth of weeds down the road. In addition, stepping on the grass while the ground is still wet can compact the soil, which can slow drainage and block the lawn’s roots from breathing. Patience should prevail with re-

gard to mowing the lawn as well. A lawn’s roots will not start to grow until the average everyday temperature routinely reaches 40 F, so mowing too early is both unnecessary and potentially harmful to the lawn. When the temperatures regularly reach 50 F, then homeowners will likely start to see their lawns growing. Remove debris that’s piled up Debris has a tendency to infest a yard over the course of the winter months. Fallen branches, stones and even trash can accumulate in a yard, putting those who spend time in the yard at risk of injury once the warm weather returns. For instance, bits of twigs and pebbles that are blown across the yard during a windy winter can be embedded in the yard, making the yard less of a haven and more of a hazard. Once the grass is dry enough

to walk on, walk around the property and remove any debris that’s piled up over the last few months. Employ a pre-emergent weed killer Homeowners who routinely spend their summers agonizing over weeds throughout the yard should consider applying a pre-emergent weed killer around the beginning of spring. It’s important to do so around the end of March or early April, when the weeds have not yet had a chance to grow. When applying, follow the dosage instructions provided by the product’s manufacturer. Such instructions often recommend a second application right before summer begins. Remove thatch Once the grass has dried, you can begin to remove thatch that’s built

up over the winter. Thatch is potentially very harmful to soil, blocking sunlight, air and moisture the soil needs to ensure a lawn looks lush and healthy. Thatch removal does not necessarily need to be an annual task. If thatch buildup is insignificant, then it can be done every other year. Just use a dethatching rake to make the job much easier. Aerate -particularly if the yard is a heavy traffic area once the warm weather arrives. If your yard transforms into a child’s wonderland upon the arrival of spring and summer, you might want to revive the soil by aerating. When the yard gets heavy usage, it’s easy for soil to become compacted, which makes it hard for air and water to reach the lawn’s roots. That can eventually make for a less-thanappealing lawn. So if your yard is the

Mowing the lawn too early in the spring is both unnecessary and potentially harmful to the lawn place to be come the warmer months, aerate in the spring to loosen the soil and make it easier for the lawn to withstand the months ahead.

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