4/30/2014 King George VA Journal

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T he Volume 38, Number 18


King George

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

Annual King George Special Olympics Torch Run set for May 1 Richard Leggitt The annual King George County Sheriff ’s Office Law Enforcement Torch Run for Virginia Special Olympics is scheduled for Thursday, May 1, and, according to Deputy Sheriff Rod Shriver, it will be the biggest ever. The three-mile run will be held on Thursday, starting at the King George Sheriff ’s Office, and ending at the King George High School football field. “We are expecting 275 to 300 runners to participate,” said Shriver, who is coordinating the event. “All of the proceeds go to Virginia Special

Olympics,” Shriver said. “Getting the athletes to the games, getting them training, as well as free medical and free dental exams.” Shriver, a retired Marine, said he has been involved in Special Olympics Torch Runs, “At pretty much every duty station I have ever had. When I came to the King George Sheriff ’s Office, they had never had a run here, so with help from the Sheriff ’s Office, businesses and residents, we started one.” The first run in 2012 had 140 runners, Shriver said. “But we have been able to build on the competition and the sportsmanship.” And, he is getting plenty of help from his

US 301 rezoning to be reconsidered at May 6 Supervisors meeting Phyllis Cook The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to next week reconsider a rezoning request in Dahlgren adjacent to the Bayberry subdivision. The meeting is on Tuesday, May 6. A vote may or may not be taken on the case at that time. A public hearing was held on March 18, with the formal public comment time now closed on the issue, though one or more opponents have continued to provide additional comments in opposition to the project at each regular meeting. Chairman Joe Grzeika has so far graciously allowed those comments to be heard, though the Board’s Rules & Procedures, adopted and re-adopted annually at the first meeting in January each year, bar public comment on “an item or issue which has been advertised for public hearing” to be heard during the general public comment period. The biggest objection has appeared to be to a commercial enterprise that might be disruptive to the adjacent residents’ quiet enjoyment of their property. For some, that has seemed to translate to no changes at all to the property owned by the applicant. Since the March 18 hearing by Supervisors, the applicant had revised the proffers in an attempt to accommodate the concerns of members of the Board of Supervisors and Bayberry subdivision residents to eliminate noisy, late-night and brightly-lit uses, as well as to increase the size of the buffer and proffer to keep it in its natural state. The request from JPI Walnut Hill LLC by Jay Jarrell is a proposal to rezone a 6.75-acre site on US 301 (James Madison Pkwy) from Rural Agricultural (A-2) to General Trade (C-2). PROFFER CHANGES The applicant’s changes to the proffers and the project’s general development plan would now prohibit a total of 17 uses in a “Restricted Area” on the property subject to the proposed rezoning. The proposal has converted a proposed 30-foot wide “landscaped buffer” to a 100-foot wide “natural vegetative buffer” that would retain the woods and existing growth currently on the strip of land and be preserved in perpetuity. All proffers, if accepted, run with the land, no matter who becomes the owner in the future. The applicant has also revised the general development plan to indicate that it would widen the “Restricted Area” from 132feet wide at the back of the parcel proposed for rezoning, to 150-feet wide, though it would also narrow the “Restricted Area” at the front of the property along US 301 from 223-feet wide to 150-feet. PROHIBITED USES Should the rezoning be approved, the newly-revised request would include proffers that would increase the list of prohibited uses from five to 17 uses that are normally allowed in C-2 zoning districts. The previous five commercial

fellow Marines, including more than 200 who will travel from the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Indianhead, MD for the May 1 event. “There is nothing more impressive than Marines running in formation and singing in cadence,” Shriver said. “And all the runners, including those from the Sheriff ’s Office, will spend time with the athletes and provide them with help and encouragement.” The Torch Run will begin at 10 a.m. at the Sheriff ’s Office at 10445 Government Center Blvd. Then, the runners will carry a Special Olympics torch 2.7 miles from the Sheriff ’s

Office to King George High School. Food, beverages and T-shirts will be provided for the athletes and the participants during the event. Shriver expressed his appreciation and the appreciation of the King George County’s Sheriff ’s Office to the many sponsors, organizations and businesses who have made donations or helped with the event, including Roma’s, Radley Automotive Group, Rick’s on the River, Rosner Automotive, Rocky Top, Walmart and CBIRF. Other contributors and sponsors include Big Dog Outfitters, Walker Sand and Stone,

Peoples Community Bank, Lock it up Self Storage, C&S Auto, The Dance Box, A Unique House, EXIT Realty Expertise, Gautier’s Auto Body, King George Domino’s Pizza, Dahlgren Domino’s Pizza, King George Subway, Dahlgren Subway, Steamers, Chickfil-a, CVS, Sheetz, NARFE Premier FCU and BB&T bank. “We are very grateful for the generous donations that have made this a very important charitable event a huge success,” Shriver said. The Virginia Special Olympics statewide competition is scheduled for June 6, 7 and 8 in Richmond.

Planning Commission gets 5-year capital projects list

Some dogs have all the love

by-right uses that were proffered out earlier remain on the list of prohibited uses that could not extend onto a portion of the property, which is designated as the 150-foot wide “Restricted Area.” The prohibited list now includes the following uses that would not take place on property designated as the “Restricted Area” immediately adjacent to Bayberry subdivision lots, now proposed to be 150-feet wide. Those are auto repair facility, boat sales, contractors equipment yard, commercial garage, commercial parking lot, building supply/lumber sales, commercial cemetery, fastfood restaurant, commercial marina, vehicle sales, construction material supply business with storage under cover, but not to include fabricating, farm supply sales including vehicular equipment, hospital, mobile home and modular home sales, radio/ television station, vehicle sales & service, and mini warehouse. The 17 prohibited uses proffered out would not be prohibited on the rest of the 6.75-acre site which is the subject of the request. DETAILS OF REQUEST JPI Walnut Hill LLC is requesting to rezone from Rural Agricultural (A-2) to General Trade (C-2), with proffers, a 6.75-acre portion of a 128.95-acre parcel, identified as Tax Map 9 Parcel 34. The property is on the west side of US 301 about .2 miles south of the intersection with Danube Drive (Route 1101). It would be served by public utilities to be provided by the King George County Service Authority. It is located in the Dahlgren Primary Settlement Area in the county’s Comprehensive Plan. The 6.75 acre parcel is currently part of a larger parcel to its north with A-2 zoning. That 128.95acre parcel is currently in open land and woodlands, and is the subject of a cluster subdivision application currently under review by the Department of Community Development as a by-right use under the existing zoning. The applicant’s proposed cluster subdivision is planned to be retained as a large common area behind the 6.75-acre parcel that would be undeveloped in perpetuity as a large wooded buffer adjacent to other abutting Bayberry subdivision lots. The small parcel requested for rezoning abuts two residential properties in the Bayberry subdivision and is an irregular shape. The purpose of the rezoning is to consolidate it with a smaller triangularly-shaped parcel 37A, which contains 1.91 acres adjacent to it. That adjacent property to which it would be added is already commercially-zoned and also fronts on US 301. A boundary line adjustment would be made to result in a rectangular parcel with frontage on US 301. The complete rezoning submission with the newly-revised proffers, traffic analysis and the staff report are available for review in the office of Community Development, on the ground floor of the Revercomb Administration building, located behind the Courthouse on Route 3.

Public hearing set for May 13 Phyllis Cook The Planning Commission got its first look at $28 million in projects proposed for an updated five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for 2014-15 through 2018-19 at its meeting on April 8. The group scheduled a public hearing to take place next month to hear from requestors and take public comment on the proposals. That hearing will be on May 13 at a meeting starting at 7 p.m. in the ground floor board room of the Revercomb Administration building, located behind the Courthouse. The requested projects are listed below.

budget for 2014-15, and while both sides appear to be entrenched in their positions over Medicaid expansion, the Governor and the General Assembly are expected to come to some compromise agreement and take action prior to July 1.

PARKS & RECREATION Seven projects requested totaling $1,896,000, with four of them requested for funding in the upcoming fiscal year, estimated at $707,000. 1. SHILOH PARK-PHASE 2 $473,000 requested in 2014-15 to include restrooms/concession facility, picnic shelter, and water and sewer lines and connections. 2. BARNESFIELD PARK UPGRADES PHASE 1 - $112,000 requested in 2015-16 and $152,000 requested in 2016-17 for conducting a park master plan, installation of a well and irrigation to the fields, relocation of Field C, expanded

See Budget, page 6

See cip, page 6

Leonard Banks

During the obstacle course portion of the Dog Gone Family Fun Day event at the Navy base in Dahlgren, dogs and family members alike enjoyed a day filled with memorable moments. See the story on page 8.

King George approves $68.2M budget Phyllis Cook The King George Board of Supervisors held a planned special meeting last week on April 24 to approve the budget as proposed for next fiscal year, 2014-15. Four of the five board members were present and voting in the affirmative, with

Ruby Brabo absent. The budget approval action took place more than a week following a public hearing, with three members of the public commenting at the meeting on April 15. The new fiscal year begins on July 1, when the new budget will kick in. The state has not yet approved a

Martial Arts Championship

Revercomb building to get new carpet and floor tile this spring Phyllis Cook

Leonard Banks

Martial art enthusiasts from every corner of the eastern seaboard gathered to compete and showcase their Karate skills at the 11th annual King George Karate Isshin-Ryu Open Championships.

The Board of Supervisors took action on April 1 to award a bid totaling $92,494 to JLM Enterprises of VA, Inc. doing business as Walker’s Carpets and Interiors, of Glen Allen, for the purchase and installation of new carpet and floor tile in the Revercomb Administration Building. The existing carpet and floor tile was installed when the building was constructed and opened in 1994. The project is expected to commence by mid-May and be completed by the end of June. The installation is expected to be done largely after business hours and on weekends. The carpeting will be replaced with “carpet tile,” which are large squares of carpeting. That installation does not require all furniture to be completely removed from each room, but only shifted from one section of the room to another. BIDS On March 18, bids were publicly

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opened for the carpet and tile replacement project. A total of five bids were received, with two rejected for being non-responsive. The other two bids were received from Continental Flooring of Scottsdale, AZ, licensed to do business in Virginia, with a bid price of $98,380; and DMA Floors of Richmond, with a bid price of $183,311. The selection was made following a review of the bids by county staff and its determination that the low bidder is a qualified, responsible and responsive contractor. The scope of work includes replacement of all carpeting and floor tile on both floors, including the stairwell and the elevator. The project was planned for several years and funded in the last county Capital Improvements Program (CIP).


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Journal


Be part of something big: one day one region one goal Chris Repp The Community Give is our chance to make history in the Rappahannock River region. And also in King George County! It is a grassroots philanthropy event, giving everyone in the region an opportunity to give back to the community that means so much to each of us. The Community Give is a 24-hour online day of giving on Tues., May 6 from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Everyone is asked to make a donation and show support for the local nonprofit organizations that positively impact our lives. Over 100 local charities are participating in the event. To learn about the charities in advance or to make donations on May 6, visit www.thecommunitygive.org. Several nonprofits in King George County are participating, including the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation, the King George Animal Rescue League, King George Farmers’ Market, Love Thy Neighbor, The King George YMCA and Visualize & Rize. The organization that raises the most in King George County on May 6 will earn a special $5,000 incentive prize. Gifts made during The Community Give on May 6 will be maximized through cash prizes to participating nonprofits. Every participating area nonprofit will be eligible for incentive prizes totalling $100,000 from The Community Foundation and its sponsors. Examples of the

This Hepplewhite-style corner cabinet belongs to a family originally from Fairfax County. The wood is mahogany with satinwood inlay and pine as secondary wood. The owner’s grandfather had the piece built in Alexandria over 100 years ago. All of the wood is solid, with no modern p l y w o o d backing, and the doors have Henry Lane independent panes of glass. Hull The piece shows some wear, but is in excellent condition. As a rule I do not cover reproductions, but this corner cupboard ranks as an exception. At the time this piece was made, several good cabinetmakers in Alexandria were producing some fine pieces. I

incentive prizes include: A $10,000 grand prize to the nonprofit with the highest amount of giving overall. Five “No Place Like Home” prizes of $5,000 to the nonprofit with the highest number of unique donors from Caroline, Fredericksburg, Stafford, etc. Also, $1,000 each hour will be awarded at random to participating nonprofits! Supporting sponsors of The Community Give’s prize pool include: the Honeywell Charitable Fund, the Community Enrichment Fund, the Robert Cullen O’Neill Memorial Fund, the Sullivan Family Legacy Fund, as well as Sharon and John Fick, and Sandy and Bruce Davis. Corporate sponsors include: Union First Market Bank, Star Radio Group and the Free Lance-Star, Wack General Contractor, Dynovis and Reacht. “Over 100 area nonprofits have signed up for this single day of giving – we are truly astounded at their ingenuity and passion to engage our community in service to each worthy mission,” said Teri McNally, Executive Director of The Community Foundation. “We can’t wait to see which nonprofits resonate most with the generous people in our communities.” What’s your passion? —Chris Repp is the volunteer chair of The Community Give and a member of the Board of Governors of The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock Region.

suggest trying to see if any signature or labeling can be found on the back, the presence of which could have significant impact in determining its value. The architecture of the cupboard is quite good. The finial might be a little large and the feet more plain than one might expect, but the scroll and design of the door pattern are excellent. The cabinetmaker clearly was trying to reproduce the pattern used in the period of 1790 – 1820, and he succeeded very well. The thirteen panes in each door represent the thirteen original colonies, a practice often used by Federal Period cabinetmakers. The panels in the lower two doors are also typical of the manner of the Federal Period. The design of the burl paneling shows great attention to detail. From the photograph I am concerned that sunlight could be causing some fading, If that is the

U.S. Navy photo by Andrew Revelos

Carlton Middlebrook stands by the propeller, on display at the Dahlgren Heritage Museum, that powered America’s first radio-controlled, pilotless flight at Dahlgren in 1924. The museum is one the of the organizations participating in The Community Give.

case, keeping a blind or shade drawn might be advisable. Good corner cupboards always are popular, but as with most other antiques and fine furniture, the values have declined over the last few years, mirroring the situation of the general economy. The great value of this piece is in the potential of learning who made it. The Alexandria cabinetmakers of the early nineteenth century have their own following, with collectors always available. Without knowing the maker’s name this piece is worth $1,500, but if the maker can be determined that figure could increase significantly. Henry Lane Hull and his wife Lisa operate Commonwealth Antiques and Appraisals, Inc. at 5150 Jessie duPont Hwy. in Wicomico Church, VA. Write to him at P. O. Box 35, Wicomico Church, VA 22579 or e-mail questions to henrylanehull@ commonwealthantiques.com. Happy Antiquing!

The Journal — Your weekly paper The Journal’s news is about our community — that’s it. We don’t try to be anything but local. It’s all about our community and what makes it GREAT!

COMMONWEALTH ANTIQUES & APPRAISALS, INC. Estate Sale Saturday & Sunday, May 3rd & 4th, 9-4, at the home of the late Reverend and Mrs. Frank Smart at 248 Walker Road, White Stone

Partial Listing of Items: Ant. Rose Medallion china collection, ant. mahogany dresser c. 1900, Georgian library table, large ant. Hepplewhite corner cabinet, ant. Hepplewhite sideboard, large ant. Persian rugs,ant. pine bookcase, Queen Anne-style Wellington chest (semainier), Acorn chair lift, 11 ant. English prints, two Hepplewhite-style mahogany 3-drawer chests, Hummel figurines, linens, Boston rocker, oriental teak coffee table, historical blue Staffordshire, Chippendale-style mahogany blockfront chest, books, porch furniture, pr. Federal-style nightstands,old records & vintage wooden case stereos, framed art needlework, majolica, milk glass, Beleek, Limoges, many fine prints & engravings, Vict. spool one-drawer stand, ship’s wheel round coffee table, mahogany side table with lower shelf, large John Barber print “Night Cruising”, iron, pecan and glass coffee table & matching sofa table in scalloped design, pr. barrel overstuffed chairs, mahogany barrel table, 3-columned round table, lladro nun figurine & many other ant. & modern figurines, assorted golf clubs, extension ladder, costume jewelry, Siam sterling, 6 mahogany Chippendale-style dining chairs, Shenandoah Valley crocks, Sheraton ant. dropleaf table c. 1830, Harriet Frye painting, Sheraton-style double bed, large collection of indoor flowers & trees, many fine table lamps, blue Willow china (partial service), Flying Cloud china, Gorham sterling silver flatware by Lunt, ant. pine pegged table. Sheraton small table, small dough table. Silhouettes, garden urns & birdbaths,! See photos of sale items on http://www.facebook.com/YourEstateSaleSource Directions: From Route 3 between White Stone and Kilmarnock, take Ocran Road/Route 646 to right onto Scott Road/Route 643, as it becomes Little Bay Road, following almost to end. Take right onto Walker Road/Route 703. Follow signed to house on peninsula at end of Walker Road.

Terms of sale: No prior sales, items sold in “as is” condition, announcements on day of sale are binding, all sales final, cash or approved check only. For further information, call Lisa or Henry Lane Hull at (804) 580-2922 or (804) 580-3301; email: henrylanehull@commonwealthantiques.com or visit www.commonwealthantiques.com

Come Celebrate with us

You and a guest are invited to the

Riverside Tappahannock Hospital 50th Anniversary Celebration Where a community and its hospital come together

Saturday, May 3rd 1-3 p.m. Riverside Tappahannock Hospital 618 Hospital Road, Tappahannock, VA 22560 Tours | Refreshments | Casual Dress | Program starts at 1:15 p.m. Guest Speaker: Congressman Rob Wittman RSVP Call 804-443-6175 or visit www.riversideonline.com/celebration.


The Journal

When The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock Region began recruiting local non-profits to participate in The Community Give to be held on May 6, they were hoping to attract maybe 50 charities to the 24hour online fundraiser. The first online Community Give has 114 non-profit groups and organizations registered to receive big bucks over the 24 hour period from 0:01 a.m. May 6, through midnight, May 6, 2014. The registered non-profits will not only receive funding through online donations, they also have a chance throughout the 24 hours to “earn� additional funds. There will be “prizes� throughout the 24 hour fundraising effort. Each nonprofit can also “earn� add’l big bucks if they have the most $25 donations. Non-profits here in King George have been emailing and phoning any and all supporters of their group, looking for donations for the big win and the big bucks. To donate, just go online at www.thecommunitygive.org, and click on the nonprofit of your choice. Or, choose more than one! Listed below are a few of the local non-profits registered this year. They are in alphabetical order: Boy Scouts of America-Nat’l Capital Area Dahlgren Heritage Foundation Friends of the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail Greater Fred’brg Habitat for Humanity KG Animal Rescue League Love Thy Neighbor-Community Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen (KG) Rappahannock Area Community Services Board Special Olympics Virginia Visualize & Rize Foundation YMCA-Rappahannock Area There are 105 additional registered non-profits to consider donating to. Not one is “better� than another. Among the list are community groups, school PTA’s, clinics, family services, music organizations, religious groups and more. This is YOUR chance to show your support for our local non-profits and the services or work they provide. Help them help others! Go online and donate during the 24 hours of May 6. Lori Deem

Eugene M. Whicker

Eugene M. Whicker, 82, of Virginia Beach passed away Friday, April 25, 2014 at Heritage Hall. He was the former Mayor of Colonial Beach and Broker/Owner of Coldwell Banker Whicker Realty in Colonial Beach. He is survived by two sons, Chris Whicker of Virginia Beach and Kevin Whicker and his wife Maria, of Colonial Beach; four grandchildren and 2 great grand children. A memorial service will be held at Saturday, May 3, at 11 a.m. at Colonial Beach United Methodist Church, 1 Washington Ave. A private burial will take place at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the Colonial Beach United Methodist Church 1 Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 189, Colonial Beach, VA 22443.

Virginia’s DMV2Go, full service mobile units are scheduled for May at the following locations: Monday, 5/12 Caroline DMV Select, 212 North Main St. Bowling Green, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Convention to Select a Democratic Candidate to Run in Virginia’s First District in November 2014. All 1st District Registered Voters are invited to nominate themselves to run for a Delegate’s position if they vote in the 1st Congressional District. Contact Dr. Frank Kober, Chair, 1701 Browns Store Road, Heathsville, VA 22473, and/or the Northumberland Democratic Party for a nomination form. This form must be completed and turned in by 5 p.m. on May 12. Delegate selection will be held at a caucus meeting to be held Noon, Saturday, May 17, at the Northumberland County Public Library in Heathsville, Virginia. Four Delegates and Two Alternates will be elected. Only those delegate/alternate candidates who have filed by the deadline will appear on the ballots on May17.

Tuesday, 5/13 KG DMV Select, 13035 Kings Hwy, 9 a.m.- 5p.m. Wednesday, 5/14 Beachgate Shopping Center, Col. Beach, 700 McKinney Blvd. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For additional DMV2Go scheduling got to www.dmvNOW.com/ DMV2GO. Because of partnerships with other government agencies, customers can purchase certified copies of VA birth certificates, obtain E-Zpass transponders and apply for hunting or fishing licenses.

Elks 2666. Every Monday night. The doors open at 5 p.m. Early Bird Games 6:30 p.m. At 719 Ferry Landing Road. Just off 205 in Oak Grove - Colonial Beach VA. Food available. (804) 224-0364.

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Event Scheduled? Send details to lori@ journalpress.com or call (540) 709-7495.


UMW-Dahlgren Campus Room 248

May 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Thurs. May 1

50th Anniversary Celebration Riverside Tappahannock Hospital. 1-3 p.m. 618 Hospital Rd., Tappahannock. Tours, refreshments, casual dress. Congressman Rob Wittman guest speaker. 28th Annual Mayfest Event to benefit RACSB & RAAI. 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. 750 Kings Hwy. Live entertainment, plant sales, raffles, silent auction, kids games, bake sale and more.

Saturday, May 3

Virginia Quilt Museum to present exhibit, “Stitching it All Together-The Threads that Unite Us,� featuring 42 different textile works. Visitors are invited to become interactive quilt critics by leaving sticky note on the wall by the quilt. 301 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Contact: Meg Carr, Director: director@vaquiltmuseum.org or by phone (540) 433-3818.

James Madison Garden Club annual Plant Sale. 9 a.m.-noon rain or shine. St. John’s Episcopal Church in KG. Celebrating 40 years of making our lives beautiful and our gardens healthy. Opening day for the Northern Neck Farm Museum. Noon-4 p.m. Antique cars & tractors, pony rides, vendors and more. Dinners for purchase 5 p.m. to dusk. 12705 Northumberland Hwy. Heathsville, VA. 22473. (804) 761-5952. www.thefarmmuseum.org.

NN Chapter of the Audubon Society to meet May 5


toastmastersofkinggeorge@gmail.com Come out and meet our club contest winners Mr. Brad Nester and Mrs. Ann Shows who represented our club in competitive speaking. COMMUNITY WELCOMED

Promises Club of ALANO Society to offer 4 new meetings on their calendar: Tuesday & Thursday, starting at 7 a.m. is meditation exercise. Morning Meditation meeting then starts at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday at noon is the Lunch Break meeting. This will be Open Discussion with topics from approved literature. 11720 Main St. Bldg 104 Fred’brg, VA 22408 postmaster@fredalano.org

Saturday, May 3 cont’d

Colonial Beach Historical Society to hold regular monthly meeting. 7 p.m. Cooper Memorial Library’s meeting room. Open to the public and all interested in the history of Colonial Beach. “Meet in the Middle� KGHS 10 a.m.-noon. To include all school levels, and end of KGSO’s torch run. National Day of Prayer observance in KG. Noon in front of the main courthouse doors on Kings Hwy, by the flag pole. All are invited to attend. Annual KGSO Law Enforcement Torch Run for VA’s Special Olympics program. Starts at KGSO and goes to KGHS football field. Contact Dep. R.L. Shriver of KGSO (540) 775-2049 or rshriver@co.kinggeorge.state.va.us to make a donation or to register to run. GW Regional Comm. to host regional meeting on Broadband. 7:30 a.m. at Jepson Alumni Exec. Center, 1119 Hanover St. F’brg. Continental breakfast, and meeting should be over by 10:30. RSVP linda@worrellmanagementgroup. com.

Adolph White, a Purple Martin caretaker at Bryan Park in Richmond, VA, will present a program on Purple Martins at the May 5, 2014, meeting of the Northern Neck chapter of the Audubon Society. Each person in attendance at the NNAS meeting will be given a 10-page Purple Martin Conservation Association information booklet about the birds’ migration and how to manage Purple Martins during their visit to the USA. There will be other handouts as well. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church, 303 South Main St., Kilmarnock. The program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Monday, May 5

Regular meeting of the CB-VFD Ladies Auxiliary. All members are urged to attend this meeting. 6 p.m.

Tuesday, May 6

Meeting of the KG Democratic Committee, 7 p.m. at the Smoot Library. All Dems are welcome! The NARFE Northern Neck Chapter 1823 will hold its Spring Anniversary Memorial Luncheon and meeting at noon on Tuesday, May 6, at the Belle Mount Vineyard, 2570 Newland Road, Warsaw. Reservations are due by April 29. For additional information, cost and reservations, call (804) 472.3051.

MAY 6-AUG. 23

KG Parks and Recreation – What’s Happening KGP&R is having its Annual Youth Fishing Derby. Sat. May 3. From 10 a.m. – 12:30 pm. Parents call and register your child for the Youth Fishing Derby this Sat. May 3rd at a local private pond. Call 540-775-4FUN to register and for additional details. It’s free and a great time for all. Refreshments are included. Awards will be given to all children who participate. Limited to the first 100 kids. KGP&R is having it first Mother’s Day Tea on Sat., May 10 @ Rokeby Estates. Just $25.00 for a lunch, tea, desserts, crafts, activities, and pictures. Don’t miss the fun! Come by the KGCC and get registered & pay by Wednesday May 7. Call Parks and Recreation for details. Event is sponsored by NARFE Premier Federal Credit Union.

Are your burial arrangements complete? Have you purchased your burial lot at Historyland but not arranged for a marker or burial vault?

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11227 James Madison Pkwy., King George Let Roy Shank, a top producing agent, full time since 1989, help you with all your real estate needs.



Online “Community Give� event on May 6 shaping up to raise big bucks

Area Death

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Wed. May 7- Fri. May 10

KGHS proudly presents their performance of “Hairspray.� Show starts at 7 p.m. Cost $10pp. Dinner available for purchase at 5:30 p.m. $6. With milkshakes available for $1.50.

Saturday, May 10

9th Annual SKILLS USA Car Show & 2nd Annual Craft Show. KGHS 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Annual Letter Carrier Food pickup. Leave non-perishable items at your mailbox. Carrier will pick up and take to food pantries in the community.

Sunday, May 11

Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast. 7 - 11 a.m. at the CB firehouse. Sponsored by the CBVFD.

Saturday, May 17

KG R4L event, field at KGMS. Come out in support! Annual meeting of the Placid Bay Civic Association. 1 p.m. at 67 Mattox Avenue.

King George Farmers’ Market open for 2014 season Saturdays 8 a.m. - Noon KG Elementary School 10381 Ridge Road King George, VA

The Museum at Colonial Beach is open for 2014 season

Hours are: Saturdays and Sundays, 1-4 p.m. 128 Hawthorn Street in Colonial Beach, VA

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Journal




The challenges of a Hillary candidacy Some people think that Hillary Clinton, all but guaranteed to get the Democratic nomination for President, is in the best position possible. According to this line of thinking the Democratic nod is hers for the asking. All she needs to do is play it cool, look Presidential and at a time of her choosing throw her hat into the ring. But this role of David S. Kerr heir apparent or presumed nominee is, historically at least, a hazardous one. Many never make it to the final stretch and some crash and burn long before the convention. Recalling a little ancient history, in 1972, Senator Edmund Muskie was the odds on favorite to get the Democratic nomination to run

against Richard Nixon. He had the endorsement of just about every major Democratic figure and the polls showed him comfortably ahead. But, his support was a mile wide and an inch deep. His campaign fizzled early during the primary season. But, that was just one cautionary tale. Another heir apparent was Governor Mario Cuomo of New York. During three nomination fights, 1984, ‘88, and ‘92 the prospect of a Cuomo candidacy, which never came to pass, haunted the primary battles. The mantra was a familiar one, “if Cuomo wants the nomination it’s his for the asking.” This fear that Cuomo would jump in at the last moment even kept some prospective nominees from declaring. Why bother if Cuomo wants it? Sound familiar? Even more recently, in 2008, it was Hillary who was the odds on favorite to win the nomination. Obama was twenty points behind and Hillary had the endorsement of many of the Democratic Party’s leading figures. On the eve of the New Hampshire

Primary every major news organization said she would win. But, that’s not what happened. New Hampshire, as it so often does, threw a curve ball and voted for Barack Obama. Clinton made a fight of it, she didn’t concede until just before the convention, but like so many before her, she was the odds on favorite whose fortunes turned when least expected. There is every reason to expect that Clinton, having been through the 2008 nomination battle, and having served four years as Secretary of State will play her cards carefully in the months ahead. If she does want the nomination, and it’s still not entirely clear she does, she is unlikely to take anything for granted and will do her best to make sure her timing is flawless. However, there is another side to a prospect of a Clinton candidacy. What happens if she doesn’t run? Maybe detailed polling, her own concerns about her future, or perhaps even a loss of ambition for the big job (it’s happened before) will

force her to change her mind. Then what? Then where does the Democratic Party turn for a candidate? Because the specter of a Hillary candidacy is so powerful there are currently no other candidates for the nomination. Vice President Joe Biden, already in his 70’s, would like to try, but he knows he couldn’t outpoll Hillary. Others who might be interested, such as Virginia Senator Mark Warner, Massachusetts Senator Mark Warner, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and a host of others, have taken a pass on a run for the White House because of Hillary’s supposed lock on the nomination. Many in the Democratic Party are fond of Hillary. I am, but I am also realistic enough to know that the being a front runner, or an heir apparent, is a dangerous business. It can be a precarious position to be in and arguably requires more political skill to maintain this status than it does to be an upstart prospective nominee. —Reach David Kerr at kerr@journalpress.com

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: On Thursday evening my neighbor’s shed across the street from our house caught fire. We had just turned in for the night when our two Standard Poodles broke out in fierce panicked barking alerting us to the fire. The shed was situated next to the property lines and to two other homes. After calling 911 we went outside. Fortunately, our other neighbor, Mike Gutridge, Fire Chief of Oak Grove, had just come home and was on the scene alerting dispatch by radio on the speed and condition of the fire. It was spreading fast and was very hot! He was first on the scene, with Pat Fitzgerald of CB Rescue Squad. Pat and her colleagues saved our elderly neighbor who was sleeping thru the fire. We want to thank Mike, Pat, and all of the Fire Depts. who responded from Montross, Oak Grove, and King George to assist Colonial Beach’s Fire Dept. Without the expertise and speed of the fighters subduing and extinguishing the fire, three of my neighbors might be homeless right now. Instead, we have three sheds that are burned out and three houses with fire damage that can be repaired. To all who helped - Thank You! Zeke and Kate Miller Colonial Beach Letter to the Editor: I am writing this letter to the editor of The Journal in support of Ms. Andrea Roane, a trusted educator, colleague, and friend. I have known Ms. Roane for seven years as an assistant principal for three years and principal for two years at Essex Intermediate School as well as two years as principal at Washington and Lee High School. She displays the leadership necessary to successfully lead a comprehensive high school. I served as assistant superintendent for the Essex County Public Schools during Ms. Roane’s tenure in Essex County. I retired from Essex County but currently work parttime at Rappahannock Community College for the Workforce Youth Services Program as a case manager for at-risk students, and I serve several students at Washington and Lee High School. As an educator with 41 years experience, I possess a strong knowledge of the characteristics of a well-disciplined school, and after several visits to Washington and Lee High School, there is no doubt that the school is well-managed with children who possess a high level of respect and admiration for their principal. Ms. Roane has a strong personality and friendly demeanor that produces strong relationships within the building. I have always admired Ms. Roane’s ability to relate to students and to develop a comprehensive instructional plan to increase student achievement. During our time together as employees at Essex County Public Schools, Ms. Roane engaged in the “team first” philosophy and was instrumental in the facilitation of professional learning communities and afterschool remediation programs. In the short time that Ms. Roane was principal at Essex Intermediate School, she insti-

tuted “Pride” in academic achievement and the school community. It was her keen sense of high expectations and strong understanding of instruction which contributed to the school’s full accreditation in 2008.Ms. Roane understands the importance of educational leadership and instruction. She developed a leadership team consisting of influential teachers within the building that received opportunities to participate in the shared leadership process. The staff and students were always aware of the goals of the school improvement plan, changes within the instructional model, and the steps necessary to build positive, lifelong relationship with the school community. The Westmoreland County Public School System will greatly benefit from her experience in rural, suburban, and urban settings. The recent event that Ms. Roane experienced does not define her, has not destroyed her, and has not defeated her; this has only strengthened her. Respectfully, Wayne E. Lewis, Ed.D. Tappahannock (Ret. Asst. Superintendent, Essex County Public Schools) Dear Editor: Colonial Beach Budget meetings are dumbfounding! Day one of the budget work session, dumbfounding! The first indication that things were going astray was Jim Chiarello’s abrupt departure. After first calling for a continuation, which was duly ignored, he announced that the proceedings were too much to absorb, got up, packed his bag and left. Understandably so. Shortly after a lunch break, our brave band of seven, now reduced to six, returned, and our Mayor called forth “the 800pound gorilla!” Whatever metaphor suits you; large African primate or giant chickens coming home to roost. The conversation went from a penny to two, to four to twenty- five cents per hundred. Day two opened with our annual plea from our firefighters for more funding. Then a detailed recap from our Mayor on how we got to the preproposed, almost pending, soon to be advertised, somewhat flexible, work in progress, new real estate tax rate. Large by any standard, and unfortunately absolutely justified. A com-


bination of a funding shortfall from last year’s accepted budget which increased the cigarette, meals and lodging tax in lieu of a .02 cent increase in the real estate rate, years of department heads and school board officials coming forth requesting additional funding only to be greeted with either level funding or outright cuts, refusing to consider any changes in our inventory of surplus properties. Sitting on acres of prime real estate, forgoing thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars in tax revenue, lower state funding, mod pods, VRS and health insurance increased costs and an increased cost for our plumbing. Day three; meltdown! Pennies per hundred flying about the room. Calls for votes and calls for a continuation. Continuation won! Jim Chiarello’s bad math: Confusing cost per student with the federal/state/county subsidized spending per student. Worked himself into a tirade by accusing the school board of dereliction of duty, closed by a “starve the beast” declaration that he believes we no longer can afford an independent school system and will not support anything more than the state mandated minimum. Day four; befuddlement and discovery. It is very hard to find more cuts out of a bare bones budget. Realization beginning to creep in; we’ve got a funding problem! Seems all that vacant land does carry a cost. Consider our Boardwalk properties, maybe on a very limited approach. Our two-million dollar Eleanor Park, no way! Funding solution advanced-charge a potty


tax! Without question, this budget must deal with moving our students from Oak Grove to our First Street campus and that our high school must be renovated, made safe and clean for all that attend. Whatever that takes to get that done, then so be it. Longer range, we must find a better way to support our critical spending priorities. Our independent school system, along with our first responders are what separates us from just another group of homes along the highway. Maintenance must be rediscovered. Tourism must be treated with the respect and funding it needs and should be recognized for what it is, our only industry. Future budgets should reflect these spending priorities and those efforts will take resources. Resources that can only be secured by increasing our tax base through the sale of our surplus properties.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Untangle yourself from conflicts at work, Taurus. This is not the time to get involved in anything that may put your chances for a promotion in jeopardy. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 You are full of intellectual energy, Gemini. Answers to trivia show questions come easily to you and you’re ready to solve the world’s most pressing problems. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, give your finances serious consideration this week. Find a solid plan for saving and stick with it because you are going to need extra funds in a few months. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Expect some great news to come your way this week, Leo. This news may impact your personal or professional life, or even both. Ready yourself. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, be flexible with your schedule so you can go with the flow as much as possible this week. Try something silly that will put you in a good mood. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23

Don’t sweat the small stuff, Libra. Others are more focused on the bigger picture so you don’t need to fret over everything. Relax and things will come together nicely. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Watch out for any impulses that are out of character for you, Scorpio. You could be feeling like abandoning your usual modus operandi in favor of taking a more risky approach. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You have lots of social energy this week, Sagittarius. Others are relying on you, and you are likely to have many admirers by the week’s end. Take this opportunity to impress. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, daily life can be tiring, but you need to find a way to muster a little more energy. Get adequate rest and eat right so you have the energy you need in the week ahead. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Life gets a bit interesting this week, Aquarius. Embrace change, even if the concept of change is alien to you. It is good to get out of your shell. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, now might be a good time to reflect and take a break from the hustle and bustle. See if you can fly solo for a little while.


Charles Green Colonial Beach


(in my

humble opinion) Seems lots of folks around here will post their opinions on social network sites. And some will, fortunately, carry it one step further and speak out at a meeting. What we really need is a mass of folks standing up for our rights. Think revolution. We do need changes.

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ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your energy needs an outlet. Exercise is a productive way to expend yourself, so stretch at your desk, skip the elevator for the stairs or take a walk at lunchtime.

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CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN 1. Alter 1. Folder paper 7. Defects 2. Mormon state 13. Language of Andorra 3. Folded, filled tortillas 14. One who scrapes 4. Expression of sorrow 16. Not off 5. Follows sigma 17. People indigenous to Europe 6. Settle in tents 19. Of I 7. Milk paint 20. Hmongs 8. A batter’s run 22. Brew 9. Little Vienna on the Mures 23. Sandwich shops 10. Stems 25. Shade trees 11. Country singer Lang 26. Scope or extent 12. Half tone interval 28. Self-immolation by fire 13. Arrives 29. U of Al. fraternity 3-9-1856 15. Occupies 30. Automatic data processing 18. Vestment 31. Veterans battleground 21. Relating to US artifacts 33. “___ Squad” 24. One who covers with lami34. Frog genus nate 36. Pillage 26. Dental organization 38. Elsewhere defense 27. Pitch 40. Graphic symbols 30. Like a feeble old woman 41. An opaque spot on the 32. Murdered in his bathtub cornea 35. __ Dhabi, Arabian capital 43. Capital of Yemen 37. Play on words 44. Doctors’ group 38. Alloy of mercury 45. Electronic countermeasures 39. Mushroom gill 47. Make lace 42. Perform 48. Chit 43. College entrance exam 51. Singer Horne 46. Praying insects 53. Silent agreement 47. Entices 55. Short-billed rail 49. Ascends 56. Drinking container 50. Sculpture stands 58. Matchstick game 52. God of Assyria 59. Indian dresses 54. Data executive 60. Trumpeter Hirt 55. Impudent 61. The View’s first segment 57. Not shared 64. Atomic #34 59. Rabbit tail 65. Plural of 41 across 62. Small amount 67. Roof supports 63. Irish revolutionary org. 69. Tears apart 66. Ben-Hur actor’s initials 70. Goat-like deities 68. Older citizen (abbr.) See classified page for answers


The Journal

Today’s Hebrew Word first baptist church ambar invites everyone to come and experience “Power Night” during the Fifty (50) days leading up to Pentecost Sunday. The services will be held every Wednesday night through Wednesday June 4, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Come; be a part of God miraculous Power through Divine Healing, Deliverance and Impartation’s of God’s Gifts. There will be Anointed men and women there who operates in these Gifts. Located at 9469 Caledon Rd., KG. (540) 775-3939. New Monrovia Baptist Church welcomes Rev. Lionel Richards and Mt. Olive Baptist Church Family will be guest sponsored by the Usher Board on Sunday, May 4. On Friday, May, 9, the Rev. James Johnson will be preaching and Royal Gospel will be singing. Saturday, May 10-Rev. Donnell Howard and Union Bethel Baptist Church will be the guests. 121 New Monrovia Rd., Colonial Beach, VA 22443. (804) 224-0068.

Please Note: Love Thy Neighbor will be holding their May event on the 3rd Sunday, May 18th at the King George Citizen’s Center instead of the normal 2nd Sunday. This is to allow families to make Mother’s Day a special time with their Moms, Grandmothers and Daughters.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Local intern organizes fundraising dinner for KG County Historical Society & Museum

Save the Date Mark your calendar May 31, 2014 for a “Day in the Country” To celebrate the 300th Anniversary of Hanover-with-Brunswick Join in the fun at Historic Lamb’s Creek Church from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located just off Route 3 on Lamb’s Creek Church Rd in KG, Come out for a fun day of Tours, BBQ, Live Entertainment, Games for Kids, Baked Goods Auction & Plant Sale For more information visit the website at www.hanoverwithbrunswick.com

antioch baptist church invites you to join them in their Mid-week Revival Services leading up to their Annual Women’s Day. The 2014 theme: “Throwing Fear Outdoors,. Revival services will start at 7 p.m. Wed. April 30-Fri. May 2. The 2014 Women’s Day Service will be held May 4 at 11 a.m. We ask that all women and young ladies wear: pastel colors on Women’s Day. If you have any questions, please contact Antioch Baptist Church: (540) 775-2379; leave a voicemail.

Send in your Church community news Contact Lori Deem at The Journal 540-709-7495 or lori@journalpress.com

This is Part 2 of a 2-part series. The original Hebrew written text was a picture language--much like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), he used this picture language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a picture with meaning. When we put these letters together, they form a word, but they also form a story within the word! Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “The honour of God is to hide a thing, And the honour of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal Translation) This is exactly what God has done with His language!

Today’s Hebrew word is “ay-daw” — meaning “testimony.” In Part 1, the letters “alef ” and “dalet” formed the word for “witness” — “one who sees the door!” For Part 2, the letter “hey” is introduced to the witness. The letter “hey” means, “what comes from.” So our testimony is “what comes from” “seeing the door”! Think about it — isn’t this exactly what a witness does? They provide a testimony! Blessings & Shalom! Rick Blankenship Grafted In Fellowship www.DoYouShabbat.com rick@gifkg.org

A Note of Thanks to Lauren Harbaugh (& friends)

The King George County Historical Society wishes to thank Lauren Harbaugh and staff, for the wonderful dinner they served at the Citizen Center on April 6. The meal was provided as a fundraiser for the museum’s building fund. Lauren, supported by her family, planned, organized, prepared and served a very delicious braised brisket dinner. Lauren also serves as an intern at the museum. We greatly appreciated her support. It’s wonderful to know that even our young adults are interested in King George having a great museum. Thanks again for a job well done! from Jean Hudson, for the KG County Historical Society

Pictured above is Lauren Harbaugh (center) and her friends and family that helped with the fundraiser dinner at the KGCC Lauren Harbaugh began working as an intern at the King George County Museum in the fall of 2013. As part of a home school project, she developed, organized, planned, cooked and served a brisket dinner fundraiser for the KG County Museum. Here’s her story, in her own words: “During this short time as an intern, I have met many interesting people and learned quite a bit of this area’s history. King George citizens live in a historically rich area that has a lot to offer. History is precious and it should not be hard to find in an area that saw the birth of a nation and a war that could have divided the nation. We shouldn’t have to go to Spotsylvania, Stafford or further into the Northern Neck to see interesting artifacts or to learn local history. We have it right here in King George County. I understand that the economy is not as robust as in past years however; it is still disheartening to see a

lack of support for a larger Museum by County Officials. This is why I decided to hold the recent benefit dinner to raise money for the Museum’s growing building fund. On behalf of the King George County Museum and Historical Society, I wanted to personally thank each and every person that attended the King George Museum Building Fund Benefit dinner and everyone who helped us!. It was a pleasure to meet all of you.” Lauren Harbaugh Note: I attended the dinner. We were greeted by friendly, energetic youth. Some were classmates of Lauren’s, and some were family members. No one was “required” to be there, but all volunteered (or were volunteered) to help Lauren out with her project. Perhaps we all can learn a lesson from this. All it takes is an idea, the courage and energy to see it through, and some community support. Lori Deem

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Macedonia Baptist Church

Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another— and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA


Two Rivers Baptist Church

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

Meeting at their new church

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3) Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome.

Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:


Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Dr. Sherman Davis, Pastor 10640 Kings Hwy King George, VA 22485 www.tabernaclebaptistkg.org 540-775-7188

Sunday Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Evening Worship - 6 p.m.


• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday)

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others.

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney

Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor William & First Lady Pastor Wm. T. Frye Theresa Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

Don’t see your house of worship in this directory? Sign up for a weekly ad! Let folks know all about you and your church!




Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass


All are Welcome!

Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.”

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443

Potomac Baptist Church

Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m. (540) 775-7006

Service Wednesday Evenings 7 p.m.

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector

You're invited to worship with

3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived



8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

• 804-224-7221


Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Budget: Waiting on the state figures From page 1 BUDGET NUMBERS The total county budget totals $68,202,063, with $43,097,443 of that going for school-associated expenditures. Here’s a breakdown of the major funding components: • School Operating Fund: $37,225,761 – (54.6%) • Public Safety: $8,290,488 – (12.2%) • Debt Service Fund: $6,554,857 – (9.6%) $4,387,853 of this is for school debt service. • Department of Social Services: $4,323,161 – (6.3%) • General Government: $4,040,633 (5.9%) • Const. Officers/Registrar/Courts: $1,941,939 (2.8%) • Public Works: $1,749,037 – (2.6%) • School Cafeteria: $1,483,829 – (2.2%) • Institutions: $1,006,101 – (1.5%) • Capital Improvement Fund: $531,642 – (0.8%) • Smoot Library: $509,972 – (0.7%) • Health Department: $308,415 – (0.5%) • Outside Agencies: $236,227 – (0.4%) SCHOOLS The school-associated expenditures include $37,225,761 for the School Board operating budget, which provided a 5-percent increase over the current year. That budget figure is based on an average daily membership (ADM) for student enrollment of 4,170 students. The division reported to the state at the end of last month that it anticipated ending the current school year with an ADM of 4,202. If the division begins the school year with a similar ADM number, that means there would be additional revenue coming from the state during the course of next year. Under the Standards of Quality contained in state law, the county is required to provide a required local effort (RLE) to fund the schools of $10,128,001. King George exceeds that requirement. The approved budget provides $14,198,072 in county funding, not including school debt service. $1,483,829 is for the school Cafeteria Fund that is funded by revenue from meal charges and federal revenue, estimated at $750,000. The Cafeteria Fund is supposed to be self-supporting and achieved that goal several years ago. Unlike the School Board operating budget, it is allowed by state law to carry forward any unspent balances. Those balances have been used in the recent past to purchase new equipment for various cafeterias. One of the next items expected to be purchased is a dishwasher for Potomac Elementary School estimated at $42,000. $4,387,853 is an additional amount provided by the county to pay for the School Board’s debt service, basically mortgages on the schools built and major capital improvements made to them.

The Journal


CIP: Hearing scheduled From page 1 parking, addition of a two-stall restroom. 3. QUONSET HUT IMPROVEMENTS – $30,000 in 2014-15 for structure study to determine condition and integrity of the building, systems and roof to determine whether improvements for continued use can be validated. $70,000 earmarked for possible repairs in 2016-17. 4. HUNTER FIELD IMPROVEMENTS - $230,000 requested in 2017-18 for field improvements, mitigate erosion problem, provide irrigation. Future work would be expected to include repairs to the bleacher stands and replacing the press box/concession stand that has been deemed unusable. 5. BARNESFIELD PARK UPGRADES PHASE 2 - $595,000 requested in 2018-19 for provision of lighting for the three ball fields. 6. PRACTICE LIGHTS $77,000 requested 2014-15 to install practice lights at the middle school, Barnesfield Park’s multipurpose field and a field at Ralph Bunche. 7. CITIZEN CENTER EXPANSION - $127,000 requested in 2014-15 and $30,000 in 201516 to add more restrooms, office/ storage space and parking. SCHOOL BOARD Nine projects requested totaling $15,479,229, but adjustments may be made to that request list as noted below. 1. SCHOOL BUSES – 2,087,843. That figure was adjusted in a later list to $2,032,843 requested over five years, with $333,668 requested in 2014-15 for replacing four buses. Five buses are requested in each of the following four years, with $409,175 requested in 201516, and $430,000 in each of the following three years. The list adjustment also included $55,000 being requested separately for two maintenance vehicles in 2014-15. It’s unclear whether the vehicles remain in the request list, since all previous division cars and truck purchases have come from funds programmed into the School Board operating

budget, since they would not meet the county’s threshold of $50,000 or more for individual items with the two vehicles bundled together. 2. MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOF REPAIRS – $1,169,675 requested, with $594,975 requested in 2014-15 and $574,700 in 2015-16. This project request was adjusted to double the earlier cost, after the School Board heard from its roof consultant on April 6. 3. FACILITY EXPANSION $8,250,000 requested in 2016-17. The project would be to either renovate and provide an addition to the former middle school building, or to provide an addition to the existing middle school. The purpose would be to create space in one of the buildings to shift the 6th grades from the county’s three elementary schools. The division is expecting to have some extra money at the end of the school year and has directed that a study be performed to indicate which project would be most advantageous and cost-efficient. 4. TECHNOLOGY NETWORK EQUIPMENT - $481,160 requested in 2014-15 to replace all wide and local area network switches, except at the high school, and to upgrade the division’s firewall. 5. TECHNOLOGY FIBER EXPANSION – $800,000 requested in 2015-16 to provide fiber optic cabling to Sealston Elementary and Potomac Elementary schools. 6. SCHOOL SECURITY SYSTEMS - $716,159 requested, with $125,000 requested in 2015-16 and $591,159 requested in 201617. The project would complete the installation of access control systems at Sealston Elementary and King George Elementary and it would install security camera systems at all schools except for high school, which has them. 7. HD PRESENTATION SYSTEMS - $1,171,275 requested in 2017-18 to replace existing equipment in each classroom with wall-mounted, short-throw interactive presentation projectors, with a set of 30 clickers, a document camera and amplification sound system. 8. DISTRICT WIDE MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM– $303,117 requested in 2018-19. 9. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK $500,000 requested in 2015-16 for

a new track complex and bleachers at the high school, or alternatively, renovations to the existing track, along with concessions, restrooms and bleacher improvements. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION The county administration is requesting three projects that total $665,000. 1. RALPH BUNCHE - $215,000 in 2015-16 for continued building stabilization on Ralph Bunche building work to maintain the integrity of the building, until a committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to determine the best reuse option for the historic building. Last year, the project had been earmarked for funding a year earlier. It was likely pushed back because the advisory committee has only decided on a recommendation for use of the front part of the building. 2. TURF REPLACEMENT $150,000 toward turf replacement at the county sports stadium at the high school, with $50,000 requested in each of two years for 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19. Replacement is expected to be needed after 1012 years of use for the stadium that opened two years ago. 3. CONVENIENCE CENTER SITE - $300,000 for a land purchase in Dahlgren requested in 2015-16 for Waste Management to build a trash drop-off convenience center site at a location to be determined in Dahlgren. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY There are two projects totaling $300,000. 1. COMPUTER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - $250,000 for computer replacement program, with $50,000 requested in each of the next five years. 2. NETWORK SERVER REPLACEMENT $50,000

requested in 2014-15.

Travis Quesenberry, county administrator, had forwarded the complete package of requests to the Planning Commission through Jack Green, Director of Community Development, as adjusted. The Planning Commission is the first to provide a public review of all the projects that come forward from department heads, county offices, constitutional officers, the school division and the library. That’s at the May 13 meeting. After that, Commissioners will be tasked to individually rank projects before the June meeting and forward those rankings to Green for compilation. That compilation of project rankings will come back to the Planning Commission at its June meeting, for final adjustments to be made, prior to a vote to forward the CIP package to the county administration and the Board of Supervisors. Quesenberry is expected to provide his recommendations for any further adjustments to the program, with particular attention to the projects recommended for funding in the upcoming fiscal year, 2014-15, which begins on July 1. Those recommendations are reviewed by Supervisors during a meeting, with members of the governing body providing their own input. After the board comes to some kind of consensus, a proposed program is adopted at another meeting. The five-year plan will span fiscal years beginning with 2014-15 through 2018-19. The approved CIP is used as a guide for planning purposes in future years. The program is subject to changes in out-years, with projects often moved farther out for funding. But sometimes the opposite is true and it happens that projects can receive funding earlier than the year(s) in which they are originally requested.

SHERIFF’S OFFICE One project totaling $155,646. 1. MICROWAVE RADIO REPLACEMENT - $155,646 requested in 2015-16. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT One project requested totaling $150,000. 1. PUBLIC SAFETY ANSWERING POINT E-911 GRANT - $150,000 requested in 2014-15 to be funded by a state grant. The project would replace the dispatch mapping system in the Sheriff ’s office and its related maintenance software in the Community Development Department. EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Four projects requested totaling $9,565,000, for cyclical replacement of required safety equipment. 1. AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - $935,000 requested and amount divided over the next five years. 2. REPLACE COMPANY 2 IN DAHLGREN AREA - $4,050,000 requested for combined fire & rescue station, with $550,000 in 201415 estimated for purchase of land, $3,450,000 in 2015-16 for design and construction of building. 3. REPLACEMENT OF ENGINE #21 - $550,000 to replace Engine #21 in 2016-17. 4. NEW FIRE STATION – SHILOH/JERSEY AREA - $4,050,000 requested for a new fire & rescue company in the Shiloh/Jersey area of the county to improve response time in emergencies. $550,000 requested in 2017-18 for land and $3,500,000 in 2018-19 for design and construction. CIP PROCESS

king george

– Driving Under the Influence Stire, Jerry Alan – Dog Running at Large (2 times) Lecky, Kristin Jill – Dog Running at Large Cawthon, Matthew Allen – Possession of Marijuana

Sheriff’s Report April 14 Comfort, Bruce Allen Jr. – Contempt of Court April 15 Lindsey, Kevin Michael – Assault

and Battery Family Member April 16 White, Deidre Coretta – Obtaining Money by False Pretenses Gonzalerz-Castro, German Diego

April 17 Gough, Diane Cecile – Assault and Battery (2 times), Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

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TAX RATES Tax rates were approved on unanimous votes on April 15. The real estate tax rate is 59-cents per $100 value. The personal property tax rate is $3.25 per $100 valuation. APPROVED INCLUSIONS The tax increases will primarily go toward the cost of fire and safety positions and related equipment and vehicle costs. Two full-time E-911 dispatch positions are in the budget, along with two new sheriff deputy positions, along with related equipment, including two new patrol cars, along with full-year costs for two other deputy positions, funded mid-year during the current budget year for duties at the courthouse. The budget covers full-year costs for six fire and rescue positions that were funded mid-year in the 2013-14 budget, beginning this past January 2014. In addition, the budget includes the conversion of two part-time positions to full-time in general properties. It would also go toward a part-time paralegal position for the county attorney’s office. The budget provides 1-percent average raises under the pay-forperformance policy, beginning at midyear, on January 1, 2015. The increase is expected to cost about $45,000 on the county side. The county is also requesting the School Board to likewise grant 1-percent raises at midyear, estimated to cost $106,000.

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The Journal

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Ellen Brabo College of Brockport, Sports editor Leonard Banks Sports editor

Stylus Photography

No rest for the weary! Between editorial work at the Stylus newspaper, and academics, College at Brockport State University of New York junior, and Sports editor Ellen Brabo rarely has a free moment.

When it comes to leadership and over-achieving, The College at Brockport State University of New York junior, and King George High School alumni, Ellen Brabo is a born leader. The political science major began work at the Brockport State University newspaper, Stylus in the spring of 2013. Since that time, Brabo has risen from the position of director of advertising to the paper’s Sports editor. The College at Brockport State University of New York is a Division III NCAA university with 23 varsity sports that have advanced to NCAA tournaments over 50 times, and won 65 championships in 14 different sports. The Golden Eagles, founded in 1835, are located in Brockport, N.Y., on the historic Erie Canal, in the Greater Rochester area. The Stylus has functioned as the school’s newspaper since 1914. Thrilled with the vast array of opportunities to expand her creative horizons, Brabo took a leap of faith, and forged into the world of journalism. “After spending time

11th annual King George Karate IsshinRyu Open Championships

around journalists, it made me want to be more involved in the paper, so I tried writing, and after getting the approval from the paper’s editors, I was promoted to Sports editor.” Between daily academic time management, working at the Stylus and the challenge of college life, Brabo had to remain focused. She manages her job responsibilities, and the taxing task of incorporating 17 school credit hours in to her daily work (20-25 hours)/study routine. Meeting deadlines, while delegating writing duties to the members of the paper’s staff, and freelance writers is often times a tough task to overcome, but every week she gets the job done. In addition to her academic life, she is an active member of the Army ROTC program. One of the challenges Brabo is constantly faced with is meeting the news coverage needs of the school’s numerous sports disciplines. Outside of herself and two staff writers, she

has to find additional writers with the skills to meet deadlines, and provide newsworthy prose. “Finding people who want to write, and write well, is like pulling teeth,” Brabo said. “No matter how much you stress, the importance of adding experience to your resume could lead to a paid position, but some students have other priorities.” Her paper deadline schedule begins with design, and photo edit day on Sunday, production day on Monday, and ends with the long hours of quality assurance on Tuesday. After graduation, Brabo hopes to land an internship with Sports Illustrated or ESPN before leaving for military basic training with the Army. During the summer of 2013, Brabo earned an internship in U.S. Senator Mark Warner’ office. “It was a really gratifying experience, where they allowed their interns to have a hands-on experience in the world of politics.”

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Leonard Banks Sports editor Dedicated martial art enthusiasts from Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia and throughout the eastern seaboard gathered at King George High School on Saturday, for the 11th annual King George Karate Isshin-Ryu Open Championships. Hanshi Karl K. Hovey and King George Parks and Recreation sponsored the tournament. It was open to all styles and systems. With over 118 events and 200-plus men and women celebrating Kata, Kobudo (weapons), and Kumite, martial art competitors showcased their individual styles. Thrilled with the event’s consistent attendance over the years, King George Karate Isshin-Ryu Sensei Kevin Kline said, “it’s a friendly competition where we get people from all over the east coast to compete. We have people that have traveled from as far away as Okinawa, California, and Puerto Rico. Martial arts schools come together to see how their martial arts will stand up against other schools.” Fifteen students from the King George Karate Isshin-Ryu organization competed in the tournament. Hovey, who teaches out of Stafford is a 9th degree black belt, while Kline who has trained under Hovey is a 5th degree black belt. In an effort to help homeless shelters, participants collected and donated canned foods. Over the years, the practice of martial arts has grown in popularity. In fact, four schools from King George participated in the tournament, along with schools from Caroline, Stafford, and Fredericksburg. Physical fitness, confidence, philosophy and self defense are all aspects of Karate. For information on King George Karate Isshin-Ryu membership, contact Kline at KKline@ SenseiHovey.com.

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Over 200-plus competitors participated in the 11th annual King George Karate Isshin-Ryu Open Championships.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Journal


King George residents love Dog Gone Family Fun Day at Dahlgren

Indians over Drifters in softball in OT Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

The Drifters softball team continues to fight for every game this season. After winning three games in a row (North Point, Washington & Lee, Lancaster) the Indians Drifters suffered a minor setback, with a heartbreaking eight-inning overtime 13-9 loss Drifters to conference rival, Northumberland (6-3). However, on Saturday, after a Western Albermarle forfeit, the Drifters’ fortunes improved to a 4-3 overall record. On Wednesday, April 30, the Lady Drifters host Rappahannock. Result of the Tuesday home game featuring Essex were not available due to press deadlines. With screaming fans from both sides of the field, the softball varsity war between Colonial Beach and the Northumberland was destined

Sports editor Who let the dogs out? On Saturday, the parade field at the base at Dahlgren appeared to be a swarming sea of fur-bearing critters eager to showcase their athletic appeal. Labrador retrievers, poodles, pit bulls, bulldogs, great danes, and nearly every breed of dog along with their families came out to the first annual Morale Welfare & Recreation (MWR) Dog Gone Family Fun Day. From beginning to end, it was a festival of canine jubilation. In an effort to spread the joy of canine education, numerous animalfriendly vendors were invited to the bark in the park extravaganza. Thrilled with the huge turnout, MWR recreation director, Alice Stanton said, “We wanted to do something family-friendly for the families on the base. The event provided information for nutrition, canine health, police protection, and adoptions.” After a brisk one-mile run through the neighborhoods of the base, dogs and their owners were given an opportunity to showcase their agility skills on the obstacle course. King George resident, and Fancy & Friends Therapy Dogs president Sue Coleman and her assistant, King George Elementary School student, Abigale Sites assisted each dog and family member through the course of barrels, tire jumps, walk-it boards, and puppy jumps. While some dogs quickly made their way through the

13 9

Leonard Banks

It was fun day for everyone at the first MWR Dog Gone Family Fun Day. course, others were a bit tentative. Thrilled to have her dogs participate, Coleman said, “Among the many community activities that we participate in are visits to the hospitals, Reading Paw Program at Sealston and King George Elementary School, Heritage Hall, the King George Farmer’s Market Reading Program and the YMCA Healthy Kids Day.” Coleman’s therapy dogs are all certified through Therapy Dogs Inc. Currently, there are 13 members in her organization. Sites, also a member of the King George 4-H Club said, “I like working with our dogs and I love the community service part of it.”

Other vendors who attended the event included the Charles County Humane Society, Veterinary Care with Dr. Monica Aukward DVM, Bully Paws, First Animal Rescue League, Balloons First, Safe Harbor, King George Veterinary Clinic with Dr. John Niznik, Dr. Pauline Knowles, DVM (Mobile Veterinarian), King George County Sheriff ’s Office K-9 unit, Wounded Warriors, Music DJ and Paw Prints. The event also featured face painting and kid-friendly dog interactive events such as taking a photo with your dog, and the beagle belly bounce.

to be a nail-biter. In the top of the first inning, the Indians struck first, with Micaela Wilson scoring Connor Haislip with a single into left field. However, in the bottom of the first inning, the Drifters responded with three runs. After a throwing error to third base tied the game at 1-1 with runs, McKenzie Conway gave the Drifters a 3-1 lead on an RBI single that scored Taylor Lee. Later in the bottom of the second inning, the Drifters extended their lead to 6-1 on an RBI single from Emily Parks, a Northumberland throwing error, and an Indian pass ball. Combined with Manana Morton’s mix of fast and off-speed pitches, the Drifters appeared to be in the driver’s seat. Especially after picking up their seventh run on a double by Kaitlyn Proffit. Haislip would soon spoil the Drifters one-run fortunes with a sacrifice RBI fly ball to cut the Drifter lead to 7-2. Moments later, with the bases loaded, Sarah Haynie slammed an RBI single up the middle of the field that scored two

more Indian runs. After increasing their lead to 8-4 in the bottom of the fourth inning, the Drifters struggled in the top of the fifth, as the Indians rallied to tie the game (8-8). Later in the top of the sixth inning, Connor Haislip stroked an RBI single into right field, giving the Indians a crucial 9-8 lead. Manana Morton valiantly kept the Drifters close, as she used her full repertoire of off-speed pitches to throw the Indians off balance, while holding on to a one-point Indian deficit (9-8). With the momentum on the side of the Indians, the Drifters had one last chance to send the game into overtime, as they stepped up to bat in the bottom of the seventh inning. With the game on the line, Billie Gould reached base on a single, stole second, and came home on a error to tie the game at 9-9, and send it into extra innings. In the top of the eighth inning, the Indians scored the game’s final runs on a Kaci Payne three-run RBI double, and a single that scored an additional run from Haynie.

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source, Getaway and ChamberLink.

KGYAA flag football news Staff Reports Under beautiful blue skies this past weekend at Sealston Elementary School, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) successfully completed the third week of its current flag football campaign. The following teams recorded hard victories Saturday: D1 (ages 6-8) – Gladiators, Tigers (two games); D2 (ages 9-11) – Aces, All-Americans, Rebels, Venom; D3 (12-14) – Blitz, Cobras, Lightning, Rage; D4 (15-17) – Bucks (two games), Leathernecks, Spiders. The KGYAA returns to Sealston this weekend for another round of exciting flag football action. For more information, visit the KGYAA on Facebook or at www. kgyaa.org.

Christal Blue

Denny More

Jim Salyers, Jr.

D’Andre Kelly of the D4 Bucks making an outstanding grab in a hardfought flag football victory


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The Journal


On Saturday, the King George Middle School track & field teams traveled to compete in the Louisa Invitational. In a field of eight teams, the Foxes girls’ team finished fourth, while the boys placed third. Aubrey Wingeart placed first and broke the Foxes school record in the 3200-meter run (12:25.60). She also placed first in the 1600-meter run with a time of 5:39.59. Briana Green finished first and broke the school record in the pole vault with a leap of 7’. She also placed first in the high jump with a leap of 4’4”. Green also finished third in the 100-meter hurdles with a time of 17.89. Sprinter, Destiny Thompson finished third in the 100-meter dash

with a time of 13.65. Thompson also finished third in the 200-meter dash with a time of 28.77. Other Foxes girls’ performances included: DeChare Lane, 400-meter dash, 8th, 1:13.20; 800-meter run, 10th, 2:11.70; triple jump, 24’5.75”; Amber Spurchesi, 200-meter hurdles, 9th, 39.75; shot put 4th, 22’; 4x100-meter relay, 1:05.58; 4x400meter relay, 5:14.11; Jenna Andrews, long jump, 10th, 7’6.75”; McKenna Moliner, discus, 6th, 50’. As for the Foxes boys’ team, the 4x800-meter relay team broke the school record with a time of 9:48.53. Michael Habgood had a banner day, as he placed first in the 800-meter run with a time of 2:23.65, and second in the 1600-meter run (5:29.54). Kyle Shea placed third in the 3200-meter run with a time of

12:42.94. Shea also placed fifth in the triple jump with a leap of 27’ 8”. Jordan Teaford placed third in the discus with a toss of 78”. He also placed 8th in the shot put with a toss of 26’ 4.50”. Jonathan Watson placed fifth in the 100-meter hurdles (18.63), and fourth in the 200-meter hurdles (32.29). Jeremiah Nance placed third in the high jump with a leap of 4’10”. He also finished 10th in the long jump with a leap of 11’ 7.75”. Lastly, Abe Martinez finished second in the 800-meter run with a time of 2:23.96. On May 8, at 4:30 p.m., KGMS will compete in its final meet of the season, as the teams will host a trimeet, featuring Northumberland Middle School, Walker Grant, and Caroline.

King George Youth Elite flag football update Staff Reports Another weekend is in the books and the King George Youth Elite Foxes finished with eight wins and one loss. The KG Seminoles high school team finished with a split in their double header to stay in the mix for the top seed in the division. The KGYE 14U Foxes took the field and finished with a commanding 25-6 victory over the Fredericksburg Canes to remain unbeaten and in sole possession of first place. Next up for the 14U Foxes is a double header against the Fredericksburg Yellow Jackets and Stafford Ducks. The 8U Foxes were up next looking to avenge a loss two weeks earlier

against the Stafford Stealth. They did not disappoint, putting together a great team effort and a 19-6 victory. The Foxes are all alone in second place and will take on the first place Fredericksburg Yellow Jackets next weekend. The 10U Foxes improved their record to 3-2 with a win against the Fredericksburg Bears and are all alone in second place. The defense played great the entire game and had an important stop, in the redzone, after a turnover in the first half and went on to finish with a 25-0 victory. After a sluggish start and a loss over the Easter break, with many players missing, the 12U Foxes bounced back with a 21-0 victory

over Team Showtime (Spotsylvania Cougars) to stay at the top of the division. A touchdown just before halftime gave the Foxes a 7-0 lead and they didn’t look back, finishing the game without surrendering a point. Things moved indoors for the 1112 Foxes game against the Redskins with the Foxes winning a tough game, 12-6, to stay in the hunt for the top seed in their division. The 13-14 Foxes followed up with a battle for first place against the previously unbeaten Bullets. The Foxes played a solid game on both sides of the ball and finished with an 18-9 victory to remain undefeated and in first place.

Look for The Journal’s Colonial Beach Summer guide in May

Staff Reports The 4th Annual Visualize and Rize Celebrity Charity Golf Tournament featuring Chicago Bear offensive lineman, and King George High School alumni, Jermon Bushrod will take place on Friday, June 13, 2014. The event will take place on the grounds of Cameron Hills Golf Course (14140 Salem Church Road. Featured celebrities include: Chicago Bear players Roberto Garza and Matt Slauson, San Francisco 49ers Jonathan Goodwin, New

York Jets Johnny Patrick, Carolina Panthers Roman Harper, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Carl Nicks and more. Course times are as follows: first flight, 7 a.m., registration, 8 a.m. shotgun start; 2nd flight, 12 p.m. registration, 2 p.m. shotgun start. Entry fee is $400 dollars per term or $100 per individual. The fee includes cart, range-balls, closest to the pin, longest drive, door prizes, prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams, and luncheon. Proceeds benefit the Visualize and Rize Foundation; a 501(C)(3)

non-profit organization. For golf tournament registration information please visit www. visualizeandrize.com, and click on events. Visualize and Rize Football Camp Save the following information: June 14, 2014, King George High School, 10100 King Foxes Way, King George, VA 22485. The annual camp is open to kids age six to 14. Registration opens May 1st. For more information please visit www. visualizeandrize.com.

Fredericksburg Bears grind out victory Leonard Banks Sports editor From the opening quarter, the game featuring the Fredericksburg Bears (4-2) versus the Phoenix Metro, Bears at King George County Stadium, was dominated by an intense rivalry. It Phoenix was clear that there was bad blood between the two rivals. However, regardless of the character of the battle, which featured fights, penalties and verbal exchanges, the Bears won the war, 7-6. Earlier in the season, the outcome was different, as the Phoenix Metro defeated the Bears, 13-9. Apart from the defensive stalemates, the game could literally be measured in inches. In the first quarter, the Bears’

7 6

opening drive ended with six possessions and a fumble on the Phoenix 44-yard line. The Phoenix’s failure to capitalize on the Bears’ misfortunes resulted in three downs, two short pass receptions, and a punt. The scoreless war continued into the second quarter. With 7:51 left in the half, the Phoenix suffered a critical turnover, when their center hiked the ball over quarterback Eric Smith in a shotgun formation. Bear linebacker, Lance Jones quickly recovered the Phoenix fumble for the game’s first touchdown. Later, with less than a minute remaining in the half, the Bears turned the ball over for the second time in the game with a fumble on the 18-yard line. On the ensuing Phoenix play, quarterback Eric Smith bolted in for a 18-yard touchdown. With the hope of taking the lead on a two-point conversion, the Phoenix attempted to focus on their run-game. The Bears defense

(D-Phi-D) would eventually spoil their efforts, by stopping Smith dead in his tracks. In the third quarter, the character of the game continued to revolve around defense. Both teams were unable to sustain a drive without having to punt. However, in the fourth quarter, Phoenix running back, David Azodeh appeared to have rumbled in for a 25-yard touchdown. The officials quickly called another one of many holding violations against the Phoenix. Bear linebacker, Steven Stanley sealed the deal for the home team, as he sacked Smith on the Phoenix final possession. In light of the potential for further personal fouls, the officials stopped the game on the Bears’ subsequent possession with three minutes to play. On Saturday, May 3, the Bears will travel to play the Mid-Atlantic Raiders. Game time is 7 p.m.


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Visualize and Rize news......

KGMS Foxes compete at Louisa Staff Reports

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Journal


The allergy cavalry arrives at the Community Care Clinic in King George King George — Arlene Jacovelli, President, of Community Care Clinic announced, April 29, that United Allergy Services® (UAS), a leading healthcare services company that enables family physicians, pediatricians and health systems to deliver safe and effective allergy testing and customized immunotherapy services, has set up a service site in conjunction with the primary care physicians at Community Care Clinic. According to a recent national survey, while two-thirds (67 percent) of Americans suffer from seasonal or perennial allergy symptoms, only half of these sufferers are addressing the issue with a medical professional, leaving millions across the country unnecessarily suffering from ongoing coughs, sneezes and itchy, watery eyes often causing people to avoid outdoor activities. United Allergy Services ® (UAS), offers

affordable, customized solutions as every patient is different, and each responds differently to different allergens. That’s why United Allergy services custom formulates every single dosage of their allergy medications specific to the individual patient. Jacovelli further noted that “Over-thecounter and prescription medications ease your symptoms but may have significant side effects, so UAS identifies then treats the cause with custom medications.” A national survey, conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of United Allergy Services, illustrates a strong discrepancy between patients’ suffering from allergy symptoms and those that are diagnosed and treated by a physician. Furthermore, 45 percent of patients who do not see a doctor take over-the-counter (OTC) medications that mask symptoms instead of effectively

reducing allergic reactions. “Spring is a beautiful time, unless you suffer from untreated allergies. Sadly, millions of Americans don’t know about the new discoveries that bring true relief with just a visit to their family doctor or primary care physician. Patients need to discuss symptoms during their next visit to the doctor and doctors need to encourage this conversation,” said Dr. Roosevelt Dean, MD, a primary care physician at Community Care Clinic in King George. Dr. Dean went on to state “Your family does not need to suffer through another season. Allergies can often be easily addressed through immunotherapy that provides long-lasting relief instead of briefly masking symptoms.” Allergen immunotherapy, known by most patients as allergy shots, is the only treatment proven to address the underlying issue.

Immunotherapy shots are the only treatment that desensitizes the patient to all of the allergens that are triggering their symptoms through a series of customized single injections that can often be administered by the patient at home. This approach is in stark contrast to OTC and prescription drugs that only temporarily mask allergy symptoms while patients continue to suffer and can develop allergy-induced asthma. “The fact that patients are not pursuing a treatment that provides long-lasting, sustainable allergy relief is a sign that the allergy care community needs to step up and further educate doctors and patients about the treatment options available,” said Nicolas Hollis, president and chief executive officer of United Allergy Services. “Patients deserve better. Logically and ethically, a treatment that effectively reduces symptoms and can be conveniently administered at home should

be made widely available to patients as a first-line option.” United Allergy Services ® (UAS) brings effective and convenient allergy testing and immunotherapy to primary care physicians; pulmonologists; ENT physicians; pediatricians; internal medicine physicians; and healthcare systems that treat the vast majority of patients with seasonal and perennial allergies. UAS’ complete service line features in-office UAS Certified Clinical Allergy Specialist staffing and training; quality assurance and compliance; and supply and inventory management. By collaborating with physicians to safely administer allergy testing and shots, UAS has assisted the expansion of access to effective allergy care for thousands of patients that suffer from seasonal and perennial allergies.

Courthouses judged in lifelong learning course Popular archaeology instructors Dr. David Brown and Thane Harpole will soon present a new course sponsored by the Rappahannock Community College Educational Foundation’s Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning (RILL). On May 6, 13, and 20 (Tuesdays), from 1 to 3 p.m., “Courthouses of the Lower Middle Peninsula” will allow participants an up-close-

HELP WANTED Now Hiring!! For Our Busy Summer Season; River Haven Restaurant. Cooks, Servers (must be 21), Utility/ Dish, Bartender (must be 21). All positions full time. Apply in person between 2pm and 4pm Monday through Thursday. 136 Main Street, Port Royal. 5/14b Organist/Choir Director or Pianist/Choir Director; Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church, Montross. Contact: Pastor Shayne Estes at 1-804493-8516. 4/30b Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540-775-5502. unfb

BENEFIT/ Fundraiser Festival Baby Contest and CBVFD Contest will be Sunday, June 1st. NO Application’s will be accepted after May, 31. Call Only from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. (804) 2240215.

CLASSES CHANGE YOUR CAREER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses Moseley Real Estate Licensing

and-personal look at three significant courthouses: in Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex Counties. “At the center of every Virginia county is its courthouse,” say Brown and Harpole. More than just a single building, the Virginia courthouse often evolved into a complex assemblage of private and public structures that housed the local government of the 17th,

Courses 05/19/201405/23/2014(9-4); 06/23/2014-6/27/2014 (9-4); Call 540-4248 1 9 1 o r v i s i t w w w. exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

CHILDREN WANTED A couple devoted to each other and their golden retriever would love to adopt a newborn. Yo u r b a b y w o u l d b e surrounded by loving family and friends in a secure and comfortable home. Expenses Paid. Stephanie and Jason 800-672-8514. 5/14P

RENTAL-OFFICE Private Professional Offices From $350 Per Month. Larger Suites Available. Wendover One Office Building. Wired For Computer Networking. Front & Rear Entrances. Includes ALL

18th, and 19th centuries, with a network of support buildings ranging from jails and clerks’ offices to taverns, ordinaries, stores, and other private businesses that served the public on court days. In some cases vibrant towns—the scenes of infamous trials, hangings, military skirmishes, and more than a few fires—grew around the courthouse, while others have disappeared

completely. At the three courthouses to be viewed, students will examine archaeological and historical information that reveals what those courthouse villages were like. The course will also provide an introduction to the documentary resources available at each courthouse, and will help to guide genealogists and historians who wish to conduct their own research into surviving

county records. Both Brown and Harpole received their undergraduate degrees, and Brown his doctorate, from the College of William and Mary; they have conducted archaeological research and instruction in Gloucester County since 1994. They are co-directors of the Fairfield Foundation and founding members of the Werowocomoco Research Group

Advance registration, with a tuition payment of $35, is required to take this course. For more information on “Courthouses of the Lower Middle Peninsula” and other RILL courses, or to register, please call Sharon Drotleff at RCC’s Educational Foundation office (804-333-6707, or toll-free at 877-7223679), or e-mail her at sdrotleff@rappahannock.edu.

Left to right: Thane Harpole and David Brown will teach a Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning course, “Courthouses of the Lower Middle Peninsula,” on May 6, 13, and 20.


Utilities, Ample Parking, Handicapped-Accessible Restrooms, 1 Block Off rt. 3 Adjacent To Post Office. No Build Out Cost! Ready To Move In! Call (540) 775-6788 Sheila@ charlestoncobuilders. com. ufn

SERVICES “HOUSE CLEANING” Weekly, Bi-Weekly. For more info call; (540) 9033354 or (540) 775-1825. 5/7p

YARD/MOVING/ GARAGE SALE “Yard Sale” Saturday, May 3 from 9:00 ‘til? 10141 Ridge Road at Burn’s Machine Shop. Many, Many Items. All money goes to “American Cancer Society”. 4/30p

Abandoned Vessel Notice Notice is hereby given that the following vessel has been abandoned for more than 60 days on the property of: Dahlgren Marine Center, 17088 Ferry Dock Road, King George, VA 22485. Phone: 540/663-2741. Vessel Description: 25’ HydraSport, 1988, white hull, registration MD 6638 BP, hull ID HSX934736788. Application for Watercraft Registration and/ or Title will be made in accordance with Section 29.1-733.1 of the Code of Virginia if this vessel is not claimed and removed within 30 days of the first publication of this notice. Please contact the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries with questions.

MISCELLANEOUS / GENERAL MERCHANDISE “1998 YAMAHA V-StAR CLASSIC 650.” 37 K Miles, A lot of Chrome, New Windshield, New Crash Bar. “PERFECT CONDITION”. Ready to Ride! $2,500.00, OBO. Call (540) 735-4065 to see this “BEAUTY”. “GREAT BIKE For New Rider or Lady.” Garage Kept. unf. Must Sell; 2 Cemetery Lots, Historyland Memorial Park, 2 lots for the price of one. Call for more info. (540) 7757733. ufn.



Wendys Feline Friends. C at s a n d k itt e n s f o r adoption. Many different colors and ages. All fixed with rabies shot. See pics at westmoreland. petfinder.org. For more information call Wendy 804-224-1079 Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal Welfare League has dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804435-0822, 804-435-6320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-462-7175.

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Interested parties may obtain the RFP package by contacting the King George County Procurement Manager, Kelly S. Dixon CPPO CPPB, at (540) 775-8575, kdixon@co.kinggeorge.state.va.us, download from the King George County website – www.king-george.va.us/county- offices/purchasing/solicitations or by written request to: King George County Procurement Manager, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 201, King George, VA, 22485. Proposals will be accepted at the King George County Finance Department at the above address until 2:00 PM (local prevailing time) on May 29, 2014. Late proposals will not be accepted. Small, Women, Minority, and Service Disabled Veteran owned businesses and Local County businesses are encouraged to apply. King George County Service Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


The King George County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia 22485. Fiscal Years 2014/15-2019/20 Capital Improvements Program: The Capital Improvements Program is a five-year program for capital expenditures in King George County. The King George County Planning Commission is responsible for forwarding a recommendation to the King George County Board of Supervisors. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Planning Commission 4/30/14, 5/7/14

AT AUCTION! Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 11:00 a.m.

10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 105, King George, VA 22485 Pursuant to the terms of those certain Decrees of Sale from the Circuit Court of King George County, Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at the King George County Board Room, King George, Virginia, on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., subject to the following terms and conditions, the following-described real estate:

Parcel 1 (Hooker) Parcel 2 (Lawson) Parcel 3 (Lawson) Parcel 4 (KG) Parcel 5 (Robinson)


Parcel 6 (Ocean)

Please take notice that on the 8th day of May, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Colonial Beach Town Center in Colonial Beach, 22443, the Council will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: ORDINANCE NO. 647

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE King George County, Virginia is accepting proposals from qualified firms for the Lease of Office Space for use by King George County Social Services and Virginia Cooperative Extension offices.


By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council 4/23/14, 4/30/14

Parcel 7 (Dalton) Parcel 8 (Kontur) Parcel 9 (Ware)

1.995 acres, more or less, on James Madison Parkway at Salem Church Road; Tax Map 38-24A 0.3022 acre, more or less, west side of James Madison Parkway, Tax Map 17-82J 0.3 acre, more or less, west side of James Madison Parkway, Tax Map 17-82B Lot 13, Sec. 10, Presidential Lakes, on Lincoln Drive, Tax Map 23A-10-13 Lot 49, Sec. 7, Presidential Lakes, on Kenmore Circle, Tax Map 23A-7-49 Lot 20, Sec. 11, Presidential Lakes, on Eisenhower Drive, Tax Map 23A-11-20 Lot 41, Sec. 5, Presidential Lakes, on Harrison Drive; Tax Map 23A-5-41 0.355 acres, more or less, Tract 4, on Shiloh Loop, Tax Map 34-30C 1 acre, more or less, on Salem Church Road; Tax Map 39-11A

TERMS OF SALE: All sales are subject to the approval of the Circuit Court. A 10% Buyer’s Premium will be added to the highest bid and will become a part of the total sales price on each property. The highest bidder shall deposit ten percent (10%) of the total sales price, by either cash or good check, which sum shall be credited toward the purchase at closing. The balance of the purchase price, in cash or certified funds, shall be deposited with the Clerk, King George Circuit Court, within fifteen (15) days of Court confirmation. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. All properties will be conveyed by Special Warranty Deed, subject to any easements and covenants of record, and any rights of persons in possession. Title insurance is available to purchasers at their expense, and subject to all requirements for issuance. Interested parties may go upon the unimproved real estate only for the purpose of making an inspection. Announcements made the day of sale take precedence over any prior written or verbal terms of sale.

Margaret F. Hardy, Special Commissioner Sands Anderson PC Post Office Box 907 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-0907 (540) 373-2504 http://www.sandsanderson.com http://www.vadelinquenttaxsale.com


540/899-1776 or ww.AtAuction.Biz for questions or additional information



The Journal

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


VDGIF and local kids sample pond’s fish population On April 21, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries’ (VDGIF) biologists met with Mark Fike and Matt Limbrick, leaders of the King George Outdoor Club, along with a few of the members and other youth in the county to learn how fisheries’ biologists sample a waterway for fish populations. Scott Herrmann and Matt Blommell took the time to show the kids their equipment, give them a basic crash course on fisheries and explain how they sample a lake like Chandlers Mill Pond. The biologists then took a few of the kids out to let them help net fish and watch as they actively sampled the pond. It was an incredible opportunity for the kids to see firsthand how the work was done that impacts fishing regulations. The kids also measured and weighed the fish and collected the

data for the biologists in a timely manner. Many nice bass, a huge chain pickerel and plenty of bluegill, fliers, crappie and a few other species were collected. Note – All fish were released back into the pond after data was collected. My observations were twofoldFirst, the kids really enjoyed and appreciated the biologists taking the time to show them how they sample a lake. Second, the fish population at Chandlers appears to be in good shape from what I saw. There were few young bass, so that does not look great for two or three years down the road, but the size of the current catchable largemouth bass seems to be in good shape. There are plenty of nice sunfish and bluegill at Chandlers and even some decent crappie to be caught. —Mark Fike

Photos by Mark Fike

Above left: Students went sampling on the pond and enjoyed their time collecting fish. Above: Kristy and Faith get ready to go out on the boat to sample the pond. Above Right: Faith holds up a trophy bass that was collected, recorded and released unharmed back into the pond.

Above from left to right: Ben carefully measures a bass that was caught in the sampling effort. Ben Coffey holds up one of the many quality largemouth bass that were caught. Mr. Limbrick helps Elijah hold up a nice largemouth caught during sampling at Chandlers Mill Pond. Scott shows us a pair of largemouth bass collected from the pond. Even the youngest anglers participated in helping the biologists collect data from Chandlers.

Outdoor Report Fishing is very good now, and some saltwater action is picking up, too. Hunting Turkey hunting ramped up this week with plenty of birds seen and a number of them taken home to eat, as well. Send us decent photos of youth or new hunters with birds, and we will print as space permitsoutdoors@journalpress.com Fishing Rappahannock River - Donna at Ken’s Tackle in Spotsylvania reported that white perch are being caught at Old Mill Park in Fredericksburg; shad and large crappie are also hitting there. Too bad the river is so silted in at that location, and the Army Corps of Engineers won’t do anything about it. Also in Fredericksburg, at the City Dock, the shad are biting but not quite as strong as they were. American shad are there, and smaller hickory

Potomac River Aqua Land in Southern Maryland reports that anglers are using cutbait and bloodworms to catch plenty of catfish. Some striper action is also being had, but above the bridge, anglers cannot keep any striper.

spinners for them. Motts Run Reservoir reported good largemouth bass fishing. They are becoming aggressive now that the spawn is on. Some nice catfish are hitting chicken livers now, too. Plenty of bluegill and white perch were hitting nightcrawlers. Saltwater – Capt. Ryan Rogers of the Midnight Sun (804-580-0245) has put clients on some gorgeous fish this spring. One of the recent trips, everyone got a Maryland citation rockfish. The smallest fish on that particular trip was 39 inches! We have heard rumors of croaker at Reedville and also some at Virginia Beach.

Ponds Sunfish and bream are biting very well in ponds. Crappie slowed down some, and bass are hitting spinnerbaits very aggressively. Old Cossey Pond in Fredericksburg was hot again for trout. Try the normal small

Events April 12 through May 3 – Spring gobbler season; half hour before sunrise until noon; one bearded gobbler per hunter per day. May 5 through 17– Turkey season; half hour before sunrise until sunset. —Mark Fike

shad and some herring are showing up, too. White perch, small ones at that, are hitting, and there are plenty of small rockfish in the area. Bass angling in the river is very good now for small fish measuring 12-15 inches and weighing about a pound or a pound and a half. Try crankbaits and jigs on structure.

Above Left: Courtney, Gary and Pop fishing. Above Right: Gary with a bass

Photos by Mark Fike

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Journal


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• Garner’s Produce LLC

• Carousel Physical Therapy

• General’s Ridge Vineyard and Tasting Room

• Chesapeake Accounting Group

• Good Eats Café

• Chesapeake Cove Marina

• Grandma’s Jewelry Box

• Chris Trimble’s Handcrafted Furniture

• Hair Design Studio • Hale Auto Parts, Inc. • Hale Marine Parts, Inc.

BankOfLancaster.com (804) 435-1171 • (800) 435-1140

• Newsome’s Restaurant, LLC • Michael D. Nickerson, DDS

• Objects

• Sara Brown’s Salon

• Thomas Store, LLC • Tides Inn • Tina’s Tax Service, Inc.

• Shear Pleasure

• Two Rivers Communication • Warsaw Glass, Inc.

• Peggy Evans Garland, Attorney

• Sight, Sound, & Data Installations, LLC

• Warsaw Small Engine, Inc.

• Pool Side Spas, Inc.

• Southside Sentinel

• Waterfields Family Market

• Lewis General Repair, Inc.

• Potomac Breeze Bed & Breakfast

• Steptoe’s Furniture Store, LLC

• Robert S. Westbrook, DDS

• Lighthouse Thai & French Cuisine Restaurant

• Precision Glass & More

• Stratford Hall

• Weekends

• Symon’s Serves, Inc.

• Westmoreland Players

• Synergy Global Supply

• Whay’s TV

• The Audiology Offices, LLC

• White Stone Pharmacy

• The Box Boutique LLC

• Windows Direct of Eastern VA

• The Business Center

• Windows on the Water @ Yankee Point Marina

• Lamberth Building Materials

• Franklin Sewing Machine and Clock

• Cousins & Associates, Inc.

• Kilmarnock Inn

• Newell’s Auto Repair

• The Lively Oaks Restaurant

• Le Nails • Left Bank Gallery • Lenny’s Restaurant

• Lo-Jo’s • Longaberger Independent Consultant (Peggy Mothershead)

• Open Door Communications

• Premier Sailing • Pritchard & Fallin, Inc. • Pritchard & Fallin Properties, LLC

• Long’s Metal Work & Machine, Inc.

• RCC Educational Foundation

• Marine Fabricators, Inc.

• Ransone’s Nursery & Maintenance

• Masterseal Home Products Distributor, Inc.

• R.R. Beasley, Inc.

• Rappahannock Foundation

• The Dandelion, Inc. • The Haven Shelter & Services • The Highlander Studios

• Yankee Point Marina, Inc. • Zekiah Glass

• The Inn at Levelfields

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