Dahlgren Source - July, 2014

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FREE Vol. 25, No. 7, Mid-JULY 2014

What’s Inside


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Family fun abounds

Dahlgren employees celebrate Independence Day Marty van Duyne

Locals run 2014 Historic Half Marathon


Stafford 350th: Celebration Stage dedicated at Pratt Park


News Net News Falmouth — Independence Day dawned sunny and mild providing just the right weather for outdoor activities. And a gentle river current proved ideal for Dahlgren employees entered in the annual Fredericksburg Jaycees Rappahannock River Raft Race. Eight King George kids were seated upon a long sprawling sea serpent balanced upon oilcans to provide buoyancy. The Rap-Ness Monster was piloted by Emma, Cannon, and Mason Parker; Jackson, Hayes, and Laine Edwards; and Travis and Max Erickson. According to Brian Parker they participated in the race several years ago and decided to give it another try. “Parents came up with the modular design and we gave the kids an option of a train or sea-serpent,” said Parker. “The kids chose the serpent and they drew the design for head and tail.” The long serpentine raft proved to

be a bit unwieldy to navigate so the watercraft was reconfigured before they set sail. It floated down river with it’s head chasing its tail, but the Rap-Ness Monster crossed the finish line with everyone safely aboard. Brian Parker and Kurt Erickson escorted the sea serpent on its river journey from Falmouth Waterfront Park to the Fredericksburg City Dock in kayaks. Stafford residents and eight-year veterans of the race Klaudia Lipford and Brian Cloud had a more simplified design for their twoperson raft. Although they have never finished first, they always have a good time. “We have won a few awards during the years including the ‘We Didn’t Think You Would Make It’ prize,” laughed Cloud. The Fredericksburg Jaycees award prizes in multiple categories including Fastest Down the River, Huck Finn, Commercial Huck Finn, Inflatable, and Most Patriotic Raft. The City of Fredericksburg (www. See 4th, page 5

©Marty van Duyne/News Net News

Old Glory is bathed in sunlight as she waves in the breeze to celebrate our independence.

AEGIS Training and Readiness Center changes leadership Kimberly M. Lansdale Racers compete in Soap Box Derby


Center for Surface Combat Systems Dahlgren — During a change of command ceremony at the AEGIS Training and Readiness Center (ATRC), on board Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, Va., Jun. 27, Capt. Ian Hall turned over command to Capt. Pete Galluch. Capt. Bill McKinley, command-

ing officer for the Center for Surface Combat Systems (CSCS), was the guest speaker at the event. “Under Capt. Hall’s command, ATRC has been very successful in executing its mission,” said McKinley. “His legacy is the culture of Navy and the Sailorization that occurs while junior enlisted Sailors are here at ATRC. ATRC has a superb reputation of providing Sailors to the fleet that are professionally trained

and have extremely high military standards. Not every school house can say that, but Capt. Ian Hall can take great pride in this legacy.” Hall said his tour of duty at ATRC was very rewarding. “In the past three years, this team of military, government civilians, and industry partners trained over 4,200 Aegis technicians so that they could deploy to the four corners of the globe and support the U.S.

Navy’s mission; these highly-trained Sailors have raised readiness level across the cruiser and destroyer force so that the ships are capable of deterring aggression, winning wars, and maintaining freedom of the seas,” Hall said. “This schoolhouse continues to advance Navy’s training mission by utilizing a blended learning solution that includes

Dahlgren’s Official, Unofficial base newspaper • We’re all about Dahlgren

See HALL, page 8

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