Dahlgren Source - September, 2014

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Dahlgren Vol. 25, No. 9, Mid-September 2014

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What’s Inside

Bao Bao celebrates her birthday at National Zoo


Panel takes a close look at unmanned systems

5 Peter D. Lawlor

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert observes a live-fire demonstration of the laser weapons system at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. He also was briefed and shown demonstrations of the electromagnetic railgun and real-time spectrum operations.

CNO briefed on new technology John Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications

Black engineers lend students a helping hand


JWAC airman wins leadership award


DAHLGREN, Va. — Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) leaders briefed Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert on technologies ranging from the electromagnetic railgun to the laser weapon system during his visit here Sept. 4. The CNO spoke to sailors and civilian technologists about the great impact of emerging capabilities on

the current and future fleet during an All Hands call held after his tour. “You are the test and evaluation national treasure that makes the surface fleet more lethal and more survivable,” Greenert told more than 400 military, government, and contractor personnel from Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, NSWCDD, Aegis Training and Readiness Center, Center for Surface Combat Systems, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense, Joint Warfare and Analysis Center, and the 614th Air and Space Operations

Center. The national treasure he observed included NSWCDD facilities where real-time spectrum operations and directed energy technologies such as the laser weapon system and electromagnetic railgun are under a continual state of research, development, test and evaluation. “I am really excited - you are taking concepts and putting it in the fleet for what is, up until now, record time,” said Greenert, pointing out that NSWCDD scientists and engineers are integrating the laser weapon system into the USS

Ponce (AFSB-I), an Austin-class amphibious transport dock. “We have to continue to turn this cycle faster and faster,” said Greenert, standing on a stage facing a 16-inch naval gun displayed at the end of the parade field. “Technology gets proliferated and other people have systems that we really don’t want them to have. We have to figure out how to defeat and stay ahead of that - and be where it matters, when it matters.” The installation of the laser

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See CNO , page 7

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