strong finish
the tough got going
picture this
boys’ and girls’ swimming teams blow out caroline and spotsylvania. Page 7
Cold and windy conditions were not enough to deter some young (and old) duck hunters. Page 8
murals are popping up throughout the area, both as art and advertisements. Page 10
T he
Volume 39, Number 6
King George
helping you relate to your community
Wednesday, February 4, 2015 50 Cents
King George schools to start in August Phyllis Cook Students in King George will go back to school after summer vacation Aug. 24. The school board approved its school calendar for the 2015-16 school year, deciding to start school before Labor Day for the first time ever. The last day of school will be June 3, 2016. The topic was on the Jan. 26 agenda as a discussion item and unanimously was approved from a total of five options. The vote took place following discussion and review of the results of online surveys of staff and parents with a presentation by Kristine Hill, division coordinator of curriculum. The school board also asked for a similar calendar to be developed for the 2016-17 school year, so it can be adopted well in advance so parents can plan. State law requires divisions to start
Survey says . . . The King George school system surveyed 473 community members and 235 staff members in regard to five options for starting and ending school for the 2015-16 school year. The options and percentage of support were: First day Last day Community Staff Aug. 19 May 27 21.6% 25.5% Aug. 24 June 3 20.5% 35.7% Aug. 17 June 2 10.6% 15.7% Sept. 8 June 16 35.5% 14.9% Sept. 8 June 14 11.8% 8.1% the school year on the day after Labor Day, unless it is eligible for a state waiver to begin prior to Labor Day because of weather-related closings in past years. King George is eligible for the waiver next year and for the following year. The change drew a mixed reaction from some area parents. “I didn’t vote for a particular
calendar because it didn’t matter to me or my family,” said Tammy Indseth at the meeting about a survey the district sent to parents. “We’ll adjust. I’ll just go school shopping earlier. “I’d rather spend my time and energy on helping the school division in determining what to do about . . . so many more pressing topics that have
an impact on the quality of education and the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars than the calendar.” Melissa Lamb doesn’t want a preLabor Day start. “My family camping trip is that weekend and I believe family vacations are memories and togetherness that kids need nowadays,” Lamb said. She also said she knows friends with standing time-share rentals during that week. “Families are losing weeks this summer to implement this calendar and will not get that back. This should have been a 2016-17 change for time for everyone to adjust,” Lamb said. Terri Rinko said she enjoys making summer last as long as possible. It’s always a pleasure not to focus on the next school year until you turn the calendar page from August to September,” she said. “I make a conscious decision for our family to rejuvenate, reconnect and rest over
Phyllis Cook’
King George students will be getting on their buses earlier next school year after the school board decided to start classes Aug. 24. summer break. We are of the group that likes to sneak in one last beach trip up to Maryland or down to
North Carolina that last week and a half in August when everyone else’s systems are in school.”
Teacher pay hike plan hits a snag Supervisors want other options also to be evaluated Phyllis Cook
king george meets never never land
King George supervisors agreed with school board members about the need to make teacher salaries more competitive beginning with fiscal year 2015-16. But they dampened hope of paying for a two-year proposed plan during a joint meeting Jan. 27, pointing to the current budget atmosphere of belt tightening from the state on down. The two-year teacher pay proposal would boost teacher salaries, but also would increase division costs by about $2.1 million. School board chairman John Davis championed the proposal, saying it would result in an entry-level salary of at least $40,000, along with $70,000 for teachers who make it to the 30year mark. Supervisors suggested other options might be explored. “You would be looking at a four-cent tax increase right away,” Supervisor Dale Sisson said. He suggested a longer phasing-in period for the increases and targeting specific years of experience to make those more competitive. “Mid-range salaries — maybe that’s what you address,” he said. He also suggested new approaches to retain teachers. “Has any thought been given to retention bonuses?” Sisson said. “It’s a one-time shot as to how they are factored in.” Supervisor Joe Grzeika pointed to the division’s handouts showing Stafford’s entry-level pay at $37,000plus being similar to King George’s. He also encouraged more See SALARIES, page 4
Photos courtesy of Lisa Haas
The King George High School Theater Department put on several performances of the children’s play “Peter Pan and Wendy” last weekend. The play is based on the novel by J.M. Barrie and adapted by Doug Rand.
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