Dahlgren Vol. 26, No. 2, February 2015
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Dahlgren tests preparedness Facility takes part in Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield anti-terrorism event Andrew Revelos Naval Support Activity South Potomac
CSCS captures five education and training excellence awards
NSWC scientist wins NATO Science and Technology Award
Local Fleet Reserve Association ralliying to help homeless veterans
Michelle Obama praises controversial movie ‘American Sniper’
Pubic affairs officer is CSCS’s 2014 civilian of the year
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Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield 2015 was conducted Feb. 2-12 across the U.S. Navy, including at Naval Support Facilities Dahlgren. “Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield is U.S. Fleet Forces’ directed exercise and annual capstone anti-terrorism event designed to evaluate Navy antiterrorism plans,” said Ed Patuga, Naval Support Activity South Potomac training officer. The annual exercise was highlighted by an active shooter scenario Feb. 11. Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Jessica Maffett portrayed the active shooter, roaming about a building looking for potential victims while first responders, See EXERCISE, page 3
U.S. Navy photo by Zack Shelby
Navy firefighters and paramedics work with members of King George Fire and Rescue to treat someone with simulated gunshot wounds
Sailor remembered for Pearl Harbor role Marty van Duyne News Net News Petty Officer Doris “Dorie” Miller became an unlikely hero when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The mess attendant had arisen at about 6 a.m. and was below deck on the USS West Virginia collecting laundry when the alarm sounded general quarters Dec. 7, 1941. When he arrived at his battle station, he discovered his antiaircraft battery magazine had sustained severe torpedo damage. See SAILOR, page 8
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Petty Officer Doris “Dorie” Miller receives the Navy Cross from Admiral Chester Nimitz, at an awards ceremony May 27, 1942 aboard the USS Enterprise. The medal was awarded for heroism during the attach on Pearl Harbor. U.S. Navy photograph/ National Archives