03/11/2015 Colonial Beach / Westmoreland Journal

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W&L Spring Sports

Virginia Viewpoints

teams struggle with the weather. Page 8

Disappointment with the General assembly session. Page 2

Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Volume 39, Number 11

A good antidote to cabin fever

The Home & Craft Show brings warmer temps Richard Leggitt

superintendent and to allow the board to answer questions that have come up in connection with Lowry’s resignation. “Hiring a new superintendent is the biggest task a school board will face and we want to make sure that the public has a voice in this process,” Lane said, encouraging parents, students, staff and residents to participate in the process. The school board has been consulting with Gina Patterson of the Virginia School Boards Association in connection with its superintendent search and also has widely distributed a questionnaire to parents, teachers and the taxpayers seeking input on the qualities that are desirable in the person who is chosen to be the new superintendent. The five-member Westmoreland County School Board has been widely criticized by county officials and the public during the past year for a number of missteps that have caused controversies within the school system. Those mistakes include the recent revelation that the school system has been late in making payments to the Virginia State Retirement System and Internal Revenue System. The school system recently had to make more than $700,000 in late payments to two agencies. Lowry has told members of the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors the school system is now current with all payments to the retirement system and to federal

The 26th Annual King George Home and Craft Show drew large crowds this past weekend and allowed area residents and visitors and opportunity to escape the snow of the last four weeks and celebrate their community. “We’re getting people out,” said Tommy Burrell, the owner of Thomas M. Burrell Inc., and one of the founders of the show, which began in 1989. “We’ve got the community involved and over 100 vendors.” The show, which is sponsored by the King George Builders Association and The Journal, was at King George High School and the aisles were filled with people talking to builders, Realtors and dozens of popular business and craft exhibits. About 2,200 people attended the two-day event, organizers said. “It was good seeing so many people,” said Melissa Kowall, who was manning the Peoples Community Bank exhibit. “It helped people deal with their spring fever.” Dave Weston of Weston Homes said business at his booth was good as well. “We had a number of serious buyers and a lot of potential future business.” The first home show was in the old King George Firehouse and drew a dozen vendors and a crowd of a few hundred. “When we first started, if was mostly real estate companies, agents and contractors,” Burrell said. “Then we started doing crafts and having things for more people to do. It just kept getting bigger and bigger.” “We are seeing a lot of new faces this year,” said Ruby Brabo, the

See weather, page 5

See show, page 5

Artifacts find requires add-on the plan for James Monroe Birthplace The Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors voted Monday night to add to the funding for the development of the James Monroe Birthplace Development Project because archeological researchers have found artifacts, dating to the time when Monroe’s family lived in the area, at a location where a parking lot was planned. In examining the area where the project planned to construct a visitors parking lot so it would be close to the historic site’s timeline walk, a boat launch on Monroe Creek and the planned site of an environmental center, archeological researchers found “a concentrated cluster of domestic and architectural material” dating to the time when Monroe’s family lived on the 78-acre site. The county is building an expansive James Monroe Historic Project at the site off Route 205 near Colonial Beach to honor Monroe, a Westmoreland County native, who was born at that location in 1758. Monroe, the 5th president of the

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

Try #4 for a public hearing on school superintendent Maybe the Westmoreland County School Board needs to hire a weatherman before it hires a new school superintendent. Cathy Rice, the assistant school superintendent of the Westmoreland school system, said Monday the school board had decided to schedule a fourth attempt at holding a public hearing at a time when the weather is likely to be more favorable. “They voted to reschedule the hearing for 6 p.m. on March 30th at Washington and Lee High School,” Rice said. Patty Long, the school system’s public relations specialist, said Monday she had no information about when the long-awaited public hearing to help in the search for a replacement for Superintendent Rebecca Lowry would be rescheduled. The latest attempt to have a public hearing at Washington and Lee High School was March , but that was wiped out because a late winter storm blanketed the area with as much as 6 inches of snow. Lowry, who resigned in January effective June 30, has been the Westmoreland County superintendent since July 2011. She has been at odds with the school board recently about the management of the school system’s finances and the board voted, 3-2, not to renew her contract. Iris Lane, the chairwoman of the school board, has been eager to have a public hearing to get input on the hiring of a new

Photos of the 26th Annual Home & Craft Show. Page 4 POSTAL CUSTOMER

T he

Richard Leggitt

home Show

United States and the last founding father of our nation to be president, is famed for the Monroe Doctrine, among many other historic achievements, “The recommendation is to move the parking lot to a new location that does not have historical significance,” said Robert Fink, the county’s director of planning and development. “We can then come back and further examine the artifacts at a later time.” Finks asked for almost $14,000 to cover the additional survey and archeological work and the relocation of the new parking lot. The board approved the add-on by voice vote and work on the project is expected to begin soon. Board Vice Chairman Woodrow Hynson noted that the initial parking lot location was not far from where “They had peach trees behind the Monroe house. Mrs. Monroe’s peach brandy was famous.” - Richard Leggitt

Jessica Herrink

The King George Home & Craft Show is more than a trade show - it is place to visit with friends and make connections. Here, King George Sheriff Steve Dempsey visited with Christopher Bryant and Yolanda Gonzalez, representing the Chamber of Commerce. And Elvis was at the show - Elvis the therapy dog was at the show.

CB property owners can participate in facade program Linda Farneth Every property owner in the Colonial Beach revitalization project area is eligible to participate in the facade improvement program. Anyone interested will receive free architectural technical assistant services and preliminary designs on ways they can make improvements to the outside appearance of their property. Jerry Davis, executive director of Northern Neck Planning District Commission, conducted an implementation kick-off meeting recently for the revitalization. There are several phases to the implementation process but Davis focused the group on the facade improvement program. After receiving architectural services, property owners who want to pursue grant assistance and

carry out the improvements may file an application for grant money of up to $10,000. If a property owner chooses not to do the work, they are entitled to keep the architectural designs free of charge with no strings attached. A committee will review the applications, plans and designs to prioritize and decide who will receive the grant money. The Community Development Block Grant has roughly $97,000 allocated to the facade improvement project so businesses with plans that have the highest priority and will make the biggest impact will get first priority. “We want the biggest visual impact for the amount of money that is invested into the facade improvement program.” Davis said. Grant money for the program will be in the form of a loan and the owner must match the

Looking for oyster cages The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has asked boaters, watermen and waterfront property owners in the Northern Neck and lower Chesapeake Bay to be on the lookout for almost 200 floating oyster cages that broke loose for their moorings as snow, ice and wind swept through the region recently. Chuck Epes, of the Chesapeake

Bay Foundation, said the missing oyster cages are the property of Tangier Island watermen. “Each of the floating cages contains several bags of young oysters and, if not recovered, will represent a significant loss for the watermen,” Epes said. Epes said the missing cages could wash ashore anywhere from Northern

grant money 50/50. The amount of the loan/grant money will be forgiven after five years if the owner finishes the project and maintains it for the five years. Every year, one-fifth of the loan is forgiven. “The state recognizes that if you make a public investment, it acts as a catalyst for other investments,’ Davis said. Visitor-ship was way up in Montross after (a similar project) began.” The total amount of money spent on facades in Colonial Beach will be up to almost $200,000. If the property owner decides to put in more than 50 percent, both the town and the property owner will benefit, Davis said. The group will announce a facade improvement kick-off meeting and invite every business and property owner within the project area to come and learn more about the program.

Neck to the middle Peninsula to as watermen. far south as Cape Henry. The cages are 3 feet long, 3 feet wide “If anyone finds such a floating and 2 feet deep. They are attached to cage, please contact Tommy Leggett black plastic floats. of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation by phone at 804-815-7982 or with —Richard Leggitt an e-mail to tleggett@cbf.org,” Epes said. Anyone finding one of the cages is urged to keep it in the water, secured to a dock or a pier, to increase the chances of the oysters survival until they can be retrieved by the

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