12/09/2015 Colonial Beach / Westmoreland Journal

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Pearl harbor in the days and weeks after the attack Page 2

Drifters settle into 2015-16 Basketball season

T he Volume 39, Number 50


Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Wednesday, December 9, 2015 50 Cents

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Montross Spirit Festival drew happy weekend crowds Richard Leggitt

The annual Montross Christmas Spirit Festival drew steady and happy weekend crowds as Westmoreland County residents and visitors celebrated the beginning of the Christmas season. “The Montross Christmas Spirit Festival is really a special evening in town,” said Terry Cosgrove, spokesman for the Montross Revitalization Partnership. “I’d go as far as to say events like this are why many of us choose to live in a small town and away from the busy metropolitan areas and lifestyles elsewhere.” “It’s a pretty village area and a safe town where the kids can gather and adults are sure to see many familiar faces as the several hundred gather for the annual First Friday in December Christmas tree lighting ceremony,” said Cosgrove. “As the Westmoreland County Volunteer Fire Company Auxiliary reads the names of fire department members that have passed away, the tree is lighted, followed by Christmas music

filling the air around the old courthouse.” “Saturday Santa hopped a ride from the Fire Department to see more children at the old courthouse along with his elf helpers from Little Eagles Daycare center,” Cosgrove said. “Sunday additional art events are taking place at the museum making at pretty much a Montross Christmas Spirit Weekend this year and that’s a great thing.” Montross businesses participated in the Christmas Spirit weekend as well. Bridget’s Bouquets, the Carrot Cottage, Diane Jackson’s Art Gallery, Community Bank and the Bank of Lancaster all held open houses. Music and band students from Montross middle and high school performed Christmas music at the popular Art of Coffee. Under the leadership of educators Rob and Kelly Wright, the students played as solo artists and within different groups. A special treat for those visiting with Santa at the old Westmoreland County Courthouse, which is soon to be turned into a county visitors center, was a glimpse at two new

previously unseen murals painted by artists commissioned by the Revitalization Partnership. The murals will be officially unveiled at a scheduled ceremony at a later time. “It’s been a great year in the village of Montross,” Cosgrove said. “We’ve completed all of the revitalization projects we’d planned and budgeted for during this calendar year. From the street beautification to the façade improvement program and the mural program to the cross walk improvements it’s all been positive for our citizens and our business and property owners.” “We are extremely happy with our event driven destination approach to bringing people back to Montross. From our First Friday Art Walks, First Saturday’s Market Day’s to our main event Fall Festival and now our Montross Christmas Spirit Festival it’s been fun to see shoppers and dinners walking the village and supporting our local vendors and brick and mortar businesses.” See back page for more photos of the festival.

Photo courtesy Terry Cosgrove

A crowd of more than a hundred Montross residents gathered to watch the lighting of the Spirit Tree at the old Westmoreland Courthouse.

Planning Commission KG submits comments to state on fracking rules calls for assessments Phyllis Cook

Linda Farneth The Colonial Beach Planning Commission is recommending environmental assessments for two of the North Irving town-owned properties before marketing. The commission did not recommend demolition of the old police building but stated no restrictions should be requested of the eventual purchaser. The commission has been reviewing town-owned properties at the town council’s request. The commission was tasked with making recommendations on how each property should be handled by the town. The three townowned buildings currently being considered are the Klotz building, located at 6 N. Irving Ave., the old police building at 10 N. Irving Ave., and the old town hall building at 18 N. Irving Ave. Commission Chairman Robin Schick talked with a real estate

agent to discuss how best to review and market these properties with regards to historical preservation and qualification for main street inclusion. The properties in questions are also in the revitalization project area, so the commission wants to ensure their recommendations will be in keeping with the improvements being currently made under the revitalization grant. The agent advised that the town should invest to have all properties undergo asbestos, lead-based paint and structural integrity assessments. Then the town can decide if the buildings fit the other criteria that Schick mentioned. Schick said it is unlikely that potential investors would want to go through the cost of having these assessments done before purchasing the properties. See COMMISION, page 8

King George approved its comments to go to the Virginia Department of Mines Minerals & Energy for proposed changes the state is contemplating for oil and gas drilling in this part of the commonwealth. The comments were approved on Dec. 1, with the deadline for submission set for Dec. 4 to the state department overseeing oil and gas drilling, referred to as “fracking.” Fracking is a method of drilling for natural gas by high-pressure injection of chemicals and large amounts of water through a pipe into rock formations thousands of feet underground, creating cracks in the ancient shale beds to allow the extraction of natural gas. Fracking is taking place in other areas of Virginia. But the state intends to tighten its regulations for the area referred to as the “Tidewater,” which includes the localities in the Northern Neck, Middle Peninsula and others further south. Tidewater’s rules will be different

for fracking due to proximity to the environmentally sensitive Chesapeake Bay and also because of the Taylorsville Basin aquifer, which is the major source of water for the entire region. The state’s proposed regulation amendments for Tidewater include the following rules for applications: • A list of all ingredients to be used in any hydraulic fracturing operations, including those for which trade secret protection is requested. • DMME and Department of Environmental Quality to convene a pre-application meeting to ensure the potential drilling applicant is aware of all state law and regulations pertaining to oil and gas drilling, with the meeting to be public and in the locality for which the permit is sought with notice given. • Groundwater baseline sampling, analysis and monitoring plan required. The groundwater monitoring program is to include subsequent sampling and testing

after setting the production casing or liner. • Submission of an emergency response plan. • Various certifications required from the applicant, including agreement to comply with all local land use ordinances. The draft regulation amendments having to do with Tidewater can be found online at www.dmme.virginia. gov/dgo/RegulatoryAction.shtml. During discussion by supervisors, county attorney Eric Gregory said he had amended the proposed comments since the board’s review on Nov. 17. “I added language regarding surface waters and ground waters and made some corrections,” Gregory said. Ruby Brabo said she wanted land reclamation procedures to be requested by the county. Gregory said the reclamation procedures were already in the state regulations elsewhere and the section was not within the scope of the proposed amendments. “Those are not the complete regulations online,” Gregory

explained. Joe Grzeika agreed. “I remember reading those. I think we should stick to the amendments. Otherwise the comments aren’t really germane to what’s being advertised for the public input for those amendments.” Brabo also wanted to request the state to include the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) involvement in the application process, which was nixed by Dale Sisson. “VDOT’s not included in the (state) Code for such things other than the entryway,” Sisson said. “My recommendation is, we’ve worked on this and it’s due Dec. 4.” Grzeika agreed. “I am not a fan of making changes on the fly and not getting to see them before they get submitted. I’m okay with this, but anything beyond that, I’m not going to support,” Grzeika said. Following discussion, the motion by Brabo was unanimously approved to send the comments to the state as presented in the meeting packet for Dec. 1.

Holiday tour to benefit Historical Society Linda Farneth On the Dec. 12, the Colonial Beach Historical Society will host a Christmas House Tour to benefit the Colonial Beach Museum. A reception will take place at the museum, located at 128 Hawthorne St., beginning at 5:30 p.m. Participants will then receive their participation ribbons and the list of houses to be toured. This year the tour will be split into two groups and will leave the museum at 6:30 p.m. The first stop will be Colonial Beach First Baptist Church, where the event goers will be treated to a non-denominational service, then move on. House tours will allow participants to view the entire first floor of the selected homes. Tickets for historical society members are $15. For non-members, the fee is $18. Applications for membership will be available that evening at the museum. The cost is $15 for an indiviual, $25 for family and $30 for a business. Event Coordinator Betty Whitestone said on Dec. 1 that 60 of the 80 tickets had already been sold. “This is the last big fundraiser for the museum before it closes for the winter that evening,” she said. The museum will reopen in the middle of April 2016.

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