Dahlgren Vol. 26, No. 1, January, 2016
What’s Inside
3-D printing is here, with Dahlgren event
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Anti-terrorism excercise is planned
Hispanic Heritage event at NSWCDD
Students test fire railgun model
WASHINGTON (NNS) -Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces and Commander, Navy Installations Command will conduct Exercise Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield 2016 Feb. 1 to 12 on Navy installations located in the continental U.S. This annual anti-terrorism force protection exercise is designed to train Navy security forces to respond to threats to installations and units. “Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield 2016 provides the means by which USFF and CNIC assess Navy antiterrorism program command and control capabilities, and the readiness and effectiveness of fleet and region program execution throughout the U.S. Northern Command area of responsibility,” said William Clark, CNIC’s exercise program manager. “Exercise scenarios are based on our assessment of terrorist/homegrown violent extremist objectives, capabilities and current real-world events.” Last years exercise was considered a success. “Solid Curtain/Citadel Shield is U.S. Fleet Forces’ directed exercise and annual capstone antiterrorism event designed to evaluate Navy antiterrorism plans,” said Ed Patuga, Naval Support Activity South Potomac training officer of the 2015 version. The annual exercise was highlighted by an active shooter scenario Feb. 11, 2015. Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Jessica Maffett portrayed the active shooter, roaming about a building looking for potential victims while first responders, such as police, firefighters and emergency services personnel worked to apprehend her, tend to victims and subdue the situation. “The purpose of the active shooter/
Photo courtesy of US Navy
Local and Navy EMS personnel work to “stabilize” a patient during last year’s Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield excercise. This year’s event is set for Feb. 2 to 12. IED (Improvised Explosive De- and training experience of exercise near bases may also see increased vices)/mass casualty exercise is to participants through application of security activity associated with evaluate NSASP’s ability to respond moulage simulations for injuries.” the exercise. Base personnel should to and recover from such an event,” Exercise SC/CS16 is not in register for the AtHoc wide-area Patuga said. “King George, Colonial response to any specific threat, but alert network to stay up to date on Beach, and Charles counties’ fire/ is a regularly scheduled exercise. The force protection conditions and other emergency medical personnel par- exercise consists of approximately emergency, environmental, or exerticipation provided the opportunity 300 field-training exercise events cise-related impacts on the area. to exercise mutual aid agreements on and off Navy installations across CNIC is responsible for providing with our neighboring communi- the country, each designed to test support services for the fleet, fighter ties,” Patuga said of last year’s event. different regional ATFP operations. and family with more than 52,000 “The EOD (Explosive Ordinance The exercise’s scenarios enable military and civilian personnel unDisposal) detachment provided the assessment of the Navy and civilian der 11 regions and 70 installations technical expertise in responding law enforcement’s response to attacks worldwide. USFF executes the Navy to the simulated IED threat. Naval both on installations and at soft AT Program in the United States to Criminal Investigative Service pro- targets off-installation. prevent, deter and defend against vided information and awareness of Exercise coordinators have taken terrorist attacks on Department of what could be expected should such measures to minimize disruptions the Navy personnel, their families, an event occur within the NSA South to normal base operations, but there facilities, resources, installations, Potomac fence lines.Branch Medical may be times when the exercise and infrastructure critical to DoN Clinic Dahlgren and the casualties’ causes increased traffic around bases mission accomplishment. role players enhanced the realism or delays in base access. Residents
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