02/24/2016 King George VA Journal

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Slow season still has host of activities for outdoors enthusiasts Page 6

Drifters win in nail-biter to take third conference 43 title

Looser EPA rules could bring pollution back to Virginia

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Volume 40, Number 8

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King George

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 50 Cents

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King George board OKs resolution for Va. to acquire trail Phyllis Cook

Photo by Jim Lynch

Racers enjoy playing Saturday on the railway handcar after the Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail half-marathon held Saturday.

School contract gets approval Middle school project moves ahead Phyllis Cook

The King George Board of Supervisors awarded a $500,000 contract to RRMM Architects to design an addition for King George Middle School at its Feb. 16 meeting. The company was selected from among 12 firms submitting proposals in November. County administrator Travis Quesenberry said the proposals were evaluated by a selection committee consisting of him, Superintendent Rob Benson, Dashan Turner, the division’s director of administrative services, and Chris Thomas, general manager of the Service Authority. Four firms were interviewed. Funding was set aside in August by the board as part of its 2015-16 capital improvement program for schematic design and architectural services, construction documents and bid award phases of the project. “The contract will take the project from conception through bid,” Quesenberry said. “It does not include construction costs.” The contract calls for completion of the construction documents by

the middle of October, when the project would be expected to go out for bid. The expansion project for the middle school was last year estimated at $8.25 million for the construction phase, but that has now been increased to $8.53 million. The current timetable calls for the construction bid award to take place by the end of November of this year. The construction is anticipated to take 20.5 months, with final completion scheduled for mid-August 2018. School Board member Mike Rose was present at the meeting and invited to comment by Chairman Ruby Brabo. “This will allow us to move the sixth-graders to the middle school,” Rose said. “This project is very near and dear to my heart as a school board member. I’ve been tracking the school population ever since I’ve been on the board for six years now.” He related the enrollments at each of the county’s three elementary schools, providing his capacity analysis. King George Elementary has 880 students with five trailers, at 99 percent capacity. Potomac Elementary has 673 stu-

dents, at 93 percent capacity. Sealston Elementary has 777 students, at 86 percent capacity. The purpose of the middle school expansion project is to add enough classrooms and related space to enable shifting the sixth-grades out of the county’s three elementary schools. The three county elementary schools currently have a total of 16 classrooms containing 364 sixthgrade students, with similar-sized populations for the grades coming up. The contract asks for a design to expand the middle school to accommodate a minimum of 425 sixthgrade students. That would add to the middle school’s current enrollment of 615 students split between seventh and eighth grades. Accommodating the sixth grades will return the school’s use to Virginia’s traditional middle school grade configuration, with grades 6, 7 and 8. But more importantly, it will also free up classroom space at the three elementary schools to accommodate the growth of grades K-5 in the short term, prior to addressing construction of a fourth elementary school for the county.

The King George Supervisors voted unanimously in support of the Dahlgren Heritage Railroad Trail’s acquisition by the state Department of Conservation & Recreation to become part of Caledon State Park, at the request of the Dahlgren Navy base. The property runs northeast from Route 605 in Sealston through most of the length of the northern portion of King George County, nearly to U.S. 301. The vote on Feb. 16 was a significant reversal by the governing body, which had refused to take sides over the issue since the 15.7-mile former CSX railroad bed was purchased by David

Brickley, a former director of DCR, from county resident Joe Williams in 2008 for $442,500, and subsequently converted into a private hiking and biking trail. The board’s previous stance was out of deference to adjacent property owners' concerns and because the trail is privately owned and permit-required. The issue surfaced on Feb. 2 when Supervisor Jim Howard read portions of a Jan. 20 letter to Chairwoman Ruby Brabo from Joe Elton, deputy director of operations for DCR, saying the project came up in meetings with Naval Facilities Engineering Command staff over the last eight months in regard to the Department of Defense’s Readiness and Environmental Protection

Integration program. REPI is a tool for combating encroachment that can limit or restrict military training, testing, and operations. The trail is not adjacent to Dahlgren, nor is the trail adjacent to Caledon State Park. In addition, the topic didn’t come up at the Community Relations Council, according to last year’s chairman and retired board member, Joe Grzeika. “There was no discussion of any REPI project related to King George during any of the COMREL meetings last year,” Grzeika told The Journal. The topic drew about 40 people to

Fracking bills die in Va. Assembly Phyllis Cook

Both pieces of state legislation that would have exempted ingredients in hydraulic fracturing fluid from public disclosure under the state’s Freedom of Information Act are dead for this year in the Virginia General Assembly. Senate Bill 706 was struck last week on Feb. 15 at the patron’s request in a state senate subcommittee. Likewise the previous week, House Bill 1329, with virtually identical language, was held over for reconsideration at next year’s General Assembly in January 2017. Chairwoman Ruby Brabo of the King George Board of Supervisors was happy about the outcome. “This is good news,” Brabo told The Journal. “It was important for our legislature to wait until the final regulations for DMME have been officially adopted, to ensure any new legislation is in line with those new regulations.” DMME is the state’s Department of Mines Minerals & Energy. Brabo asked county attorney Eric Gregory to update the board of supervisors at its meeting Feb. 16. “That legislation is effectively dead for this term,” Gregory said, alluding to it coming back next year. “By that time, the new regulations of the Department of Mines Minerals & Energy will be in effect ...” Gregory said the draft DMME regulations are expected to be finalized by late summer, or early in the fall of this year. “Those pending regulations call for the registration with DMME of ingredients in hydraulic fracturing fluids and other materials utilized by oil and gas drillers in the process. They also provide for the public disclosure

of ingredients,” Gregory said. “This year’s legislation, we believe, was presented as a way to forestall the potential acquisition of that information through FOIA when those regulations would go into effect. That would have frustrated the very purpose of the regulations, as presently pending,” he said. The two bills would have created a special “trade secret” exception to FOIA to allow companies to conceal the chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process, called fracking. Fracking is a method of drilling for natural gas by high-pressure injection of chemicals and large amounts of water through a pipe into rock formations thousands of feet underground, creating cracks in ancient shale beds to allow the extraction of natural gas. While fracking is taking place in other areas of Virginia, the state’s pending regulations would tighten the rules for this area, called the “Tidewater.” In state law, Tidewater is defined as localities in the Northern Neck, Middle Peninsula and some others further south. The area is considered environmentally sensitive due to its proximity to the Chesapeake Bay. In addition, the Taylorsville Basin aquifer is the major source of water for the entire region. More than 84,000 acres of land are currently under lease by drillers in five counties in the Taylorsville Basin shale deposit, including more than 10,000 in King George and nearly 14,000 in Westmoreland, along with 40,000 in Caroline, 13,000 in Essex and 6,000 in King & Queen counties. Last September, King George held public hearings on strengthening amendments to its land use ordinance

Bundy recounts storied career for Dahlgren base audience By John Joyce NSWC Dahlgren Division Corporate Communications DAHLGREN, Va. - Dr. William Bundy recalled the day he missed the bus for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in Washington, D.C. It was Aug. 28, 1963 and he would have had the chance to hear Dr. Martin Luther King speak. "I had to go home and get permission from my Mom and when I got back to Bethel AME Church the bus was gone," the 2016 Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Black History Celebration keynote speaker told the audience at the base theater, Feb. 11. Eventually he met the civil rights leader. "Inspirational" is how Bundy described his 10-minute conversation with King at Penn Station in New York City.

"I just arrived from England. My ship was deployed and I was leaving the ship. I was in uniform and he was standing there all by himself," said Bundy. "I walked over and talked to him. The civil rights struggle that he represented is very important to all of us, but from the Navy perspective I want you to understand that we've been there. We're still there and as a race, our heritage is strong." Throughout the month of February, the Navy joins our nation in celebrating the history and culture of African-American and Black Sailors during African-American/Black History Month. Established in 1926, President Gerald Ford expanded the celebration in 1976 to include the entire month of February. This year, Navy commands are encouraged to celebrate and reflect on the theme "Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African-American Memories." Bundy - a retired Navy Captain who began his Navy career as a sonar tech-

nician - reflected on the lives and service of African-Americans, especially those who died in combat, making the land and seas from Pearl Harbor to the skies over Korea hallowed. He spoke about Doris "Dorie" Miller who enlisted as a Navy mess attendant 3rd class in September 1939. Miller distinguished himself by courageous conduct and devotion to duty during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, while serving aboard USS West Virginia (BB48). He was awarded the Navy Cross for his actions on this occasion. Miller then served aboard USS Indianapolis (CA-35) from December 1941 to May 1943. He was next assigned to the escort carrier Liscome Bay (CVE-56). He was lost with that ship when it was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine on Nov. 24, 1943, during the invasion of the Gilbert Islands. On Nov. 25, 1944, Miller was presumed dead by the Secretary of the Navy a year and a day after being carried as missing in

See Trail, page 8

action since the Nov. 24, 1943 attack on the Liscome Bay. USS Miller (DE1091) was named in honor of Cook Third Class Doris Miller. Bundy also recounted Ensign Jesse LeRoy Brown, the Navy's first black aviator, who wanted not only to fly, but to be of service to mankind. On Dec. 4, 1950, Brown's aircraft was hit while making a strafing run against the enemy during the Korean War. With tremendous skill, he managed to crash land on a rough, boulder-strewn slope. He survived the crash, only to remain stuck in the cockpit as smoke began to billow from the wreckage. He risked his life to help a Marine regiment without any race considerations, knowing only that Americans were in trouble. Although his career was met from start to tragic finish with immeasurable odds, his courage and devotion live on throughout our Navy's history. See Base, page 8

Gravely Naval Warfare Research Group Director Dr. William Bundy, keynote speaker at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division 2016 Black History Month Observance, inspires the audience while emphasizing that diversity and inclusion is about leadership from the top ..

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See Bills, page 8

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