03/16/2016 King George Journal

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Upland game hunting trip gives youth chance to get hooked Page 6

Spring sports get started, wih optimism

Dahlgren base gate to close for canopy project

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Volume 40, Number 11

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King George

helping you relate to your community

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 50 Cents

Local law officers King George real estate tax to go up concerned over fentanyl fatalities maximum of 7 cents Personal property tax expected to rise as much as 25 cents per $100 valuation Phyllis Cook

The King George Board of Supervisors will this week get details on a draft 2016-17 budget incorporating a 7-cent hike on real estate taxes and 25-cent increase on personal property taxes. County administrator Travis Quesenberry is slated to present the proposal at a work session 6:30 p.m. March 17 at the King George Fire/ Rescue station on Route 3. At the Thursday meeting, the

board is expected to vote to authorize advertisement of tax rates and its draft 2016-17 budget. Public hearings on the proposed tax hike and budget are to take place 6:30 p.m. April 5 in the ground-floor board room of the Revercomb building behind the courthouse. That’s when residents will have a chance to voice their opinions for the record on an increase in taxes and how money should be spent for the next fiscal year, beginning on July 1. Supervisors are currently planning on adopting tax rates and a budget at a meeting on April 17 for use in sending out first-half tax bills on adopted tax rates, due to be paid in early June. The board came to agreement dur-

ing a lengthy meeting on March 8 for the board’s fifth budget work session. Superintendent Rob Benson provided a detailed presentation of the School Board’s $47.92 million budget request, with $42 million for operations compared to the current year operating budget of $38.6 million. Benson’s proposal was based on 4,230 as the average daily membership for 2016-17, 10 students fewer than the current year’s budget. ADM is the number on which state funding is calculated. The School Board’s proposal would need local funds from taxpayers totaling $2.4 million to give the

See Taxes, page 8

Richard Leggitt

Law enforcement authorities in King George and Westmoreland counties are concerned about an increase in drug abuse cases involving fentanyl, a powerful synthetic drug. “Fentanyl is an extremely potent, addictive, and dangerous narcotic that is often prescribed for pain management," said King George Sheriff Steve Dempsey. "Although it has legitimate uses, parents especially need to be aware that this drug can be deadly and should never be accessible to children.” Two weeks ago, two men died at separate locations in King George from taking a fatal combination of fentanyl and heroin. Heroin has been a focus of area law enforcement for more than a decade because it is

so addictive. But also taking fentanyl at the same time has added an alarming new drug mixture to the dangers of drug abuse. "The increase in heroin use is forefront and has been conveyed to the public," said Westmoreland Sheriff C.O. Balderson. "In addition to the increased usage, we are also seeing the combined use of heroin and fentanyl, a deadly combination." Fentanyl has been a drug used as a powerful pain killer especially for cancer patients for years. But when improperly used, including taking it while also taking heroin, it causes the respiratory system to shut down. The Virginia Medical Examiner's office has attributed 213 deaths in the state in 2015 to the lethal com-

bination of heroin and fentanyl. Fentanyl is a prescription opioid like oxycodone, methadone or codeine. Fentanyl is described by law enforcement officials as being 50 times more potent that heroin and it represents a frightening threat to those who abuse it. Abusing fentanyl and combining it with heroin is a death sentence, according to law officers. Heroin, which has been the drug of choice for many drug abusers, claimed the lives of more than 2,500 persons in Virginia in the last four years, according to the Medical Examiners Office. Now with heroin being combined with fentanyl, drug fatalities in the Commonwealth and in King George and Westmoreland are expected to increase even further.

Brabo addresses EDA about strategic planning for future Phyllis Cook

King George Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Ruby Brabo addressed the county’s Economic Development Authority last week on March 10 on its role in strategic planning. “One of the main priorities is creating an economic development strategic plan so we can ensure we do develop our county prop-

erly,” Brabo said. “You need to be a partner with us in creating that.” She said she expected the governing body and EDA would schedule some joint meetings after supervisors finish with their 201617 budgeting process. In the meantime, Brabo asked members to think about the issues and the process. “I want everyone to think outside the box. King George County has been stagnant for

way too long,” Brabo said. “I believe everyone who lives in this county does not want us to replicate the issues and problems of Stafford county and Spotsylvania county.” Brabo said the idea was for the county to improve its tax base. “We need jobs, employment, and opportunities that are not simply tied to the Dahlgren Naval base or minimum wage. We need good-quality jobs and we need that revenue

stream in order to fund services,” Brabo said. Brabo said residential homes do not pay for themselves, with additional revenue needed to fund the costs for such things as education, emergency services, and law enforcement. “In fact, they place a burden on us,” Brabo said. “Real estate taxes, as a rule, on a new home typically cover three-fifths of their costs for services. So the other two-fifths

need to be made up, or you wind up, as we have had to do, raising the real estate taxes and personal property taxes.” Brabo also asked EDA members to also think about transportation, specifically in regard to U.S. 301and Route 3. “How does our local land use planning impact our future transportation?” Brabo See Brabo, page 8

Popular local food truck ready for road Belle Grove celebrates Madison birthday with planned festivities Richard Leggitt

When sisters Debbie and Judy Beach were growing up they often helped their parents in the food concessions the parents operated. They saw the challenges, but also

the rewards of owing a business and dreamed of some day having their own food service firm. Over 40 years later, the dream of the sisters, who live in Kinsale in Westmoreland County, came true when this week they unveiled their

new mobile food concession, the Flippin Yellow Truck. "I gave the years doing what I had to do, now I am doing what I want to do," said Debbie Beach. "This was our dream, and I wanted to go for it."

Photo by Richard Leggitt

The Flippin Yellow Truck, a mobile food concession, is a dream come true for Kinsale sisters Debbie, left, and Judy Beach.

Debbie has spent the better part of the past four decades working in management at the NASA facility in Langley and also selling insurance. Her sister, Judy, has worked as a professional cook for several restaurants and operated a catering business. "It was kind of my dream, and her dream too, to work for ourselves, to be our own boss," Debbie said. That dream came true this week when the Flippin Yellow Truck opened for business at the Flea Market in Dahlgren. The brightly painted food concession truck will be in Warsaw every Tuesday. Other food truck appearances are being scheduled throughout the Northern Neck, including King George and Westmoreland counties, and as far away as Richmond and Virginia Beach. "We have our business licenses and our health permits and we hope to be present at a lot of events, including car shows," Debbie said. Getting the Flippin Yellow Truck ready for customers was a labor of love for the two Kinsale sisters. "We found the [8-foot-by18-foot] trailer in North Carolina, we customized the inside and designed the vinyl wrap," said Debbie. "It looks awesome." The opening menu for the food concession will include burgers, Italian sausages, hot dogs, pulled BBQ chicken and chicken filet sandwiches. French fries, Tater Tots and a variety of drinks will also be available. "We have a lot of fun different names for our menu, like the Slug See Truck, page 8

Photo by Richard Leggitt

John Douglas Hall and Lynn Uzzel are portraying James and Dolley Madison this week in events at Belle Grove and Montpelier celebrating Madison’s 265th birthday. Richard Leggitt King George County and the nation this week honored the March 16 birthday of the nation's fourth President, James Madison, who was born 265 years ago at Belle Grove, the historic plantation on the Rappahannock River. In addition to serving as President from 1809 to 1817, during his life Madison served as a colonel in the Virginia Militia, a member of Congress and as secretary of state. He is known as an author of the Constitution, the father of the Bill or Rights and the architect of the Monroe Doctrine. At Belle Grove, the celebration of Madison's birthday actually began on March 5 as the historic home, now a luxury bed and breakfast, joined with the King George American Legion

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to host an essay contest, designed to educate students about the celebrated Founding Father. Participating in the birthday celebration events at Belle Grove were John Douglas Hall and Lynn Uzzel, actors who uniquely portray Madison and his wife, Dolley, at historic events throughout Virginia. This week, Michelle Darnell, who operates Belle Grove with her husband, Brett, was to join Hall and Uzzell in participating in Madison's birthday festivities at Montpelier, the plantation that was Madison's home See Madison, page 8

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