How Martial Arts Training Beneficial for Your Kids? People generally think the by learning any form or style of martial arts their children might become bullies by using it as an advantage over other kids. This is a misconception about an art that is totally different from what people think. Martial art is a mixture of coordination, discipline, respect and boosts the confidence level of the learner. Following are few benefits your kid would gain by learning this art of self defence: ďƒ˜ High level of discipline: Self-control is taught and the learner is able to concentrate more on important things. The instructors would teach the kids to concentrate and focus more on how to execute a particular technique properly and accurately. Discipline can be defined as self-control that ensures that you do not do what has not been asked and must complete the task which has been asked to do. In other words, this technique would make your kid more disciplined than before. Any form or style would surely be hard to learn at the beginning, but the reward and goal to achieve a higher rank or level would make them disciplined. ďƒ˜ Increases self-esteem: Your kid would gain high level of self-esteem once he/she realises his/her worth. When the child becomes more confident, capable and develops ability to face the challenges, level of self-esteem increases manifold. They would achieve success in small tasks faced in everyday life and as the training improves, these challenges start to look easier. ďƒ˜ Learn to respect others: Value of experience, rank, age and expertise is taught by almost all the forms of martial arts. High level of experience and expertise is indicated by higher ranks. When a person achieves a particular rank, he/she can spread their art by teaching others. Even outside the gym or the training school, your kids would learn and know how respect people.