Martial Arts: Do you Think It’s Just for Children? Think Again Martial Arts or Kung Fu training is suitable for people of different age groups. No matter what your age you can begin Kung Fu classes and start getting the physical, mental and emotional benefits of Martial arts training right away. Search online to find a martial arts school in your area that offers training for all age groups. An amusing question I get asked all the time is “do you teach adults?” I say amusing because we teach a “MARTIAL ART” it’s original purpose was, well how do I put this nicely ... for hurting people. Like its name suggests a martial art is for the purpose of combat. Something that began and still remains at its sole purpose the domain of adults. It is because of the rigorous training, the martial code of ethics, the warrior spirit and discipline involved in training that Kung Fu has become a great tool for imparting not only self defence but also a whole host of physical, mental and emotional benefits to adults and children alike. Kung Fu was practiced by our founders to protect themselves, their family, their village and country. That purpose made their training very serious and created the physically and mentally demanding training methods, that adults can benefit from today. Like many people you may have come across martial arts as a child. This is the reason that many people think that martial arts schools only teach children. However, there are a many benefits to taking up Kung Fu training as an adult. Across the broader community you will see many fitness enthusiasts take up some style of martial arts. One of the major benefits of Kung Fu training is that it is truly holistic when it comes to physical fitness. In fact, Kung Fu training could be described as combining all the benefits of going to the gym, yoga, meditation and more into a single training method. Which delivers not only fitness but a total mind and body health, where fitness and strength is just a component of what we are trying to achieve? A good instructor will guide you in establishing correct movement patterns, help you increase your muscle tone flexibility, help improve your coordination and agility, and teach you the art of self defence. For an adult population that spends and ever increasing amount of time sitting down either at a desk or behind the wheel of a car, the truly life changing benefits of training Kung Fu are simply protecting your body’s ability to move. Something that cannot be guaranteed (and is usually made worse) by running, lifting weights or other modern forms of “fitness” training. Each training session is designed to make you fitter and healthier as you are learning lifelong skills. Kung Fu has an amazing ability to maintain your body. Through proper training you will be able to develop and maintain a good physique. The regular workouts provide a routine that helps stabilise your body weight, tone and develop strength.