Martial arts and combative training the basic difference

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Martial Arts and Combative Training - The Basic Difference The traditional martial arts and combative training are two different forms of fighting styles. Traditional martial art was developed as a combat training for the military. With changing times, martial art is now learned to achieve fitness, for defence purposes, as a hobby also to preserve the art. You can search online to find a renowned martial arts and Kung Fu school in your area. Martial arts or combative training are two different things and before distinguishing between them, you must understand the origin of martial arts. The term martial arts refer to an art that is similar to war. Close quarters battle and military drills of the old days were the main reason for the birth of countless styles and systems of martial arts. In ancient times, soldiers did not have modern weaponry and used to fight with swords, spears, daggers also hand to hand. This led the warriors to develop their own style of unarmed combat. They started to increase their muscle strength as a need of the time. Through generations this art has transferred from masters to students, but the real martial art has become an antiquity. The ancient fighting styles or battle tactics have been transformed by the media and business houses. Many people still practice these ancient arts for many reasons. Their reasons of training are quite similar to the reasons because of which these arts came into existence. Many people get trained for defence, fitness and hobby, but a number of people just want to preserve the art. The highly effective ancient combat techniques have been reduced to just acrobatics that has some self defence value. Many secretive fighting techniques have lost with time and these were once the pride of the warriors of ancient times. You will find that the traditional martial arts trainers depend on the spiritual philosophies and archaic training techniques of the ancient time. On the other hand, other forms of fighting rely on scientific training ideologies and up to date drilling techniques.

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