Martial Arts and Your Body Fitness If you are looking forward to lose weight or improve your fitness level, then there is a need to do more than just jogging around in a park or treadmill. One of the best advisable things is to join some kind of physical fitness training, like martial arts, Kung Fu etc. These can help you not only to gain physical fitness but provide amazing peace mentally and emotionally also. There are multiple reasons why you should take up martial art training, some of those are:  For weight loss: with regular training, you can achieve your goal of losing extra weight. You can take up various styles and forms of Kung Fu by joining a training school. These activities generally require high intensity exercises which ultimately results in loss of calories and fat. This is an effective way to lose weight at a faster rate than any other form of workouts.  To Achieve Fitness: It incorporates drills and exercises that can help to enhance your cardiovascular fitness, improve flexibility of muscles and provide strength to muscles. These forms of trainings can help to improve cardiovascular fitness by elevating your heart rate for long periods on a regular basis. To improve the shape, size and strength of muscles, you are required to take up some type of resistance training. During the training period, you are supposed to do various types of exercise such as squats and push-ups. This results in gaining extremely high level of fitness. A natural by-product of these physical workouts is highly improved flexibility. This majorly happens due to the reason that it incorporates different types of stretching exercises in the programs. Quite often you would find that famous athlete take up these workouts apart from their regular training just to increase the level of fitness and flexibility.  For Self Defence: One of the most basic reasons for taking this training is self-defence. The skill, strength and fitness provided by