Martial Arts School - How to Choose the Right One? Anyone who is planning to enroll in a martial arts school should first do some research to find out the type of training provided by the martial arts school. Find out the facilities offered by the school and ensure it has a team of highly skilled instructors to teach you martial arts and Kung Fu. Whether you want to join martial arts training for yourself or want to get your child enrolled, it’s important to be aware of the basics of choosing the right school. Think about the things you’re looking to gain from martial arts. Find the best school with experienced instructors, so you can achieve your goals. First Step: Figure out the result you are expecting for yourself or your child from the martial arts training. It’s important to explore your reasons for taking up martial arts classes. People take up martial arts training classes for many reasons such as: ● To gain coordination and flexibility ● Self Defence ● Weight loss ● To acquire more discipline ● To increase self-confidence and to develop a sense of well being Second Step: Get enrolled in the best school with expert instructors. Once you identify your training needs and goals, the next thing to select the right school with skilled instructors. Several factors should be considered when choosing a school - ensure that it’s properly cleaned, ideally not too far from your home, that safety norms are followed, that the martial arts style taught is effective and that the fee structure is one you can afford. Training under the right instructor Training under the right instructor is one of the main points to take into account when selecting a martial arts school. The instructor should have a great personality and attractive teaching style. You may not be able to find out about the instructor in just one or two meetings, so it’s advisable that you conduct a little personal research about the instructor’s capabilities.