Melbourne Girls Grammar Orientation Handbook

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11 Years 9 - 11




MGGS Vision, Mission and Values

Melbourne Girls Grammar aspires to develop ethical women of action. Through a focus on learning, research and innovation we will be recognised by our own community, the national and international community as a leading school in girls’ education.


Principal’s Welcome


2011 Essentials 4 The Executive Team 4 Who Do I Turn To 4 Arrangements for the Start of the School Year 5 Term Dates 2011 5 School Policies


Academic and Social Wellbeing


6 Community Gatherings 7 Leadership at MGGS 7 Student Executive Council

In support of our mission, MGGS values are:

8 Student Code of Conduct 9 eLearning @ MGGS 10 Year 9 Camp Opportunities for All Types of Girls 11 Music at Merton Hall 12 Sport at Merton Hall 12 Extra Sport and Dance Classes 13

Parent Information 13 Parent Portal/eVI 15 Transport Information - Bayside Bus Service 16 Uniform Requirements 17 T - Bar Café


In the pursuit of our vision, Melbourne Girls Grammar is committed to the provision of an exceptional education for girls, with an emphasis on strong Christian values, high expectations, creativity and academic challenge. Within a supportive and optimistic culture we provide opportunities for students to discover their passions and build their capacities for action and influence within their many life contexts.

6 House System

7 Leadership Committees




Community Office


Enquiries Contact List

• • • •

Integrity Compassion Courage Self discipline



It is my pleasure to welcome you and your family to Melbourne Girls Grammar.

Catherine Misson Principal

We are a community that embraces its diversity and seeks to offer rich and varied opportunities for all types of girls to pursue their passions and interests. Your daughter will be encouraged to develop the confidence, skills and experience to excel in life beyond school. Leadership, team building, social and cultural awareness, and a strong sense of personal self worth are crucial components of her education at MGGS. We believe that students thrive when they are engaged in a challenging academic program within a nurturing environment. Our students are further extended through a comprehensive co curricular program. I strongly encourage your daughter to take up such opportunities for participation and to extend her peer relationships. MGGS girls love to be active and engaged. Melbourne Girls Grammar is a place where challenge and choice create opportunities for every girl to discover who she is meant to be. May you enjoy being a part of our wonderful community. MRS CATHERINE MISSON



2011 Essentials The Executive Team

Principal Deputy Principal Director of Early Learners Director of Students: Junior Years Director of Students: Middle Years Director of Students: Senior Years Director of Students: Social Service and Action Director of Students: Residential Director of Curriculum Director of Physical Performance and Health Director of eLearning Business Manager Community Manager

There are many people who can help you if you have questions or if you need information. It is useful to know the names of these people: Deputy Principal

Mrs Lynn Broadway

Director of Students: Senior Years Dr Michelle Kearney Director of Students: Middle Years Mrs Kellie Lyneham Director of Students: Residential

Mrs Polly Winterton

Year 9 Co-ordinator

Ms Sheryle Allan

Year 10 Co-ordinator

Ms Rosie Downey

Year 11 Co-ordinator

Mr Paul McNamara

Year 12 Co-ordinator

Ms Kerrie Ardley

School Chaplain

Father Walter McEntee

Head of Library Resources

Ms Ilga Haase

School Counsellors

Mrs Justine Tonner-Joyce

Mrs Shelly McDonald

Careers Advisor

Ms Lauren Sach

Student Services Assistant

Ms Estella Vinecombe



TERM DATES - 2011 Arrangements for the start of the 2011 School Year Thursday 27 January 2011 – Years 7 and 12 commence only Monday 31 January 2011 – Years 8 - 11 commence Students are to arrive by 8.15am at 86 Anderson Street South Yarra. Staff will be at the school gates to meet and direct students to the following locations: Year 9

Ross Hall

Year 10

Room 114

Year 11

Room 213

Term 1 ten weeks Years 7 and 12 start

Thursday 27 January

Prep - Year 4, Years 5 - 8 and Years 9 - 11 start Monday 31 January Mid Term Break

Monday 14 March

Classes end

Thursday 7 April

Easter Sunday

24 April

Term 2 nine weeks Classes start

Thursday 28 April

Queen’s Birthday

Monday 13 June

Classes end

Friday 24 June

Term 3 ten weeks Classes start

Tuesday 19 July

Mid Term Break

Monday 22 August

Classes end

Friday 23 September

Term 4 ten weeks Classes start

Tuesday 11 October

Mid Term Break

Monday 31 October – Tuesday 1 November

Classes end

Thursday 8 December

School Policies Copies of key School polices can be found on the MGGS website on the eVI Parent Portal at These include policies on Student Conduct, Communication Technologies, Anaphylaxis Management, Privacy, Anti-Harassment and Sun Protection. In addition, there is a copy of the Trinity Grammar Drug and Alcohol Resource booklet on this site.



ACADEMIC AND SOCIAL WELLBEING At MGGS we place knowing each student and her family at the heart of our educational programs.

We believe that there are multiple aspects to our students’ general wellbeing and we recognise that whilst these aspects work together as part of a balanced whole, as our students move through the Senior Years they will continue to grow and develop in each of these areas. Therefore, we take an integrated approach to ensuring that the social, personal and environmental factors in each of our student’s lives work together in a way which allows her to maximise her learning and develop into an independent, self-aware and resilient young woman. Our students are divided into small yearlevel based Personal Dimensions groups for the delivery of our wellbeing program. Our unique Personal Dimensions Program enables our Personal Dimensions Mentors to liaise closely with the small group of students in their care and act as the advocate, Learning Advisor, first point of contact for parents, students and teachers, and their Personal Dimensions teacher. The Personal Dimensions Mentor is a key member of the Wellbeing Team and as such, works closely with the Deputy Principal, Director of Senior Years, Year Level Co-ordinator, School Counsellor, Learning Strategies Co-ordinator, Health Officers and the Boarding House staff. The Personal Dimensions Curriculum has been designed to ‘wrap around’ the pastoral needs of adolescent girls and be the foundation upon which academic success rests.


House System The House system provides regular and friendly competitions and activities and forms part of each student’s identity and sense of belonging at school. The competitions include major carnivals for swimming and athletics as well as the very popular House Music, Drama, Art, Debating and Public Speaking competitions. The Houses provide an opportunity for school leadership and the House Captains play an integral role in the running of the House based activities and events. The Houses also encourage positive relationships between students from different year levels, which are essential to the development of our young women. There are five Houses in the School: House House Colour BATMAN HENSLEY MUNGO TAYLOR CLARKE

Yellow Pink Green Blue Red

Community Gatherings At MGGS we believe it is important to gather as a community in order to promote our shared identity as a School community, develop connections across year levels and celebrate our achievements.

These community gatherings take the form of assemblies, Chapel services and year level meetings.

Assemblies Students at Merton Hall gather on a weekly basis. The purpose of the assemblies is to develop a sense of community within the School and to celebrate and share student achievements.

Chapel Students attend the Senior Years chapel services on a regular basis. Chapel services provide an opportunity for prayer and reflection, and recognise the value of setting aside time to meet each student’s spiritual needs regardless of religious affiliation. Chapel services also provide an opportunity for our student leaders to highlight significant service learning taking place within the curriculum.

Year Level Meetings Year level meetings are organised and facilitated by the Year Level Co-ordinator and Personal Dimensions Mentors. Students come together regularly to celebrate their identity as a year level and to mark key transition points, rituals and rites of passage as they journey through school together.


LEADERSHIP AT MGGS Through formal and informal student leadership opportunities and programs a culture of responsibility, collaboration and inter-personal communication and intra-personal reflection is fostered. From the commencement of a student’s education at MGGS she is offered opportunities to experience and explore the many and varied facets of leading and leadership. Our student leaders work closely with, and for the School Community. They support and promote a community of practice that continually seeks opportunities to learn about the diversity of ways individuals and groups can and do create change, inspire action and represent ideas and opinions.

“Our student leaders work closely with, and for the School community.”

The student leadership structure at MGGS consists of the Student Executive Council supported by formal leadership committees.

Executive Council The Student Executive Council will be comprised of the following: School Captain and School Vice Captain 1 Boarding House Captain 5 House Captains 1 Peer Support Captain 7 Domain Captains (Music, Drama, Sport, Art, Environment, Community/Action/Service and Publications/Communication)

Formal leadership committees Student Representative Council


Manages and leads for the School on operational issues and School processes.

Manages and leads on whole of School initiatives and department events.

Boarding House Manages and leads within the Boarding House and as advocates for boarders in the School.

House Manages and leads on House based activities.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Boarding House Council

Student Executive Council (SEC)

Peer Support Team

Wellbeing Manages and leads on student wellbeing and transition programs.

House Team

Domain Leaders



STUDENT CODE OF GIRLS CONDUCT MELBOURNE GRAMMAR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES All students, staff and parents have responsibilities to fulfil and when all of these responsibilities are met the rights of all are protected.

RIGHTS rights of students include:


Being treated justly, respectfully and as individuals

• Being courteous, respectful and well-mannered at all times

responsibilities of students include:

• Making responsible and thoughtful choice • Avoiding use of foul, aggressive or antagonistic language • Being truthful, fair, caring and considerate through actions and behaviours at all time

Being provided with a range of learning experiences in well-managed environments that meet individual needs Having all work expectations made clear

• Participating actively and positively in learning in all classes • Respecting the rights of others to learn in the classroom environment by not engaging in disruptive behaviour • Completing all assigned learning tasks on time and to the best ability • Completing all assigned learning tasks with respect for intellectual property

Receiving timely, respectful and constructive feedback from teachers

• Using technology in an appropriate manner (refer to the Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy) • Being punctual at all times • Disseminating required information to parents and/or guardians

Having all personal property respected

• Showing respect for the property and the environment of the School and others

Being provided with a selection of challenging and enjoyable co-curricular activities

• Participating actively and positively in School events

Feeling safe and secure

• Abstaining from the supply, possession, and use of any illegal or legal drugs (except for medical reasons) while at School, on School related activities, or travelling to and from School (refer to Drugs Policy) • Reporting anti-social behaviour to relevant staff

Benefitting from the opportunities that exist from membership of the School community

• Behaving outside of the School in such a manner that the image of the School is not negatively affected or brought into disrepute • Wearing School uniform in the stipulated and appropriate manner • Maintaining a clean and neat appearance



eLearning @ MGGS Technology pervades all levels of education at MGGS and is seen as a critical tool that can shift the focus from teaching to learning. Technology is embedded in everything we do, through our curriculum, in the design of our learning spaces, the School’s 1:1 Notebook program, the software and hardware available, as well as the cross-platform opportunities that are available. From the ELC through to Year 12, the girls have access to a 1:1 Notebook program that provides them with the opportunity to navigate, construct and publish and to collaborate with others on a worldwide basis. With specialist software the technology is able to provide problem solving opportunities, create and display artwork and animations, facilitate multimedia presentations and musical compositions and enable students to engage in the design process while increasing their digital fluency. Our IT Department provides technical support for staff and students whilst the eLearning Department offers training and mentoring to staff to encourage innovation and the use of the latest technological tools in the delivery of curriculum. MGGS is also exploiting ICT to improve parental engagement. This year alone we have installed the Synergetic Management Information System, as well as “eVI”, the School’s new Learning Management System. These platforms will allow us to provide more timely and accurate information to parents as well as offering a secure portal for online reporting from 2011.

Notebooks In Year 7, students will be issued with their own Notebook computer which they will keep until the end of Year 9. In Year 10 students will receive a new notebook which they will return to the School at the end of Year 12.



Year 9 Camp The Year 9 Camp will take place in the first three weeks of Term 3 2011 and will take our students from the tropics of Darwin to the red heart of Australia - Uluru. It will form an integral part of the Year 9 Curriculum and incorporate a wide range of experiences in a transdisciplinary approach to learning. Aspects of the trip will also contribute to the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme which many students undertake in Year 9.

The journey will provide students with the opportunity to experience the following:

The three main aims of this journey will be challenge, team building and leadership. A journey of this length and in a group of this size will challenge the students to be independent, understanding of others, well organised and prepared to ‘have a go’. They will be called upon and expected to demonstrate the School values of integrity, courage, compassion and self discipline.

• A series of physical challenges that extend them and build self esteem

Further details of the itinerary, dates and travel details will be provided at a later date. The students will fly to Darwin and travel by coach to Kakadu National Park, Litchfield National Park, Katherine Gorge and along the Stuart Highway to Alice Springs, Kings Canyon and Uluru.


• Connecting with other students, adults and communities • A new level of independence and decision making • An extended time away from the School and the family

• Integration of subject areas in real life experiences (authentic learning) • Exploring themes of sustainability, indigenous cultures and building relationships • Different ways of documenting, recording, interpreting, sharing and communicating their experiences (eg. journal writing, letters, oral and multimedia presentations) Preparation for the trip will take place in a number of different subject areas and it will also be incorporated in the Personal Dimensions Curriculum at Year 9. All students will undertake Level 2 First Aid Training in preparation for this expedition. The timing of the journey will enable teachers to prepare students in different subject areas in Semester 1 before they depart and to build on their experiences in Semester 2.

“The three main aims of this journey will be challenge, team building and leadership.”


OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL TYPES OF GIRLS Music at Merton Hall Girls have the opportunity to participate in fifteen instrumental and vocal ensembles that rehearse weekly.

Instrumental ensembles at Middle and Senior Years Chamber Music

Jazz Band

Senior Strings

Fiddle Fusion

Merton Hall Orchestra

Stage Band

Flute Ensemble

Pianists Plus

Brass Ensemble

Vocal ensembles – Senior Years Broadway Babies

Merton Senior Choir

Merton Chamber Voices

Twelve Tones

In addition, girls in both Middle and Senior Years are able to join the special choir that leads the worship in the traditional annual Carol Service. This Service has been presented in St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral for more than forty years. One of our Senior Years choirs rehearses weekly with the Senior Choir from Melbourne Grammar School and we also present an

Mixed Choir

annual musical with the boys. Each School directs the musical in turn. House Music involves all Middle and Senior Years students and is a much anticipated annual competition. Students are able to be tutored in the following instruments and disciplines at Merton Hall for an additional fee:

Bass Clarinet

French Horn

Theory Of Music


Guitar (Classical & Contemporary)








Double Bass



Drum Kit








Voice (Classical and Contemporary)

Composition is also available from our Composer in Residence. For further information about the MGGS intrumental program, please refer to our website under Performing and Visual Arts.




Sport at Merton Hall MGGS’ extensive sports program offers a huge range of activities to suit all students. The School is a member of Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) which is an association of twenty-four girls’ schools. GSV offers an organised sports competition for Years 7 - 12 students as part of MGGS tuition fees. The junior girls (Years 7 - 8) participate on a Thursday after school in a variety of sports, depending on the term. The intermediate girls (Years 9 - 10) compete on a Wednesday afternoon and the senior girls (Years 11 - 12) compete on a Monday afternoon. Girls attend training sessions before school and at lunch time. Every student from Years 7 - 12 has an opportunity to represent Merton Hall in a different GSV Sport each term. During the year, Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country are also very popular. Each of these sports has an extensive training schedule. In Term 1, the School participates in the GSV Swimming Carnival. In Terms 2 and 3, the School participates in the GSV Cross Country and GSV Athletics Carnivals. As well as sports during the week, Girls Sport Victoria offers a variety of Saturday sports, such as Cycling, Fencing, Australian Rules Football and many others, which are optional for students. All girls at Merton Hall have an opportunity to belong to the Rowing Club (from Year 8), Equestrian Club, Aerobics, Saturday Netball Club and Snowsports Club. 12

(Note: Rowing is not an option until the students are at the end of Year 8.) Information on the MGGS sporting fixtures and practice schedules can be found on the MGGS website at the eVI Parent Portal at

Extra Sport and Dance Classes In addition to GSV sports, MGGS offer several extra sporting opportunities: Dance Aerobics Saturday Netball Cheerleading

Rowing Rowing Juniors (Years 9 - 10) Rowing Seniors (Years 11 - 12) Please contact our Enrolments Department for fees.

One term’s written notice must be given to the Business Office if extra sports are to be discontinued by a student. If this notice is not received, a term’s fee will be charged. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, the date of receipt of the application form will be taken into account. Lessons missed by the girls are still chargeable. (Unfortunately, extra sports are not available to students whose fees are in arrears).


PARENT INFORMATION Electronic and Other Communications MGGS continues to develop its electronic communication with families and members of the School community. These communications include the following: • The MGGS website at Through the website, parents can access an extensive array of information about the School. • The eVI Parent Portal at This is a password protected portal on the website that gives you access to school policies, forms, the parent directory, Year Level information and access to the Synergetic Parent Portal.

Parent Portal/eVI This year we have introduced a new Parent Portal that combines and integrates both the School management information database, Synergetic and our new Learning Management System, eVI. These platforms will allow us to provide an array of functions for our parent community including more timely and accurate information to parents as well as offering a secure portal for online reporting from 2011. 1. To access the eVI go directly to or you can also find the link on our website under the Quick Links Menu.



PARENT INFORMATION 2. eVI will open in a new browser window where you need to log-in with your login and password.

3. Most of the functions of eVI are listed in the menus

4. There is also an eVI Parent Homepage which is where all information for parents will be posted.



PARENT INFORMATION 5. Through eVI you also have direct access to Synergetic where you have the extra options to review your child’s timetable, attendance records and medical records, update your family contact details and pay School fees.

6. You are also able to make your parentteacher interview bookings online. Using this system you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer.

In addition, the School publishes the following communications in hard copy: • Information Exchange – three times per year • The School Magazine – published annually

Transport Information Bayside Bus Service Driver Bus Lines will continue to operate the Bayside Bus Service to and from Brighton in 2011. The service will be on a 24 seater bus and travel must be booked in advance with full time and permanent pro-rata travel available. The days of travel will have to be specified for pro-rata travel (e.g. all mornings or every trip except Tuesday and Thursday evenings) before the school year commences. The School must be advised of any changes to booked travel before each new term commences. Casual bookings will be subject to availability after all permanent bookings have been made. For further information please contact Marilyn Lowe, Assistant to the Business Manager, 9862 9204. The Bayside Bus Service timetable is available on the School website under School Information Location and Transport.



UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Winter Winter Uniform is generally worn in Terms 2 and 3 Blazer*

Navy, braided with School crest on pocket


Navy V-neck with white stripe on neck and cuffs


Navy, pleated, official School style


White, long sleeved


School colours


Long fawn or cream cotton/lycra tights


Brown lace-up or T-bar sandals with closed toe and heel


Navy with white stripes (optional)


Navy (optional)

Summer Dress

Cotton of uniform fabric


White – long or short


As above


Navy, braided with School crest on pocket

General Bag

Navy backpack with School crest or navy bag with School crest

Hair Ties

Navy or white


Navy or white

Physical Education Shirt

Navy, polo with School crest and white trim

Shirt Shorts

House colour, polo with School crest and white trim navy,

with School crest


MGGS sport sock, white with navy stripe


Predominantly white with non-marking sole


Navy with School crest (compulsory)


House colour with School crest (optional)

Tracksuit Pants

Navy with School crest

Waterproof Jacket

Navy with School colours

Rugby Top

Navy with School colours

Purchase of Individual Sporting Team Uniform is dependent on selection and uniform list will be supplied.

* Blazers must be worn to all Assemblies and Chapel Services throughout the year. All contact details for the Uniform Shop are available on our website under Quick Links.




The dining hall & T - Bar Café are places where day girls, boarders and members of staff can enjoy the indoor cafeteria and outdoor deck to eat their meals. The dining hall and T - Bar Café are available for Years 7 - 12 students to use from 7:30am onwards during each school day.

It is my pleasure to welcome you and your family to Melbourne Girls

All food served in the T - Bar Café meets the guidelines outlined in the MGGS Healthy Food Policy. Students can purchase food using cash or the MGGS Smart Card. Purchases made through the Smart Card can be monitored online by parents. Students are issued with their Smart Card at the beginning of the school year.




All current parents and guardians of Melbourne Girls Grammar girls are members of the Parents’ Association and there are many ways you can become involved that, importantly, link in with your daughter’s areas of interest. The Community Office works with the Parents’ Association to provide opportunities to strengthen connections between parents and the School. Its main objectives are to: • Promote and support Passion Groups (Arts, Boarding, Rowing, Snowsports and Navy Blue Lunch Committee) • Promote and support Year Level Class Representatives • Encourage participation in school events • Encourage social interaction between parents Passion Groups meet regularly and work with staff and students on fundraising and event organisation. These groups are an informal way to meet like-minded parents and enable parents to become involved proactively in the School. Across all campuses, each year level has a Class Representative who is an excellent 18

point of contact for social events relating to your daughter’s year level. They can also help put you in touch with other members of your cohort and they work hard to ensure your connection to Melbourne Girls Grammar is inclusive and enjoyable. One of these reps will be in contact with you early on in the year. Early in Term 1, the School hosts a Welcome Cocktail Party for all parents. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet new parents and chat with staff in a relaxed environment. Throughout the year, the Community Office and the Parents’ Association arrange a variety of activities including: • The Navy Blue Lunch (an exciting ‘must’ event for our community) • Father/Daughter breakfasts • Year Level morning teas, lunches, dinners and cocktail parties • Celebration of Sports Dinner • Boarding Parents welcome barbeque and other events • Information Evenings with guest speakers

In addition, the Parents’ Association meetings are open to any parent who wishes to attend. They provide an excellent overview of the PA activities and a way to connect with other parents on a regular basis. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the 2011 meetings. Meeting dates are advised in the fortnightly newsletter, Messenger@MGGS. The Community Office can provide you with any information relating to these groups. Please feel free to contact them at



Contact Name

Contact Details

Boarding House

Mrs Polly Winterton Director of Students: Residential

Booklist and Stationery Order (Send directly to Campion - do not send book list to MGGS)

Ms Allison Bray Staff Services co-ordinator

Careers Counsellor

Ms Lauren Sach

Computer Information

ICT Help Desk Enrolments Officer

Bus Services

Ms Marilyn Lowe The Business Office

Health Centre

Ms Susie O’Callaghan Mrs Fiona Luscombe

Music School – Merton Hall

Mrs Catherine Hunter Administrative Assistant

Notebook Computer Responsibility Agreement 2010

Mr Eddie Kobak Notebook Program Co-ordinator

Pastoral Care/Wellbeing

Mrs Justine Tonner-Joyce Mrs Shelley McDonald School Counsellors Dr Michelle Kearney Director of Students: Senior Years Ms Sheryle Allan Year 9 Co-ordinator Ms Rosie Downey Year 10 Co-ordinator Mr Paul McNamara Year 11 Co-ordinator Ms Kerrie Ardley Year 12 Co-ordinator Ms Tamara Bugge International Student Co-ordinator Ms Lauren Sach Careers Counsellor Father Walter McEntee School Chaplain

Physical Education and Sport

Mr Christian Neeson Director of Physical Performance, Health and Sport

Saturday Netball

Ms Kim Callcott Co-ordinator of Saturday Netball

0417 187 058

School Uniform

Ms Samantha Wilson Uniform Shop

Student Details and Medical forms

Mr Nimesha Fernando Records Officer

Additional contact information can be located on the MGGS website at



Principal Mrs Catherine Misson Senior & Middle Years Merton Hall 86 Anderson Street South Yarra Victoria 3141 Junior Years Morris Hall 100 Caroline Street South Yarra Victoria 3141 Early Learning Centre Barbara Tolson Centre 63 Clowes Street South Yarra Victoria 3141 Tel: (03) 9862 9200 Fax: (03) 9866 5768

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