Melbourne Girls Grammar Junior Years Orientation Handbook

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11 Prep - Year 4




MGGS Vision, Mission and Values

Melbourne Girls Grammar aspires to develop ethical women of action. Through a focus on learning, research and innovation we will be recognised by our own community, the national and international community as a leading school in girls’ education.


Principal’s Welcome

4 4 4 5 5 5

2011 Essentials The Executive Team Who Do I Turn To Arrangements for the Commencement of Terms Term Dates 2011 School Policies

6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8

Academic and Social Wellbeing Student Wellbeing House System Community Gatherings Leadership Student Support Services Co-curricular and Extra Curricular Activities eLearning @MGGS Student Code of Conduct



Day to Day Fundamentals 9 Absences 9 After School Care 9 Alternate Arrangements for Pick Up 9 Appearance 10 Arrival and Dismissal 10 Road Safety and Parking 10 School Diary, School Security and Sick Bay 10 Sun Hats 10 Tuckshop



Parent Information 11 Parent Portal/eVI 12 Transport Information - Bayside Bus Service 13 Uniform Requirements


Community Office


Enquiries Contact List

Mission In the pursuit of our vision, Melbourne Girls Grammar is committed to the provision of an exceptional education for girls, with an emphasis on strong Christian values, high expectations, creativity and academic challenge. Within a supportive and optimistic culture we provide opportunities for students to discover their passions and build their capacities for action and influence within their many life contexts.

Values In support of our mission, MGGS values are: • • • •

Integrity Compassion Courage Self discipline



It is my pleasure to welcome you and your family to Melbourne Girls Grammar.

Catherine Misson Principal

We are a community that embraces its diversity and seeks to offer rich and varied opportunities for all types of girls to pursue their passions and interests. Your daughter will be encouraged to develop the confidence, skills and experience to excel in life beyond school. Leadership, team building, social and cultural awareness, and a strong sense of personal self worth are crucial components of her education at MGGS. We believe that students thrive when they are engaged in a challenging academic program within a nurturing environment. Our students are further extended through a comprehensive co curricular program. I strongly encourage your daughter to take up such opportunities for participation and to extend her peer relationships. MGGS girls love to be active and engaged. Melbourne Girls Grammar is a place where challenge and choice create opportunities for every girl to discover who she is meant to be. May you enjoy being a part of our wonderful community. MRS CATHERINE MISSON



2011 Essentials The Executive Team

Principal Deputy Principal Director of Early Learners Director of Students: Junior Years Director of Students: Middle Years Director of Students: Senior Years Director of Students: Social Service and Action Director of Students: Residential Director of Curriculum Director of Physical Performance and Health Director of eLearning Business Manager Community Manager

There are many people who can help you if you have questions or if you need information. It is useful to know the names of these people: Director of Students: Junior Years

Mrs Diane Bourke

Acting Assistant Director of Students: Junior Years

Mrs Joan Graham

Director of Students: Middle Years

Mrs Kellie Lyneham

School Chaplain

Father Walter McEntee

School Librarian

Ms Cate Evans

Student Support Co-ordinator


Enrolments Officer

Mrs Kylie McBride



TERM DATES - 2011 Arrangements for the start of the 2011 School Year Term 1 commences Monday 31 January 2011. All new students arrive at the Morris Hall Reception (100 Caroline Street) after 8.30am. Prep students will be given their own commencement times so that we can welcome each family individually.

Term 1 ten weeks Prep - Year 4, Years 5 - 8 and Years 9 - 11 start Monday 31 January Mid Term Break

Monday 14 March

Classes end

Thursday 7 April

Easter Sunday

24 April

Term 2 nine weeks Classes start

Thursday 28 April

Queen’s Birthday

Monday 13 June

Classes end

Friday 24 June

Term 3 ten weeks Classes start

Tuesday 19 July

Mid Term Break

Monday 22 August

Classes end

Friday 23 September

Term 4 ten weeks Classes start

Tuesday 11 October

Mid Term Break

Monday 31 October – Tuesday 1 November

Classes end

Thursday 8 December

School Policies Copies of key School polices can be found on the MGGS website on the eVI Parent Portal at These include policies on Student Conduct, Communication Technologies, Anaphylaxis Management, Privacy, Anti-Harassment and Sun Protection. In addition, there is a copy of the Trinity Grammar Drug and Alcohol Resource booklet on these sites.



ACADEMIC AND SOCIAL WELLBEING At MGGS we place knowing each student and her family at the heart of our educational programs.

At Morris Hall our Director of Students, classroom teachers and Student Support Services department work in close partnership with parents to ensure that each girl has the care and attention she requires to develop optimism, resilience and confidence, the building blocks for success in school. Every parent wants their daughter to become a happy, confident learner. At Morris Hall, our classroom teachers work in close partnership with our parents to give every student the care and attention she requires to develop self-esteem and confidence. When challenging issues arise, our Student Support Co-ordinator is available to support children to help them manage the situation and ensure their wellbeing. We also provide a team of Special Education staff to help students with their individual learning needs, whether it is for extension or extra support across all learning areas.

House System Each student is placed in a House when entering Morris Hall. The House activities include Sports Days and Social Service activities. There are three Houses at Morris Hall: House House Colour CHISOLM FRANKLIN GOULD 6

Yellow Pink Green

The three Houses are named after great Australian women. Caroline Chisholm worked with young female emigrants arriving in Sydney. She was a social worker.


Elizabeth Gould helped her husband with his identification of many species of bird life in the colonies. The Gouldian Finch was named after her.

In the Junior Years, we believe in the capacity of every child to lead and serve our community in some way. All students are supported to show initiative and seize opportunities to demonstrate leadership and service. This involves both formal and informal occasions, planned and spontaneous actions.

Lady Jane Franklin endeavoured to establish an educational college for girls in Hobart, worked to help the plight of convicts and organised a search party for her husband who went on an expedition looking for the North-West passage.

Community Gatherings Assemblies and Chapel services Chapel services and Assemblies take place on a weekly basis. They are important community times at Morris Hall. They present opportunities for our girls to develop their sense of school community and to celebrate each others’ achievements. Chapel services are co-ordinated by the School Chaplain and focus on the Christian ethos and the School values of integrity, compassion, courage and self discipline. Assemblies are run by the School Leaders in collaboration with the Director of Students: Junior Years. Assemblies take place on Friday mornings, and parents are always welcome to attend.

Doing what is right when no-one is watching.

Our Leadership program is grounded on the belief that building co-operative relationships and nurturing responsibility, compassion, self-discipline and good judgement is the basis for creating a successful community of learners. Junior Years teachers help each child find their strengths and unleash their potential to influence others. Furthermore, students will be taught social etiquette and communication and presentation skills through a variety of student-led activities such as: • School-wide assemblies • Chapel services • House activities • Community service projects • School tour guides • Eco Warriors • Buddy programs • Play leaders


ACADEMIC AND SOCIAL WELLBEING Student Support Services Melbourne Girls Grammar is committed to providing safe, inclusive and engaging learning environments for all students. The academic and social wellbeing of students is essential for the achievement of successful learning outcomes. The Student Support Services Department assists girls to achieve their educational and developmental potential through the provision of specialised support delivered in individual and group contexts. The Student Support Services Department is co-ordinated by a fully qualified Educational and Development Psychologist who will undertake testing and identification and clinical work with children who are considered ‘at risk’ of disengaging from the educational process. The co-ordinator of Student Support Services will oversee a team of specialised staff and draw upon their professional networks to engage specialised service providers such as speech pathologists, social workers, audiologists, physical therapists and other related professionals. The staff employed within the department and sourced by the department will undertake a range of activities, including student and family support, assessment, crisis response, consultation with homeroom teachers and other school staff and the facilitation of early intervention programs in the School. Student Support Services staff also assist in strengthening the capacity of teachers in the School to meet the needs of ‘at risk’ girls and their families to enable them to achieve successful education and wellbeing outcomes. The Department has a strong focus on facilitating, building and strengthening partnerships with other support agencies – such as early childhood services; community organisations; and health, family, child mental health and youth services.

and talented students and supporting them by implementing a range of strategies that recognise, utilise and extend their talents as well as challenge them in other key areas of development.

Co-curricular and Extra Curricular Activities Our young students are encouraged to participate in the co-curricular opportunities that surround them in the Junior Years. Co-curricular activities on offer allow students to develop personal skills such as empathy for others, communication and team work in enjoyable activities. The common bonds created through participation in these groups form the basis of a rich school culture. Our Years Three and Four students, among other things, will be involved in the Kitchen Garden Experience and the Working Wetlands Project undertaken at the Royal Botanic Gardens. They will also have the opportunity to join the Jogging Club and Swim Squad. All Junior Years students will have the opportunity to join a choir or music ensemble and other music and drama opportunities will be made available across the year. All children will have the opportunity to be involved in our extra-curricular programs highlighting private music and oracy lessons, Snowsports and Tennis.

eLearning @ MGGS The digital world is alive and vibrant in the Morris Hall community and is seamlessly integrated in our teaching and learning. Technology is embedded in everything we do through our curriculum, the design of our learning spaces, a plentiful supply of computers, extensive software, a variety of other hardware and the use of online learning and communication platforms. A powerful part of our program, eLearning technologies equip us to deliver a dynamic, twentyfirst century curriculum and empower staff and students to innovate, collaborate and communicate in a variety of ways. From Prep to Year Four, the students have access to a computer program that provides them with the opportunity to research, navigate, construct and publish, and to collaborate with others worldwide. Specialist software provides students with opportunities for problem solving, creating and displaying artwork and animations, creating multimedia presentations and musical compositions. Students are able to engage in the design process while increasing their digital competencies. Our IT Department provides technical support for staff and students whilst the eLearning Department offers training and mentoring to staff to encourage innovation and the use of the latest technological tools in the delivery of curriculum. MGGS is also maximising ICT to facilitate parental engagement. Our School’s new Learning Management System, eVI, allows us to provide more timely and accurate information to parents as well as offer a secure portal for online reporting from 2011.

Gifted and Talented Students There is no single method which on its own will cater for the needs of gifted and talented students. MGGS recognises that the greatest frustration for gifted and talented students and their parents is not being recognised, understood or valued. Our structures will focus on developing a depth of understanding of our gifted




All students, staff and parents have responsibilities to fulfil and when all of these responsibilities are met the rights of all are protected.

RIGHTS rights of students include:


Being treated justly, respectfully and as individuals

• Being courteous, respectful and well-mannered at all times

responsibilities of students include:

• Making responsible and thoughtful choice • Avoiding use of foul, aggressive or antagonistic language • Being truthful, fair, caring and considerate through actions and behaviours at all time

Being provided with a range of learning experiences in well-managed environments that meet individual needs Having all work expectations made clear

• Participating actively and positively in learning in all classes • Respecting the rights of others to learn in the classroom environment by not engaging in disruptive behaviour • Completing all assigned learning tasks on time and to the best ability • Completing all assigned learning tasks with respect for intellectual property

Receiving timely, respectful and constructive feedback from teachers

• Using technology in an appropriate manner (refer to the Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy) • Being punctual at all times • Disseminating required information to parents and/or guardians

Having all personal property respected

• Showing respect for the property and the environment of the School and others

Being provided with a selection of challenging and enjoyable co-curricular activities

• Participating actively and positively in School events

Feeling safe and secure

• Abstaining from the supply, possession, and use of any illegal or legal drugs (except for medical reasons) while at School, on School related activities, or travelling to and from School (refer to Drugs Policy) • Reporting anti-social behaviour to relevant staff

Benefitting from the opportunities that exist from membership of the School community

• Behaving outside of the School in such a manner that the image of the School is not negatively affected or brought into disrepute • Wearing School uniform in the stipulated and appropriate manner • Maintaining a clean and neat appearance



DAY TO DAY FUNDAMENTALS Absences Parents are asked to inform the School by 9.00am if their daughter is to be absent. A note in the School diary explaining the absence on return is appreciated. If a student arrives at school after 8.45am they are required to sign in at Morris Hall Reception to assist with attendance tracking. Students who leave the Morris Hall Campus during the day must sign out at Reception. Please inform your daughter’s classroom teacher, via a note in the diary, if she is to leave school during the day for an appointment. If a student needs to leave Morris Hall early because of illness, a parent or guardian will be contacted and asked to come and collect her.

After School Care An After School Care program run by Camp Australia is offered daily from 3:30pm until 6.00pm. Children are given a healthy snack and participate in a range of fully

supervised activities. An enrolment form for this program is enclosed and is also available from the Morris Hall Office.

No jewellery apart from watches may be worn. Small, neat ear studs are permitted and should be navy, white or metallic colour.

Alternate Arrangements for Pick Up

Arrival and Dismissal

If student arrangements for pick up change during the day, please phone Reception so that the student and classroom teacher can be made aware of the changes.

Appearance Students are encouraged to be neat and tidy at all times. Only complete Summer and Winter uniform may be worn in the street. Students are required to wear their blazer to and from school. Winter uniform is worn during Terms 2 and 3. Hair must be tidy and long hair is to be tied back. Hair ribbons must be navy or white. Hair clips and bands must be unobtrusive.

Students may arrive at school from 7.45am. A staff member will be on duty to greet students. Students are supervised in the playground until 8.45am. They are also able to visit the library from 8.00am or may be involved in supervised sport or music at these times. Students are dismissed at 3.30pm from under the sails in the patio area where a teacher is on duty until 4.00pm. All Morris Hall teachers endeavour to spend time in the playground each evening to chat to parents informally. To access the patio area, parents may use either the Caroline Street entrance or the back gate on Avoca Street. Girls are not allowed to wait for their parents outside the School building. Any student who has not been collected by 4.00pm will be taken to After School Care.





School Diary

Morning Recess

11.00am to 11.30am

The School Diary is used as one of the forms of communication between home and school. It is also for students to record their home learning, important dates etc. Teachers check the diary on a regular basis.

Supervised Lunch Eating 1.30pm to 1.40pm Lunch Break

1.40pm to 2.20pm

School concludes


Road Safety and Parking Parking is very limited especially at pick up and drop off times so it is important for the safety of all students that everyone observes the road rules. Please be mindful of the following: • Observe the 5 minute parking restriction • Only park in designated parking bays and not across driveways • Do not double park in Caroline Street • Do not park within 18 metres of the crossing on Avoca Street • If students must be dropped on the non-school side of Caroline Street, please supervise them crossing the road.

School Security The front doors and back gate are open from 7.45am to 9.00am for drop off and from 3.00pm to 4.00pm for pick up of students. At all other times the back gate is locked for security purposes and the only entry to the School is from Caroline Street where everyone entering the School reports to Reception.

Sick Bay If a student becomes ill or injured during the school day they will be cared for in the Sick Bay until a parent or guardian is able to collect them. If a student is required to take medication, the medication instructions need to be handed to the Receptionist at

the front office. Medication is not to be kept in the class room or school bags. Staff will ensure that students are supervised to take the correct medication at the appropriate time.

Sun Hats Melbourne Girls Grammar has a Sun Smart Policy and students are required to wear the school sun hat at all times when outside in Terms 1 and 4.

Tuckshop Students are able to order a healthy lunch on a daily basis. Students must place their orders in the classroom basket by 9.00am each morning. Any orders after this time need to be taken to Reception. Orders are taken to the Merton Hall Campus at 9.30am to be prepared and returned to Morris Hall ready to be distributed at lunch time.

“The front doors and back gate are open from 7.45am to 9.00am for drop off and from 3.00pm to 4.00pm for pick up of students.”



PARENT INFORMATION Electronic and Other Communications

Parent Portal/eVI

MGGS continues to develop its electronic communication with families and members of the School community. These communications include the following:

This year we have introduced a new Parent Portal that combines and integrates both the School management information database, Synergetic and our new Learning Management System, eVI.

• The MGGS website at Through the website, parents can access an extensive array of information about the School.

These platforms will allow us to provide an array of functions for our parent community including more timely and accurate information to parents as well as offering a secure portal for online reporting from 2011.

• The eVI Parent Portal at This is a password protected portal on the website that gives you access to school policies, forms, the parent directory, Year Level information and access to the Synergetic Parent Portal. 1. To access the eVI go directly to or you can also find the link on our website under the Quick Links Menu.

2. eVI will open in a new browser window where you need to log-in with your login and password.

3. Most of the functions of eVI are listed in the menus



PARENT INFORMATION 4. There is also an eVI Parent Homepage which is where all information for parents will be posted.

5. Through eVI you also have direct access to Synergetic where you have the extra options to review your child’s timetable, attendance records and medical records, update your family contact details and pay School fees.

6. You are also able to make your parentteacher interview bookings online. Using this system you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer.

In addition, the School publishes the following communications in hard copy: • Information Exchange – three times per year • The School Magazine – published annually

Transport Information Bayside Bus Service Driver Bus Lines will continue to operate the Bayside Bus Service to and from Brighton in 2011. The service will be on a 24 seater bus and travel must be booked in advance with full time and permanent pro-rata travel available. The days of travel will have to be specified for pro-rata travel (e.g. all mornings or every trip except Tuesday and Thursday evenings) before the school year commences. The School must be advised of any changes to booked travel before each new term commences. Casual bookings will 12

be subject to availability after all permanent bookings have been made. For further information please contact Marilyn Lowe, Assistant to the Business Manager, 9862 9204. The Bayside Bus Service timetable is available on the School website under School Information Location and Transport.


UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Winter Winter Uniform is generally worn in Terms 2 and 3 Blazer*

Navy, braided with School crest on pocket


Navy V-neck with white stripe on neck and cuffs


Navy, pleated, official School style


White, long sleeved


School colours


Long fawn or cream cotton/lycra tights


Brown lace-up or T-bar sandals with closed toe and heel


Navy with white stripes (optional)


Navy (optional)

Summer Dress

Cotton of uniform fabric


White – long or short


As above


Navy, braided with School crest on pocket

General Bag

Navy backpack with School crest or navy bag with School crest

Hair Ties

Navy or white


Navy or white

Physical Education Shirt

Navy, polo with School crest and white trim

Shirt Shorts

House colour, polo with School crest and white trim navy, with

School crest


MGGS sport sock, white with navy stripe


Predominantly white with non-marking sole


Navy bucket hat with School crest (compulsory)

House colour bucket hat with School crest

Tracksuit Pants

Navy with School crest

Waterproof Jacket

Navy with School colours

Rugby Top

Navy with School colours

Purchase of Individual Sporting Team Uniform is dependent on selection and uniform list will be supplied. * Blazers must be worn to all Assemblies and Chapel Services throughout the year. All contact details for the Uniform Shop are available on our website under Quick Links.




All current parents and guardians of Melbourne Girls Grammar girls are members of the Parents’ Association and there are many ways you can become involved that, importantly, link in with your daughter’s areas of interest. The Community Office works with the Parents’ Association to provide opportunities to strengthen connections between parents and the School. Its main objectives are to: • Promote and support Passion Groups (Arts, Boarding, Rowing, Snowsports and Navy Blue Lunch Committee) • Promote and support Year Level Class Representatives • Encourage participation in school events • Encourage social interaction between parents Passion Groups meet regularly and work with staff and students on fundraising and event organisation. These groups are an informal way to meet like-minded parents and enable parents to become involved proactively in the School. Across all campuses, each year level has a Class Representative who is an excellent 14

point of contact for social events relating to your daughter’s year level. They can also help put you in touch with other members of your cohort and they work hard to ensure your connection to Melbourne Girls Grammar is inclusive and enjoyable. One of these reps will be in contact with you early on in the year. Early in Term 1, the School hosts a Welcome Cocktail Party for all parents. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet new parents and chat with staff in a relaxed environment. Throughout the year, the Community Office and the Parents’ Association arrange a variety of activities including: • The Navy Blue Lunch (an exciting ‘must’ event for our community) • Father/Daughter breakfasts • Year Level morning teas, lunches, dinners and cocktail parties • Celebration of Sports Dinner • Boarding Parents welcome barbeque and other events • Information Evenings with guest speakers

In addition, the Parents’ Association meetings are open to any parent who wishes to attend. They provide an excellent overview of the PA activities and a way to connect with other parents on a regular basis. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the 2011 meetings. Meeting dates are advised in the fortnightly newsletter, Messenger@MGGS. The Community Office can provide you with any information relating to these groups. Please feel free to contact them at



Contact Name

Contact Details

After School Care Program

Camp Australia

0418 176 960

Computer Information

ICT Help Desk

Extra Activities

Mrs Marilyn Lowe Business Office

9862 9204

Morris Hall Reception

Ms Annalise Stanway, Assistant to the Director of Students: Junior Years

9862 9283

Pastoral Care /Wellbeing

Mrs Diane Bourke Director of Students:Junior Years Mrs Joan Graham Acting Assistant Director of Students: Junior Years

Student Details and Medical forms

Mr Nimesha Fernando Records Officer


Principal Mrs Catherine Misson Senior & Middle Years Merton Hall 86 Anderson Street South Yarra Victoria 3141 Junior Years Morris Hall 100 Caroline Street South Yarra Victoria 3141 Early Learning Centre Barbara Tolson Centre 63 Clowes Street South Yarra Victoria 3141 Tel: (03) 9862 9200 Fax: (03) 9866 5768

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