Joy to Life Magazine--Fall 2019

Page 34



DR. CARRIE J. NELSON, PH.D. According to 27-year-breast-cancer survivor Dr. Carrie J. Nelson, Ph.D., fear overwhelmed her in the moments just following her diagnosis, but she moved past emotion and turned her energy outward, founding a nonprofit to help others.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR CANCER DIAGNOSIS. My cancer experience began on a winter day in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in March of 1990 with a shocking diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). This meant that there were abnormal cells inside a milk duct in my left breast.

WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST THOUGHT WHEN YOU H E A R D T H E D I A G N O S I S ? Honestly, I remember not having much of a first thought, just a lot of feelings, with fear leading the charge, then panic and disbelief. Am I going to die? What about my family? I had just had my last child who was now only nine months old! I was a health nut. I was an avid daily runner.

THROUGH THE TREATMENT PROCESS, WHAT DID Y O U W A N T A N D N E E D F R O M Y O U R F R I E N D S A N D F A M I L Y ? My family and friends were key to keeping my sanity throughout surgery and into recovery. My three sons gave me the encouragement and confirmation that there was life and so many reasons to overcome this cancer challenge. My husband was in Alabama at the time waiting for the rest of the family to move there. Humor was a constant help. 34




Photography by Big Dreamz Creative


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