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Voices for Peace

Podcasts with Peace Builders

Marilyn King, Two-time Olympian, inspirational author

Marilyn King is an extraordinary speaker, providing business leaders and educators with the tools and skills they need to dig deep and reach for the Gold! Marilyn has been a prime example of applying skills learned in one arena (sports) and applying it elsewhere—in business, education and the pursuit of peace.

Watch or listen #16

Jim Halderman, Speaker, trainer on Anger Control

Jim teaches court ordered, company ordered, and spousal ordered clients in anger and conflict management. He works with Alternative to Violence, a prison release program, and sits on the Board of Stout Street, a drug abuse rehabilitation program. He is also a Rotarian peacemaker.

Watch or listen #28

David Wick, co-founder and Executive Director, Ashland Culture of Peace Commission

Irene Kai, internationally known artist, author, and co-founder, Ashland Culture of Peace Commission

With over 30 years of executive and management experience, David launched the United Nations NGO, Pathways To Peace, and co-founded and serves as the Executive Director for the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission. He is currently president of the Rotary E-Club for World Peace. Irene served as president of the Southern Oregon China Connection and coordinated the Oregon Legislative and Business Delegation for Trade Mission to China. She is a longtime supporter of peace initiatives and has published two award-winning books: The Golden Mountain: Beyond the American Dream and What Do You See?

Watch or listen #10 Watch or listen #11


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Be the Change. 75th UN Anniversary #44

Keynote: UN Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury

October 24, 2020 The United Nations celebrated its 75th Anniversary as our global voice. The United Nations founded in 1945, rose out of the ashes of World War II and was founded to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice has brought untold sorrow to our world. In this podcast we are reminded of the UN’s accomplishments and how the UN works globally to promote our fundamental human rights. The theme for this anniversary was The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism and Ambassador Chowdhury keynoted the gathering of the Santa Barbara United Nations Association and the Rotary eClub of World Peace. He received the second Robert Muller Peace Prize presented by Dr. Desmond Berghofer, co-founder of Visioneers International Network, highlighted on page 9. Ambassador Chowdhury is the Bangladeshi diplomat most noted for his work on development in the poorest nations, global peace and championing the rights of women and children. In his role as the leading United Nations Culture of Peace emissary, he said in May 2010 that peace efforts would continually fail until people embraced humanity's oneness.

Al Jubitz, Founder, Rotary Action Group For Peace #45

Al Jubitz is a man of peace, a man against violence and the money wasted on wars. He joined Rotary in 1977 as a third generation Rotarian and is Past President of the 2002-2003 Rotary Club of Portland. Al believes that Rotary is uniquely capable of turning the world toward nonviolent conflict resolution, ultimately leading to a world beyond war. The application he submitted to Rotary International included these objectives: • Enable Rotarians in every community around the world to initiate peace service projects. • Involve Rotarians in nonviolent conflict resolution training. • Train Rotarians to monitor and report hot spots around the world as a vital first step in an “early warning” system to prevent escalation to violent conflict. • Provide leadership to Rotary International in adopting a world-wide goal to prevent all wars by 2030. As Al says. “Non-Rotarians can also join the Rotary Action Group for Peace. When we believe peace is possible and when we support each other and work for peace, then peace becomes a reality.” For Al’s continued efforts he is being recognized for his peace work with the 2020 Legacy of Peace Award.

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