Peace Community Magazine, Spring, 2022

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“You are the peace other people need.” – Barbara Gaughen-Muller

Barbara’s Peace Garden Honoring

Peace Pilgrim, who walked 25,000 miles for peace. “All people can be peace workers. Whenever you bring harmony into any unpeaceful situation, you contribute to the total peace picture. Insofar as you have peace in your life, you reflect it into your surroundings and into your world.”

“One of the ways of working for world peace is to work for more inner peace, because world peace will never be stable until enough of us find inner peace to stabilize it.” “Because of our preoccupation with materialism, we often miss the best things in life which are free.” Peace Pilgrim's vow: "I shall remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until I am given shelter and fasting until I am given food."

What is your peace dream for 2022?

# Peace Pole (more at page 14)

Listen to Peace Pilgrim talking about her 28-year walk for a meaningful way of life at

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… people creating a more peaceful world

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Publisher’s Corner Barbara Gaughen-Muller is a peace activist, educator, and Peace Podcast host.

Peace Corner - a place to be peaceful.

CONTENTS n today’s world, we need peace in every corner of our lives. It reminds me of a little girl in a Montessori school who asked me what she could do for peace. We decided to make a place where anyone could go and think calm, peaceful thoughts. We chose a corner, where we could have a comfortable chair and a map of the world. We put the words Peace Corner on the wall and added a candle, art supplies, books and, later, even a cat! Now there are 4,000 peace corners around the world to stimulate and inspire peace. Peace begins with you in the quiet moments. Does your home have a peace corner? – Gratefully,


2 Barbara’s Peace Garden 3 Publisher’s Corner 4 Women Peacemakers 6 Featured podcasters 10 Peace Book Club 12 Singing Tree Project 14 Peace Pole Project 15 Spring for Ukraine 16 Robert Muller Poster 17 Decide to be Married 18 In Passing Back Begin with Children ************************************************

The Team

Founder Barbara Gaughen-Muller & Publisher Editor Joyce Wycoff Technical Guru Tony Morrison

“There is no time left for anything but to make peacework a dimension of our every waking activity.” – Elise Boulding


Women Peacemakers Need To Take The Stage It’s past time for women to get on the world stage. Women are the peacemakers our world needs now. As the crisis in Ukraine unfolds, with a massive invasion by Russia, women are taking up arms to defend their homes and communities. Yet, we wonder, if women of Ukraine and Russia met with each other, wouldn’t they turn to each other and say, “we don’t want our sons to die. Let’s not do this.” In 500 BC, Aristophanes produced the Lysistrata, a smash hit comedy in the height of the ancient Hellenistic era. The idea was simple, yet absurd: Athens and Sparta are continually at war. It’s dragged on for ages. No clear victory is in sight. Treasuries are depleted. The women are fed up. So Lysistrata, an Athenian woman, organized a secret meeting with women from both cities, and proposed a way to stop the endless wars: a sex strike. No woman was to have sexual relations with her husband until they agreed to stop the fighting. The women struggled with this concept, but eventually agreed. Then the comedy unfolds to show how men were eventually crippled by the sex strike and agreed to stop fighting. While this is an ancient comedic example of how women can wage peace, you can easily see how women think differently, and could offer a great deal in peacemaking.

by Sharon Byrne and Barbara Gaughen-Muller United Nations Association - Southern California

Sahtouris on her return trip from a two-year sabbatical in Peru. She was studying the human reality of how we are all connected. “As she was getting ready to leave, she had her last visit with a woman elder in the village, who was often sought out for her wisdom, ideas and solutions to community problems. Elizabeth decided to ask her one last question …” ‘How would you run the world? How would that look?’ She replied: “I’d run the world like a family with love and security, nurturing their individual gifts and letting our children know that they also have a duty to the community and a goal to keep our world at peace which is essential for our human survival. “I would give them a sense of courage and compassion.” Women Peacemakers In Action

The Dali Lama said, ”our world will be saved by a woman leader.” We agree! During the Pandemic, we saw that the female-led countries of New Zealand, Germany, Finland, and Slovakia weathered the crisis better than their male counterparts. Why? Because women don’t leave anyone behind. Barbara, who traveled the world with her late husband Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary-General, meeting with world leaders, heads of state, authors and scientists, states, “I’ll never forget our meeting with evolutionarily biologist Elizabet 4

UN Resolution 1325 reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction and called for increased participation of women. Right now, our hearts are with women in Ukraine, Cameroon, Sudan and all areas of the world facing armed conflict, where women are in the most danger. Women all over the world are rising as peacemakers. Let’s meet one: Enjoy peace podcasts on

… people creating a more peaceful world Boy soldiers will happily put their guns down to play football. When girls join the game, they become leaders from the first time they kick the ball. Her challenge: up your game, whatever you’re doing. Achieve and conquer – it’s possible. Resolution 1325 CAN Happen. Are you on the sidelines, cheering, or are you in the game? You only have one life to live, and there’s no rehearsal. Go out and do what you feel you must, and forget fear. Adan, a lawyer and peace activist, uses football (because she loves it) to include people, and she has this amazing tagline: Shoot to score, not to kill. Fatuma says this initiative was born out of frustration because women’s voices were not being heard, after the 2005 massacre in Masaba where 100 children were killed in school. “A ball can silence the guns. We can’t stop the manufacture of guns. But the minute they see a ball, they want to put down the guns and play. Even among fighting clans. The passion is so high for football. So a simple idea, like playing football, can bring people who want to fight, together.” In 200+ villages in Kenya, women congregate under the tree (a site of decision-making) to help make decisions on conflict, security, and gender mutilation. This is huge, to have women participate in the decision-making process. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has repeatedly called for this. Now, one Kenyan village is literally ruled by women, something inconceivable until recently. Fatuma thought she’d never see girls in shorts and hijabs, carrying footballs out to play. In 2012, she lost the entire team because they were kidnapped for marriage. However, in the World Cup of 2018, the team went to the Euro Championship, for the first time ever.

In January 2011, Adan received the Stuttgart Peace Prize for "combining soccer and emancipation."

peace … please

"and then war came ..." spoken by a child, simply like sunrise like rain and then war came ..." from the heavens from the earth from the very air "and then war came ..." buildings fell down people died I was hungry "and then war came ..." songs stopped books burned rivers ran red "and then war came ..." and the child was gone. – joyce wycoff 5

Podcasts with Women Peacebuilders

Sylvia Whitlock, First Rotarian Woman President, Humanitarian After she became the first woman club president in Duarte, CA, she served on many humanitarian projects including sinking water wells in Nigeria, setting up an AIDS Center in Jamaica, and supporting an orphanage in Mexico. She also received the Global Citizen Award from United Nations Association. Watch or listen #56

Joanne Dufour, Educator, Anti-Nuclear Weapons Speaker, Educator and Volunteer for the Unitarian Universalist Office at the United Nations When volunteering for the United Nations office of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Joanne was introduced to a range of disarmament experts as she created a blog on Disarming Our Planet. She has long worked for a banning of nuclear weapons. Watch or listen #57


Helen Peacock, World Peace: Pipe dream or possibility? Can Rotarians be the tipping point? Rtn Helen Peacock, BSc MSc is a committed Peace Activist. She is the Founder of Pivot2Peace, a member of the Canada-wide Peace and Justice Network, a Chapter Coordinator for World Beyond War, and Peace Chair for the Rotary Club of Collingwood, SGB. Watch or listen #65

Eva Haller, Hungarian-Born, anti-Hitler activist, Advocate for Social Justice Eva Haller has been a fierce advocate for social justice since the age of thirteen, when she would sneak out with her brother John, distributing anti-Hitler pamphlets throughout Budapest. Listen to hear how John’s death propelled Eva to be an activist, encouraging and supporting many world causes and artists. from joining the Selma march with Dr. King, to traveling the world as a UNICEF volunteer. Watch or listen #46

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Kroc School Peace Scholars Sophia Ventura Cruess & Tabitha Nakholi, #83 Wherever you are, “bring peace with you.” This is the message of Sophia Ventura Cruess & Tabitha Nakholi, masters students at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies in San Diego, California. As Tabitha says “ We are the Change Makers” and Sophia shares her father’s words, “we who are blessed must be a blessing.”

Tabitha Nakoli

Tabitha, born and raised in Kenya says her passion for peace helped her create a nonprofit to empower and help girls stay in school, during their monthly cycle. Her peace work has helped her see the benefits of her personal philosophy of “progress not perfection” for getting things done.

Sophia, born and raised in Orange County, CA, has discovered that peace is the action to bring people together and provide greater avenues for hearing the “calling of your destiny”. Her fieldwork includes working with K-5th grade students teaching them how to value themselves and how to prevent violence in their future.

Sophia Ventura-Cruess

Kehkashan Basu, Global Youth Leader, Environmentalist #30 I am generation equality. Kehkashan Basu is the Founder-President of Green Hope Foundation, a global social innovation enterprise that works at a grass roots level in 25 countries, empowering young people, especially those from vulnerable communities, in sustainable development. Basu is a member of the World Humanitarian Forum Youth Council and Co-Lead of the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice. She is committed to amplifying the voices of young people, women and girls, in decisionmaking processes. Her journey into activism began at age 7 when she found a dead bird with its belly full of plastic. “Around the same time,” she states, “I attended a lecture by environmentalist Robert Swan, whose words, ‘the greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it,’ deeply resonated with me. At that point, I decided that I would start my 'sustainability journey' by planting my first tree on my eighth birthday.” At 16, she won the 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize. She also won the First-Ever Voices Youth Gorbachev-Shultz Legacy Award for Nuclear Disarmament. Kehkashan is the author of “The Tree of Hope” which was launched at the United Nations in New York, during the 2015 UN Children’s Summit. In 2022, she was awarded the Meritorious Gratitude Service Medal of Canada (Civil Division) in 2022. 7

Peter Yeo, Better World Foundation #75 Sustainable peace cannot be achieved if human rights are not respected. As President of the Better World Campaign, Peter Yeo leads the Campaign’s strategic engagement with Congress and the Administration to promote a strong U.S.-UN relationship. Under Yeo’s leadership, the Better World Campaign has helped ensure multibillion dollar payments from the U.S. government to the UN. Yeo also serves as the Senior Vice President at the United Nations Foundation.

Peter Yeo

Yeo joined the Better World Campaign in 2009 with over twenty years of legislative, analytical, and management experience, including senior roles on Capitol Hill and in the State Department. Prior to arriving at UNF, Yeo served for ten years as the Deputy Staff Director at the House Foreign Affairs Committee chaired by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) and Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA). He has worked on a broad range of foreign policy and foreign aid issues. On behalf of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats, he led the successful negotiations for the landmark HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003, commonly known as PEPFAR, as well as the successful $50 billion reauthorization of the law in 2008.

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, Evolutionary Futurist, #787 8

“We have to stop hostile competition.”

Elisabet Sahtouris PhD is an internationally known evolution biologist, futurist, author and speaker. With a post-doctoral degree at the American Museum of Natural History, she taught at MIT and the University of Massachusetts, contributed to the NOVA-Horizon TV series, is a fellow of the World Business Academy, and an advisor to Ethical Markets. She is the author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution; A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us; and Biology Revisioned with Willis Harman. Elizabet Sahtouris

She says, “We now have time to reflect on the Oneness of our human family, on the harm we have done to each other and to our Earth, on the ways of living that no longer serve us, and finally on the possibilities that are still available to us” Another interview with Dr. Sahtouris.


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Mark Oettinger, World Court of Human Rights #80 Who is going to enforce our rights? Mark Oettinger, an international attorney, educator and author, with extensive experience in Judicial Systems and Rule of Law, is working with the World Service Authority, founded by Garry Davis, to develop a World Court of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights created in 1948, by the United Nations confirmed that everyone on Earth has certain rights and freedoms. In 2012, Mark was appointed Director of the World Court of Human Rights Development Project by the World Service Authority of Washington DC. This is a project endorsed by the Chief Justices of the World. Who is going to protect our freedoms… and the most basic right of all — the right of our species to survive on Planet Earth? How can we help create the World Court of Human Rights?

Mark Oettinger

Benjamin Ferencz, Prosecutor Nuremberg Trials #34 “War makes murderers out of decent people.” Benjamin Ferencz, is the last living prosecutor of the biggest murder trial in history for the Nazi War Crimes after World War ll. A determined 27 year old lawyer, all 22 men on trial were convicted. As an enlisted man under General Patton, he fought in most of the major campaigns in Europe. As Nazi atrocities were uncovered, he was transferred to a newly created War Crimes Branch of the Army to gather evidence of Nazi brutality and apprehend the criminals. Now at 100, Ferencz is an historic figure still advocating for the rule of law and creator of the International Criminal Court. His website reads: LAW. NOT WAR.

Ben Ferencz

More at: Also: Ben Ferencz on 60 Minutes sharing his message of peace for today’s world.


NEW: Peace Book Club (online) Prophet The Hatmaker’s Son by Douglas Gillies Margaret Mead called him “the most brilliant man in the UN.” Robert Muller experienced the devastation of two World Wars. One night while standing in a dark battle field weeping for all the young people whose lives had been squandered, he swore that he would devote his life to peace.

Robert left everything behind and joined the UN in its third year and spent the next 40 years following that dream he never gave up on. His enthusiasm and optimism led him to became known as a prophet of hope. This book is a treasure-chest of largely unknown events based on extensive interviews with Robert and his experiences with world leaders. Taking one of the eleven chapters per week, this book club will have time to savor Robert’s development from intern to the Assistant Secretary-General, his philosophy, as well as the early development of the United Nations. To bring this book alive, the weekly discussions will be led by people intimately familiar with Robert and his work, including his wife, Barbara Gaughen-Muller, the author, Douglas Gillies, and the Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C., former Canadian Senator, parliamentarian, diplomat, author, and long-time friend and associate of Robert’s. (The podcast with Douglas Roche is #38.)

Join Us on ZOOM! 11 meetings beginning Sunday, April 3, 2022 ... 9:00 am, Pacific (All meetings will be recorded and available on

Peace Bookclub Zoom: 847 6098 0621 10

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… people creating a more peaceful world “Prophet - The Hatmaker’s Son is the inspiring, true story of Robert Muller, a man who lived through the atrocities of World War II and then dedicated his life to peace. Gillies brings to vivid life the remarkable achievements and astounding story of this great global citizen. Prophet is a reminder to every reader why war does not work– and offers a path to a better way.” – Mary Manin Morrissey, author of Building Your Field of Dreams and No Less Than Greatness “Robert Muller has had a very large, positive influence on me. He has a wonderful, global outlook and a loving, kind-hearted attitude of forgiveness and understanding and patience. I have great admiration and respect for him. He’s one of the greatest men to come along in a long time” – Ted Turner, AOL TimeWarner “Robert Muller has seen our species at our worst and still ebulliently believes in our best. In his presence, you want to rise and rise and rise again to whatever occasion is before you. He is a global treasure–and so will you be if you let his spirit enter your life. I did … and look what happened!” – Vicki Robin, coauthor of Your Money or Your Life “When the true history of the Twentieth Century is told, Robert Muller’s name will stand out as one of the greatest world servers of all time. This powerful book is filled with stories and anecdotes that delight as they illumine the path of greatness. He is a spiritual giant as well as a hugely original thinker, and the story of his life is a testament to the glory of the human spirit.” – Jean Houston, PhD, author of Jump Time

Prophet: Now Available! A limited quantity of this inspiring book is now available to readers of this Peace Community Magazine. $10 (includes shipping) Send check or cash with your address and phone number to: Barbara Gaughen-Muller PO Box 91844 Santa Barbara, CA 93190-1844 11

Sarajevo Peace Conference to create healing between families who had killed each other in the civil war, at Parkland, Florida, after the massacre at Margery Stoneman Douglas High School, in Northern California to help families who had suffered wild fires, and in Marin County, CA, after the election of 2016. The Singing Tree Project In 1999, a young girl asked, “What if the whole world made a painting together?” That question launched The Singing Tree project which to date has involved 21,000 people from 52 countries creating a forest of over 100 Singing Tree murals. The artist and founder of this project is Laurie Marshall, who has been empowering youth and adults through creative collaboration for 35 years. Laurie says, “Meredith Miller’s question and vision of the world creating together answered a deep longing I had all my life for a peaceful world.”

The Singing Tree process is a collective way for feelings to be expressed and stories to be shared - a necessary step in healing and making way for a positive future. The whole world is invited. If you are interested in bringing a Singing Tree to your community or to become a Singing Tree facilitator, contact:, 415-612-0401.

Laurie founded the Unity Through Creativity Foundation as a way to bring people together and heal communities through a shared artistic creation, working under a vision to use the arts, inspired by the collaboration and creativity found in Nature in order to envision a positive future and spark innovative actions. After making The Singing Tree of Climate Solutions with 350 students at Ukiah High School (California), one of the students said, “If we can make this amazing painting together in 12 days, I have more confidence that we can deal with the challenge of climate change.” F


Other singing trees were created at the 12

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… people creating a more peaceful world

The Singing Trees

A story from a book for children gave Laurie the seed of the idea for her mural project. This is the story: “During a long and terrible night in the middle of World War I, soldiers crawled for hours on their bellies to escape the enemy. Everything in their path had been destroyed by the shells, bullets, and violence of war. They didn’t come across any evidence of life - not a house, person, squirrel, bird, tree, or bush. When the dawn came, they saw that one tree was still alive. Birds from hundreds of miles away who don’t normally come together, were in the tree singing.” Laurie says, “I see our planet as the Singing of our solar system.” Peace of WildTree Things 13

What is a Peace Pole? A Peace Pole is an internationally-recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth. Each Peace Pole bears the message May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages on each of its four or six sides. There are estimated over 250,000 Peace Poles in every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace.

Get Your Peace Pole Our low maintenance and weather proof classic white Peace Pole with four or eight Languages is crafted at The World Peace Sanctuary and is available in three sizes; 6 ft , 7 ft or 8 ft tall for indoor or outdoor use. Each Peace Pole includes a translation of “May Peace Prevail On Earth” in 4 or 8 languages of your choice. 4 Language Peace Pole $150.00 / 8 Language Peace Pole $200.00 To purchase a Peace Pole: 14

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… people creating a more peaceful world

Spring for Ukraine a grandmother carries her old dog into exile, a man puts on a heavy mantle of leadership, 13 Davids stand up to a Goliath warship, a pianist plays a last song amidst the rubble, a farmer pulls a tank away from a battle scene, mothers carry their children into a foreign country, fathers cry as they put their families on trains, a little girl stands and sings to refugees in a basement, a convoy of enemy tanks, forty miles long, halted, a pregnant mother and baby die when a bomb hits, teenagers with skateboard kneepads march off to war, a BMW convertible mounted with a machine gun sits, driver ready, Mariupol: 400,000 children, women, men, no food, water, electricity, how many still live?

I awake to an almost spring day in a warm bed, gratitude spreads like the morning light momentarily softening the horror that we're doing this again! AA[[



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… people creating a more peaceful world

Decide to Be Married Day June 27 by Barbara Gaughen-Muller

Decide to be married To become one heart, one body, one mind and one soul To share your joy To live life as an art And to make every moment precious Whether together or apart Remember as a couple You are now more than one To create harmony and perfect love that will last through eternity even after this life is done Remember also there is a power In this union of two to protect this planet And humanity too As a couple you can do it It's in the deciding To be united in love To express your joyful oneness To every person you meet, and In every action you take And together a perfect marriage you'll make. *** Barbara and Robert Muller celebrated their honeymoon at Findhorn, Scotland, where they met Katherine and Roger Collis.

Two inspiring podcasts from this visionary couple who have inspired Others for over 50 years. - Katherine Collis, Spiritual Counselor, Findhorn Fellow #37 “Calling the Future into Being” - Roger Collis, Visionary, Findhorn Fellow #82 “Creating our Future” Listen to both podcasts at 17

In passing … We celebrate the lives of these beloved peace makers: Desmond Tutu, South African Theologian, December 26, 2021

Thich Nhat Hahn, Vietnamese Thiền Buddhist monk, January 22, 2022

Veronica Pelicaric, non-violence activist with Pace e Bene, February 21, 2022 Robert Muller’s book Most of All They Taught Me Happiness, concludes with these thoughts: “As for myself, when the moment will come to close my eyes on this beautiful planet, my heart will thank and honor all those who gave life and the warmth of love, and Him who permitted me to devote my earthly sojourn to peace, justice, and the betterment of the human condition in one of the noblest organizations ever born from the heart of man. I will go in peace and joy, thankful for having been blessed with the miracle of life. I will have loved my life with passion, 18

embraced it with fervor, cherished every single moment of it. I will have contemplated with wonder the sky and its running clouds, my brethren the humans, my sisters the flowers and the stars. I will have feasted unceasingly on the treasure of life in all its forms. I will not have dwelled in mediocre ambitions, vain hatred, and useless complaints. I will depart with the belief that there is no end to the flow of life in the universe, that there is no death but only an unceasing change of worlds. My conclusion would therefore be: • Decide to be happy • Render others happy • Proclaim your joy • Love passionately your miraculous life • Do not listen to promises • Do not wait for a better world • Be grateful for every moment of life • Switch on, and keep on, the positive buttons in yourself, those marked: optimism, serenity, confidence, positive thinking, love • Pray and thank God every day • Meditate • Smile, laugh, whistle, sing, dance • Look with fascination at everything • Fill your lungs and heart with liberty • Be yourself fully and immensely • Act like a king unto Death • Feel God in your body, mind, heart, and soul • And be convinced of eternal life and resurrection Enjoy peace podcasts on

… people creating a more peaceful world Wherever you go, Peace Podcast can go with you. Listen to amazing peace builders whenever you want. Share them with friends on social media. Encourage PEACE. NOW also available on YouTube.

Wherever you go,

Peace Podcast

can go with you. Listen to amazing peace builders tell their stories. Share wisdom with friends on social media. Encourage PEACE. NOW also available on YouTube.

Life is About Celebrations and Goodbye by Barbara Gaughen-Muller

We celebrate the birth of our children Marriages, First communions, Bar Mitzvahs, too Time to sing and dance It’s our chance to invite those we love To cherish these very special times! And then in only a moment We invite them again, this time to say good-bye

Spring in Barbara’s Garden

Spring in Barbara’s Garden

One last chance to Celebrate the gift of a life no longer here. It’s a time for joy and sorrow, too Memories so vivid with our love so true Our family and friends once again Remind us they care and are one with you!



“If we are to reach real peace in the world, we shall have to begin with children.” – Mahatma Gandhi


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