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Visit us at www.joyfeelingsmag.com Email us: info@joyfeelingsmag.com  Entertainment: Why we love Queen Elizabeth!  Joy Beauty: Developing a healthy skin  Love and Sex: What Men want in bed and what women will do.


EDITORS NOTE Every year we choose our favorite celebrities through JOIE JOURS AWARDS and this year we happen to have Queen Elizabeth as the most famous celebrity. I enjoyed learning more about this Queen and even managed to come up with a list of why we so love her. I hope you enjoy this issue and please visit us at www.joiejoursawards.wordpress.com to find out more about the celebrities we love. All the Best, Joyce Wolayo.


Why We Love Queen Elizabeth II Find out why we love Queen Elizabeth so much. This year Joie Jours Awards chose her as the most popular and loved celebrity for 2018. Let’s all fall in love. Find out why! 1. Her infallible sense of style. In a lifetime of public experiences, has she ever had a single fashion disaster? 2. How many octogenarians do you know who still ride horses? Queen Elizabeth can be credited for her ability to still ride a horse! 3. How many octogenarians do you know who are still as active as she is, for that matter? We love her hard work and commitment to serving just not her country 3JOY FEELINGS!

but the world also. She has been known for gracing international events. 4. That wave: She has a friendly atmosphere around the audience and you can feel you wanna wave back. 5. That hair. 6. It's not just waving and public ceremonies - another of her long-standing traditions is to drink a gin and Dubonnet immediately before lunch. We love these social manners. 7. She's thrown an awful lot of garden parties, which makes her the ultimate hostess, even if she doesn't have to sweep cucumber sandwich crumbs off the floor afterwards. 8. She is the ultimate ambassador for ageing gracefully and stopped dyeing her hair around 20 years ago. She's played down becoming our longest-reigning monarch, deciding against any public fanfare. 9. She's constantly working even when she's not in the public eye - newly-published photographs offering some rare glimpses of the Queen off-guard show her with a stack of papers in front of her. 10. She attracts tourists from around the world - a significant boost to the economy. This has made her one of the most famous people in the world. 4JOY FEELINGS!

11. Christmas Day wouldn't be the same without her annual broadcasts. She remembers to send a love message for season. 12. We just love the queen! She accepts her family’s relationship and supports them which is really nobel if you consider that Prince Harry married Meghan Markel who is from a black descent. It’s totally amazing.


Best fashion moments of Queen Elizabeth that we love.









A healthy skin should not be something you dream about because it’s something you can achieve if you decide to follow our simple step by step guide.

Natural Ways To Maintain Beautiful, Youthful Skin


The food we eat and how we treat ourselves can prevent or even reverse aging. Your body needs the right nutrients to fight off damage, and your skin is no different. Nutrients help the cells replicate and have more energy. Processed foods, stress, toxins and low-nutrient diets will accelerate aging. Protecting yourself from harmful chemicals while getting enough sleep, relaxation and exercise will all help you maintain a healthy glow. Drink plenty of water.

Even with a small amount of dehydration, your body functions in a less optimal way. The instant you're 14JOY FEELINGS!

dehydrated, it will take a toll on your skin, causing it to look dull, flaky, saggy and loose. Eat foods with antioxidants.

Antioxidants are the best resources your body has to fight disease and aging by reducing damage and inflammation. Inflammation is a leading cause of wrinkle formation. Some of the best sources of antioxidants include:           

Blueberries Pomegranates Acai berries Goji berries Spinach Raspberries Nuts Seeds Purple grapes Dark chocolate (70% or higher of cocoa content) Organic green tea 15JOY FEELINGS!

Have a rainbow-colored plate of food. Free radicals form in our bodies and cause major damage to our cell structures. The different nutrient-rich foods we eat neutralize them. You need to consume the widest variety of antioxidants you can to fight off the different kinds of free radicals. Think about what colors you've missed throughout the day, and try to incorporate them into your next meal. Eat organic foods.

This curtails consumption of aging toxins. Limit your sun exposure. Small amounts of daily sun produce vitamin D and are beneficial, but too much sun will damage your skin. Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses, and use zinc or titanium dioxide sunscreen. Opt for natural skin products. Many skincare products contain harsh chemicals. When choosing moisturizers or makeup, research the ingredients in them the best you can to confirm that they're safe. Use non-toxic cleaning products. 16JOY FEELINGS!

It is imperative to limit exposure to toxic chemicals because the skin absorbs them. Own a plant. Indoor pollution levels can be even higher than outdoor levels. A plant in your home or by your desk at work will act as an air filter. Get enough vitamin C. A diet rich in vitamin C leads to fewer wrinkles. Researchers have found that skin exposed to vitamin C for long periods of time can produce up to eight times more collagen! Avoid sugar. It leads to damaged collagen and elastin, which cause wrinkles. Eat healthy fats. Incorporating foods such as avocados, olive oil, flax seeds, nuts and fish into your diet is important. The fatty acids are crucial for your skin to look youthful. Cleanse your body. A build up of toxins in the body due to the air, water and food causes damage to the body as well as aging. Detoxing by way of a juice cleanse is recommended for the body to be able to focus on energy production and eliminating toxins. Having a glass of water with squeezed lemon first thing in the mornings is also very cleansing. Engage in activities that relieve stress.


High levels of stress will compromise your skin. Consider yoga or meditating. Eliminate problematic people and activities from your life. Confide in your friends and openly talk to them about your worries and troubles. Sleep.

You skin rejuvenates and repairs itself mostly while you are asleep. Make sure that you not only sleep for eight hours a night, but that it is quality sleep.



It increases the circulation of oxygen and nutrients and releases toxins through sweat, which leads to clearer, firmer skin. Remember to smile. It’s the best exercise for your face. Keep your Face Clean Face cleansing is essential as it removes all the dirt particles and excess oil. Both factors can contribute to acne which is hard to deal with.

You may have seen beauty experts stressing over face cleansing because when you apply makeup or other skin care products, they work as a tight mask on your face keeping the pores clogged.


That is why you need to clean your face twice a day depending on your skin type. Also, make sure to remove all the makeup before bedtime to prevent the buildup of the products on skin cells and to let your skin breath.

Keep it Moisturized Beauty gurus suggest keeping your skin moisturized. Therefore, make it a habit of applying a moisturizer right after you wash your face. It will delay the onset of fine lines and wrinkles.

You can always consult with a dermatologist before investing in a good quality product as not every moisturizer is beneficial for every skin type.

Also, consider deep moisturizing your skin at least once a week if you have dry skin. It will help eliminate rough patches, redness, and irritation.

Go for Exfoliation 20JOY FEELINGS!

Scrubbing your face is a proven way to maintain healthy skin. When you exfoliate your skin, it removes dead cells which often contribute to clogging your pores. You can also get rid of blackheads via scrubbing. Make sure you use a mild scrub. Use it twice a week regularly to achieve subtle and shiny skin. Many beauty experts recommend exfoliating to brighten tanned skin as well. However, you should refrain from over-doing it as too much scrubbing can deplete the natural oil in your skin leaving it your dry and itchy. Vitamin C Vitamin C is an antioxidant that functions to ward off skin damaging factors. It is also necessary to produce collagen that determines the firmness of your skin. Incorporating a vitamin C enriched diet is essential to delay aging as well. Also, food sources such as strawberries, red peppers, broccoli, and citrus fruits are abundant in vitamin C. Consuming the vitamin via organic sources is highly recommended over supplements as they are free from chemicals. Mixed Nuts


Incorporating a handful of mixed dry fruits could become an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. The latter promotes skin elasticity keeping it radiant and smooth. A study even concluded that eating an adequate portion of nuts can prevent the symptoms that contribute to skin cancer.

Moreover, when nutritionists recommend opting for a well-balanced diet, they refer to incorporate a serving of natural food sources including nuts due to their positive effects on your overall wellbeing. Hence, don’t forget to toss some almonds, walnuts, and cashews into your shopping cart next time.

Wear Sunscreen Exposing your skin to the sun could become a leading cause of rashes, irritation, premature aging, or worse – skin cancer. That is why beauty gurus stressed on why wearing sunscreen is essential for women.


Applying a single coat of sunscreen can protect your delicate skin from the UV rays of the sun – wear your sunscreen even when there is overcast.

Home Remedies A skin care routine remains incomplete without home remedies. There is no doubt that exposing your skin to the natural options can benefit it in the more extended run. The outcome of the traditional ways is steady but unbelievable. Hence, you should try applying distinctive face packs made with yogurt, honey, banana, gram flour, etc. depending on your skin type.

Regular Facials Beauty experts emphasize on opting for facials each month. It is considered as one of the most trusted tips to get the desired outcome. A facial is a detailed cleansing procedure that involves deep skin cleansing. The massage involved in it supports circulation and promotes oxygen in the skin cell. Getting a facial from a


professional once a month is a wise idea to relax and pamper your skin. Get 8 Hours of Sleep Have you ever wondered why health expert refers to sleep as “beauty sleep?” It is because your skin also gets tired just like your body. And not resting enough may result in eye-bags. This is why you should get 7 – 8 hours of sleep on a daily basis allowing your skin to rejuvenate. Go For a Walk You may not believe it, but your busy schedule affects your skin significantly. Not getting time to relax can put yours under stress which often results in acne. Therefore, you need to balance out your daily routine to maintain healthy skin. When you go out in nature and breathe in the natural air, it refreshes your mental state which will reflect on skin too.

Increase Water Intake Consuming at least one liter of water is required to achieve the flawless skin. The fluid allows your body to


flush out chemicals, toxins, and excess salts that contribute to damage your skin.

Do Spa-Like Facials At Home With This Step-By-Step Guide

While every woman loves to pamper herself with a facial, going to the spa every weekend or even twice a month can be an expensive affair. But with these steps, you can learn how to do a facial step by step, from home. STEP 1 : Cleanse 25JOY FEELINGS!

To prep yourself for a facial, you need to start by washing your hands. Remember, you'll be using your hands to massage and treat your face. So they must be clean. Wash them with warm water and a simple bar soap. Your hands carry germs that can lead to breakouts on your skin.

If you want to use only natural ingredients while doing a facial at home, then you can use pure honey as a face cleanser. Yes! It is not a conventional face cleanser, but it has many skin benefits and can be used for all skin types.

How to use Honey as a Face Cleanser: Before applying honey on your face, ensure that you have washed your face with warm water and have wiped it with a micro-fiber towel. Take around a tablespoon of honey and apply it on face in a circular motion. You can either wash it with warm water immediately or after 10 mins for a deeper cleansing activity. STEP 2 : Tie Up Your Hair


Tie you hair back (use a hairband to hold back stray strands or bangs). You need your face to be clear of any obstructions for a through facial.

STEP 3 : Remove Your Makeup Now we move onto cleansing your face thoroughly. You can either use natural ingredients like milk or you can go for a gentle makeup cleanser (choose the cleanser that suits your skin type best.) Use cotton balls to gently wipe off the makeup from your eyes, cheeks, lips, face and neck. Move the cotton ball in gentle circular motions. Around the eyes, be careful and use gentle strokes (don't tug at the skin!)

Again, if you want a natural makeup cleanser, coconut oil is a miracle product. It removes makeup from the skin and also makes it softer in the process.

How to Use Coconut Oil (Solid/Liquid) As a Makeup Remover


Take a few drops of coconut oil or a scoop of solid coconut oil on a cotton ball or a muslin cloth. This cloth doused in coconut oil is then to be used to wipe your face gently. This gentle wiping will remove all the makeup without harming your sensitive skin! STEP 4 : Exfoliate This is an important step. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin, reduces large pores and prevents fine lines and wrinkles. Spread the exfoliator on your palms and massage your skin in circular motions. You don't need to press the exfoliating beads into your skin, just a gentle amount of pressure is fine. Avoid scrubbing the exfoliator around your eyes. If you don't have an exfoliator, take a cup of milk and add a teaspoon of granulated sugar, this works just as well! Registration Become a member of Reward Me and get exclusive offers! 28JOY FEELINGS!

STEP 5 : Steam Take a clean washcloth and run under hot water. Place it over your face and let it rest for five minutes. Alternatively, you can fill a pot of water till it is boiling. Then stand with your face above the steaming water. Drape a cloth over your head to prevent the steam from escaping. You can add drops of rosemary oil to add to the cleansing process. Steam your face for 10-15 minutes, not more. If you have sensitive skin, try and avoid this step as it can exacerbate the problem. STEP 6 : Mask The fourth step of this process is to apply the facial mask. It is vital to choose a facial mask that suits your skin type.

For oily skin, you can try a mud or clay mask to absorb the extra oil from your skin.

For dry skin, go for a hydrating or creamy face mask. 29JOY FEELINGS!

Combination skin needs both these elements.

Cover your face in a light mask, avoiding the areas around the eye. You can soothe your eyes with cucumber slices. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of water and pat it try. You must have seen in your spa visits that fruit masks are very popular as it gives the goodness of many different fruits in just one application! Learn how to make a fruit facial mask at home with the help of the following steps:

Strawberry, Papaya and Banana Fruit Facial Mask All the three fruits are amazing for our skin – banana nourishes the skin, papaya has enzymes that help in skin exfoliation and strawberries are rich in vitamins and helps in removing excess oils from the skin. Hence this one face mask has the goodness of 3 different fruits!


Take a tablespoon of mashed papaya, 1 tablespoon of mashed strawberries and 1 tablespoon of mashed bananas. Mix these all together and you can add honey to make it a gelling mash. You can even add oats to it to add a scrubbing ingredient in the mixture Take this face pack and apply a thin layer of it on your face. Keep it for 10-15 minutes before you wash it off with lukewarm water. STEP 7 : Moisturise To maintain the texture of your glossy skin, use a moisturiser after wiping off the face mask. For oily skin, you can choose a water-based or light moisturiser, while for dry skin you can use a denser cream. For sensitive skin, avoid a product with heavy fragrances or acidic ingredients. These can cause breakouts or rashes.

So now that you've read our tips on how to do facials at home, what are you waiting for? Bring the spa home!




Below you’ll learn the secrets to what men want in bed. You’ll learn how to foreplay with your boyfriend to make him horny, how to make your boyfriend calm when he wants sex, some sex moves to make him crazy, how to drive a man wild with desire or even how to make your man moan. This is like a list of how to please a man in bed step by step.

Start with a massage 33JOY FEELINGS!

How to romance in bed with your boyfriend? A massage wasn’t what you were expecting, was it? It is both relaxing and sensual and loved by almost every man. Interestingly, it works both ways as well! When you are in bed with a man, it is not necessary to jump into the action immediately. Offer him a massage. Rest his head on your lap while sitting or on your stomach while standing. A head massage or a full body massage will relax him and make him more attentive towards your needs too. How to drive a man crazy in bed? Massage his head or other body parts you know are special to him (you’ll need to test and see which ones he reacts to more).

You will see the glowing love in his eyes within minutes. This is one of the best things to do with your boyfriend in bed and it’s also one of the most underrated. Pleasing your man should start with a massage – you may be very surprised with the results plus this is among the more romantic things to do for your boyfriend in bed. Try it as sometimes what men want in bed is some closeness!

Sexy lingerie 34JOY FEELINGS!

How to make him want you in bed? You want to make him happy in bed, right? Then start with sexy lingerie. It is not a secret that a woman in sexy lingerie will definitely be able to attract her man in bed. It is more than something sexual. It is about the arousing and getting closer to each other. What turns men on is mystery, when they have to work for it and a lingerie is a great start.

You will be amazed to see how attentive he will get while seeing you in a sexy dress. It is up to you if you want to take it to the next level or want to keep things to a certain limit. Foreplay and cuddling in sexy lingerie are always good for emotional bonding.

Wild intimate moments Soft intimate relationships are common and considered best by both men and women. However, there is no harm in getting a little rough or very kinky once in a while. What men want in bed is to see changes, some action and to feel thrilled. Tear off some clothes, get wild and ride until his brains pop out of excitement. It will not be a bad deal and the memory of that particular session will keep 35JOY FEELINGS!

you both alive and close for quite some time. You can also tie each other up, have a role play session or even plan something kinky for special days. Make a list of some freaky things to do to your boyfriend in bed and start experimenting.

Dirty talk Dirty talking is among the things guys want to try in bed. Not liked by all men, but by most of them. Talking dirty while being intimate is enjoyed by most of the couples. Some may hesitate in the beginning, but on later stages when they are open to each other, dirty talking can actually sex up the things to another level. Let him know that you want him more, harder and closer. Tell him to go deep and strong. Moan like a wild lady and show some aggressive moves as well. Tell him what you want to do to him or what you want him to do to you! What do guys like to hear in bed? Here are some dirty sex talk ideas to help you out ;).

Take control


The missionary position is good, in fact, it is the most effective way to get pregnant, but how far is it correct to leave every intimate session completely at the mercy of the man? You should learn to take control as well. That’s what men want in bed.

Let me tell you a secret. If you take control once in a while or even more often, your man will love and respect you more. Why? you may ask. Well, the thing is men want to have a partner who knows what she is doing and how she should do it. It is not a healthy relationship if he has to do all the work and you just lie down all the time like a doll. Be human and take control over him. Show him you can be as strong as he can and ride wild.

Surprise with a new position From time to time you should look for new things to try in bed for him so it doesn’t get boring. Often what men want in bed is to try a new position. There are so many positions you can try and that too in so many angles. Some your bodies will allow to do and some may not. It is very easy to figure out which positions you both can be in 37JOY FEELINGS!

easily. Initiate a new position once in a while and surprise him with your dedication towards lovemaking. Tell him how much his presence means to you and how desperately you want him close.

Take control or let him take control of the position. Enjoy the moments and kiss passionately. There is no harm in trying new things in life and in case one of you do not like what you tried, simply put it in a “Not again” list! At least try! Learn what are the best positions for him (by trying different ones) and use these more often. Stop asking how do i make him go wild in bed and start noticing what he likes and then using it to your advantage.

Eat off the fudge! Some couples may find it dirty and (don’t know why) unhealthy in a relationship but you should try it once and include this on your list of freaky things to do to your boyfriend in bed. Take some fudge, ice cream, marshmallow, chocolate mousse or chocolate sauce, spread it on your partner and just eat it. It works both ways and the end result will be satisfactory and too 38JOY FEELINGS!

alluring. Such fun acts bring you closer to your man and you both will feel comfortable around each other.

Let him feel you Not sure why, but some women shy away from allowing their partners to feel the curves. It is an important part of the foreplay session and it gives the man feel of the ownership of your body. How to drive your boyfriend crazy? Moan. There is nothing unhealthy in it and when he feels you, the moans will automatically increase the erotic energy in the room. The closeness and love making session will be much better and deeper.

Just talk What men want in bed? Sometimes it’s very simple. There are many moments in life when you both just need to lie on the bed and talk. There are a lot of things that happen during the work hours. Let him tell you all the frustrating things that have happened. Listen closely and try to calm him down. Let him be as emotional as he wants to be. Do not let him hold back or not talk to you. Get close and tell him that you are always there for him. 39JOY FEELINGS!

This will create an emotional bond between you two and the relationship will last longer than you can ever expect. Sometimes, what turns men on is knowing they can have sex with a woman they can also talk to.

Let him watch you get naughty This one is among the best sex tips how to drive him crazy. If you have the potential to do it in front of him, nothing is more arousing and more satisfying. What men want in bed? Visual stimulations. Visual stimulations do wonders with men. They love when women are open and bold. Doing it right in front of him shows how much you trust him. If you really want him to go crazy for you, do not let him touch you or kiss you during the session. Just keep going and watch him go mad for you.

Drop hints How to make love to a man and drive him crazy? The answer starts with another question: how often do you seduce him? Try more. Drop hints in front of him in innovative ways. Go and wet yourself in a sexy dress and stand in front of him while he is watching TV in bed for a 40JOY FEELINGS!

few seconds. Remind him of the positions you like or what you like to hear. Leave a piece of your lingerie on his bedside once a while. Hug him from behind and move away. All these small acts will bring him closer to you in bed and he actually loves it!

Praise your man Many women look for tips on how to romance a man in bed but forget that afterwards is also important. Once the session is over, do not just go to sleep. Tell him how much you love him and how amazing he was during the session. Praise him and tell him how he means to you.

Live a fantasy We can include this on the list of things guys like in bed but wont ask for (well, some do ask). Again, this works both ways. Ask him about his fantasies about the love making and try to replicate them in real life. How to make your man mad on bed? Find a sexy dress from his favorite movie or dress like his favorite actress. Bring life to the sessions and get his attention in no time. He will love your enthusiasm and will always be loyal to you. 41JOY FEELINGS!

Being spontaneous and full of love is very important in a relationship. The time you both are going to spend on the bed is the maximum time you are going to spend together. Between the busy work life and responsibilities at home do not leave much room to get together outside the bedroom. It is very important to understand your man from inside and outside. What he likes and what he does not will make a huge difference in your relationship. How kinky he likes to get or what he likes to hear can determine how aggressive you can get with him. Life is full of moments of happiness and you can turn the tables in your favor by understanding him a little better. Hopefully you now know what men want in bed so start using what you’ve learned.


In a perfect world, everyone would be totally transparent about what they want in bed and no one would ever be left wondering. But until then, it's okay to have some 42JOY FEELINGS!

questions. If you’re to believe everything you see in pop culture, you'd think men fantasize about sex 25/8 and are literally always down to do it. But in practice, having your partner open up about his fantasies is always a little bit harder than it would seem. Here, 11 of the most common sex *~cravings~* every guy has, and a non-awk way of bringing them up:

He wants you to communicate. Granted, he should be doing this himself, too. But a partner who can explain exactly how they want to be touched is endlessly sexy, and helps him deliver up some honesty too. Someone who is polite but not afraid can encourage a guy to tell you what's working or not working, too.

He wants different positions. Seriously! If you're a couple who does it missionary on the bed a few nights a week, your partner is probably craving something different every now and then. After all, part of the reason hotel sex is so damn appealing is that humans crave novelty. No one is suggesting you go out of your comfort 43JOY FEELINGS!

zone just to please some dude. But hey, if the idea occurs to you that it might be hot to have him spin you around and fuck you from behind against your kitchen counter.... well... then.... do that.

He likes it when you take charge. Imagine sex is like a group project and you are obviously very invested in getting an A (or having an orgasm.) Your group members might be all talk but when it’s 3 AM the night before something’s due and you’re not ANY closer to that A, you might need to take control if you really wanna see it through.

So take charge. Show him the moves you use to get yourself off when you’re alone and let him in on the fantasy. He’ll love the idea of his own private peep show and he’ll be learning exactly what it is you need to get off. Honestly this is basically just investing in your future orgasms.

He likes it when you’re direct. 44JOY FEELINGS!

While he might act like he knows exactly what's up, no one ever wished for *less* direction in bed. Save the ambiguity for pre-hookup sexting, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you really want.

If you’re worried about offending him (trust, you're not), just focus on the positives to tell him what you are and aren’t into. Don't be afraid of telling him, “Ehh that’s not doing anything for me,” but also “I really liked it when you were doing this before,” will help send a message, too. Positive reinforcement always works wonders. "Tell him how good it feels when he does something right, or remind him of a technique that always gets you off," suggests says Georgia sex therapist Gloria Brame, Ph.D. "If he's not giving you enough foreplay, ask him to use his hand or mouth to warm you up, saying that you want to draw out the experience."


www.joyfeelingsmag.com info@joyfeelingsmag.com


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