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Solange Piaget Knowles is a popular American singer, songwriter and actress. She is Joie Jours favourite star for best hair of the year 2018. Check it out at www.joiejoursawards.wordpress.com. Expressing an interest in music from an early age, Knowles had several temporary stints as a backup dancer for Destiny's Child, before signing with her father Mathew Knowles's Music World Entertainment label. At age 16, Knowles released her first studio album Solo Star (2002). Between 2005 and 2007, Knowles had several minor acting roles, including the direct-to-video Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006) and continued writing music for her older sister BeyoncÊ Knowles and for exDestiny's Child group members Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. In 2007, Knowles began to record music again. Her second studio album Sol-Angel and the Hadley St. Dreams (2008) deviated from the poporiented music of her debut to the Motown Sound of the 1960s and 1970s. It peaked at number nine on US Billboard 200 and received positive reviews from critics. She followed this up with the 1980s pop and R&B–inspired extended play True (2012) on Terrible Records and her imprint Saint Records. Her third studio album, A Seat at the Table (2016) became her first numberJOY FEELINGS!


one album in the United States. The album's first single, "Cranes in the Sky" won the Grammy for Best R&B Performance. Billboard magazine ranked her as the 100th most successful dance artist of all-time.In 2017 Solange was honored with the "Impact Award" at Billboard Women in Music. Knowles was heavily influenced by Motown girl groups and says that her first passion is songwriting. She is frequently compared by the media to her sister, BeyoncĂŠ, but Solange insists they have different aspirations and are musically different. Her other ventures include an endorsement deal with Rimmel London and a line of hip-hop-oriented merchandise for young children. On November 16, 2014, Knowles married music video director Alan Ferguson in New Orleans, Louisiana



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DIVINE SECRETS TO LIVING YOUR LIFE STRESS FREE TODAY! You are in constant search of joy, happiness, and high on your list, is you want your life stress free! This is because you are hard working, and you have got a family and a career and dreams that overwhelm you on a daily basis. Getting stress free will help you succeed more in your life. So here are our tips on how you can achieve that. Pick and choose the ones that will work best for you, and give them a try. One at a time. One thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start reducing your stress, and you can start today. Right now. Focus as much as possible on doing one thing at a time. Clear your desk of distractions. Pick something to work on. Need to write a report? Do only that. Remove distractions such as phones and email notifications while you’re working on that report. If you’re going to do email, do only that. This takes practice, and you’ll get urges to do other things. Just keep practicing and you’ll get better at it. Simplify your schedule. A hectic schedule is a major cause of high stress. Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your life to just the essential ones. Learn to say no to JOY FEELINGS!


the rest — and slowly get out of commitments that aren’t beneficial to you. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space between them. Get out of meetings when they aren’t absolutely essential. Leave room for down time and fun. Get moving. Do something each day to be active — walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, do yoga. It doesn’t have to be grueling to reduce stress. Just move. Have fun doing it. Develop one healthy habit this month. Other than getting active, improving your health overall will help with the stress. But do it one habit at a time. Eat fruits and veggies for snacks. Floss every day. Quit smoking. Cook something healthy for dinner. Drink water instead of soda. One habit at a time. Do something calming. What do you enjoy that calms you down? For many people, it can be the “get moving” activity discussed above. But it could also be taking a nap, or a bath, or reading, or having sex (which can also be considered a “get moving” activity if you do it for longer than 5 minutes). Other people are calmed by housework or yardwork. Some people like to meditate, or take a nature walk. Find your calming activity and try to do it each day. Simplify your finances. Finances can be a drain on your energy and a major stressor. If that’s true with you, figure out ways to simplify things. Automate savings and bill payments and debt payments. Spend less by going shopping (at JOY FEELINGS!


malls or online) much less. Find ways to have fun that don’t involve spending money. Have a blast! Have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I like to play with my kids — they take my mind off everything and are really hilarious. I also like to play sports (again, often with my kids). Board games are fun. Sex, again, can be a fun activity. Whatever you choose, be sure to laugh. Get creative. Throwing yourself into a creative activity is another great way to de-stress and to prevent stress. I like writing, but others like to paint or play music or sketch or make pottery or do interior design or build things. Declutter. This is a favorite of mine. I like to take 20-30 minutes and just go through a room, getting rid of stuff we don’t use or need anymore. I look around at anything that’s cluttering up a room, and get rid of it or find a better place for it. When I’m done, I have a nice, peaceful enviornment for work, play, and living. Do this a little at a time — it can be one of your “fun activities”. Be early. I will admit that it’s hard to be early when you have to get 6 kids ready (seriously — try it!). But being late can be very stressful. Try to leave earlier by getting ready earlier, or by scheduling more space between events. Things always take longer than normal, so schedule some buffer time: extra time to get ready, to commute, to do errands before you need to be somewhere, to JOY FEELINGS!


attend a meeting before another scheduled appointment. If you get somewhere early, it’s good to have some reading material. Swear like a sailor. Researchers at England’s University of East Anglia Norwich looked into leadership styles and found that using swear words can reduce stress and boost camaraderie among co-workers. So curse away!

Take a Youtube timeout. Just the anticipation of laughing decreases the stress hormones dopac, cortisol, and epinephrine by 38, 39, and 70 percent, respectively, according to researchers at JOY FEELINGS!


Loma Linda University in California. And when researchers at the University of Maryland showed short movie clips to study participants, those who watched funny films experienced a 22 percent increase in blood flow to their hearts. For lovebirds: Learn “we.” “We” can save your marriage. University of Pennsylvania researchers say the pronouns couples use when arguing influence the resolution of their fights. They asked couples to discuss heated issues facing their relationships and coded each word used as positive, negative, or neutral. The arguments in which spouses used more second-person pronouns, such as “you” and “me,” tended to be negative, while those that included first-person pronouns “we,” “us,’ and “our” tended to result in positive outcomes. For the parents: Ease up. Being too strict could put kids at risk for obesity. A study of 872 children in the journal Pediatrics found that kids with parents who were disciplinarians were 5 times more likely to be overweight at age 7 than those with more permissive parents. Why? Kids overeat in response to stress, say researchers—and a gluttonous kid will result in a stressed out parent.


Eat more garlic. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham believe they’ve figured out why garlic is good for heart health, and their finding implies it’s a powerful stress buster too. When you digest garlic’s main ingredient, organosulfur allicin, your body produces hydrogen sulfide, which relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow. So shed any vampiric tendencies and start chopping garlic. Cut back on carbs. Stress causes your adrenal glands to excrete cortisol, an energy-boosting hormone that makes you crave high-fat


and sugary foods. But eating refined starchy foods such as pretzels, and waiting more than five hours between meals, can also cause this hormone to spike. To keep cortisol in check, eat high-fiber foods combined with a protein source, such as yogurt and muesli, which will produce a gradual rise in blood sugar. Eat dark chocolate. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that the flavonoids in cocoa relax your body’s blood vessels. Look for low-fat dark chocolate, which has more stress-busting flavonoids than milk chocolate.



Hop to it. But as it turns out, sex should be near the top of your de-stressing checklist. Research in PLoS ONE stipulates that sex on the regular bolsters cell growth in the hippocampus—the part of the brain responsible for dampening feelings of stress. (Research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Biological Psychology corroborated these findings.) So, next time you’re feeling stressed, don’t ignore nature’s call—hop between the sheets.



Pop fish oil. According to research from the University of Pittsburgh, people with the highest blood levels of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids are happier, less impulsive, and more agreeable. Try a daily supplement of 400 milligrams each of EPA and DHA fish oils.

Target your hoku. Acupressure is a quick tension releaser, according to researchers at Hong Kong Polytechnic University who found it can reduce stress by up to 39 percent. For fast relief, massage your hoku (the fleshy part between the thumb and index finger) for 20 to 30 seconds. “This is JOY FEELINGS!


the universal pressure point for easing upper-body tension,� says Patrice Winter, a professor at George Mason University in the Department of Global and Community Health.

Brush up on your Greek classics. Reciting hexameter verse for 10 minutes will slow your breathing and steady your heart rate, according to a study in the American Journal of Physiology. You may JOY FEELINGS!


already be familiar with a few tales set in hexameter: the Iliad, the Odyssey, Metamorphoses, and the Aeneid are all prime examples. Take a breather. Sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing for 10 minutes a day can reduce stress by up to 44 percent, say researchers at West Virginia University. Swap your coffee for tea. In a study at University College in London, 75 men were given tea before completing two stressful tasks. Afterward, their cortisol levels dropped an average of 47 percent, compared with 27 percent for men who weren’t given tea. Minimize minimal distractions. A wobbly chair, a flickering light, the ping of your email, and other random interruptions can disrupt your focus at work, leading to physical ailments such as headaches and also aggravation. To enhance your work space, replace fluorescent bulbs with more direct incandescent task lights, repair small but annoying problems, and minimize wasted time. Become a planning pro. “Planning is the most important thing a [you] can do to avoid stress,” says Michael Kahn, PhD, a psychologist. Plan by the day, week, month, and year—and habitualize each planning session. For, example, check your daily schedule every morning before reading your e-mail; preview your week on Sunday nights; and JOY FEELINGS!


preview the upcoming month every 27th. To gain a sense of control, prioritize tasks using the old A-B-C theory: A’s need to be done, B’s ought to be done, and C’s can wait until later.

Contingency, contingency, contingency. Kahn says that efficient execs tend to be very sensitive to the feeling of becoming overwhelmed. Like canaries in a coal mine, they recognize when the air is getting bad, and they know how to react before stress paralyzes them. Kahn recommends this stress-management ritual: 

Recognize your mind-body signals of distress, such as muscle tension, rapid pulse, sweaty palms, or irritability.



Disengage by taking a walk or doing a breathing exercise. Identify the stress source: Is it a project, a deadline, a personal interaction? Generate a solution that you can implement immediately. For example, you might recognize, “I’m trying to do two and a half days of work in three hours!” The solution: Delay doing one item on your list and deal with it at another time.

Stretch it out. A study in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine found that office workers who take a 15minute stretch break feel calmer and more productive afterward. Try these desk stretches recommended by certified strength and conditioning specialist Bill Hartman: Thoracic extension: Put your hands behind your head and bend your upper body over your chair’s back as far as possible. Draw your shoulder blades together and hold for two seconds. Release. Repeat eight times. Hip-flexor stretch: Place one foot on a chair and lean forward while extending your arms overhead. Gently arch your back while moving your arms (keep them straight) back slightly. Hold for two seconds. Do eight reps. Pick the low-hanging fruit. When faced with a seemingly impossible challenge, immediately pinpoint at least one piece of the problem JOY FEELINGS!


that you can control and then attack it. “When you shift into take-charge mode, you meet the challenge from a position of strength rather than feeling at its mercy,” says Kahn. This will buck up your confidence and set you on a path of action. Remember: You’ve been here before. Sure, things look bleak out there, but hey, you’ve faced bleak before. “We have a much greater capacity to weather disappointment and change than we think we do,” says Giovanna Zerbi, PsyD, Director, Behavioral Problems, at the University of California at San Diego. Being mindful of your feelings and remembering how you triumphed over past setbacks can give you the confidence to face whatever may be lurking around the corner. Find yourself a spotter. Have you ever attempted to bench-press your max without having a gym buddy at the ready in case you couldn’t push the barbell off of your throat? The same goes for your life beyond the weight rack. “Successful [people] have friends they can lean on in times of need,” says Robert Maurer, PhD, Director of Behavioral Sciences for the Family Practice Residency Program at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center. “Our culture tends to value stoicism, self-reliance, and



independence, but your mind naturally wants to draw strength from others.”

Learn this tiny exercise. Tilt your head back, close your eyes, and, without pushing or forcing, allow them to roll up and back in their sockets. Hold them there for 30 seconds to a minute. “That will signal your brain to relax, slowing the frequency of its electric activity,” says Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., M.D., coauthor of Stress Free for



Good. “Your body can go from red alert to totally relaxed in a matter of seconds.” Golf balls? Sure. Use golf balls to bring anxiety back to par. Sit at your desk, remove your shoes, and place the arch of each foot firmly on a golf ball, then roll the balls back and forth along the soles of your feet. “Applying pressure deep into the tissue of the foot helps release the tension you carry around with you,” says Bobbi Warren, a reflexology expert. Blast some (upbeat) tunes. Cue up an MP3 mix. Italian researchers studying 24 people found that those who listened to several uptempo songs followed by two minutes of silence experienced lower blood pressure and slower heart rates than people who listened to music nonstop or to no music. The researchers say the combo listening style reduces blood flow to the brain, which has a calming effect. Learn stress breathing. Sit down, close your eyes, and put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach below your navel. Breathe in for a count of 3 so your stomach presses against your hand; then breathe out for a count of 5. Repeat three times. “[This] shifts your brain from the ‘stress response’ into the ‘relaxation response,'” says Kahn. “The more you engage the process, the more effective it will be.” JOY FEELINGS!


Make the most of inevitable hiccups. Sometimes things don’t work out how you imagine, and it’s enough to make you totally stressed out. You can let that hiccup derail your day, or you can look at something like a delayed train or canceled flight as an opportunity to check off something on your list. “We all have a list of secondarily important things to take care of,” says David Allen, author of Getting Things Done. “Delays like these are a great time to make that call to your mother you’ve been putting off.” Speaking of… Call mom. She has a point: You really don’t call enough. According to a study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, when a woman hears her mother’s voice, her oxytocin—a hormone that helps reduce stress—receptors fire away. So when you’re feeling stressed, ringing home ranks among the best things you can do.


Hit the gym first thing in the morning. Think of a brief morning run or strength circuit as rocket fuel to power you through the day. Researchers in Denmark found that people who exercise just two hours a week—that’s just 17 minutes a day—are 61 percent less likely to feel stressed out. “People who exercise prior to stressful encounters report lower spikes in blood pressure during the events because their blood vessels are relaxed,” says Rod Dishman, Ph.D., a professor of exercise science at the University of Georgia. Sweating before work can mean less sweating—and less feelings of being overly stressed out—once you’ve clocked in.

Cut back on the booze. The trope of grabbing a cocktail or a glass of wine after a stressful day is well-worn and well-earned: Alcohol, a sedative, provides initial feelings of calming and relaxation. But, according to a study in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, drinking while you’re stressed will increase your cravings for alcohol—and, in a lose-lose, it’ll reduce the intoxicating benefits of the stuff, as well. “The problems are still there and may actually be worse,” says Ramani Duravasula, PhD, the author of Should I Stay or Should I Go. So there you have it: Only drink when you’re in the clear.


Order in—or eat out. You may think of cooking as a soothing, meditative art. (Plus, the tasty reward at the end of your efforts is, if you do it right, well worth the labor). But, according to research out of North Carolina State University, cooking is more effort than it’s worth—especially for working mothers, who worry about time management, food quality, and expenses. The researchers paid attention to 150 mothers and found that, more often than not, “[mothers] continued to make what was tried and true, even if they didn’t like the food themselves,” in efforts to make the whole household happy—even at the expense of their own stress levels. So fire up that Seamless account, instead! Don’t make us say it again: Quit. Smoking. Quitting the butts was the number stress relief step mentioned by every doctor and researcher we spoke with. But even casual smokers need to beware: Research shows that with the first cigarette of the day, heart rate will increase by 10 to 20 beats per minute. Blood pressure will go up 5 to 10 points. So, for the millionth time, walk away from the cigarette—and don’t even think about sneaking a cheat one in.



Tricks To Make Him Commit

Keep Things Light & Fun

If you really want your guy to finally commit to being in a relationship, you have to make commitment look like something that will be fun, light and carefree. No guy will agree to being in a relationship with a woman who is always sad, depressed and starting petty JOY FEELINGS!


arguments with him. So every time the two of you hang out, make sure you’re doing something fun! A friendly bowling match, a round of miniature golf or checking out the latest movie are all fun date ideas that will keep your guy happy and with a smile on his face. Once he associates you with all things fun and easygoing, committing will no longer be something he dreads. Every time the two of you hang out, he will know he’s in for a good time, and he will want those good times to continue by finally asking you to be his girlfriend! Become Less Interested

This trick seems like it will defeat the purpose of you finally getting what you want from your guy, but becoming less interested is one of the easiest ways to get him to finally commit. When you’re anxious for a guy to make you his girlfriend, he will be able to smell your desperation JOY FEELINGS!


from a mile away. This desperation will turn him off, and he will be thinking of a bunch of different ways to get rid of you once and for all. So instead of being needy and clingy, you have to become aloof. If you become less interested in him, he will fight harder to regain your attention, and it will make him want to take things to the next level. But it’s not good enough to pretend to be less interested, you actually need to take some steps to take your mind off of him, what he’s doing and what he’s thinking. Get busy with work or school, stop contacting him as much, and don’t be so quick to respond to his messages and calls. He will wonder what happened to make you back off, and it will definitely make him want to commit.

Make His Friends Love You If you can’t get along with his friends, the chances of him making you his girlfriend are slim. To most guys, getting approval from their buddies is very important, and they want to make sure the people who are closest to them approve of their new romance. If his friends think you’re annoying and rude, it may make your guy back off and run from you for good. This is why it’s important that not only do his friends like you, but you need to make sure that they love you! Don’t come across as fake though, they’ll be able to see JOY FEELINGS!


right through you. Instead, be cordial, be friendly, smile and laugh at their jokes. Become friends with his friends’ girlfriends, too. If you can make a good impression on his pals, their love for you may be more than enough for your guy to finally realize you’re The One, and he will be ready to finally settle down with you. Reward Him

Put your guy on your very own reward system if you want him to warm up to the idea of finally committing to you. When a guy goes out of his way to do something nice for you, and you reward him for his efforts, it will make him see commitment in a new light. A reward can be something as simple as saying “thank JOY FEELINGS!


you,� or it could be a kiss on the cheek, a hug, or buying him a cupcake from his favorite bakery. Rewarding him lets him know that he is able to please you, and if he’s able to make you happy, you have officially placed yourself in the category as the girl he would love to commit to. Give your guy attention and affection when he does something that you love, and this positive reinforcement will guarantee that a committed relationship is in your future.

Integrate Into His Life



If your guy is taking his time with asking you to be his girlfriend, a simple way you can speed things along is to already play the part of the woman in his life. Now, you don’t want to go overboard with this trick, because if done incorrectly, you can definitely scare the guy off. Instead of coming on strong and being in his face 24/7, subtly integrate yourself into his life so that he can’t imagine his life without you. The easiest way to integrate yourself into his life is to consistently text or call him at the same time everyday. So get in the habit of sending him a “good morning” text message, or set an alert in your phone to call him every evening. He will soon look forward to your daily check-ins. JOY FEELINGS!


Then, switch things up by missing a phone call or two back-to-back. Your guy will be wondering where you are and what happened to your daily contact. He will start to realize that getting those daily text messages and phone calls are a part of his day that he doesn’t want to live without, and he’ll be dying to be in a committed relationship with you!

Make Him Invest

It has been proven that people appreciate the things that they invest in. For example, you’re more likely to fall in love and take better care of an expensive handbag if it took you 12 months worth of savings to purchase it. But for the purse your cousin gifted you for your 21st JOY FEELINGS!


birthday, it stays crammed in the back of your closet. You didn’t have to work very hard to obtain it, so it doesn’t hold the same type of sentimental value to you. The same principal applies to relationships. People care more when they put more effort into their relationships, so if you want your guy to commit, you have to get him to invest in you! This has nothing to do with money, but instead, it has everything to do with small favors that he can perform for you. If you’re stuck on the side of the road, ask him to pick you up. Or, if you can’t reach the light fixture in your bedroom, ask him to come over and change the bulb for you. These small tasks may not seem like much, but over time, he will subconsciously feel attached to you because of all of the work that he has put in. People tend to like you more if they do favors for you, it’s a theory called the "Ben Franklin Effect.”So continue to ask him to do small things here and there. In no time, he’ll feel so connected to you, he will be anxious to ask you to be his girlfriend! Become Scarce



When you like someone, you of course want to spend as much time with them as possible, right? It’s just too bad that being up in someone’s face all the time will actually backfire on you if being in a relationship is your goal. If you want your guy to finally commit to being in a relationship with you, now’s the time for you to become scarce. Immediately pump the brakes on everything you’ve currently been doing, and completely go MIA for a bit. The key is to pull back just a little bit, and give your guy the opportunity to really miss you. This pull back technique will not only make him crave you, but it will make him wonder if there’s another guy in your life who has your attention. He will soon realize that he misses having you in his life, and he doesn’t want to run JOY FEELINGS!


the risk of another guy swooping in to steal you away! It won’t be long before he’s finally making things official with you. Be Mysterious

If you lay everything out on a silver platter for your guy, he will not feel the urge to ask you to be in a relationship. When it comes to committing, men are more likely to lock you down if they are intrigued by you. To do this, you need to be more mysterious. This means, don’t tell him everything right away. You need to learn how to hold back, and share bits and pieces of yourself slowly to keep him interested. So stop over-explaining every little thing, stop sharing all of your childhood stories with him, and don’t let him JOY FEELINGS!


know what you’re doing at all hours of the day. Keep some things to yourself, and it will make him even more curious about who you really are. He will subconsciously know that in order to peel back all of your layers, he needs to take the next step and ask you for exclusivity. Stop Talking About Him

Trust me, your friends, your co-workers, your lab partner, your neighbor, and your barista at Starbucks are all sick and tired of hearing about this guy. And deep down inside, you’re probably a little bit tired of talking about him, too. When you focus so much of your attention on one person, you can slowly drive yourself insane. You’ll be constantly thinking about him, replaying your last conversation over and over again in JOY FEELINGS!


your mind, wondering what he’s doing and who he’s doing it with, and wondering if he’s thinking about you at that exact moment. It’s not healthy, and it definitely won’t get you any closer to being in a relationship. Over-thinking the situation will manifest itself into clingy and needy behavior that your guy will sense, and it will definitely turn him off on being in a relationship with you. So try to keep your thoughts to yourself. Don’t be so quick to share every little story with everyone, and remain cool, calm and collected. He’ll probably be so impressed with how laid back you are, that he won’t be able to stop himself from asking you to be his girlfriend.

Stop Talking About Commitment



If you’ve gotten yourself to the point where you’re ready for you guy to commit, but he just won’t budge, the two of you have probably discussed your relationship status ad nauseam. As of right now, bringing up your desire to be in a relationship won’t do you any good. He knows that you want to strip him of his “single” status and every time you bring it up, he pulls further and further away from you. So what’s a girl to do? If you really want this guy to finally commit to being in an exclusive relationship, you need to stop bringing up the “C” word. That’s right, completely remove all talks of commitment and a relationship from your vocabulary. If you want this guy to be your boyfriend, you have to make him think that being in a relationship was all his idea. So remove all the pressure and stop stressing him out with your constant talks about being committed to each other. Soon enough, being with you will be the only thing on his mind, and he won’t even hesitant letting you know that he’s ready for a relationship. Plan a Major Trip



You don’t have to fly yourself halfway across the world to get this guy’s attention, but jetting of for a weekend trip will definitely help to push things along if a relationship is something you desire. If your guy is hesitant to commit to you, going away on a trip with a few of your girlfriends will definitely catch his attention. The whole time you’re away, he’ll be driving himself crazy wondering if you’re meeting and hooking up with other guys. This is your time to completely forget about him, and just live in the moment! Feel free to send him a text here and there to let him know how much fun you’re having, but don’t stay glued to your phone. Give him time to miss you, and we guarantee as soon as you step foot back in town,



he’ll be anxious to make you his girlfriend once and for all! Put Your Needs First

If you’re really digging this guy, you have probably completely lost yourself in your quest to make him your boyfriend. You keep your phone ringer turned on at all times so you never miss a call from him, you cancel on your friends if he asks you out last minute, and whenever he wants to see you, you clear out everything else that you have going on in your schedule just so you can spend time with him. You may think you’re just showing him how much you really like him, but honestly, you’re going about things the wrong way. JOY FEELINGS!


In order to have this guy tripping over himself to make you his girlfriend, you need to take the attention away from him and focus on yourself. Stop going out of your way to make him happy, don’t cancel plans just to spend time with him, and don’t always be so available to him. Catering to all of his needs will make you look like a pushover and a doormat, and no guy is attracted to that! Pick up some of your old hobbies, schedule some “me time” every other weekend, hit the gym, and reconnect with all of your friends who have been dying to spend time with you. Once you fill up your life with a bunch of different social events and activities that make you happy, your guy will become even more attracted to you! Keep Him Guessing



Similar to being mysterious, you have to keep your guy guessing if you want him to really feel the urge to commit to you. This means, don’t be so predictable and constantly shake things up so he never knows what to expect next. Keeping him guessing could be as simple as suggesting a new restaurant that the two of you have never tried, completely switching up your style by trying a new hairdo, wearing a sexy outfit to catch his attention, or just falling off the face of the Earth one day and never providing him with an explanation about your whereabouts. Sure, these tactics may seem a little bit rude, but you want the guy, right? So you have to keep him guessing! When you continue to shake things up, your guy will stop taking you for granted. He will know that your presence in his life is not something that is guaranteed. He will know that if he wants you to be a constant person in his life, he will need to finally settle down and commit to being in a relationship with you. Hint About an Ex



Want to know the quickest way to get your guy to commit? Hint about your ex popping back into your life, and watch your guy squirm! Even if you blocked your ex from your phone five years ago, you can still casually mention his name if you want to ruffle your guy’s feathers a bit. Simply tell him your ex has been emailing you and hinting at getting back together. Adding a little bit of competition to this dating game definitely won’t hurt! If your guy really likes you, just the thought of your ex swooping in and stealing you away from him should be more than enough to light a fire under his butt. He will first start off by questioning you about your ex, and soon enough, he will be asking you to be his girlfriend and asking you to cut communication off with your ex once and for all!



Keep Your Options Open

Lastly, until your guy finally comes to his senses and realizes that you’re the girl from him, don’t stop dating other men. Keep your options open even if you’re not particularly interested in these other guys. If you keep your social calendar full of dates with others, you will be less worried about what your guy is doing, and you won’t be so preoccupied with things moving from casual into a committed relationship. He will definitely notice that you’re not as available as you once were, and it will add just the right amount of fear into the situation. Your guy will be worried that another guy will snag your attention, and it will JOY FEELINGS!


definitely cause him to spring into action. Knowing that other men are attracted to you will definitely make your guy take the next step by finally asking you to be in a committed relationship with him!



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