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The Purity Strategy

An excerpt from... The Purity Strategy

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” - 1 Peter 5:8-9 Satan is strategic in his tactics; therefore, we must be strategic as well. He uses strategies to plan your downfall, and you need to use strategies for your victory. Satan waits for the right time; he waits until you are most vulnerable to lure you into sin. The enemy does not want you to live by the principles of the word because he is afraid that you will walk in your true purpose and become a menace to his kingdom.


You can have what the word of God promises but you have to remain alert and do what the word says. Being alerts means you are watchful. You will sense an attack, or an error from a mile away if you are alert. If you are not alert, then attacks could sneak up on you and wreak havoc in your life. Be in tune with the Holy Spirit; He is our protector and our guide, when danger is approaching, He will send you a signal. Your connection with God is of utmost importance, so stay connected; stay alert.

Have you ever been in a season where you were mentally and emotionally tired of being beat down by the pressures of life? I had no fight left in me and I decided to stay in the mess I was in. I felt like God had forgotten about me, forgotten the things He had promised me. I lost my hope. I lost belief in God and in myself because of disappointment after disappointment.

Though I did not fully understand it then, I know now that God was trying to build up my character. I missed the purpose of that season because I was caught up on being temporarily satisfied. In your most uncomfortable state, God is doing His greatest work. Understand that your discomfort is the birth passage to your purpose. Too often we are caught up on how we feel and constantly complain because our situation is not working out how we want it to.

Focus is especially required in tough seasons. What you focus on makes the difference in the outcome. Focus on what God is trying to do in your life rather than focusing on the dissatisfaction you feel or the disappointments you have been facing. Many times the disappointments are intentional methods that God uses to show us that we need to focus more on Him. That we need to rely more on Him rather than our own abilities or the abilities of mere humans. Inevitably, what you focus on is what you become. Your mindset constructs the tone for your environment and your current state of being. Therefore, you have the power to change your reaction to your circumstances by adjusting your focus. Are you fighting your battles with the sword of the spirit or are you succumbing to the flesh?

“Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” - Philippians 4:8 Now is the time for us to run after a lifestyle of purity and holiness; now is the time to stand firm in your beliefs and free yourself from all fleshly activities.

The Purity Strategy is a self-help guide for women on a journey to wholeness. We often hear about why we need to live a life of purity and how important it is. What we don’t hear about is “how“ this can be done. Anadescha learned how to live a life of purity after navigating through life’s experiences. This included purity of the mind, body, and spirit. The Purity Strategy explores how to use strategic methods in your life to combat the fleshly desires that contaminate your spirit. In The Purity Strategy, Anadescha shares how she grew from drowning in impurity, to having a renewed heart and mind in Christ.

Anadescha Johnson Author, The Purity Strategy

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