1 minute read


by Robert Soroky

On occasion, some riders, like myself, love to spend an entire afternoon on the bike, whether it is tackling city roads for longdistance training rides or leisurely cruising the Cuyahoga Valley and Cleveland Metroparks bike trails.

The challenge, though, on these day-long adventures is the ability to stay fed and hydrated. Of course, stopping at a quaint little town deli is always fun, but if those stops are too far off the route or you just do not want to take that long of a break, then packing some snacks for the afternoon is a wise call.

As a fitness rider, I prefer to pack as little as possible on my bike, bringing just enough “stuff” to fit in a small bag under the seat. With storage at a premium, food selections need to be small packages that deliver a lot of kick.

Starting with hydration, I like to bring at least two insulated water bottles carried in brackets mounted to the bike frame. To ensure I am getting enough vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, I fill the bottles with water, then pop in natural-flavored supplement tablets. These tablets typically have fewer calories and less sugar than traditional sport drinks, making them a healthier hydration alternative.

For more tips and suggestions, read the rest of the column at https://bit.ly/3o8DRli

Robert Soroky is a lifelong cyclist who regularly participates in long-distance charity rides and is the manager of the Century Cycles Medina location. Contact Soroky at robert@centurycycles.com to suggest column topics, for further information or to chat about bikes.

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